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Accepted Highschool Council | Lotus R. Sidorova


Level 1

What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:
CST (Central Standard Time)

Please provide your Discord tag:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Russian Application [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]

Third Language Application [Pending]

Describe your activity on the server:
I would honestly consider myself a very, very, very active member of SRP! (And soon to be a very active member on MazeRP as well once I finally finish the skin I've been working on!) If I’m not seen roleplaying with close friends, other people in either of my characters' families or strangers in most cases, I am more often than not just roleplaying by myself to come up with silly shena****ns or lore for my characters! Genuinely whenever I am not busy the first thing I will do is hop on SRP hoping to find someone to roleplay with. Due to it being summer break where I live, it has also increased my playtime to the point where whenever I’m not on SRP friends happen to think I’m ill for some odd reason!

List your accounts and roles on this server:

[Grade 11] Ichiro M. Fujiyama | No Club Member
[Grade 12] Lotus R. Sidorova (APPLYING) | Cooking Club Member

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
I am aware and I very much understand why as well!


What is the student council and what do they do?:

In simple terms, student council is a collective of students who are usually elected, though not always, by their peers to in a sense help run the school from a student's view! Student council has numerous reasons to exist and some of the most prevalent things they can do are organize events (such as dances, games, etc.), raise funds for the school through events or sales, break up any sort of dispute between students, and overall they can bring a school together! Members of the student council are members who while students share more responsibilities than their peers. By existing they can bridge the apparent gap students and teachers have which overall makes school a better place for all!

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
Honestly, what motivated me to apply most was the fact that I am actually in student council! I have been since I started highschool and it’s truly something I enjoy. Setting up dances, planning events, and making school a better place for my friends has been a genuine honor to me for the past few years! When I found out that student applications were open I decided to apply just to see if there was a difference I could make in the game! (After consulting with a few friends and my partner though!)
However, another thing that has honestly motivated me to apply for student council (inside and out of the game) has been my mother and my own mental health. For starters! My mother has been a very strong support in my life. She has been my rock since the moment I was born and has often pushed me towards the best. In the area that I happen to live in along with the school I go to, being in student council is seen as somewhat of a high or important honor. Another thing that has motivated me is also my own mental health. I’ve struggled severely mentally for the past few years. (Due to things such as health issues, loss of a loved one, along with struggling heavily with depression.) Doing things such as roleplaying has given me a wonderful outlet that has overall improved my mental state. A specific thing that helped happened to be joining random activities such as online clubs, random minecraft servers, etc.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am! Plus, It’s honestly what I’m most excited for! I enjoy planning events and I have always considered myself to be a very creative person. While I am sure it’s going to be a bit difficult at times I am honestly ready to face it. I am also sure it won’t be anything I haven't faced before! Another thing is honestly I am excited to meet and talk to the people who are on the council OOCly! I think it would be wonderful to talk to more people who enjoy the game as much as I do after all.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?

Some of the various roles of student council happen to be. .

SLT, or student leadership team, are the vital foundation of the school! They are the ones who discipline students, hire the lovely teachers of the building, suspend or expel students, supervise over things from clubs to events, and overall are just the wonderful higher-ups of the school! The people who are a part of this group have the most authority, responsibility, and power due to them having overall control of how a situation should go. Without them, the school would not be able to stand!

For student council, the president is the most important member! They are the highest rank and the one who basically runs the entire show after all! A student council president should be the main person to support students. They are responsible for looking after other groups in student council, being the main planners of events, and will be the person to have the last say in a disagreement. Without them the student council would not function! A student council president is also mostly seen as the head or main spokesperson for whatever may be important at that point in time.

Vice President
While not the head lead, student Co. Vice presidents are just as important as the head leader! (Sometimes even more so!) Student Council vices do handle the same responsibilities as the president after all! If the president for some reason falls sick or is unable to fulfill their promise the vice president will have to be the person who steps up for them. A lot of student council vice presidents happen to focus on more important things that's going on. Such as events and helping other members in the council. Unlike the president they are not viewed as the main person those should be looking toward. (However this is not always the case. It truly does just depend on the school you go to plus the area you happen to live in!)

While I’m unsure if this applies for SRP, the next important person would be the treasurer! They are the person who not only handles the budget student council has but they can also be one of the main people trying to figure out how to raise it! After events and sales they are required to count how much profit was lost or made in order to assure student council can still afford things. Without them a lot of things in student Co. wouldn’t be possible!

Next to actual council members is teachers, for obvious reasons! Despite the student council being student run they hold an important job and should always have an opinion in student council as well. They are there to help guide student council members and should be setting an important example for them as well! Student Council and teachers should always openly communicate since they both should have students within their best interests. By having the two close together they can figure out what would be a proper punishment for a student while having someone to back up or defend a peer as well.

Students are arguably the most important thing for student council! Without them, who else would they help after all! Student council was built on the principle of wanting other students to have a voice. The community of students should always be the main focus of student council no matter what is happening


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

After spotting the student Lotus would cautiously and quietly walk up behind them. Her head already forming a bothersome headache before she eventually taps them on the shoulder and mutters, “Unacceptable behavior. Did you happen to forget your manners?” She’d scold as she began to look through her bag. After only just a moment she’d take a detention slip and a blue ballpoint pen from out of her purse as she began to whisper once more, “You will be having detention after school, please do not argue with me currently. If you do I will further your consequences. I will be willing to listen as to why you’d do this after the assembly is finished but for the moment please sit down and pay attention.”

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
With an annoyed hum, Lotus would find the closest teacher in the building. After hastily explaining the situation to them she would begin to mention any details of said person. Whether it be whatever clothes they are wearing, the shoes they have on their feet, or genuinely anything that simply stood out about them.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
The first thing Lotus would do would be to call the student out of class and speak to them. With a soft voice she’d begin to tread lightly, “I am unsure if you know the reason as to why you’ve been called out though this is due to your.. Recent behavior.” After a few seconds of waiting the girl would gently place her hand on her shoulder with a soft pout. Her eyes filled with pity as she began to continue once more, “From what I’ve seen and what I’ve been told I do think we should have a proper talk after school. While this certainly is not appropriate for school I think the best thing for you would be a proper conversation as to why this is happening. I will be issuing a detention, however, please just consider it as a way for you to properly speak to someone after school.” Once finished speaking Lotus would send the student back into class only for her to set a little reminder to check on the student the next day in her planner.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
After learning more about why exactly the students wish to have a protest Lotus would decide whether or not it truly needed to be held. If it was over something simple or unneeded she would almost immediately shoot it down. (Probably while trying to come off sensitive but more than likely coming off as a bit rude.) However, if the situation would be something of importance she would give them approval after speaking to teachers. If the protest was approved by staff Lotus would make sure to follow the students quietly to simply ensure nothing would get out of hand or be violent.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
After a moment of silence Lotus would simply just nod her head and sincerely bow. Her head filled with a multitude of different things before she’d eventually begin to apologize, "I truly did not mean to go against anything my higher ups said. I honestly have no clue nor reason as of why I've done this but I hope you can forgive my apology! I will make sure it will never happen again I assure you. While I know an apology does not make it any better I hope you can tell I am being as sincere as I possibly can. Could you fully explain to me what I did wrong?" Once finished with her apologizing Lotus would begin to ask if there is anything she could have done or could still do to make the situation better. If there is simply is nothing that can be done she would simply just apologize once more. However, if something could be done she would almost immediately do it.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

“Christmas Olympics !?!”
My idea would be for an event during the winter season. Preferably, taking place either at the gym or if possible around the school! Either way I believe the decorations and overall vibe of everything should be as festive as possible! (It’s the most jolly time of the year after all!)

I think an event that focuses on a bunch of different competitions could be very fun for everyone! For the Christmas “Olympics” it would contain things such as a scavenger hunt, access to monitored cooking facilities, games for every student to openly participate in, delicious hot chocolate, snowball fights, and perhaps even an area for students to simply just hangout with their friends!

Some of the various games I think should be played are. .
Basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, swimming, relay races, and regular track and field! Having a bunch of different games set up into different teams that compete in brackets would make it so that not only do students build relationships with others but so they can be competitive in a friendly manner! The idea is to separate students who tend to hangout with only a small group of people so they could potentially become closer to others they wouldn’t typically be friends with.

Another thing that could be extremely fun is something with writing, drawing, or overall anything creative! Winter fun shouldn’t have to be only for students who can or enjoy sports! It should be for others as well! Students could be passed books where they are given the task to create something Christmas or winter related. Teachers and student council members could read a portion of said books and come to a conclusion of a group of winners.

Lastly, I think students who win games should be given a prize! Whether this be little awards or tokens it doesn’t matter! While it’s a bit mean to say some people are just motivated that way after all! Once each game is finished there could be a photo taken of the groups of winners and perhaps they could be posted on onrain of them on a podium to celebrate their win!


Personal Information
(In character)


“Oh! My name is Lotus Rosalina Sidorova. It's a pleasure to meet you,” She’d hum out, her hand reaching out to shake the person in front of her. After a firm moment or two she’d go and sit down in whatever chair happened to be near.

“I am a cis woman, I truly do not care what you refer to me as though.”

“I turned eighteen rather recently!

Phone number:
“Let’s see.. Oh! My number is (030)-942-6454. Please only call if it’s important.

How would you describe your personality?:
After a few moments of thought Lotus would begin to gently whisper, “I would call myself rather calming I’d say? Though I have heard some call me a bit cruel. I dislike anything with fighting though I can not lie and say I don’t enjoy a proper debate!” With that the girl would just hum in deep thought before continuing, “You know, I have heard from quite a few people that I can be a bit stubborn so I am sure that applies as well. Though if I was to describe it I am simply just dedicated to whatever I put my mind to. I don’t enjoy giving up even if the odds are not in my favor.”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):



What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“I am simply just better,” she’d say bluntly. Her eyes would begin staring at the person speaking to her as she gently shrugs. It was relatively easy to tell that she truly had meant what she just said! The air of relative unbotheredness radiated from every word to action she had in some shape or form. “I’ll keep it simple with my answer.. I am simply just too stubborn to give up or leave this position! I appreciate being challenged, debating, or even competing with others to an almost shocking degree. Due to my competitiveness and strive for greatness, I would like to better the path I walk on. That in return would better those around me. Besides, I will be truly dedicated to my job if I am allowed into the student council. I feel as if some people who wish to get in will think it'll be an easy task.. Some people truly would not take this job as seriously as me."
As Lotus would stop speaking she'd begin to cross her legs over one another. Her posture, while already confident and surprisingly straight, would happen to become more posed. Her arms too would cross over one another as she'd continue, "While I’m positive there are plenty of wonderful candidates, none of them will ever be me. I am, well, me after all! It's as simple as that really!"

Why do you want this position?:
“I want to be one of the several people who make this school into a proper community. I see how students argue and fight with teachers and I truly think something can be done by the situation if I were given the opportunity to help both sides. At this very moment I am simply just someone who can only try and solve the conflict from the sidelines. I wish to be part of a group that gives me an active voice to help.”

What interests you the most about student council?:
“I enjoy organizing and planning. It’s something my family is extremely into and I wish I could do something along those lines at school as well. I would consider myself to be a very neat person! I enjoy things cleanly and ordered after all. I want to be part of a group whose principles follow those lines as well.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“If student council allows me in, I believe I can offer my peers a proper voice that I don’t believe they have at the moment. I wish to be someone my classmates can lean on in and out of the classroom. I would like to be able to better my school by allowing students to voice their opinions in a safe and proper manner. Another thing I could contribute to make the school a safer environment is a new, fresh mind! I want to be a fresh voice in student council and I have plenty of new ideas that I'd love to see implemented!”
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Level 227
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at jawhyla on Discord.

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