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hcni's College Journalist Application


Level 1
[OOC Section]

IGN (In Game Name):


Previous bans:


Describe your activity on the server:

I'm usually on the server at least every day and I play at most a few hours a day. I mostly have a lot of free time so it's easy for me to get on. I'm also very active on discord so I'll definitely be able to join calls if needed.

Do you have Discord?

Yes! It is honey#6101

Do you have a microphone?

Yes, I do!

List your current and past applications: [ACCEPTED]

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying as a Journalist at Karakura High School is the opportunity for growth in my writing. I am currently trying to strengthen my writing abilities and I feel that being a journalist will help me progress in that. I have been writing for a while now, about 3 years. Writing and journaling is one of my passions and being a journalist will help me express myself through writing more. I also really want to make my character involved in important jobs at the school and being a journalist would really fit her! This will also give me a chance to be even more active on the server and get to meet the other journalists/my co workers.

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?

I haven't been a journalist in any roleplay yet, but I know a lot about being a journalist and the work you have to put into it. Journalists keep the school/city updated on events or important news. Journalists are also supposed to use perfect grammar and spelling in order to do reports, or people who read them won't understand the words that have been written. They research a lot to get the full story on everything so people know what's really happening in the news.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?

Reporters are extremely important to SchoolRP because they provide information to the people of Karakura. Karakura citizens deserve to know what's happening in their city and school, and that's where news reporters step in. Without journalists, nobody would really know what would be going on in Karakura, and it's important to know what's going on. They also make SRP more fun for roleplayers because they can add drama to their reports.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

Brylie T. S. Chizuru is a young British female who stands at about 5'2, with long, split dyed hair falling down her back. Her hair is fixed in two small buns on top of her head. She has stormy, wide blue eyes, along with fair skin. She weighs at around 130 pounds and has a curvy build. She talks in a smooth British accent. Brylie's personality would be described as kind-hearted and zany; she isn't afraid to be herself around her peers and family. She is almost always seen with a bright smile on her face. She can be very caring and often is protective of her friends and family. She would never hesitate to help someone, even if they were her enemy. She has many flaws to her personality- such as being slightly nosey and a little stubborn, but flaws are what makes a person perfect. On the job, Brylie is mature and will hold herself up to the highest standard as a journalist. She tries her very hardest not to disappoint anyone and she wants to do the best that she can do. She is a good listener and won't act like a nuisance when she's with her co-workers. She loves having co-workers so she can become inspired by them and aspire to be as great as her co-workers. She really wants to bond and become close with her co-workers instead of just seeing them as people she just works with because she has to. She hasn't truly talked about her plans for the future to anyone, really, but she is definitely planning to be something more than a Journalist when she graduates from college. She is hoping to become an author or local news reporter and advance her knowledge in journalism.


Brylie Chizuru was born in a small town in Great Britain. She lived in small-scale house with her mother and father. Her father was rarely around, due to him having to work a lot to earn money for her family as they were poor. Her mother was a stay-at-home mom and tried her absolute hardest to take care of Brylie. Brylie was an only child and didn't have any siblings, which made it easier for her parents to take care of her because it was just one extra mouth to feed. When Brylie was around three years old, her mother and father sent her to an orphanage. She was so young at the time; she didn't understand that they were doing this for her own good. She grew up wondering why her parents never wanted her, when the truth is, they had no choice. They wanted to give her a chance to have a better life. About a year later after being dropped off at the orphanage, a family came in. There were multiple children behind the mother and father and they all looked extremely dissimilar to each other. It was peculiar. They also looked rich, with nice clothes and even nicer jewelry. They said they were looking for a child to adopt. Luckily for her, Brylie was the one that was chosen to be adopted and she was moved across the world to Karakura, Japan with her new family. She was at first very shy and wasn't too fond of her adopted siblings, but soon she grew attached to them. She began to share her wild, crazy personality with them. She eventually started going to Karakura High School with all of them. Now she's in College, ready to start another part of her life - becoming a journalist.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:

Brylie Taketa Shimasu Chizuru



Given Name(s):

Brylie Chizuru

Preferred Name:

Brylie or "Bry" for short


Brylie is 20 years of age.


She is a female; born female and identifies as female.

Native Languages:


Other Languages:



Brylie is British.

Current Location:

Brylie lives in Karakura, Japan.

Phone Number:


Other notes:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application. If I get accepted as a college journalist, I promise I will try my best to provide interesting articles/news to the citizens of Karakura.


Level 185
News Lead
Once your read this, contact me through discord to receive your roles etc. Aania#1997
Welcome to the club!


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