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hey so


Level 35
hey so whats with all the unappealable bans recently, there used to be normal bans for things that are now unappealable, so whats the deal with it. I'm confused
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Level 143
Hey, I will answer your question because I am feeling up to the task to explain

Varying factors make up if a ban is unappealable or not, some bans can be normal and given time frame some may not, such as repeated offenses with multiple infractions after you have warned someone many times over and over and have even banned them before on multiple occasions, it can become quite the nuisance, When it becomes a problem to a majority It is just a problem that requires you have to seek to handle permanently and accordingly at that point. If a person is too difficult to manage or handle due to constant upbringings of issues that should not require it to be to staff and players alike, then it will become unappealable, especially if that person whomsoever they were were given multiple chances in the past to reform and have not reformed after constant prodding and poking, the best way to fix it is to get rid of the problem temporarily until it fixes itself in the future, the people will be let back on whenever they have been deemed worthy of change through sacrificing some time away. As long as the offense isn't too great/bothersome/unspeakable then you can expect to be let back on after an appeal, however if it is appealable it is in your best interest to accept it and if you are able to contact your ban giver once and let them know you will be trying to reform, most first bans are appealable, sometimes even only a day or two considering action, but seconds, thirds, and fourths - so on so forth continuous calls for precedented action. It's a cycle that people have the chance to break, but sometimes don't, it's very easy to stay out of trouble while doing time and playing here on the server, It's more of a respect thing for those around you, for example if you didn't want to chance it then would you do the actions in the first place?

I hope you understood this message readers, The rules can explain much better than I can ->

All that said the best way to make up for unappealable bans are to simply wait out your time, and pray that you have not been blocked because of toxicity from your ban handler, which in most cases you can DM another staff and get them to ask the person if they would like to unblock you from dm's so that you may apologize, or in some cases unban you from the forums so that you may appeal. Also it's in the players best interest to message the ban handler only once after your ban telling them that you accept the ban and that you'll bide your time off the server, and accept the consequences to your action, and then maybe in some months when you feel like it is a good time you should ask, but it should be months apart and you shouldn't be annoying people constantly to get back onto the server. The best way to appeal is to follow the format, bold the questions, use sincerity and possibly even apologize to those that you have done wrong to, here are the formats for those if any reader would ever need them -> and the correct place to place your ban appeal thread would be here -> , Keep in mind that unappealable sentences should take at least a few months before you appeal.

Hope this helped answer your question! I can help anyone further if they have any questions simply dm me! Discord in my signature.

Sincerely, Shizai
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