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Denied Grimsky21- Counselor application


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online everyday and I often play for about 6-7 hours. I often run around with my friends or we role-play some cannon events for our characters!​

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I intend to keep it that way.​

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge the fact I would be demoted if inactive.​

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School Counselor​

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A school counselor is an important role to have inside of a school. They try to improve a student's chances of academic, career, and personal/social development by providing counseling. School counselor's job is to help with kids mental health, in which they give emotional support and advice to children struggling with emotional and academic obstacles such as bullying, family problems, and learning disabilities. They advocate for all students, fostering a secure and supportive learning environment where kids can succeed.​

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My experience with roleplay is a very positive one to say. I enjoy writing and being able to become the character and act like the oc/character with a different personality experiences from my own is very fun and challenging. Personally my interactions with other players has made it even more fun, I can explore different perspectives of different writers, and seeing how other people write their characters has helped me learn and really pictures the characters actions described by another person. This made me realize how role-play helped me improve my communication and collaboration skills. Throughout my roleplay experiences, I grew both personally and creatively, and I look to each new opportunity to step into a new role and see where it would take me! I believe I am capable of very detailed actions.​

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
If I were to become a member of the School Faction, I can gain more experiences with in depth writing and role-play. Being apart of the School faction means I can get insight into the ways of the staff and their power of rules. Being a school councilor will allow me to increase my skills and level of knowledge. Being apart of this faction gives me the opportunity to gain experience within the School sector of SRP. This means I get an important role, and a new perspective on the system. therefore, being a member of the School Faction will help me establish experience , which can be helpful for my future character growth. In conclusion, joining the School Faction can provide me with a solid foundation for success.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
My current role is a 12 grade student but I believe it would benifitual to become a councilor for my character and have her collage exerience on paper as its how her lore would go.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Oni approches, displaying an empathetic face. She listens to the student and lets them finish . "I can see that you're very upset." She takes a step back giving the student room. "please don't use such language towards adults or others..?" She says to the student remaining calm and in a warm tone. She reminds the student that using Such harsh language is unacceptable in a place for learning." She tilts her head towards the door of her office. "we shouldn't use such harsh words at school okay? And lets go inside my office where we talk more about why you feel that way about me?" Once more, she tells the student "I understand that you're upset, so let us find a productive way to express your emotions?" she walks the student to her office. . "Can you tell me why you feel like that? in calm and respectful words?" Oni stands tall and remains empathetic towards the student and waits for them to finish speaking; she gains a more soothing tone of voice in attempt to make the child feel better and help the student feel heard and understood.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Upon noticing the physical fight between two students. Oni approaches with a bit of a worried expression... She intervenes the two students. "HELLO?" She uses a loud yet calm tone. She immediately seporating the two students prioritizing the safety of all individuals involved. "If we have a disagreement we talk about it?" She takes them both to her office and sits them down. "please tell me why you two were fighting." *they explain* "First, lets not say such harsh things to each other as you are peers." Oni's tone switches back to a calm and quiet one. "second, If you feel offended, you need to explain to the other person you didn't like that comment and keep your hands to yourself." *the students may react not positive to that comment* "Listen.. Throwing hands in the real world will get you in real trouble. even jail?" *the students go quite* She tells them appropriate techniques to deal with anger and self control. She tries her best to de-escalate the situation. "now its okay to be angry. acknowledging your feelings is very healthy.." Oni would give them the appropiate punishment to the student that need to be punished. "if you have an issue with each other.. please come to me and we can talk things out. I can help you two hopefully become friends." *she smiles at the students and hands the candy*

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

*She would watch the misbehaving employee*, she would react quick and check to make Sure no students were present in the urgency to protect the safety of everyone within the area. As a quick thinker, she would first tries to find out the situation and tries to determine if its dangerous. Oni would report the incident to the appropriate school officials as soon as possible. During the report, Oni would have given a detailed description of the inappropriate behaviour including any relevant observations and documentation. If it was a situation where it would need imitate attention she would have quickly acted on it and attempted to stop the employee and calling for back up.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When in the break room, Oni would remain quiet and warm aura. She would have a very approachable and easy to talk to look. She would be reading a book. A soft and quiet sigh each time she flipped a page. She would smile or chuckle each time she read a funny part, or even make a shocked face when the book got good.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

would sit in her office with a notebook. She keeps track of each student who visits her office and writes notes on their issues or something important about them. "So from what I have noticed, you are getting much better! Im so proud of you!" She would be sure to praise the student to increase their confidence.. "lets go to the next step and work on this now!" Oni would hand the student a a note with a candy attached. "come back when you think your ready for the last step!" *she rubs the students head as she is aware of how comfortable the student is with her.

/me would sit on the chair backwards, keeping a large smile on her face, proving her childish vibe to make the student's relate to her more; she would then begin to listen to the student's concerns, nodding each time they finish. She would offer some warm advice "I see, maybe try doing this instead?" She would continue to listen throughly. "Personally, I think you could try this more often?" smiles warmly to the student. "lets see what what we can do?" Oni would walk with the student around the building listening to the student's problems and giving constructive feedback on their previous actions. Her curly hair would glide in the wind from her walking, her warm smile was comforting to anyone really.

/me Would be in the room with the child. Oni was very aware of this student in particular, she was aware of how aggressive they are. “ Come now.. Lets talk like equals.. Wanna like adults or kids." She smiles in attempt to calm the student in question. "want a treat?" *she hands them one and gives them a pillow. "I have water too. I can sneak a soda in too." *she chuckles* Her tone is warm and
Gentle. She allowed the student to speak their issue. It didn't take her long to calm the student down as her charisma was extravagant. She again sat on her seat backwards in attempt to make the student feel more comfortable and find her calming. Oni nodded through every couple of sentences responding to their rants with subtle nods and reassuring looks. She held her tongue for the time .. Eventually, When the student finished their rant, she smiles.. her bright green eyes sparkled in the sunlight shining from the window. "doesn't that feel nice? to let out all that anger?" * the student agrees and chuckles a bit* "That's what I like to hear!" *she smiles wider and hands him a desk of cards* " a game of uno before you head to class?" She would successfully gain the students trust and respect through a simple session.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): "The name is Oni VuLee, but soon Chisaki!"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): "oh, well I am happily engaged, but I prefer Mrs.. yah know." *she winks*
Preferred Name:"Oni please!"

Age (Minimum is 25): "28."
Gender: "cis Female"

Academic Degree:Bachelors
Major(s): Sociology Psychology,

Known Languages: English, weak Japanese


Oni Chisaki grew up in a dangerous household, Her drugged mother and their alcoholic father. She was never really a mean or issued child either. Despite the circumstances, Oni and her brother protected each other and were like her own the****** Their father's drinking caused him to be quiet rude and cruel towards his children leading to Oni's hate towards alcohol. But despite her bad family, her brother helped her through school and she was able to do well in school and was known for her odd and warm personality. She viewed her school time as an opportunity to escape her family and wasn't able to talk to others besides her brother. She wasn't going to take her family anymore and moved to Japan with her brother. Oni was able to learn some Japanese but it was pretty weak, she could introduce herself and say a greeting or two. She wasn't fond of the amount of criminal activities but cast it aside.. Oni was always supportive of her brother and stayed by his side most the time.

Because of her childhood Oni really had a the****utic personality. Oni looked for jobs but couldn't find to many, so she she really took time out and was a free the****** to her friends and gave advice to others as she was unable to when she was a child. Her brother worked hard and she was there to support. Oni's relationship with her brother was so good it kept them smiling everyday, The bond between them kept them going and helped them make sure food on the table. Despite the hardships,Oni was calm and collected, slight bulling throughout high school.. but remained quite and she was able to get through it and dealt with it in a very healthy way. She studied hard and made some great friends. she got through it and went through collage like a breeze getting engaged in collage and married right after.. Oni got a few surrogates with her husband(non binary he/they) and loved her children and gave them good advice throughout their lives.. Overall Oni successfully had a great time in her life from the previous time and she is always ready for tomorrow.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I genuinely find comfort in helping others with their feelings and emotions. I am often told that I have a positive impact on others, I believe that's a great quality for a school councilor to have, especially if it helps the kids feel safer. I believe I can promise to carry out the job of a school counselor. I will listen to each student's issues and, give an empathetic response to the child in question. I STRONGLY believe I can give a safe and positive advice to a student. I find it warming and comforting to offer advise and inspiration to help them in many ways. As I am a very active person on the server, I think I can leave a great impact on the student community as I will actively assist the community in a way to create an open and welcoming. By hiring me, you are accepting a dedicated person who is always ready to listen and help others.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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