What's your Minecraft Username?: Famlne
What's the title of your suggestion?: HOMEWORK EDUCATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!
What's your suggestion?:
I present; yet another suggestion!!!
I VERY MUCH FUCK WITH the new homework system, however, I've found it to be relatively inefficient with what it seeks to accomplish, being an alternative to the yearround ever-awaited exams, and a secondary option to advance to college.
Though, while it is anticipated to be utilized EVERY class you attend, let's be real, this expectation is pretty unrealistic- and that's okay! Homework needing to go through a system of approval every time it is used will indefinitely delay it's usage. I find no issue with this, besides the expectation of it's consistancy within the student body and teachers; And while the anticipated time to graduate is around 1-2 months- I've realized this is unrealistic.
With the Quota system in place for teachers, the expectation to host classes is indefinite, and the likelihood of being able to formulate a homework assignment for EVERY class you host sounds borderline impossible in practice, unless you limit yourselves and the amount of classes to be each and every one intricately planned, with a homework, dedicated plan- and you'd likely be sacrificing a lot of opportunities to host, despite being the most practical option. I don't think it's optimal to condemn teachers for spontinuity, as a balanced amount of the subjects don't necessarily revolve around needing intricate planning, though it may supply to it's practice and how much the students may learn- but having classes soley for roleplay purposes (Things like drama or art class) don't always need to have something to learn from, and are perfectly fine functioning as a group-roleplay excercise to participate in classes as well as roleplay in a larger group than usual.
In reality, I've found the likelihood of homework being assigned to an attended class to be about 1/4.
Time for some statistics!
Here's the paragraph in the homework announcement I've mostly been dwelling on. While accurate in it's base conclusion- I find there's a few necessary additonal factors to be weighed within this conclusion.
While it is accurate to say that attending 2 classes everyday, within 2 months, while doing the homework for all of them, is to be found that you will quite easily pass to college.
As I've stated, I've found the closer accurate statistic to the likelihood of a class having homework to be about 1/4- Dwindling that 1-2 classes down to be about needing to attend 4 classes in one day in total to achieve one piece of homework- and that's IF you're online for possibly 2 whole schooldays- and IF anyone is hosting classes to begin with, AND with assigned homework! The statistic complicates itself indefinitely, but could be defended to balance itself out one way or another, by being extremely active on some days or another, this isn't something that can be exactly defined concretely, of course, but taking these into account, the original ideal of taking about 2 months to graduate- expands itself into far more than that, into 4- or even 6 months with a consistant dedicated effort, which I find is genuinely unfair to those who don't have the time to put in to gamble for a class with homework, as it will indefinitely take them much longer. And while it's just as fair to say that these people aren't as active and will objectively simply take longer just off of that fact alone, I'd like to present an alternative!
While the original announcement suggests the idea of altering the education credit requirement and the standard, I find a much more efficient alternative, as the homework system indefinitely hinders within the expectation of it's use, to stimultaneously increase the value in it! While a bit soon, perhaps, to do this, I think it would be far more efficient to simply increase the value of it, raising the education points benefited from a passed completion from a number from 2 to a max of 5 (If we're really feeling THAT generous..), rather than 1 point per homework completed.
Increasing the value of homework I believe would balance out it's use in functionality. While seemingly a little stupid from an ICly standpoint, I think it makes perfect sense from an OOCly one to put a higher reward on completion, due to the complications of being able to complete it in the first place.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think increasing the education points benefitted from completing and passing homework will put less consistent pressure on teachers, as well as offer a bit of a more balanced reward for it's completion for those attempting to get into college.
Edit: I think, as I've discussed in the comments, that the ideal for the homework plugin would be to switch it's expectation from quite as 'homework'- to something more valuable, not only to accomodate for it's suggested heightened credit given, but to lessen the pressure and expectation on teachers, perhaps something only handed out on special occasions, seeing as they're something that has layers upon layers to pass through, in regards to SLT and it's approval. It's not fair to teachers to expect them to infinitely crank out homework as often as they host a class, nor- as the calculations i've concluded above suggests- is possible. However, I think the perfect balance between both someone doing homework and expected to supply it, is to increase it's value on both ends, something to be more intricately thought about and rarer, but also something to be more highly debated and thought-provoking through classes and roleplay that might be necessary to know the answers- like a teacher's own supplied long-term exam.
Seeing as it's something replacing the exams, I think having something similar in function, while I understand it's purpose to be a more long-term version of a show of activity and dedication, puts a lot more pressure on the teachers from students, as i've read through these comments. ^_^
thank you for coming :3

What's the title of your suggestion?: HOMEWORK EDUCATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!
What's your suggestion?:
I present; yet another suggestion!!!
I VERY MUCH FUCK WITH the new homework system, however, I've found it to be relatively inefficient with what it seeks to accomplish, being an alternative to the yearround ever-awaited exams, and a secondary option to advance to college.
Though, while it is anticipated to be utilized EVERY class you attend, let's be real, this expectation is pretty unrealistic- and that's okay! Homework needing to go through a system of approval every time it is used will indefinitely delay it's usage. I find no issue with this, besides the expectation of it's consistancy within the student body and teachers; And while the anticipated time to graduate is around 1-2 months- I've realized this is unrealistic.
With the Quota system in place for teachers, the expectation to host classes is indefinite, and the likelihood of being able to formulate a homework assignment for EVERY class you host sounds borderline impossible in practice, unless you limit yourselves and the amount of classes to be each and every one intricately planned, with a homework, dedicated plan- and you'd likely be sacrificing a lot of opportunities to host, despite being the most practical option. I don't think it's optimal to condemn teachers for spontinuity, as a balanced amount of the subjects don't necessarily revolve around needing intricate planning, though it may supply to it's practice and how much the students may learn- but having classes soley for roleplay purposes (Things like drama or art class) don't always need to have something to learn from, and are perfectly fine functioning as a group-roleplay excercise to participate in classes as well as roleplay in a larger group than usual.
In reality, I've found the likelihood of homework being assigned to an attended class to be about 1/4.
Time for some statistics!

Here's the paragraph in the homework announcement I've mostly been dwelling on. While accurate in it's base conclusion- I find there's a few necessary additonal factors to be weighed within this conclusion.
While it is accurate to say that attending 2 classes everyday, within 2 months, while doing the homework for all of them, is to be found that you will quite easily pass to college.
As I've stated, I've found the closer accurate statistic to the likelihood of a class having homework to be about 1/4- Dwindling that 1-2 classes down to be about needing to attend 4 classes in one day in total to achieve one piece of homework- and that's IF you're online for possibly 2 whole schooldays- and IF anyone is hosting classes to begin with, AND with assigned homework! The statistic complicates itself indefinitely, but could be defended to balance itself out one way or another, by being extremely active on some days or another, this isn't something that can be exactly defined concretely, of course, but taking these into account, the original ideal of taking about 2 months to graduate- expands itself into far more than that, into 4- or even 6 months with a consistant dedicated effort, which I find is genuinely unfair to those who don't have the time to put in to gamble for a class with homework, as it will indefinitely take them much longer. And while it's just as fair to say that these people aren't as active and will objectively simply take longer just off of that fact alone, I'd like to present an alternative!
While the original announcement suggests the idea of altering the education credit requirement and the standard, I find a much more efficient alternative, as the homework system indefinitely hinders within the expectation of it's use, to stimultaneously increase the value in it! While a bit soon, perhaps, to do this, I think it would be far more efficient to simply increase the value of it, raising the education points benefited from a passed completion from a number from 2 to a max of 5 (If we're really feeling THAT generous..), rather than 1 point per homework completed.
Increasing the value of homework I believe would balance out it's use in functionality. While seemingly a little stupid from an ICly standpoint, I think it makes perfect sense from an OOCly one to put a higher reward on completion, due to the complications of being able to complete it in the first place.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think increasing the education points benefitted from completing and passing homework will put less consistent pressure on teachers, as well as offer a bit of a more balanced reward for it's completion for those attempting to get into college.
Edit: I think, as I've discussed in the comments, that the ideal for the homework plugin would be to switch it's expectation from quite as 'homework'- to something more valuable, not only to accomodate for it's suggested heightened credit given, but to lessen the pressure and expectation on teachers, perhaps something only handed out on special occasions, seeing as they're something that has layers upon layers to pass through, in regards to SLT and it's approval. It's not fair to teachers to expect them to infinitely crank out homework as often as they host a class, nor- as the calculations i've concluded above suggests- is possible. However, I think the perfect balance between both someone doing homework and expected to supply it, is to increase it's value on both ends, something to be more intricately thought about and rarer, but also something to be more highly debated and thought-provoking through classes and roleplay that might be necessary to know the answers- like a teacher's own supplied long-term exam.
Seeing as it's something replacing the exams, I think having something similar in function, while I understand it's purpose to be a more long-term version of a show of activity and dedication, puts a lot more pressure on the teachers from students, as i've read through these comments. ^_^
thank you for coming :3

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