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Accepted Governor | vincenoli's Application


Level 125

In-game Name:
vincenoli - Account I am applying for the role
gncme - My main

Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do have a working microphone and am able to speak in calls

Timezone & Country:
GMT+4, Dubai

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I log on every day and play for 10 hours (With some breaks in between, of course). My activity ranges from being a staff member to causing trouble ICly with my troublesome characters. As part of the journalist club, I am quite active in their department, always posting articles and assisting in forming the school newspaper. When it comes to my character’s background, the Saiky family lore has been entirely rewritten by yours truly, and I make sure that the family stands with its lore. As for my roleplaying, it is no secret that I am always hanging around and stirring up trouble from people’s talks. Whether it was people gossiping around the town hall or messages being sent frequently about me in IKIGAI, I make sure to have as much influence as possible.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the position of Governor

What is your motivation for applying?:
Simple, I need something new to try out. I have been in the employee faction for around two weeks before quitting due to a long month of inactivity. It was planned for me to return, but seeing that the Governor role is in need of filling up, I decided I should apply. I have never been part of the government faction and believe it would be a good starting point for me and my characters when it comes to "first thing you properly applied for and stayed". Other than wanting to try something new, I also would like to be part of what governors do. I’ve seen the campaigns that were hosted and in my eye, they were spectacular. The job itself has sparked an interest in me. I may sound like a boring person, but office jobs are things I enjoy and I'd like to see my characters work in such a field. While I may have spoken about my OOC intentions, my IC-related intentions are to add more to my character’s lore and background. The character I am applying with is considered an important asset ICly and seeing him as a governor would make perfect sense.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do have a perfect understanding of Karakura’s laws and Constitutional rights. The laws and regulation of Karakura is something that has always fascinated me since it is a mix of different countries with an island adjusting its own laws itself. I’ve also had to know such regulations due to IC reasons with many of my characters being extremely lawful and would not want to break any laws. Katsuhito Saiky does not enjoy prison, you see.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My personal goal is to be more interactive with the server. Currently, I have only one character that everyone talks about and his influence is more school-wise. I’d like to have a character known for his strictisim and manners, not for chanting, cheering, and being Regina George. If there is any faction that needs more people interested in interacting with it, it must be the government faction. ICly, my character’s goal to become a governor is to prove a point to certain people that his family is able to be influential and not just a name as other members perceive it. The embodiment of my character’s last name is currently in Katsuhito, and no one would enjoy such a disaster of a child to be the face of a family so he is present to change that. His goal is also to rid Karakura of its crimes with the help of certain tools he could utilize that others might not even know the existence of. Lord Yoake is known for fixing problems, and when he sees his family members in a town full of crime, especially when that town his hometown, he'd want the place to be clean with no crimes traveling in between the city.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governors within the Government of Karakura carry out various roles. From the issuing of public official documents to keeping order with the law. Every aspect of Karakura returns to governors from the school funding to the law writing. The constitutions of Karakura did not come out of thin air. Due to them being in charge of most documents that go on about the town hall, Governors are also in charge of documents that are in the courtroom of Karakura. Every piece of evidence must go through governors and they are the ones to speak for the court. Documenting the entire trail is a duty of a governor during such procedures as well. Out of the town hall, governors could help the people of Karakura in any way. They should be suggested to hear the people out and take their feedback. If the people of Karakura are not pleased with something, it is the governor’s duty to note it and change it along with the mayor and deputy mayor.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge that I could be removed at any given time and moment.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand that I am expected to be dedicated and will show absolute dedication to the Government of Karakura.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware and ready to avoid such rule-breakings.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and agree to follow the rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am usually available to attend meetings, yes.


Full name:

Yoake Taro Saiky

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
The 24th of October


Academic Degree:
LLB - Bachelors of Law from the University of Cambridge
EngD - Masters of Engineering from the University of Stanford
DJur - Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of Harvard

Criminal Justice and Criminal Law

Forensic Science and Architecture

Work experience:
Yoake was sent off to Cambridge at the start of his university education where he was forced to learn the law and engineering for the next 14 years of his life. The second half of those 14 years had him work as a paralegal in Saiky Corp. After his graduation where he was finally able to achieve his mother’s approval, Yoake became an associate in the British firm: Alexander Davis. 3 years of his life where he devoted himself to the firm all had gone to waste after Yoake learnt that he was never going to be promoted. He returned to Karakura shortly after.

Political background:
Born into Karakurian aristocracy, Yoake aspired to become like his ancestor, Takeshi Saiky, the first governor of Karakura. He was raised by people of social importance such as his uncle, Eikichi Saiky, Karakura’s most prominent dean, and mother, Rie Saiky, head of the hospital for many years. Within his upbringing, his governess had made sure he was educated in the matters of science, history, and politics as requested by the Crowning Rie Saiky. Sent to the United Kingdoms (More like thrown) by his family to attend a boarding school, he was enlighted by the British parliament and that is when he showed proper interest in politics, even if it were of a foreign nation. He worked hard, achieving degrees and jobs within the law department, and even reached to Saiky Corp. to work along his maternal uncle. While never becoming a true politician, he returned to Karakura after hearing his family complain about the various troubles with the government. He had one goal: Fix the System.

Nationality & born location:
He is Japanese and his birth location is The Saiky Estate, Karakura, Japan.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English, Jin

Criminal record:
There is nothing available, clearly a clean file.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
In the words of Yoake: “I am a natural by blood. I have done many things throughout my lifetime, even challenging my uncle Yariama once if I could ever be a lawyer. Here I am today with multiple degrees while he is in Toronto and his children are here suffering the consequences of his actions during his own law enforcement reign. I am a spectacular candidate because I believe I could make a change. Other than being a literal lord, my influence would assist me in my job as a politician in Karakura and help provide for its different causes. In other words, pick Yoake Saiky as your governor today.”
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application!

Please message me on discord - oZinth#0001 to get started!

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