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Denied Highschool Council | Maila Rodrygiv-Paek


Level 2

✧ ☆ What is your Minecraft Username?: ✧ ☆


✧ ☆ What is your timezone?: ✧ ☆


✧ ☆ Please provide your Discord tag: ✧ ☆


✧ ☆ Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): ✧ ☆

✧ ☆ Describe your activity on the server: ✧ ☆

Currently I am not as active as I once was, I used to be online for 7 hours a day I believe. I have since cut back on this due to motivation issues, but I can say I am slowly getting back into playing SRP more as a whole. When I am online I usually would hang out with friends or play the plug-ins.

✧ ☆ List your accounts and roles on this server: ✧ ☆


[Grade-12] Maila Rodrygiv-Paek


[Cat] Koromaru

✧ ☆ Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?: ✧ ☆

I am aware.


✧ ☆ What is the student council and what do they do?: ✧ ☆

The student council is a branch inside of the Karakura High School and Community College. They are students who help faculty and other students alike; they help in classrooms, the cafeteria line, throughout the halls, and in detention. Student council allows for teachers, professors, and other faculty to worry less about what is going on throughout the school and have an extra hand when needing to break students up or when passing papers out for class.

✧ ☆ What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.): ✧ ☆


My motivation for applying for the student council strives from my time on SRP. I have seen a few councilors in the early days of my time on the server and within the new year I have seen an increase in activity in them around the school as well as the interactions I have had with them. The council seems interesting and a way for me to get more involved within the server and to experience new situations through roleplay and outside of it.


“I have been in a sports team since I can remember. I have had quite numerous positive run-ins with councilors, every time I had an interaction with them, I wondered what it would be like to be a part of the council. My motivation comes from my curiosity of how it would be like to be a part of the council.”

✧ ☆ Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): ✧ ☆


✧ ☆ Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?: ✧ ☆

President –

“The President is the face and head of the student council. They hold the most responsibility of council. They report anything super important, like events for example, to SLT. They are also the representative of their council.”

Vice-President –

“The Vice-President is underneath the President. They handle anything the council members tell them and discuss it with the President. They watch the council carefully and make sure they all are following the rules and doing their duty.”

Council Members –

“Council members are students who walk around the school making sure the other students are following the rules. They also help faculty members when a student is acting out or helping in a classroom with work.”

Faculty –

“Faculty is a part of council. They help with situations, for example if they see a councilor struggling with a situation or needing extra support in the council room, they will step in.”


✧ ☆ While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly? ✧ ☆

“I would remind them that we need to act appropriately during assemblies and to not disrupt nor distract the students who wish to focus. If they continue, I will radio a faculty member and tell them about it before warning them with detention. I will then hand them off to the faculty member and anything further is out of my hands.”

✧ ☆ A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do? ✧ ☆

“I would alert faculty and describe what they are wearing as well as the mask over the radio before chasing after them. If I am to lose them, I will await a message on the radio and I will tell them that it would be an instant detention if they are caught.”

✧ ☆ A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns? ✧ ☆

“I would discuss it with the faculty member, after the class period I would ask the student to stay after class. If I heard the verbal threats, I would call them out of the class and talk on the radio to get another faculty member or council member incase anything escalates. I would then see what we could do to help them and suggest possible ways to support them."

✧ ☆ A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression? ✧ ☆

“I would allow them to stage a protest on the grounds that they do not cause any disruptions. I will also include a faculty member or two on the situation and get their permission before I do tell the students it is okay.”

✧ ☆ A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this? ✧ ☆

“Although I would be relatively confused as I have not done anything wrong that I am aware of, I would ask for proof of actions. If I am proven to be in the wrong, I will gladly accept my punishment and learn from the experience.”

✧ ☆ Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event): ✧ ☆

Heritage showcase

“My idea of an event would be a heritage showcase. What I mean by that is, the council will have booths around the school showcasing different practices of their own or well-researched with one of their choosing.

How would it work? Well, the council would take their time gathering all the necessary details. For example; dishes, religious practices, clothing, and ideals. They will discuss all that they know about said heritage with the students and answer any questions they may have. Upon finishing they will direct them to the next booth and continue the cycle.

What do the students get out of this? A fun little event to learn more about theirs, their friends, or their fellow students’ backgrounds a little more and have a little fun. They can try different foods surrounding the heritages, learn how far back it goes, and understand what other students do outside of school.

Can students host booths as well? Students should also have their own booths as well. They can fill out a form about their booth name, what they are presenting, and a summary of what it will be about. Allowing students to also participate will make this one hundred times more interesting and fun for everyone involved.

Is there a limited number of booths? I would say yes. Seeing as the school has limited space to place booths down. Allowing students who want to participate in the event and apply for a booth makes it more organized and not spontaneous.

Can faculty participate too? Of course they can! They can help out with booths in a number of ways. Faculty can get together with students and host their own booth together as a group. They can help with any crowding there may be at a booth and they can go through the booths and learn more about the heritages of other faculty members, councilors, and students.”

Personal Information

✧ ☆ Name: ✧ ☆

“My full name is Maila Rodrygiv-Paek, but I prefer to be called Maila.”

✧ ☆ Gender: ✧ ☆

“I am a female, I go by she/her pronouns.”

✧ ☆ Age: ✧ ☆

“I am 18 years old.”

✧ ☆ Phone number: ✧ ☆

“My phone number is 030-415-6275!”

✧ ☆ How would you describe your personality?: ✧ ☆

“I would describe my personality as someone who is awkward. By that I mean, I find it uncomfortable talking in a big group setting and sometimes just don’t speak at all, or barely comment at all. I do wish to overcome this issue of mine. I also would describe myself as an outgoing person, quite contradictive if I do say so. . . But I do like going out and around Karakura to either find my friends or for a calming evening.”

✧ ☆ Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture): ✧ ☆

Art by beombaleo

Base by Blossom789, Outfit by abvynnira


Maila Paek would stand at 5’6 before you, first thing you would notice would be her light pink hair. Shortly followed by her gray eyes, her fashion sense would catch you off guard as she seemed to have an interest for darker, more gothic-like looks. Noticing her eyebrows you would see a piercing on her left one, if she ever lifted or tucked her hair behind her eye, you would notice a bunch of piercings on her right ear.

✧ ☆ What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: ✧ ☆

"What separates me from other applicants? Well I would say is my want for everything to be served equally as well as it being justified. By that I mean, I want a fair environment for not only myself and the council, but also to the students and faculty.."

✧ ☆ Why do you want this position?: ✧ ☆

“I want this position for numerous reasons, but the most important one to me is the experience it can grant you. I believe not only can it help me become more comfortable taking on situations for my future but also talk to more people. I also want the position because I believe I can make a better name for the students of Karakura High School.”

✧ ☆ What interests you the most about student council?: ✧ ☆

“What interest me about the student council is the way it impacts people, both positively and negatively. I like seeing how many people interact with them and how they handle the situations. I also think it is interesting that they can talk to the faculty and other students with such ease, I look up to them for that.”

✧ ☆ What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: ✧ ☆

“What could I contribute to the school to make it safe and fun for students and faculty alike? I can provide an unbiased opinion on any situation that may happen. Although I do not do good in physical altercations, any verbal altercations I can handle professionally and respectfully towards all parties.”

✧ ☆ Notes ✧ ☆

I could not fix the italic font after the description, so I just made it all italic. I hope this does not mess anything up >-<


Level 229
Council Lead

Thank you for applying to the Council Faction. Unfortunately, after the higher-ups have reviewed your application; We've decided to deny your application. Your application was denied due to the following reason(s) below:

Recent Player History:
Although infractions and server reputation are not detrimental factors to the initial application, we prefer players who have had a recent clean history and were more active within the integration of the server.

You have not been active for a significant amount of time. Please raise your current activity and feel free to reapply again to the faction.


Please make sure to follow the provided format for the application process.

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