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Denied Hospital Doctor Application - IJ4Y


Level 0

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:

I have been on SRP since early 2020, But ended up taking a break In Late 2022. Up until now I have found myself with a large amount of free time and wanting to comeback and to continue my dedication to this server that i once had before. often being online finding things to do with friends or simply on my own. I spread my wings to openly meet new people within the community. If someone Ask me for help in the community i would help them out to the best of my abilities.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
police application

List your current roles on the server:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

Had a Experience In the medieval roleplay a while back when it was whitelisted
I was traveling the lands with my character's lover uncovering the lore and meeting new people.

I Had a Highschool Character that was in a relationship with another character she was being stalked and he had to get to the bottom of who was stalking them.
He was doing investigations on his own instead of going to the police. That was the biggest mistake that my character made in that situation; and then he eventually found the person stalking him and his lover. He chased the stalker into 2 other people then they kidnapped him and then killed him.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation For applying for The Karakura Hospital Staff is to genuinely help out the SRP Civilians around the city that need help the most in a emergency situation; Rather it'd be oocly or incly I just am helpful and careful person. I spend most of my time just lollygagging around the city and i thought maybe its time for a change and actually do something more seriously. Overall my motivation isn't the fact i just want to help people i want to also change people's view on hospital staff in a positive way. The reason for that being is how most other Karakura Hospital Staff Treat civilians; some of them would make jokes unnecessarily or just come off a rude way. My True motivation is to be Better than the person that's next to me and keep a professional manner almost at all times.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Not much but i am familiar with how emergency services operate within the united states.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

Full Name

/me The Tall Young Male Can be seen entering the interview room with a high Strong Posture and with confidence that shoots up to the sky, and warm welcoming smile. The male would be carrying a small black leather work bag. The Young Male would Move the chair before him, and before he would take a seat, he would Perform a bow, and he would in a politely manner remove his suit bag from his shoulder and would gently place it on the ground, and would politely take a seat in front of the interviewer. The male would naturally speak in smooth toned mellow voice: Before the male would start speaking he would clear his throat.

"My Name Is Ryan Vinson, Nice to meet you!"

Preferred Title

/me The male would ease his smile down to a more normal tone. Whilst doing this the male would reach his hands in his suit pockets.

"I Prefer, Mister Vinson"

Current Age

/Me The Male would calmly Take his Right hand out of his suit pocket whilst his left hand stays inside of his suit pocket and the male would reach into his suit pant's pocket and he would slip his wallet out of his pants; Opening it up he would remove his 'Karakura' Issued City ID and he would politely hand it to the interviewer. The City Issued ID Would State The Males Date Of Birth January 17th, 1998.

/me The Male would Clear his throat again before speaking
"I am Currently 18 Years old but turning the age of 26, as it would be stated on my I.D"


"I am a male"

/me The Male would pick up his Leather Work Bag and would place it in his lap looking for his medical records. The male would find his folder with his files and would gently
place it on the table for the interviewer to read.

"I Graduated Karakura Highschool, and just went straight to medical school. I would take college classes here and there for chemistry but besides that i attended medical school."


/me The Young Male would reach back into his leather bag and would grab a folder where he'd keep his birth certificate he'd open the folder and place the certificate on the table He would push the certificate gently towards the interviewer across the table. The certificate states That the Male was Born In Chicago Illinois.

"I was born and raised in America."

Marital Status.

"I am Not Married"

Spoken Languages

"I speak Japanese which is the common language here around karakura."
I plan on learning more languages to be more advanced in the working field.

Character Backstory:

Ryan Vinson Was just an ordinary kid that played sports. At the Time He had both of his parents and his older brother Bryan Vinson, Bryan worked as a police officer for the chicago police department and when he managed to have the time to stay at home he would watch him sometimes. Whomever was home would have to take IN charge of watching The Young Ryan Vinson.

Ryan Vinson.

Little Over 14 Years Ago Ryan was in class taking a math test it was the last class of the day and he couldn't wait to go to practice. Ryan Struggles Pretty bad on math test's but he'd just find a way to barely turn in home work so he can play on game days. Ryan Was persevering through the problems as best as he could but he couldn't do anything to get through them. Ryan Sighed In a dishearten tone, and he just gave up and started to rapidly guess through all of the test. His teacher Named
Mrs. Johnson stood at a height of 5,3 Dark Brown Hair And Green eyes. She Announced to everyone in the class. "5 Minutes Left hand in your papers."
Ryan Rolled his eyes then thought to himself "Its whatever." Everyone got up out of their chairs and then walked up to her table and then started making their ways back towards their seat's. Ryan Was in the back of everyone turning in their work. After Ryan Had Finally got to the front of the line to turn in his work. Mrs. Johnson Noticed that The poor young Ryan was making a frown. She softly said to Ryan. "Hey.. ? Ryan is there anything wrong." Ryan Then Replied. "No Mrs Johnson." Mrs Johnson raised her eyebrow and said. "Are You sure nothing is wrong here because in the last several test you have been doing terrible, Should i schedule you some after school Tutoring?" Bryan Obnoxiously Replies. Ughh No. Its just the noises that keep me up at night i don't even get time to study for the test that i take in your class sorry." Johnson Exclaimed. Listen What ever you are doing after school cannot be more important than your performance in my class!" Ryan Said "Mrs. Johnson I have practice after school if coach finds out i will get punished for not showing up to practice yet alone that i am failing..." Mrs. Johnson then said. "I understand where you are coming from completely i do." Ryan in a low angered tone voice then said "You know nothing about me or what goes on in my life, yet alone understand where i am coming from, You don't get the right to say that to me." l

The True Reason why Brian Thinks in this case of scenario that she doesn't know where he's coming from is because ryan has to constantly stay up almost all night barely getting any sleep because people always commit crimes near his house breaking and entering or even shooting. Ryan would hear shots almost every night.

Mrs Johnson. Exhales. "Fine i wont get into whatever you have going on, But i will talk to the coach about what's going on and maybe he can understand that." Ryan Exclaims At Johnson. No That will be making big mistake!" Mrs Johnson replies calmly "Then what would you be doing because if you don't tell your coach that you need after school tutoring then i will." *Bell Rings* "Mrs. Johnson Said Oh Good Bye everybody make sure you grab all of your things and if you need tutoring stay here after class." Mrs Johnson Looks at the Young Boy and then Says so what is it going to be are you staying for extra help Or are you going to go against My Word and have me tell the coach." Ryan Sighed and replied "agh Fine ill stay only because i have to or else i wouldn't be in this dump." Mrs Johnson Replies to the comment "outta boy."

2 Hours Later

Mrs Johnson Announces to everyone "alright guys that will be the end of the tutoring session make sure you guys pack your things and make sure you guys study extra tonight I will be giving you guy's a pop quiz tomorrow." Ryan Was barely hanging in there he was half asleep everybody was walking out the door and he was still sitting their dozing off in space Mrs Johnson In a angered Tone Says "HEY" Ryan Wakes Up in shock "wha- wuh- huh." Mrs Johnson Then says "Have you been paying attention to anything i have been saying today." He Nervously Replies "Uhh Heh Yeah Teach." Mrs Johnson Says "The more you don't pay attention the longer you are going to have to start coming to my tutoring sessions."
Ryan gets out his seat and starts walking towards the door and replies in a tired voice "yeah yeah i know." Ryan Then Shows up to practice late. His Coach, Velman Notices Ryan Running on The field. Coach Velman Yells "RYAN Show yourself off my field go to the locker room"
Ryan sighed and thought to himself "whatever" then he rolled his eyes and took off running to the locker room.
He didnt waste anytime coming back to the locker room he came inside the locker room and wasted no time to change out of his gear and he went walked out the front gates and started walking home...

30 Minutes Later
4:00 PM

The Sun was going down and Ryan was finally arriving at his house he removes his school clothing and then grabs his towel from his closet then he'd make his way to the drawers and then grab extra clothing. He Gets done showering and then he puts his clothes in his dirty clothes hamper and he'd also start straightening up his room. He start's to head towards the living room and then he'd turn on the TV and start watching adult swim. At This point Ryan was getting bored and then fell asleep.

4 Hours Later

Ryan woke up from his nap he hears loud foot steps in the background and then Bryan his older brother Busteed into the house and ran to Ryan Crying.
Bryan in a shaky voice said Brother Mom, and dad died in a car accident. Ryan Didn't even make an emotional face he just had his jaw dropped in-fear then he shakily replied
"w-wuh how." Bryan Replies "I Don't know it was some young male that was driving the police are trying to identify the driver but he has no ID. He was deceased as well when we arrived on scene."

Ryan was shocked that night and couldn't sleep He stayed all the way up to 12 AM. He was Zoned out staring at the TV In the living sitting down on the couch.
There was this loud engine outside coming from down the street. Ryan Thought nothing of it he completely ignored the car because he was so use to all of the surroundings that would happen. But the engine got louder and louder as it was approaching his house and out of no where the sound of *BOOM BOOM BOOM* *RAAK** *RAAK* the windows would shatter behind Ryan. Luckily all of the shots missed him, and he started screaming for his Big brother Bryan. Bryan Busteed out of his room and dove on his little brother. The shots started coming back at the house again. Ryan Started to cry. Bryan said "it's going to be okay hand on in there."

After this situation detectives found out that there was a bounty on the 'Vinson' Family and the detectives connected the car accident to their attack of the drive by shoot out. Bryan was devastated by the news. He went to the Head Department About the situation and luckily; the commissioner worked with Bryan about this bounty that was on the Vinson family. The Commissioner Of The Chicago Police Department offered Bryan The Young male a way out of Illinois. He gave Him and his brother enough money to move out of the country.

The Trip To KaraKura.

Bryan wanted to move as far as possible so then he decided to take his brother on a trip to "Karakura." His little brother loved the trip so much and the people around him. Bryan Thought that this was the perfect place to be instead of having to deal with a target on his back from whatever the family did back in the united states. Bryan Then told his little brother that they are going to be staying in karakura. little brother Cried Tears of joy then it made Bryan Emotional about the situation then it was finalized. Bryan Vinson And Ryan Vinson Would start their new lives in Karakura.

medical residencies

/me The Male would point out to a folder that's already on the table.

After Medical School, the Medical Residencies i have worked on is Anesthesiology

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
/me The male would go through his leather work bag again to grab a folder. He would gently pull out the folder and place it on the table Opening it up and handing over his work experiences.

"I Have worked as a sports physician in a high school. I would help out injured athlete's with what's going on in their bodies or what's hurting them and i would have them do exercises to help the pain go away
I also took a 3 Year Class In Highschool On Sports Medicine."

additional schooling

"Only Additional Schooling I taken as medical school."



Ryan Rice Vinson is a young individual dark toned male. His unique features are his Nice Shiny eyes,
and his light brown curly wavy brown hair. He'd Be standing at 6 Foot 2 Inches Tall.

How would you act on or off duty.

/me The Male would Pause and think for a second, and Would Clear His throat before he began speaking again.

"On duty I Would work with the people closest by me, I would communicate and cooperate with others around me as well. I would remain professional at all times on duty towards civilian's. I would sometimes joke around here there with my colleagues Off Duty. I would consider myself a socially active person around the city."

Do you Function better on your own or with others?

"I Function better with others. I Vey much love the idea of teamwork and i succeeded a lot in medical school Through out my time being there. Once you betray my trust it would be very hard to gain back."

What plans do have in the Future

/me The Male Would think to himself for a second and would politely smile back at the interviewer.

"Um well My Dream Plans in the future is to have a nice beautiful wife and kids in a nice home where i can raise my future kids."

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Level 257
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
One of the main ways to impress the higher-up team is by including detail in your application.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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