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Highschool Council | Astri J. Catani


Level 12

What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:

PST (Spring, Summer) MST (Fall, Winter)

Please provide your Discord tag:


Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:

All times in PST
Free 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pmFree 8am - 12pm
Work 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pmWork 2pm - 8pm

The working times are subjected to change, either I could be working earlier than the allotted time above or, not working at all, so my free time varies depending on what I am doing that day.
My activity on the server is the times above when I am most online. Most of the time I am online I am roleplaying with friends, whether it be gangrp, crimerp, or other types of roleplay. I mainly online roleplay on my college character who is in baseball. I do several different types of roleplay since I am required to be quite active as I am also in a team and have been for almost 2 years now. A lot of the time I am seen at Plaza roleplaying with friends about random things.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
Rendite (Main) (Applying)
Resaeus (Alt)
Soapity (Alt)
Grade 12 Baseball - College BGrade 9
College BGrade 8Grade 8

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I am fully aware.​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

From my perspective from both an SRP standpoint and an IRL standpoint, the student council is an expected group of students forming the student body to help students both old and new have an easier time at school, along with helping faculty maintain order within the school atmosphere. They have many responsibilities that come with their role, such as going around and making sure every one of the students follows the student code of conduct and the school rules, even if it means handing out detentions to their friends or any student. Along with sometimes staying after school to help teachers host detention and watch over the students in there making sure order is maintained within the detention room. But that's not all they do, they also involve themselves in resolving conflicts among the students, giving out warnings, and helping faculty with situations. The student council also helps with student-run events. They tend to play a big role in this, whether it’s running the event or helping the faculty run the event. They ensure things run okay with minimal disturbances. If disturbances are caused they can solve it without it ruining it for the other students’ experiences within said school event.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

My main motivation for applying for the student council runs back to 2023. I have had many friends within both college and high school council. I loved to roleplay with them and quickly took on an interest in their roles, roleplay, and the responsibilities a council member has. I am mainly applying for roleplay and to get a new experience in another faction full of different people.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am completely aware that I will have to use my creativity and teamwork within the student council.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

Student Leadership Team:

SLT as they are mostly known as. They are heads of the school, in charge of hiring all of the faculty that teach the students and take care of the school. They are also dealing with the more troublemaking students who require more than just a simple detention or a warning. They can suspend or even expel students with just a snap of the fingers for a good reason, along with approving and sometimes supervising school-wide events.


Those who are hired by the SLT to give the students a proper education, along with helping take care of the school and the students within the school during school times. They are authorized to do many things that go along with their respective roles. There are teachers, professors, nurses, caretakers, nurses, chefs, counselors. Professors and teachers teach the students while nurses and counselors take care of student needs. Caretakers take care of the school, and meanwhile, the Chef prepares breakfast and lunch for the students.

College + High School President:

These persons are the ‘lead’ of the council. They take on the full responsibility for running everything and overseeing most things within the student council. They are the utmost top in the student body. They are responsible for many things such as meetings, checking in on their council members, training the new councilors, running events, giving directions to all members under them, and most importantly as they are in their respective roles, they are to help out when they can.

Vice President of High School + College:

Those people within this role step in when the president is absent. They take and have some of the same responsibilities as the President, but when the president is present they have to support them and be their backup. They do smaller tasks assigned by the president themselves.


Councilors are responsible for patrolling the halls and ensuring the safety of the students within the school period. In their roles, they patrol to make sure every student is following the rules and obeying them. They stop quarrels between the students and mediate the situation to the best of their ability. They can also give warnings and even hand out detentions when needed.


These people are chosen for having an almost perfect record and are hand-picked by SLT, they just tell on people who are breaking the rules. Glorified tattle tellers.


Those who have this role lead clubs. Clubs are something within the school that any student can join. These club leaders run these clubs of any kind for any student.

Sport Captains:

Those with the Sports Captain tag, run sports teams. They are responsible for letting players on their team through tryouts and are responsible for hosting practices ensuring that all their team members understand how to play the games as well as the rules of it. Sometimes they even have events with the student council.​


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Seeing how the students are behaving and seeing how disruptive they are being. I would walk over to them, closely keeping an eye on the behavior they are displaying. Observation! Seeing what the problem may be i may get a tad bit closer or approach them all together. One closer to them I’d reach out and ask what was going on and see if its causing a disturbance. If one of the students was purposefully causing verbal harm to their other peer i would issue them with a warning or ask if they would like to step aside to calm down or if they would like to step aside and explain what the situation was to me. Once i have found out one side's story i would ask the other students to explain what is going on. Depending on the issue at hand i would come up with a crafty and quick solution so that everything could go back to normal.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

First of all, if they ran away, depending on how far they ran, I’d walk over to them and ask them to take their mask off once more, or it's a detention. If they proceed to run away again i would consult a faculty member and explain the situation and what transpired. Once I have consulted with them I’d continue my patrolling keeping a close eye out for the student with the mask on, but by now they have either taken it off to avoid detention or were caught and given it.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

As someone who has been around people displaying that kind of behavior. I have a very strong dislike for those types of people threatening others. Threatening others is not okay, especially in this state we are in now in Karakura. So if the teacher is seeing the threatening behavior of said student I’d do everything to my best ability to help them. I would ask the teacher if they could step aside for us to talk about what to do next or if they need me to do anything to help ease the situation next time they are observing it.

If I had been there and witnessed the behavior myself I would walk up to the teacher and privately asked to speak outside. I’d give them my opinion on how to approach the situation since I have been in many situations like this before when it comes to observing the behaviors of others who are perceived as dangerous.
First and foremost, I’d ask the teacher to explain what they have seen. Once they have explained the situation, I would give my unbiased suggestions on how to approach the situation. My first suggestion would be to document the behavior of the student that was displaying the behavior. Once that is said, I would ask the teacher if they would like me to observe the students to see if they cause any harm.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

I think everyone has the right of freedom of speech! I would approach them and ask what type of protest they want to do, striking up a conversion. I would make sure that what they are protesting complies with the Student Code of Conduct, the School Rules, and the Law of Karakura.

If it is in compliance with all the above that is stated I would inform the faculty and the councillors that there is a protest that will be going on and what the protest is about. However, i would stay at the scene of the protest to make sure no one gets hurt and no one gets violent at all during it. I would also make sure that no laws or school rules are broken during it. I might even join in depending on how peaceful it is! But i don’t know if i would be much help considering i am not a very loud person at all.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

This question is quite confusing, or maybe i am just not understanding the question correctly as i should be. In my understanding from what i am reading, you are asking how i would react if someone stated i was doing something wrong, or against what i was trained. Exactly how would a teacher or receptionist know what i was trained about? Surely their training is different from a student council as don’t they have more responsibilities? Maybe in their eyes its wrong and they think they know what the training is.

If a faculty member told me i was doing something wrong i would simply ask if they sat in on the training or if they knew how i was trained. Again is our training different than theirs? Do they sit in on the training or even partake in training the newer councilors themselves?

Once i was done asking those questions i would allow them to explain what i did wrong. If it was wrong I’d apologize to them. I would then go check with my higher-ups to see if what i did was wrong or not. If it was deemed as wrong i would correct my actions. However, if it was not wrong I would not correct my actions and if that same faculty came to me about it again I would politely inform them that i had a word with my higher-ups and they deemed my actions were not wrong. I would then go about my day and apologize for any misunderstands i may have had with said faculty.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Hmm! I am thinking about it! I am thinking about an!..... Overnight Spooktacular Carnival

This might be a bit scary at first, but it would be really fun!. As everyone knows Halloween night is when most things are open, such as haunted houses, or scary campfire stories out in the woods. As you may know, Karakura is known for having spirits that rise on the spookiest night of the year! This is where the Carnival would come in! Most people are scared or do not enjoy some of the haunted things, but with a Carnival, it would be fun, there would be lots of things to do, such as the ring toss, and better yet it is at night so you can also go trick or treat and maybe even get visited by a friendly ghost or two. Who knows!!

This would take place inside the school gym and outside near the baseball field. Upon the school day is over. All of the booths such as the food and drink booths would be set up in the school gym, along with some of the smaller games such as the ghost toss, the Zombie Dunking, and Catch the Skeletal Fish. Ghost Toss would consist of little ghost bean bags that are thrown into a target, if you hit the target you score points!. After all this isn’t too big of a project to do. The next one would be the Zombie Dunking! You’d dunk the zombie in a huge tank. Having someone volunteer to dress up as a ‘Zombie’ and be dunked in the take full of water, to do this we would need someone to sit up on top of the tank of water and someone else the other students to hit the target with either a bean bag or a ball.

There would also be tons of food stalls scattered around the gym, some of the food could include ghost cotton candy, zombie cotton candy, witch chocolates., and some drinks that are dyed red such as punch and red soda. Moving onto the other parts of the Spooky Carnival, turning part of the baseball field into a small scary maze, where there are fake spider webs and fake skeletons scattered around the maze for jump scares. Another thing! Telling the scary ghost stories once it reaches dark. A place could be set up on the second floor of the school for the scary ghost stories to take place.

Upon winning several of the smaller games you would receive tickets that you can redeem at some of the booths for prizes without spending your yen, however, those things could still be bought with yen. Some of the prizes could include things such as hats, headbands, and bracelets.

Another day just for students! The student appreciation day.

I believe we don’t take enough time to appreciate the students or one another enough. I suggest we set up a day where each student feels appreciated by doing activities around the school or writing letters to one another. This could be done in the gym or simply in the library. On this day we would need to each pick a student if not several to write a letter to tell them how much we appreciate their hard work, this would be going to those quiet students who often don’t have many friends around the school and don’t cause a lot of trouble. But then again each student can participate in it. Without students coming to the school to learn, it would not run.

To do this we would simply need to set up a little booth outside the school gym so students from all over the school could come write a letter to another. To simply write the letter you just need to ask, and it would be our responsibility to deliver it to the students before the student appreciation day is over, so this would need to be set up a few days in advance so each student has the chance to write to the person they appreciate the most and get it delivered by the end of the student appreciation day.

Despite there being lots of students who cause issues within the school, every single one of us deserves to be appreciated in some way by our peers and staff. We have all done something that has impacted someone for the better, even if we cause trouble ourselves.​

Another idea here I am! National Gourmet Day

So I was speaking with one of the chefs before and I do think, they out of all the faculty, do not get noticed enough. Nor do they get help preparing lunch for us. In the days I have been at this school, it's only them preparing lunch, and it's only kids standing in line and very few say thank you for their meal. So I think we should throw a day to appreciate and help out the Chefs. Yes, you heard me just the chefs!!!!
For us to help the Chefs' we would need to set up something for the day, whether it be helping them prepare lunch for the kids or a feast for the day. I feel like during the feast of National Gourmet Day, we as student council, those who can cook, with the chefs should help them make different meals from their cultures or countries they have resided in.

How would this be achieved you ask? Simple, we would ask the chefs what country or culture they resided in before coming to the crime city of Karkura. Asking them what their favorite meal was from their home country and if it's possible to cook with the ingredients here in Karakura, Japan.
We would need to gather the ingredients ourselves and bring them into the school and cook it at the school. There should be enough tools and whatnot in the chef's kitchen to be able to cook some of the meals from the Country That the chef came from.

Once we have cooked the food the students would line up, gather their food and sit on a big table outside. Once everyone had gathered their food and sat down, it would be the chef's turn to sit down and eat with the students. Yes you heard me the Chef's would eat with the students as the students in the traditional way of japan, thank their elders for the meal.​

Personal Information
(in character)


"My name is Astri J. Catani, nice to meet you."


"I do identify as a female."


"I am 18 years of age!"

Phone number:

"My phone number is zero three zero five seven seven five two two two two." (030) 577 5222

How would you describe your personality?:

I consider myself to be a very optimistic person who is always open to new ideas. I am also a very sociable person who talks to almost everyone. I am almost always happy even in the hard times. After all if you just keep smiling you will eventually feel happier and make those around you happier. Smiling is a contagious disease.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

Astri pink shirt image.pngAstri red shirt image.png

OOC: As you can see she wears a wide variety of things, ranging from jeans to shorts and crop tops. She has long blonde very curly hair and two different colored eyes.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

Everyone is separated in every application. Everyone has their personality and their own skill set they are good with. However, what separates me the most is my enthusiasm and optimism. I am very open to new ideas and finding out the truth about everything. I am very outgoing and hard-working when placed in a certain position. I am very good with people in my opinion, I can often talk to anyone without little to no issues at all. I always want to get everyone’s side of the story before jumping to a conclusion just in case they have a purpose for doing what they did, or in case they are often misunderstood as people often are.

Why do you want this position?:

The reason i want this position is because i think its finally time i do something for the school. I’ve attended this school for several years and have always seen the councillors helping out. I want to be able to help others out in this position. I’ve seen how the faculty struggle and how others struggle to get the troublesome kids and I want to be able to help with that instead of just going through high school and doing classes and minding my own business. I do enjoy seeing the council and now I wish to be a part of it.

What interests you the most about student council?:

I would have to say how people hold up their own in student council, and how most are looked up to. Due to them being role models for the school and the ‘leadership’ position they are in, is what drew me to the student council the most. Besides setting up the events or even hosting them as I’ve seen them do before in the previous years. It amazes me how high schoolers can maintain a professional note and be a part of the student council, it takes a lot of responsibility and self-restraint.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

Well for starters I can attempt to make the school a safer and fun environment by just being myself. As stated above in the reason i am seeking the position i am good with people and always want to find out both sides of the story. I want to be someone who people can trust and confide in. I would make the school safer by doing just that. If people trust people enough it will make situations a lot easier. I will take most of the unhappy people and attempt to make most of them happy!

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