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Denied Highschool Council | Milas Tullybellton


Level 12

What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your timezone?: CEST

Please provide your Discord tag: sirnovox

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:

I am online for a few hours almost everyday in my free time unless I have other responsibilities: I would be able to meet the activity requirements.

List your accounts and roles on this server:

Meeko 'Ko' Sonoda [Grade-10]
Makiko Ishigami [Grade-12]
Cyno ‘Cub’ Khalid [Grade-10]
Chara Dyllamore [Grade-10]
Milas Tullybellton [Grade-12], the one I am applying for

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

Yes, I am.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The Student Council are described in the thread where the format for these apps are found as a
This means they do not have any real authority in their own right, but it is given to them by the leaders of the school (the people who run it, SLT). Teachers and Professors also have more authority as they are trusted adults employed by the school, who are paid. The student council is not paid. They are there to represent the interests of students, help ensure student safety, and help enforce the school rules. They are able to give out detention following the same rules on this as teachers follow.
The council also gets involved with events on the school-grounds, but I have not actually seen any of these myself.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

My friend (Milas’ IC Father) encouraged me to apply after I asked them about their character’s time on the student council. I wanted to learn more so I went to the forums and now I am making an application. I want to be in the student council because it is a new experience, as this is the first time I would be in a faction, it would be a cool start and experience. Another reason for that is the fact that I am always bored in school hours, and the duty/job of this faction is exactly what I need to have a purpose, something to do in these hours. The character aswell, would fit perfectly in my opinion in it, he is calm, not loud and also caring. He wants to do his best, just like me. He’s also a little out of touch which could be pretty funny. I also wanna join this spot because it's different from the rest, I would not only be apart of a group of students, but I get to make sure the school grounds are good, I get to be apart of events at times aswell, which is exciting!

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

I looked in the discord in #council-roster. I saw the text at the bottom: [T] Training Committee
I asked a Professor about what this meant and I had my original thoughts turn out to be true: these are old members of the council who train newer members. I do not know what that involves, but that seems like a role in the council that would be important.

There are also the Vice President and President who lead the council and I believe may have a role in hosting meetings and organizing events with the SRP Event Team and Staff. They would also be responsible for discipline within the Council if a Councillor does a bad job.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Milas would observe the fact it is ONE student that is a problem here and would not single them out publicly. He would instead slowly approach this student and whisper, at least initially, to prevent embarassment for the student. He would ask them to stop making a disturbance, or else he will have to ask them to stop disturbing everyone in front of the entire assembly which would be humiliating for him. Milas would go out of his way to stress how humiliating it would be for the student to shame them into silence without being rude, and instead presenting himself as a friend just looking out for the student.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

Milas would use his council-issued radio to alert his councillor friends of what is going on. He would follow directions from teachers and work with his friends here to find the runaway student to hold them accountable. He would also strongly encourage teachers to reward any student who provides information on the masked students wearabouts with a reward sticker and also ask politely if they would consider using the intercom to make these promises to bring on a whole stream of snitches. He would not do this if the masked student was armed as this could create a panic and Milas does not want to make his friends scared.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

Milas would not be very sensitive, but would follow the proper steps. He would suggest a Counsellor or a Councillor approach the student: depending on who is around to do this. He would want to ask the students who have been threatened if any of the threats involved a weapon being shown or mentioned. If it has he would immediately escalate the situation and inform teachers that this student may have a weapon. Otherwise, he would ask the student if they are okay and inform them about the school rule that says you can not be disrespectful to peers and you can not be violent.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

Milas would talk about his Dad immediately who is known for his protesting and petitioning. He would bring this up in a boasting fashion, but also to teach the group of students what is and is not disruptive. He would use the real protests reported by Karakura News, including the ones from his father, as examples on disruptive behavior. For example, throwing rocks and messing up the school or the people inside of it is disruptive. Holding a bunch of signs or a rally away from classes where they will not disturb anyone; but will absolutely be seen and heard by a good deal of students is completely fine. Milas, as a result of his upbringing, would take interest in what the protest is about and talk about it with his fellow Councillors even if he doesn’t agree with the protestors are saying.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

Milas would try to get what is being said by this adult on record before then immediately going to his higher ups in the hopes that they were wrong and he was right, and to get them in trouble. He would offer no pushback against the teacher/receptionist. If questioned why he did not push back or argue he would bring up the fact they are adults and he had no authority over them.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Ok, this is going to sound so elementary-school themed, but that’s because I got inspiration for this idea from a video-game literally called ‘Kindergarten’. But, the event can be dressed up to not be that.

The event I had in mind is simple.

It would involve some classrooms perhaps that are empty, or empty rooms being refurbished to include a giant, colorful rug. Students can show up to these rooms with a SINGLE material possession. They are invited up to explain what their item is and why it is important to them. It could be a cultural item, a personal item, a religious item, a family heirloom: ANYTHING. Students will also have the opportunity to enter a writing competition where they can write about how the item has helped them personally through some life struggle or how it has been used to help others. The form in which the submission takes could be anything. It could be a very straightforward presentation, or it could be poetry.

These responses would be judged by the student council using the following criteria:
  • Grammar and Spelling
  • Literary techniques/talent (things like imagery, alliteration)
  • Anecdotes (if they include any sort of stories about the item)

The event in its step-by-step form could look like this:
  • An announcement is made of when the event will be held. This gives time to find teachers (though it could also be the councillors too) who will actually host ‘show and tell’ in some classrooms, and time for something to be built by SRP builders. The writing competition component is also announced in advance to give those who like writing extra time to work on it.
  • On the day, students enter these rooms. The activity is advertised. Councillors explain how the show and tell sessions will be run to make sure everyone has a chance to present their object.
  • At the end, Councillors hand out books giving students time to submit a written piece about their item if they wish. The book would contain a format simply telling students [OOC] information about the submission date, rules, and other information about the competition.
  • Once everyone has shown and told: afternoon tea could be served in the school Gymnasium. There could perhaps be music or some entertainment, but the main idea of having this is so students can interact and talk to others about their items and written submissions if they want to!

Personal Information
(in character)


Milas Tullybellton





Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:

I like to think of myself as I’m sure most people do: as a kind and responsible person. I rebuff all suggestions that I am a spoiled “Trust Fund kid”. In fact, I didn’t even know what that word meant or that I even had one of those funds until people started calling me this. It could not be any further from the truth, I am the least-spoiled person in Karakura: everything I possess I try to earn. I’m just an enterprising person who likes to actively seek out and pursue responsibilities on their own. I like to be challenged and engage with others: life is no fun if it’s on easy mode ( WHICH MINE IS NOT!!! ).

I’ve been told I’m energetic: this is probably because I spend a lot of my free time at the Karakura gym or in my room with a training dummy. I try to take advantage of anyone willing to tutor me in general self-defence: an area my father has no knowledge of. He says it’s more important to learn about politics, philosophy and talks like Yoda half the time: … and I really don’t have time for that. I’d rather go outside and touch grass, actually.

I have a keen sense of justice instilled in my by my father. I want to call the KPD everytime I see a group of masked men just loitering outside a store. I just KNOW they’re probably criminals, I’m very intuitive like that! Dad says it’s important to ‘JuDgE nOt, tHat yE bE NoT JuDgEd!’... and seems to really not like the KPD. I DON’T CARE. People who break the law deserve to be punished! I believe their behaviour likely started at my high-school where these sick masked criminals obviously got away with swirlying one too many people. Not having it. I won’t stand for injustice. It makes me sick knowing there are these wolves in sheeps clothing walking around me at all times: they could be anywhere!

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
  • I Volunteer at the Karakura Church as an altar server because I love serving the community and * a bunch of words were written down and scribbled out here, but one word was left untouched: God*.

  • I’ve only gotten ONE detention during my time at KHS. It was from my dad. Someone was getting in my dad’s personal space and annoying him so I just went over and slapped her in the face. I feel really bad about it, and I went to Confession and I also use my training dummy to take out my anger productively now. This shows serious personal growth, considering it’s the only detention on my record. We all lose our temper sometimes. I’m a strong believer in letting ye who is without sin cast the first stone! My dad taught me that one.

  • I once had to survive on 5,000 yen for all my food needs for a week to learn about budgeting. This shows I am very good with money, numbers, and can be trusted.

  • I have a passion for physical fitness and self-defence: both are very valuable in Karakura due to the crime-loving, mask-wearing, fight-club attending sinners on the street who hurt others.

  • I do not have an Onrain account because I do not care about other people’s lives too much: but don’t worry, I still care about other people very much! Like, the appropriate amount, y’know?

  • My dad is a college professor which means I care about my education.

  • I’m attractive which, sure, isn’t a requirement for membership. I’m sure other applicants are also not all a bunch of uggos: but I’ve found being pretty helps make you more approachable which is so important for members of the council.

Why do you want this position?:

Well, aside from all that junk about helping people I’ve already been over, liking a challenge, and so on… I want membership on the council because I just feel like there is so much I could BRING to the council! I really do, y’know? We all have gifts that God gave us, and I think he may be calling me to serve on the council and represent my peers. But what’s really important is I see too many people lonely at school and it makes me sad, and I hear about swirling and that makes me sad, and I hear about no teachers showing up sometimes which makes people lonely and more at risk of being bullied which ALSO makes me sad, and it’s just depressing.

Like, I don’t come to school to be depressed? It’s a giant building where we should be learning about ourselves and who we are and junk, not learning about what the base of a toilet looks like in detail? I want to help people touch grass and make friends.

What interests you the most about student council?:

Probably those event thingies I keep hearing about but never see. I mean, y’know, I guess was absent on the day or whatever, but I’D SO love to get involved and get told about all that junk before everyone else. Sounds awesome. I want to learn more, I want to get my hands dirty, I want to touch the hands and souls of the other councillors and make the school a gentler place for everyone through these events to really build community. I’m already involved in church junk which is about building community (and also God too or whatever) so like, it’s the same? Y’know, at the core. the rest of the entry was a mess of pen ink and could not be read

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

By always pitching my ideas to the student council in the traditional way. I have so many, and like, y’now, communication is the universal solvent and stuff. I’d be such a great communicator! Always on those cute little walkie-talkies the councillors have. Communication is absolutely key to improving things.

I’d encourage communication at all levels in the school too! Like helping students find buddies so they aren’t alone and so they don’t get singled out. Maybe I could show them where to buy whistles, that way whenever anyone feels threatened they can just use the whistle to get everyone’s attention!?

Anyway, I’d also attend like, ALL the council meetings, every single one, so that my voice gets heard which is kind of the entire point of being on a council, to voice your opinions and digest other people’s opinions, and the student body’s opinions and all the opinions. It’s so critical. Communication babes, it makes the world go round’! ALSO, what do people do in public when they don’t feel safe? YEAH, that’s right, call the cops! They use a communication device, to communicate the situation!!! IT’S JUST MATH!
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Level 223
Council Lead
Thank you for applying to the Council Faction. Unfortunately, after the higher-ups have reviewed your application; We've decided to deny your application. Your application was denied due to the following reason(s) below:

Recent Player History:
Although infractions and server reputation are not detrimental factors to the initial application, we prefer players who have had a recent clean history and were more active within the integration of the server.

You have not been active for a significant amount of time. Please raise your current activity and feel free to reapply again to the faction.

Please make sure to follow the provided format for the application process.

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