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Level 0
Hi! haha. So I just got here and read through rules, guidelines etc. I am now wondering how do I get involved and what I need to do.. buuuut I am kinda stuck and require some guidance lol.



Level 42
Start by making a character and getting involved with the other players! The longer you play, you'll eventually reach grade-12 or your desired grade.

/rpname to set the name of your character

/setdesc to set a physical description of your character. When other players right click you, this will display.

/me to describe what your character is doing such as, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.
EXAMPLE OF /me: /me &urummaged around the contents of her blue sweater pocket before pulling out a phone that wore a clear case filled with stickers and polaroids. (Name) tapped the screen just once until it illuminated before peering back up towards (name).

/it to describe the surroundings of your character in third person.
EXAMPLE OF /it: /it &uThe floor boards creaked as Presley tip-toed through the house.

Hope this helped! & Welcome to the server

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