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Hiiro Shimamura | BIOGRAPHY


Level 29


"Are you a friend... Or a foe?"

You know the rules. Do not take any of the information here ICLY. This is made as a documentation of Hiiro's journey as well as for fun.
Do be warned there is a lot of yapping. Don't think too hard about it.

If you do ever see him in the server, don't be afraid to say hi!

Thank you to @SkyFantasyWorld for the inspiration of the formatting

[ Basic Overview ]


(Picture above subject to change soon. Eventually. Budget is tight ok.)
Name: Hiiro Shimamura
Date of Birth: January 5th 20XX (16)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5’9 (175cm)
Weight: 59kg~ (130lb)

Religion: Animism
Sexuality: Honestly HE DOESN'T KNOW HE'S STUPID
Nationality: Japanese
Marital Status: Single

Birthplace: Hokkaido, Japan
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Deathday: [MISSING]

Affiliations: Karakura High School, Shimamura Clan

[ Subject Evaluation ]

|| Physical Appearance ||
|| Notes ||
Physical Description
Although Hiiro has define muscle mass, he is a little malnourished and is under the recommended weight for his age. He has multiple scars all over his body, most notably on his back. Most of them are old scars dating back to when he was still a child, while some are just a few months ago.
Clothing Preferences
Laughably lacks any sense of style for HIMSELF, it is almost concerning.
  • Hiiro expressed heavy discomfort when having to strip for his evaluation to the point of being distressed. According to him, it was because he believed, growing up, that he can only show skin to family members. Refrain from making him show skin in the future next time, dipshits.
  • Hiiro stated how his brother was the one to give him city clothes before his arrival at Karakura. (So, his brother was prepared?)
  • I'm concerned for his health. Make sure he eats.

|| Psychological Assessment ||
Personality Description:
Despite Hiiro's childhood, he attained a sense of innocent optimism and naivety when being approached by different concepts. He is honest by heart, and strives to do what he believes is right.
He tends to be impulsive, and once he sets his eyes on something, he becomes tunnel-visioned. However, he will recognize when it is needed to fight, or flee. Refer to (A)
Though Hiiro does think for himself and have a sense of independence, he tends to always follow the whims of other people, especially those who are closer to him, regardless if he initially agrees with it or not.
Hiiro believes himself to be physically strong, but weak in the mind, sometimes referring to himself as "Stupid" or "Dumb", despite his high marks for academic work.
  • His optimism is a form of coping mechanism he developed sometime after he departed from his village. Not that I'm surprised, he had no idea what the world is like outside of what he knew. Everything was new, confusing and overwhelming. All he can do is laugh and move forward.
  • Possibly has low self-esteem due to his childhood.
  • (A) Something happened. It was only, at most, three days since his arrival to Karakura. For some reason, he seems to be taking deliberate time to think through his actions before acting on it- most notably on situations he deemed as serious.
Behavior Description
Hiiro always seems to wear a big smile on his face whenever you see him out and about. He will always greet familiar faces or strangers with the eagerness of an extrovert wanting to make new friends. As such, he does not hesitate or shy away from social interactions, most of the time even initiating it.
He is also shown to be rather clueless with most things regarding city life, or what is considered normal in Karakura. Sometimes, it left him feeling uncertain or overwhelmed, but his optimistic nature would allow him to be keen on taking this as a learning opportunity. Furthermore, Hiiro also tends to not know certain words or phrases, or even completely misread social cues.
Hiiro is expressive, his emotions showing clearly.
To friends companions, he tends to be quite protective of them, and would easily become concerned or worried about their well-being.
Talking about anything related to ▇▇▇▇▇▇, ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇, or a ▇▇▇▇ seemed to sadden Hiiro, and make him feel uneasy and sick.
  • Quite hypercritical of him to eagerly make friends, and yet be hesitant to get close. He's scared, but of what?
  • Exhibits signs of being a people-pleaser, but not quite much. It seems as if he has the desire to become important to someone and 'serve' them. (Yet, is not being reckless about it. He's... waiting?)
  • Academically smart but not street smart, is the best way to describe Hiiro's lack of knowledge about city life.

|| Statistics ||

LOGIC: ★☆☆☆☆


WISDOM: ☆☆☆☆☆

  • Intelligence is referring to his academic knowledge and not common sense. Despite having no academic background, he is a genius and a quick learner.
  • Note: Hiiro's intelligence is different from his handler. Please forgive him for not doing well. (Are you saying I'm STUPID-)
  • His shamelessness and unawareness makes him unironically good at flirting with people, if he so choose. Assistant ▇▇▇▇ is still blushing.

|| Extra Evaluation ||
Aka, extra information all stuffed into one place. Thanks, ▇▇▇. (sarcasm)

Martial Arts: ★★★★★
Hunting: ★★★★☆
Quick Learner: ★★★★☆

Card Magic Tricks: ★☆☆☆☆
Coin Tricks: ★★☆☆☆
Sports: ★★★★☆

  • His skills is fascinatingly alarming. No doubt, people in the mainland would be concerned with how adept this kid is at fighting. Fortunately, this isn't the mainland.
  • According to Hiiro, his brother is more skilled in tracking prey than he was.
  • His ability to learn so quickly makes it easy for him to study in school, catching up rapidly to his peers. Then again, it doesn't translate well to common sense.
  • Despite having an interest for sports, he doesn't seem keen on joining any of the sports teams.
  • Note: Hiiro's athleticism is different from his handler. Please forgive him for not doing well. (Now you're pushing it, ▇▇▇▇▇▇)

Learning more about the world
Collecting silver jewelry

  • Crow-core? Because, you know, collecting silver jewelry... shiny things... Okay, I'll stop.
  • Not at all surprised that he likes to sing. Then again, we don't know where or when he attained the abilities to do so. (I do!)

Silver jewelry
Doing magic card tricks

  • Hiiro bites into lemons... like an apple... And likes it.
  • The card tricks was a new development. Quite entertaining, honestly.

▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Not understanding what is going on
  • He looked conflicted.
  • Hiiro wishes to keep it quiet.

Fidgeting with a coin, or any small items that can fit into his hand.
If raining, puts his hand out and lets the rain hit his hand

  • Lowkey anime protag energy

Old smartphone (panda phonecase)
Cheap umbrella
School planner

  • These items are either really cheap to buy, or were given to him.
  • No questions will be answered regarding this bit.

[ Photo References ]

[ W.I.P ]

[ Relationships ]

|| Family ||

Rinne Shimamura | Older brother | ALIVE
"Hiiro happily talked about his brother and pretty much only
said good things about him. There were... some concerns but we can
assume that the two brothers have a very close relationship."

??? Shimamura | Father | DECEASED
"Hiiro only looked distant when we asked about his relationship
with his father. Easy assumption, his father was an asshole."

??? Shimamura | Mother | DECEASED
"Hiiro doesn't remember her face. She died right after he was born."

|| Friends/Acquaintances ||

Mura Harumi Hayashi | Close Friend | ALIVE

"Keeps on treating Hiiro like her own kid, makes sure he is fed and well taken care of. Mura
became one of the first people Hiiro was vulnerable to, placing his trust on one of the few
people in Karakura to support him."

Flohr Naroditsky | Close Friend | ALIVE
"A friend that matches Hiiro's weird energy, but became someone he soon trusts. If given
a chance, he'll probably find his own penguin onesie and mimic Flohr. Probably."

Mingyu Xiaochou | Friend | ALIVE
"One of Hiiro's first friends, and unfortunately the first one he let down. He cares a lot for
the kid, but in my opinion the little man's been making Hiiro stressed out.
Fortunately, the two had made up, but there is still lingering guilt in Hiiro's heart."

Itsuki Saiky | Friend | ALIVE
"A friend he had made in school. He can't help but feel as if there is something
the two of them share in common. Amongst the scary world that is Karakura, Itsuki remained as
a pure flower, reminding him of the good that can be found around.

Miruku Heddo | Friend? | ALIVE
"A surprising friendship, at least to me. Hiiro does consider Miruku a companion that
he can depend on, especially after the spectacle that happened on his first
day. Inside his heart, he hoped to grow closer."

Tori Saiky | Acquaintance? | ALIVE
"Good job pookie you traumatized him on his FIRST DAY IN KARAKURA-
Sigh. But, Hiiro does express worry about her wellbeing because of what
happened. He knows he doesn't have the right, but still.."

Ryousetsu Tachitsu | Acquaintance? | ALIVE
"If not Tori traumatizing Hiiro, then her. Like Tori, Hiiro also expressed worry for her
wellbeing. He hasn't seen her in awhile, but Miruku had told him he might
find her sooner or later."

Buer Misono Tachitsu | Acquaintance? | ALIVE
"Thanks for being the one to shock him to the core so deeply he said 'Fuck' for the first time.
You sassy lost child. Smh."

|| TBA ||

Elliott Belinski
Kaida Yukitomo
Ameno ...

[ History | Pre-Karakura ]
(Written by ▇▇▇▇ but apparently I type better, so I'm rewriting everything. Fuckers.)
Warning: Implications of child abuse
Interview (Transcribed)
(Thank fuck ▇▇▇▇ is helping me for this part.)
[Prologue Pt I: Purpose]
Hiiro has never known what his mother looked like. After all, she passed away soon after his birth during a heavy blizzard in early January. Yet despite the villagers mourning the chief’s beloved wife, the blizzard simmered down until it stopped, only leaving behind layer upon layer of snow as evidence of it ever happening.

That was a story his older brother often tells him. And even though it was a story about Hiiro’s birth, the young redhead felt like a spectator. He watches from the outside, his mother’s face left in a blur as she peered down at the bundle of blankets in her arms.

A baby with a wrinkly head screamed alongside the blizzard, as if they were connected as one.

He imagined how the blanket bundle was passed to his brother- who was younger at the time. His arms were not even long enough to comfortably wrap around the baby. Still, his brother would have a look of awe and fondness, described as such, even when their mother passed minutes after.

In fact, his older brother has been the only one openly expressing his affections for the younger, unlike the rest of the village. Their father, the chief, had begun training Hiiro recently.

“You must train hard to protect your older brother.”

Father said.

Hiiro, his skin battered and bruised, looked up with childish tears in his eyes.


Hiiro asked.

“You are to become his shield and weapon. That is your sole reason for being born. That is your purpose. Are you going to deny the words of the Chief?”

“... No, Father.”

“Good. Now, stand up.”
"So, Hiiro-san, was there any particular reason why your father decided to train you so young?"

"I have already told you, it is my purpose.
My duty."

"Uhh..huh. Okay, then tell me. How did you feel about your experience training so young?"

"It was.. Okay."


"Umu. I didn't complain, my father's reasoning was sound, and it made sense."

"You didn't have any doubts at all? Like, you think this is wrong?"

"No... not at all."

"(Clicks tongue) Okay, concerning, erm... So, you did nothing but train when you were a kid?"

"I had no time to play or interact with others my age. Because of that, I was always alone."

"You terrify me smiling like that, Hiiro-san..."
[Prologue Pt II: Brother]
“Hey hey, check what I collected!” Rinne pulled out a small wooden box from the hollow insides of a tree- a distance away from their village. Already, Hiiro knew what his older brother was going to talk about.

“You went out to the city, again?” Hiiro sighed, his arms crossed as disappointment radiated from the young kid’s body. “You know how difficult it is for me to protect you if you keep on disappearing all the time. How can I ensure your safety, otherwise?”

This has started to become a common occurrence. As Rinne grew older, he became more rebellious. Often picking fights with the elders of their village, disappearing into the night for days before coming back, and subsequently getting scolded once more for his behavior. It was a cycle Hiiro had, unfortunately, become used to.

The only thing reassuring about this was that Rinne would always come back.

“Yea yea-” Rinne waved his hand, dismissive. “Anyway, look!”

The box was clicked open, and Hiiro peered inside. He did not recognize any of the items, but he does recognize their origin.

Rinne excitedly talked about the items he got during his escapades in the city, picking one up and shoving it into Hiiro’s eyes so he could see. Hiiro did not understand- he didn’t need to, he just needed to protect the heir.

But, does it have to mean physically? Hiiro’s focus shifted from the items and to his brother’s face, the clear excitement and passion heard from his voice and expressions. His brother always looked so happy- away from the elders, away from his responsibility as the next-in-line to Chief.

… Hiiro doesn’t know.

What he does know is that he was trained to obey the words of the Chief as final. Eventually, Rinne would become the Chief of their village, whatever order his brother gives, Hiiro will follow. As is his right as the shield.

“ Little bro?”

Rinne’s words cut through the fog in his mind. Suddenly, a hand grazed his arm and Hiiro flinched. A dark shadow casted over Rinne’s eyes, and he held onto Hiiro’s wrist as he used the other to lift up the long sleeve. Hiiro lets him.

“Did the old man do this to you?”

Hiiro looked down at his skin, purple and blue in some areas, and deep cuts spottily wrapped around by old bandages.

“Father and my mentors. They punished me.”

The excitement from earlier had died, leaving only shock in his brother’s eyes. Hiiro didn’t like that.


Rinne asked.

“Because I am a failure.”

Hiiro answered.

For the first time ever, Hiiro saw the world shift under his brother’s feet, as if reality was finally crashing down on him.

That night, Rinne disappeared, and did not come back.
"Your brother goes to the city all by himself?"

"It would take awhile to get to the city but it's manageable, especially to someone like Nii-san."

"Why does he go there?"

"... I don't know. He never told me. But he always picked up magazines and trinkets from there to show me."

"He must have really liked to show you the city."


"Mhm. Okay, you mention your brother left? How did your family react?"

"Not good. They..."

"You can say it. You're safe here."

"... As I have failed to uphold my duties as my brother's sole protector, I have been given punishment to atone. But.."


"I think they are just mad at him. And they're... taking it out on me. I think- I think this started long before- ..."

"It's okay, we'll move on."

"No, I.. I have to say it. I think they started constantly giving me punishment because I killed mother."

"But your mother passed away after giving birth to you?"

"Umu. It was because of me that she died."

"You know it doesn't make a lot of sense."

"But who else is there to blame but me?"

"God? Natural death? Your family was wrong to put the blame on you... Only your brother thought otherwise."

"... I don't understand."

"What of do you not understand?"

"Why is the blame not on me?"

"... Kid, I think you have trauma."

"What's that?"

"Oh lord."
[Prologue Pt III: Love]
Nine years had passed. Father had grown too sick, and not long after passed away to be with Mother in the afterlife amongst nature.

Rinne returned and took the mantle of Chief.

Hiiro had thought things would finally turn for the better. After all, his brother has returned. Though looking much more different and acting more strangely- no doubt the effects of living in the city. But he must have gathered his senses and realized his true place and purpose.

For once, Hiiro felt excited. He had trained for years, becoming more disciplined and skilled in the art of fighting. If anyone dared to challenge the words of the Chief, Hiiro would not hesitate to strike them down.

“Hiiro, I hereby banish you from my family.”

They weren’t even in the Chief home, where important meetings and events take place. They weren’t even in the village itself. Instead, the two brothers stood by the tree that Rinne kept his city relics in when they were younger.

The sun had yet to come up, but it did not stop Hiiro from seeing the calm and even fond expression all over Rinne’s face.

Hiiro was confused.

“If I ever see your face again, I will not hesitate to send over an army to take you down. Do not even utter the family name on your lips.”

Hiiro was supposed to obey the wills of the Chief.

“Where… will I go?”

He was banished from the family, who was he supposed to listen to now?


(His brother had given him the answer, already.)

(But Hiiro refused to see.)
"Right... we have a lot to unpack here. So, your brother disappeared for nine years before suddenly coming back and becoming Chief. Did.. anything about him change?"

"Umu. He's very loud and vulgar, would constantly argue with the elders but they can't do anything because he's Chief. The way he speaks changed, too. Like... mature, but at the same time, not."

"Interesting... and did he treat you the same as before or different?"

"The same, yet different. I can't explain it. I can.. tell he cares for me a lot. But I don't understand him."

"Why he banished you from the family?"

"Umu. I still don't understand..."

"Hm, you want my personal take on it?"


"Your brother loves you. He loves you so much, that he wants you to leave the place that has done nothing but be awful to you throughout your life."


"He wants you to be free, Hiiro-san."

"But all I feel is... lost."

"One day, you'll find the path that is meant for you. Just keep on going."

To be continued...

Hiiro Shimamura was created on 15/9/2024

Last Update: 1/10/2024 (12:08 AM)
Last edited:


Level 29
Thread starter
i should be making a list of what i updated but ngl i dont remember what i updated since it took me a bit too long but just know it is updated thanks

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