Level 1
Username: NitesphOO3
Apartment coordinates: 1861 56 1353, Complex E apartment 303
Issue: Sorry, I recently made a thread about the same problem but I found three more problematic block spaces. I repeatedly get the alert "You cannot place that block there" at those specific blocks in the apartment. As stated by the alert, I cannot place anything there. The exact coordinates of the block spaces are (1857 59 1363), (1854 59 1363) and (1853 59 1361). Thank you very much, and so sorry for the inconvenience!
Additional information: NIL
Apartment coordinates: 1861 56 1353, Complex E apartment 303
Issue: Sorry, I recently made a thread about the same problem but I found three more problematic block spaces. I repeatedly get the alert "You cannot place that block there" at those specific blocks in the apartment. As stated by the alert, I cannot place anything there. The exact coordinates of the block spaces are (1857 59 1363), (1854 59 1363) and (1853 59 1361). Thank you very much, and so sorry for the inconvenience!
Additional information: NIL