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Grap3s_ALT2 | KPD Application


Level 11
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
I have been banned only once, around august last year for AvoidingRP due to me not knowing the rules properly, definitely won’t happen again!

Describe your activity on the server:
I am fairly active on the server and usually get on for 2+ hours a day or at least when I am expected to due to the sport role as well as faculty role I currently have within SchoolRP. I come on as much as I can whenever I have free time, as to maintain my activity on each of my accounts so that I am not demoted from any role I currently enjoy and have.

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Gr ape#2360

Do you have a microphone [Required]:
Yes, I have a microphone

List your current and past applications: | Professor Application - Accepted |Teacher Application - Accepted | JSL Application - Accepted | French Application - Accepted | Italian Application - Accepted | Italian Application - Denied | Spanish Application - Denied | Film Club Application - Denied

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying would mostly be from hearing positive comments about the KPD staff and experiences in the community. I have quite a few friends who are part of the KPD and seem to really enjoy it, which is the reason I had made an application last time they had opened but I decided not to post it due to me being really busy and overall not having the time to try new things on SRP. Now that I am managing my time well and my winter break is coming up I would have a lot of free time to come to training and be part of the KPD with you all. I think that having the time and availability for KPD is very important since you need a lot of active members to make it work. I really would like to be part of the police department which is why I am applying and hope to be able to get to know more players of SRP and create new friendships as well as expand my roleplay experience and opportunities. I know I will be able to make it to most of the trainings due to my newfound availability as well as that I am an overachiever and will be sure to study over any and all notes so that I will be able to meet expectations during actual situations, making sure that I do not make any mistakes and if at any point I do, I will make sure to reflect over it and learn from my past mistakes. My characteristics and availability will benefit the department but as well that it will benefit myself as well in that I will be able to get to experience a new type of SeriousRP and roleplay in general while I can be counted on to get on during emergencies as backup and put all my dedication towards the role.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do, after reading all of the laws and basic conduct, I have concluded that I did in fact know most of the rules and tend to respect them but will be willing to learn more that I already am not knowledgeable of.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?


I like murder which probably sounds weird but without context but it’s not I swear; I love listening to murder podcasts about solving crime which involves a lot of talking about the police and detectives that take part in the investigations for the crime/murder commited. Listening to all these podcats and watching movies based on these podcasts really gave me an interest in crime and murder which helped me discover my love for reading about crime and investigations. Some are based on true stories and some aren’t but I feel like they give me an exhilarating feeling and I really enjoy spending my time on learning about subjects like these. Sadly, I live in an area where there is a lot of crime which makes me read the news a lot about the investigations and how they work.


I like to think that everyone has basic knowledge about in-game KPD work; for example when they suspect someone may be carrying a weapon or an illegal weapon of some sort or if someone is masked, they pat them down and make sure they aren’t in fact carrying an illegal item.

Fines | Knowledge on KPD work

Fines are the more minimal charges that can be given to any individual for carrying out small yet common illegal acts such as holding onto alcoholic drinks or smoking tools whilst underage or for trying to lie about your age through the use of a fake I.D in any case it is found out that you are carrying one. Another type of fine you may be given are for bats which you are not able to carry around unless you truly use it for playing baseball and most fines can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 yen or possibly more, as seen from observation.

Arrests | Knowledge on KPD work

There is a wide range of accounts in which you can be arrested for varying from assault to constantly bothering the officers while they are trying to carry out their duties. Different arrests vary in bails, sentences and one can increase their own bail amount the more rules they break or crimes they commit which are all totalled together. Once an officer cuffs and successfully arrests someone, that individual will then gain KPS on the arresting officer for a week which can go the same for when you are tazed. I am aware of the procedure that goes down for when someone is arrested which starts from the suspect first commiting the crime and once an officer gets them to the wall, they will be patted down for any weapons or illegal items, then the officer will action to cuff the suspect, tell them what they are being arrested for and then they will be given the chance to resist arrest in which will only add to their bail amount if they are successful in resisting. Once the officer succeeds in catching the criminal once more, they will jail them through specific commands and then the inmate's information will be told to them, where once told, they will be unjailed to change characters.

Murder | Knowledge on KPD work

From my knowledge, there are at least 3 to 4 different murder charges ranked by degrees such as 1st degree and 2nd degree depending on severity where if a murder attempt is successful, the inmate will not be given a bail amount and will be sentenced for life in jail but if the murder was attempted only, they will be given a bail but they can not be released until they are bailed by someone in which they will simply just serve a life sentence. In any case a murder was actually done, the officers would have to find the weapon in question then spray it with luminol to search for blood where if blood is indeed found, the culprit will be further questioned involving the murder then sentenced accordingly.

CCTV | Knowledge on KPD work

I am aware that CCTV is done within the CCTV room in the station where you have to send in a ticket asking for CCTV on a specific individual where you will have to wait on a staff member to reply back to you but useful information will only be given if they are in view of a camera or was last seen near a certain camera before going out of securities sight. Any information given you will have to say through the radio then once the situation has been dealt with, you have to log off of CCTV after you logged on to find someone's location. If my memory serves me correct, CCTV can also be used to access an officer’s body cam which can be viewed through someone screen sharing but only if it wasn’t actioned that their body camera was covered or smudged with blood.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?

SchoolRP needs the KPD due to all of the gang activity going on ICly in the server, without the KPD it would get out of hand and the safety of the non gangrper characters would be in danger. Everyone in SRP serves a purpose to make the server feel more realistic and give roleplay opportunities for everyone. Without cops it would be difficult to make sure everyone is safe so SRP tries to bring that feeling of safety to the server. If Karakura didn’t have the KPD and it’s employees the crime rate would not only be unbalanced but have no limit as to where the crime stops. Personally I think that having the KPD is important to keep the crime in karakura away from those who are innocent, not only this but they are important to create more of a realistic effect to the City RolePlay in the server.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, there will obviously be a reason for getting demoted so I would be respectful about it and if the time came that I wanted to reapply (If I were allowed to) I would simply reapply.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes, I will 100% get online on my Officer account and be as active as possible to provide to the KPD community.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I completely understand and will probably even get online if training is hosted at a time I can get on and partake in it.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Yes, I understand and definitely will not take anything OOCly and have never taken anything OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Martini ‘Mar’ Murphy, she’d be a woman who stood at the height of 5’9 and would always have a serious look on her face. The ginger headed female always loves to be around her family and friends and enjoys spending time with them. She is considered a fairly attractive person and has a bubbly personality, she is very enthusiastic and always sees the best in others, no matter who they are or where they come from she loves to help them in any way possible. Whenever she passed you, her scent of vanilla would be left behind where as she spoke, her voice would be heard as soft yet confident.

What they're like on and off the job?

Martini Murphy while on duty tries to focus all her attention possible on her duties and stays cautious at all times but as well tries to incorporate laughs and jokeful comments towards her co-workers at times as to promote a comfortable environment between her and her fellow officers so that they can grow to trust and not be afraid to converse with one another. She is always a step ahead in helping and offers assistance even when she isn’t asked of it because it brings her joy when she's able to help those around her as well as that she wants to make all those around proud of her and the achievements she will soon pursue. While off duty, Martini is much more relaxed and less on guard than she would be on duty but her personality stays the same where she still tries her best to make those around her smile and enjoy her company. She tries to spend as much time as possible with her family to make up for any and all lost time so as to maintain a good standing with all of them and not disregard them for work so much.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

Co-workers, Martini co-workers, colleague and partner are any other words for friend. To her, being a partner means to be loyal, honest and to respect that person. Those are the three things Mar believes in the most. “Without loyalty, honesty or respect the world will fall apart” Is what she says to most and what she believes. Martini’s goal is to create new friendships and bonds with her co-workers. Have a smile on her face when she goes to work and the same for her colleagues.


Backstory| Martini’s Inspiration To Be KPD

Martini’s story. It all started 27 years ago on January 21st. The day she was born! Martini had the luck of being born into a family of 4, now 5 here in Karakura, Japan. Her parents had a child and then adopted one a few years later due to having infertility problems, but surprise!! Martini the magical baby had arrived in their lives. The Murphy’s were and always will be a very happy and successful family, Mar and her sisters, Matcha and Boba Murphy have always been her best friends. Mar has always been talented and a quick learner, she started reading at the age of 3 and never stopped till this day, her father. Seo Murphy was a detective in the KPD long before his girls were even born, so he had some stories. . Some were probably inappropriate for a 4-year-old child when you think about it but Martini absolutely adored her father’s stories and looked up to him. Martini had always loved to read books based on true stories, crimes, and murders which helped her develop a passion for investigations and murders. She soon discovered murder podcasts which she adores as well as documentaries and movies about that subject in general. Her father was and will always be her idol, not only for her but for her sisters. Matcha and Boba, had both gone into criminology and were going to follow their father’s footsteps and become some of the best cops there are in Karakura.

Backstory | How Martini Came Back

Mar finished college, and decided she wanted to go on an adventure, make acquaintances and live her life. Take advantage of her youth, she had booked a month of vacation in the most random place she could find. The Netherlands, she lived there for the month that she planned but the last week of her vacation was something she hadn’t expected. She met someone, she met who she thought was the love of her life and decided to stay there until they talked about if they would move back to Karakura. Not only did her sisters miss her but she had gotten an amazing work opportunity back in her home town a year later and decided to take it without talking about it to her then fiance. Thinking that he’d be fine with it since it was her lifelong dream to follow the footsteps of her father and sisters she took the job without a thought and was going to surprise her fiance with the amazing news that night. Her fiance didn’t want to move anywhere and insisted he was happy where he was. They had gotten in a big fight and decided to break up the wedding, go their own ways and wished each other good luck in the future. Martini took the job and moved back with her sisters to Karakura where she could spend more time with her nieces and family members.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Martini Murphy

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:






IC Phone number:

(030) 295 - 3582

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:



Korean | Japanese

Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:


Working Experience:


Academic Degree:

Master’s Degree

Year of Graduation:





Physical education, Psychology

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

French, Dutch

Last edited:


Level 102

Thank you for applying, and welcome to the KPD
Please check your discord for further instructions

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