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Greg's Council Application


Level 8

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I’ve been banned once for ERP on 4/2/2020 8:15pm. However, I have learnt from my mistake and I promise I won’t attempt such offence ever again.

What is your timezone?:
My time zone is (GMT+2).

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Yes, I do have Discord. My tag is, (8GoC#9325).

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
- Ban Appeal - [Accepted]
- Greek language - [Accepted]
- College - [Accepted]
- Teaching Assistant - [Denied]
- Private Tutor - [Denied]
- French - [Denied]
- 2nd Private Tutor - [Denied]
- Role Request - [Accepted]
- 2nd French - [Accepted]
- Korean - [Accepted]
- Missing Item - [Accepted]
- 2nd Teaching Assistant - [Denied]
- 3rd Private Tutor - [Accepted]
- School Chef - [Denied]

Describe your activity on the server?:
I am rather active on the server, maintaining at least 8 hours, perhaps more, depending on my schedule, as well as my free time. However, if anything occurs, I may be either less active or even inactive for a day or two.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am well aware. That’s why I promise to provide an inactivity log whenever I have to be absent for a certain amount of days.


What is the student council?:
The student council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student or even faculty relations.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
What brought me here to apply for the student council is the chance to experience the environment around a Councillor and what it feels like to keep the school an organised place, as it should be, without others roaming around and making the school’s reputation worse. Another reason is that I’ve seen many of my friends or well-known councillors around, and I’ve personally been amazed by what they’re doing to help the school out, so I thought of trying my best to do the same, providing the council an extra helping hand.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
School counselors are responsible to make sure rules are enforced, and that students are not doing anything against the rules, they are also responsible for hosting events and such. School counselors are important when no school faculty is around, they can give detentions if they saw a student breaking a major rule.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I wouldn’t describe my work ethic as a strong one, however, I can class it as a reliable one, because whenever I’m given a task to do, I’ll do it as soon as possible, since my motive is mostly above average! If I don’t feel like doing it though, I’d just take a deep breath and still try my best to do it, even if I fail trying. I’d also like to add that whenever I have a specific amount of time to do one task, I’ll make sure to finish it as soon as possible, not to take the compliments or anything, but mostly for the others’ satisfaction, since the task was done sooner than expected. But of course, before taking the task, I’d ask that person about it, before considering it.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
My interest towards the student council has been attracted in a lot of ways, one of them being that every Councillor I’ve met or seen so far, has loved what they’re doing and enjoy it a lot. I’m also in love that they’re mostly respected by the majority of the school, whether it is a teacher or a student. They’re also very supportive towards everyone, which is why they make almost all of the students listen to them. However, the main reason which has attracted me the most towards the council, is that they can communicate with anyone easily, which can boost everyone’s self-confidence, when it comes to self-esteem and socialism towards others. This is why I’m looking forward to joining such an amazing community!

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I’ve had a fair amount of roleplay, mostly on SchoolRP than in any other server, since it’s my first ever roleplaying server that I’ve joined. I’ve been around for approximately 2 years now. As the time went by, I realised how unique roleplaying can be, and that made me adapt more to the server’s rules, roleplaying style, and how everyone else wants to roleplay, from a short and fast experience to even a long and detailed behind, which can also includes a lot of events as it goes by. Other than in-server roleplaying, I’ve played DnD with friends, so before I even joined the server, I had a little knowledge of roleplaying in general.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
I would ask them what benefit can that idea give us, then if necessary, I would consult the other Council members, in hope of improving the idea somehow, if not possible, then I would speak to them and tell them that their idea wasn’t the best, and that they need to submit a better idea, of course I would offer them help if needed, to ensure the best idea.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
I wouldn’t let their opinions put me down, however, I will ask them why they dislike my idea, and what is it that I can do to get their likings, however I wouldn’t force anyone to like or love my idea, I would still come up with other ideas that might eventually get their likings.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would separate both of them, and put them away. Then I would talk to each and one of them, and tell them that arguing won't get us anywhere, and would simply make things worse. Then I would ask both of them on why their idea is ideal and why it should be chosen, from there we can compare their pros and cons, and get a final conclusion on who’s idea will be submitted.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
I would immediately stop the bullying and I would make sure to comfort the student who was being bullied then dismiss them. Then I would speak to the Councilor and remind them that what they are doing is an unacceptable thing to do, as school Counselors are meant to keep and make the students feel safe. Then I would immediately report it to either an SLT or the Council president.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
I would not disrespect them by totally rebelling on them. I would respectfully ask them the reason for disagreement, and would inform them my opinions with the utmost respect. If they however, still disagree, then I will keep quiet and carry on with my day, as I do not want to start an arguement or any sort of tension.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
I would get in between them and separate them, ending the tension a bit, once both parties are calm, I would then ask both of them the reason behind their actions. I would then remind them that they are school counselors, and that they got their positions for a reason, and that they mustn't work in an unethical way, and professionalism is needed all the time. If things escalate, then I would let the President handle the situation.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
I’d approach the faculty member and remind them that they shouldn’t behave like that, since it may lead them into being fired from their job. However, I’d still go to another SLT member, or even the Vice-Principal or even the Dean and inform them about that specific teacher’s misbehaviour.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I’d tell them that I can not get them out of the trouble they caused, and instead tell them to go to that detention, since they have to. After their detention is done, I’d meet up with them and ask them to talk about it, so they don’t end up in the same situation again.


Character Name:
Claude Goro Antoinette Matsuzaki.

Character Gender:

Character Age:
18 years of age.

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Claude’s behaviour is rather formal most of the time, especially when the topic regards a serious topic. He’s also calm most of the time, trying not to let his anger take over if anything gets out of hand. He would also have a friendly character towards anyone he meets, greeting them with a smile.

Character appearance/attire:
Claude’s attire mostly matches his personality, that being formal. In other words, he tends to wear a black suit most of the time, but he often makes a change to wear some casual clothing, such as jeans, hoodies, jackets etc.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
My motivation to be a part of the student council is extremely high, which is why I want to provide my assistance to it! By that, I mean I’m going to handle each task I’ve been given calmly and responsibly as it should be. In addition, I don’t always take action before I think, which can result in a better solution for both the student council, the student who caused trouble, as well as the student who got involved in the incident with the troublesome student. Having said the above, I think I am suitable for the position!

Why do you want this position?:
I’m mostly seeking to achieve this position to help with minimizing the school’s problems as much as possible, those being bullying, fights, alcoholic students etc. as much as I can. I can be rather calm, polite, as well as formal when I have to talk it out with anyone, if the topic has to do with any of the above.

What interests you the most about student council?:
The maturity and organisation of the council is what interests me the most, since I’ve seen how they can handle almost any situation either on their own, or with minimum support by other councillors. Not only that, but I love seeing students who see themselves as a responsible leader when it comes to a task they have to do, which is by far the most enjoyable part.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
The contribution I’m offering to the school is that I’d try my best to lessen all of the troublesome people around the school as much as possible, by either talking it out with them if possible. If not, then I’d report them, so an SLT can take care of them. If that is successful, then the school will have much more successful students, as well as a healthier environment for them to hang around with their friends, and attend their classes by focusing more, without worrying about the other troublesome students.
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