Level 0
Character Biography
Haru Amari
Preferred Name:
Boyish in frame, in decent condition. Little muscle, but not scrawny. An average build.
Skin Color:
Light - Asian (Japanese)
Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Cut into a messy bob with equally messy bangs.
Hair Color:
Thrift shop meets school uniform - her outfits are limited, usually second-hand, but always kept and washed well. She sadly holds little variety in the way she dresses, though with what little she has, she'll try to accent with one thing or another to stand out. A cheap little ribbon here - a wildflower she found there - little, inexpensive things.
March 5th, 2003
Sapporo, Japan
Sexual Orientation:
"I like girls... I think"
Religious Beliefs:
Agnostic // Culturally Shinto
Political Beliefs:
Very Liberal
General Appearance
Boyish- with larger shoulders, a more sharp jaw, large feet, and a flat chest.
Kind, observant, and passive - she prefers to do what she's told and avoid confrontation. However, she's unafraid to call something out as wrong, or unkind. She often allows others to be put before herself, due in large part to her very low sense of self worth. She cares greatly for her friends problems, and finds them unacceptable, but when it comes to her own... she almost feels like she deserves them...
A small collection of pencils, erasers, and a sharpener she received from her friends, a dusty purple backpack, a dark blue umbrella, and a few hair ties.
She owns only about a backpack's worth of clothes. She owns two (improperly sized) girl's uniforms - both summer and winter versions. A few sets of underwear and socks, and two black everyday shoes - just about the most expensive thing she owns. As for casual wear... she hasn't much - two pairs of light blue jeans, some generic t-shirts, and a black skirt. Because of the rather... bland closet, she often wears her uniforms every day, being the most fashionable outfit she owns. She often modifies this with a flower hairpin, a flowery headband, and simple, black, clip-on earrings.
She is infact a massive dork - reading manga, watching anime, and playing videogames being her very generic hobbies, which she desperately doesn't want to define her. She tries to expand past very base hobbies, to enjoy art, which she considers everything from a painting, to a novel, to a thought-provoking movie. If it raises an idea about the human condition... she tries her best to appreciate it. (However much occasional boredom may not prevent her.)
Haru Amari as born in a poor neighborhood of Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido prefecture, to a struggling businessman for a father, and a mother who worked at a nursing home. Though their area wasn't the best, they held possibly the nicest apartment on their block, giving Haru a decent life growing up. Though they had nice things, their home still was not large enough for him to have his own room, and he shared with his two sisters for most of his childhood. He played often with the two of them - though always bossed around. More mild-mannered than the two, he would play servant, they would play princess. He would serve the tea, they would drink the tea. They were a fairly conservative family- going to the local shrine weekly, and always with a picture of the Emperor Akihito in the corner of their livingroom. And so... when they first caught Haru trying on his sister's dress - his father took upon young Haru to try and "become a man".
Most of his home life was spent in Haru's room, reading manga, watching movies... and though his father tried and tried, he would always find a way to leave the sports he was put in. He found himself relating to girls far more than guys, but often they wouldn't give "a boy" the chance to be their friend. All the while, his older sisters grew more and more apart from him, leaving Haru only to draw inward, growing more mild, growing more alone. He clung to things of his mind - primarily art. Though Haru never grew to be able to make good art - he loved appreciating the work of others. Music, painting, books - it all had something to say - it all had people to learn about, people who wouldn't make fun of him for the way he was.
After the first time caught, Haru suppressed much of his more effeminate expressions from view, growing distant from his family. Haru hardly studied, but easily made good marks in elementary and middle school by simply paying good attention and taking notes in class. He excelled in drama, history, geography, and literature - allowing his parent's critical eyes to drift away through the years. Going out - he would often envy other people. Not wanting to hide the way he spoke, how he acted, or even what his gaze drifted towards- Haru spent most of middle school outside the house: In the park, at the market, and in the library. There he'd play all the videogames loaded onto the computers- and he soon made friends with the librarian, who he'd go to see every day after school. She was kind, she was loving, she was accepting of him - she even let him play past the normally allowed time on the computers. Looking back, she was probably what got him through those years. If he would have said, "I like your dress" to his mother, he would have gotten spanked at home, for fear his "gayness" would come back. But with her... he could say, "I like your dress", and she would smile, and thank him, and say how pretty his hair was, or compliment his rosey little cheeks. Either way - she always found a way to trade a smile he gave her, for one she gave him.
Haru eventually found a group of friends his age in the library's book club - but quickly it became far more a friend group than a book club. Four girls, and two boys made up the group - the best friends he ever made. They did everything together - walked home, laughed, talked about anime - they were even bullied as a unit. They just... knew eachother so well that even their parents would let them sleep over at eachother's houses - Haru always lying that they were "just some guy friends" to be allowed past his strict father. They knew eachother too well for secrets like Haru's repressed feelings... couldn't be suppressed forever. Though Haru was already a rather gender-neutral name, his friend Katsuki suggested turning Haru into Haru-hi, which he gladly took. Meeting people who cared about their friend Haruhi, not just their son Haru, not just their student "Mr. Amari"... was something that forever changed Haruhi. It gave her the courage to stand up when her friends were bullied, to wear Katsuki's spare clothes when the group went out-... and maybe the worst decision Haruhi ever made in her life.
Haruhi hurt. She hurt deeply in her chest - a hurt which wouldn't go away. Delighted every time she went out with her friends, she went out to be herself.. it always returned when she had to change, and return home. Even if home wasn't safe... surely school was safe... to be herself? She talked to Katsuki about it, and she agreed. Surely - if she had seen girls coming to school in pants, supposedly "boy's clothes" - Haru could go to school in her "girl's clothes"... right? And so... she did. In the middle of spring, of the last year of middleschool - Haruhi worked up the courage to hide one of Katsuki's spare uniforms in her backpack - and change into it on the way to school. Nervous, but not scared - Haruhi soon learned her expectations were not what she expected. Many stared as she walked to the gates, and by the time she walked in the door, everyone laughed. Everyone laughed because Haruhi stuck out like a sore thumb - called her "trap", and "otokonoko". Her teacher looked at her with silent disbelief- and sent her to the principals office. One thing lead to another... her parent's arrived... and she never saw her friends again.
The rest of the school year Haruhi spent at home - homeschooled with a pile of textbooks in her room. She wasn't allowed to leave except with her mother or father, rarely allowed to use the internet, and rarely allowed to talk to those outside the family. Probably the worst months of Haruhi's life was there, spending hours with the lights turned off, crying or studying, with no in-between. When exam times came - she scored nearly perfect, but that was not enough for Haruhi's parents. Believing it to be a fault of bad influence - they decided to have Haruhi move to Karakura - where her evil friends were far away - and where the abundance of foreigners would allow Haru to "become a true international businessman". With a small allowance to cover the cheapest lodging they could find, and little more, Haruhi left with little more than a boy's uniform, some pencils, notebooks, and textbooks. Such was life.
When Haruhi arrived in Karakura, the thought of living like back in Sapporo was too much. She contemplated suicide often, and isolated herself from anyone. The few weeks before school started were the second worst of Haruhi's life, struggling with depression - remembering the memories of her friends. The weekend before school started she finally snapped - made a choice - either she would suffer, or she would be as brave as she was before, and potentially as hurt as she was before.... She chose the latter, and on the first day of school came in the cheapest, second-hand girl's uniform she could find from the local resell shop - pawning off most of the personal items in her room to afford it. And surprisingly... things seemed to turn out alright. But what is to come... has yet to be seen.

Haru Amari

Preferred Name:
Boyish in frame, in decent condition. Little muscle, but not scrawny. An average build.
Skin Color:
Light - Asian (Japanese)
Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Cut into a messy bob with equally messy bangs.
Hair Color:
Thrift shop meets school uniform - her outfits are limited, usually second-hand, but always kept and washed well. She sadly holds little variety in the way she dresses, though with what little she has, she'll try to accent with one thing or another to stand out. A cheap little ribbon here - a wildflower she found there - little, inexpensive things.
March 5th, 2003
Sapporo, Japan
Sexual Orientation:
"I like girls... I think"
Religious Beliefs:
Agnostic // Culturally Shinto
Political Beliefs:
Very Liberal
General Appearance
Boyish- with larger shoulders, a more sharp jaw, large feet, and a flat chest.
Kind, observant, and passive - she prefers to do what she's told and avoid confrontation. However, she's unafraid to call something out as wrong, or unkind. She often allows others to be put before herself, due in large part to her very low sense of self worth. She cares greatly for her friends problems, and finds them unacceptable, but when it comes to her own... she almost feels like she deserves them...
A small collection of pencils, erasers, and a sharpener she received from her friends, a dusty purple backpack, a dark blue umbrella, and a few hair ties.
She owns only about a backpack's worth of clothes. She owns two (improperly sized) girl's uniforms - both summer and winter versions. A few sets of underwear and socks, and two black everyday shoes - just about the most expensive thing she owns. As for casual wear... she hasn't much - two pairs of light blue jeans, some generic t-shirts, and a black skirt. Because of the rather... bland closet, she often wears her uniforms every day, being the most fashionable outfit she owns. She often modifies this with a flower hairpin, a flowery headband, and simple, black, clip-on earrings.
She is infact a massive dork - reading manga, watching anime, and playing videogames being her very generic hobbies, which she desperately doesn't want to define her. She tries to expand past very base hobbies, to enjoy art, which she considers everything from a painting, to a novel, to a thought-provoking movie. If it raises an idea about the human condition... she tries her best to appreciate it. (However much occasional boredom may not prevent her.)

Haru Amari as born in a poor neighborhood of Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido prefecture, to a struggling businessman for a father, and a mother who worked at a nursing home. Though their area wasn't the best, they held possibly the nicest apartment on their block, giving Haru a decent life growing up. Though they had nice things, their home still was not large enough for him to have his own room, and he shared with his two sisters for most of his childhood. He played often with the two of them - though always bossed around. More mild-mannered than the two, he would play servant, they would play princess. He would serve the tea, they would drink the tea. They were a fairly conservative family- going to the local shrine weekly, and always with a picture of the Emperor Akihito in the corner of their livingroom. And so... when they first caught Haru trying on his sister's dress - his father took upon young Haru to try and "become a man".
Most of his home life was spent in Haru's room, reading manga, watching movies... and though his father tried and tried, he would always find a way to leave the sports he was put in. He found himself relating to girls far more than guys, but often they wouldn't give "a boy" the chance to be their friend. All the while, his older sisters grew more and more apart from him, leaving Haru only to draw inward, growing more mild, growing more alone. He clung to things of his mind - primarily art. Though Haru never grew to be able to make good art - he loved appreciating the work of others. Music, painting, books - it all had something to say - it all had people to learn about, people who wouldn't make fun of him for the way he was.
After the first time caught, Haru suppressed much of his more effeminate expressions from view, growing distant from his family. Haru hardly studied, but easily made good marks in elementary and middle school by simply paying good attention and taking notes in class. He excelled in drama, history, geography, and literature - allowing his parent's critical eyes to drift away through the years. Going out - he would often envy other people. Not wanting to hide the way he spoke, how he acted, or even what his gaze drifted towards- Haru spent most of middle school outside the house: In the park, at the market, and in the library. There he'd play all the videogames loaded onto the computers- and he soon made friends with the librarian, who he'd go to see every day after school. She was kind, she was loving, she was accepting of him - she even let him play past the normally allowed time on the computers. Looking back, she was probably what got him through those years. If he would have said, "I like your dress" to his mother, he would have gotten spanked at home, for fear his "gayness" would come back. But with her... he could say, "I like your dress", and she would smile, and thank him, and say how pretty his hair was, or compliment his rosey little cheeks. Either way - she always found a way to trade a smile he gave her, for one she gave him.
Haru eventually found a group of friends his age in the library's book club - but quickly it became far more a friend group than a book club. Four girls, and two boys made up the group - the best friends he ever made. They did everything together - walked home, laughed, talked about anime - they were even bullied as a unit. They just... knew eachother so well that even their parents would let them sleep over at eachother's houses - Haru always lying that they were "just some guy friends" to be allowed past his strict father. They knew eachother too well for secrets like Haru's repressed feelings... couldn't be suppressed forever. Though Haru was already a rather gender-neutral name, his friend Katsuki suggested turning Haru into Haru-hi, which he gladly took. Meeting people who cared about their friend Haruhi, not just their son Haru, not just their student "Mr. Amari"... was something that forever changed Haruhi. It gave her the courage to stand up when her friends were bullied, to wear Katsuki's spare clothes when the group went out-... and maybe the worst decision Haruhi ever made in her life.
Haruhi hurt. She hurt deeply in her chest - a hurt which wouldn't go away. Delighted every time she went out with her friends, she went out to be herself.. it always returned when she had to change, and return home. Even if home wasn't safe... surely school was safe... to be herself? She talked to Katsuki about it, and she agreed. Surely - if she had seen girls coming to school in pants, supposedly "boy's clothes" - Haru could go to school in her "girl's clothes"... right? And so... she did. In the middle of spring, of the last year of middleschool - Haruhi worked up the courage to hide one of Katsuki's spare uniforms in her backpack - and change into it on the way to school. Nervous, but not scared - Haruhi soon learned her expectations were not what she expected. Many stared as she walked to the gates, and by the time she walked in the door, everyone laughed. Everyone laughed because Haruhi stuck out like a sore thumb - called her "trap", and "otokonoko". Her teacher looked at her with silent disbelief- and sent her to the principals office. One thing lead to another... her parent's arrived... and she never saw her friends again.
The rest of the school year Haruhi spent at home - homeschooled with a pile of textbooks in her room. She wasn't allowed to leave except with her mother or father, rarely allowed to use the internet, and rarely allowed to talk to those outside the family. Probably the worst months of Haruhi's life was there, spending hours with the lights turned off, crying or studying, with no in-between. When exam times came - she scored nearly perfect, but that was not enough for Haruhi's parents. Believing it to be a fault of bad influence - they decided to have Haruhi move to Karakura - where her evil friends were far away - and where the abundance of foreigners would allow Haru to "become a true international businessman". With a small allowance to cover the cheapest lodging they could find, and little more, Haruhi left with little more than a boy's uniform, some pencils, notebooks, and textbooks. Such was life.
When Haruhi arrived in Karakura, the thought of living like back in Sapporo was too much. She contemplated suicide often, and isolated herself from anyone. The few weeks before school started were the second worst of Haruhi's life, struggling with depression - remembering the memories of her friends. The weekend before school started she finally snapped - made a choice - either she would suffer, or she would be as brave as she was before, and potentially as hurt as she was before.... She chose the latter, and on the first day of school came in the cheapest, second-hand girl's uniform she could find from the local resell shop - pawning off most of the personal items in her room to afford it. And surprisingly... things seemed to turn out alright. But what is to come... has yet to be seen.

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