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Henry Hugues | Biography

Henry Hugues


Name: Henry Hugues
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 14th February
Place of Birth: West Cornwall Hospital, United Kingdom
Nationality: British
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (mostly aromantic, however)
Religious Beliefs: Atheism


Undulated strands of a reddish-brown hair paint a messy landscape along this person's head, lazily falling off the centre of his skull, while a seeming tiredness seeps from his apathetic eyes, similarly-coloured. Under these, a not-so-prominent nose performs the task of surveying a thin, straight-angled mouth. His skin shows a rather pale tone, almost that of a disgraced man, which is then put in contrast by a lightly freckled visage demonstrating its earliest stages of puberty: a couple pimples up on his forehead, accompanied by the sight of a shy, untreated coating of maturity across his jawline. At times, his body appears to lose control: hands start shaking, eyes blink rapidly and uncoordinated, foot goes up and down, anxious and chaotic; other times, he remains calm and quiet, vigorously stoic. All in all, there is a somewhat eccentric appeal to that character's mystery; an eerie boyhood boosted by the dreaded wisdom of an exuberant sentiment of virility.

Height: 154cm
Weight: 57kg
Build: Devoid of any especially noticeable traits. Quite clearly on the thinner side, yet without showing any substantial sign of malnourishment or unathleticism.
Skin Color: White and rather pale, seemingly a bit unhealthy.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Style: Medium-length hair, reaching the higher part of the nape, disposed very untidily, coming from several directions, and clearly without much care or thought put into it.
Hair Color: Chestnut
Clothes: Always dressed in a casual and comfortable way; wears mostly hoodies, sporty trousers and tennis shoes.
Equipment: Carries a notebook and pen at all times, and refuses to write with anything but his own tools.


Personality: Constantly immersed in thought and seemingly disconnected from reality, Henry tries to avoid human contact due to his severe introversion, and it is not uncommon for him to simply ignore other people's needs, regarding them as less important. However, he can be a genuinely caring and kind person to those who treat him well for a prolonged period of time. He tends to be very calm and feels complete apathy towards most things, but also gets easily irritated and, at times, can become extremely anxious and lose control.
Speech: Mostly non-verbal when interacting with strangers or when he's especially anxious. When speaking, he possesses a very flat, almost dead tone without much emphasis or distinguishing features other than his obvious British accent.
Due to spending hours upon hours alone inside his bedroom, Henry entertained himself playing with the lights coming from the window, observing their laws and learning to use them to his advantage. Thus, from an early age, he gained a deep interest in optical physics and engineering.
Problems and disabilities: Struggles gravely with socialisation and fitting in society. Also has problems communicating his needs or thoughts, which he usually (unconsciously) supresses. Largely unable to comprehend complex emotions or to reciprocate feelings with other people.
Skills: Brilliant logical thinker with remarkable abilities regarding rational ****ysis, mental computation and spatial understanding.
Quirks: Gets very easily annoyed by the presence of noise, which he may find excessive even at low degrees. Constantly exhibits a wide variety of repeated nervous behaviours, such as moving parts of his bodies. When talking, makes common use of synaesthesia, often describing things in such way that they appear to be completely illogical.


Biological family is unknown (abandoned at birth); has had multiple different foster families, though none of them lasted for too long.
Backstory: For unknown reasons, Henry was abandoned at birth. During his childhood, he was assigned to lots of different foster families, but, ultimately, none of them could ever properly take care of his difficult and eccentric nature, which forced him to switch homes many times. During his long and frequent moments of loneliness, he played with the light entering his bedroom's window, experimenting with angles, intensity and a broad range of other factors, eventually developing a deep understanding of the workings behind optical phenomenons, which, in turn, he used to create some (quite rudimentary) mechanisms. From this, he gained a passion and expertise that would last till the very end of his life. When entering secondary education, one of Henry's teachers recognised the boy's brilliance for the first time, after somehow having gone under the radar for everyone else during the preceding eleven years. Over the course of the next months, the man, a Japanese citizen named Ichiro, who had emigrated to the United Kingdom a decade back, would provide Henry his first affectionate relationship, with both of them growing increasingly fond of each other as days went by. Unwilling to let the child continue suffering from his lifelong familial troubles, in the end, the teacher decided to adopt him. However, Ichiro had already made plans to return to his native region of Karakura the following summer, and was thus faced with the decision of either staying in the country or taking his now official son to a foreign land. Yet, with homesickness getting the better of him, he was unable to resist the latter. Although the first few months supposed an arduous task of acommodation, Henry was happy to finally share his living space with someone who understood him. Nevertheless, life took a tragic turn when Ichiro was shortly diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour; no sooner had a year passed than he had passed away, and Henry found himself once again alone amidst the confusion of a foreign country. In spite of the joy brought by his only truly paternal figure, it was now clear he was to depend on no one but himself.​



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