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[HS] Karakura High | Student Council Application


Level 1

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?: I was warned for OOC profanity, It was stupid, I know it. I was playing In game truth or dare and said some stuff that was stupid

What is your timezone?: My time is split between American CST and JST Japan

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: _AyX_#1194

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): No past or present apps

Describe your activity on the server?: Every day, weekdays after school weekends almost all day

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Yes I am well aware.


What is the student council?:
Student Council is a "Board" of students that oversees all school activity's and help plan/ decide different special events, and if required they will act as an honor board for things like cheating and bullying

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): Nobody in specific brought it up, I just got into SchoolRP a few weeks ago, Ive gotten so involved in the game that I have so much fun all the time.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: From what I can tell, They supervise different things (some good and some bad) around the school and assist in any way possible, as well as decide when and what school wide activities are happening.

How would you describe your work ethic?: I would say that if I start something, im gonna finish it. End of story. I will stop at nothing to do it. Im always willing to help and accept help. And I am a freak about being on time.

What interests you the most about the student council?: Im on the student council board at my IRL highschool, I love being on it, and id love to bring this knowledge into the SRP world. I want to do everything I can to help. I want to join the council because I feel that I can improve some things at school with overall student welfare and to stop bad things from happening. Overall, I want to make a difference.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: Yes I do! I’ve been roleplaying since I was a kid, I just love being able to do anything and be anybody. For the most part, its been amazing, I understand what is and what is not FRP and whats acceptable in any RP situation.

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
I would respectively disagree, I understand that I do not speak for everyone. Now, that being said. I would not just say “no” or “that’s stupid”, I would disagree and offer a compromise or suggestion.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?: I would not fight back, I would back my case, but I would not yell or shout. Id let it roll off my back and go back to the drawing board idea wise.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: Id split it up. For example: like said, an argument breaks out, shouting, yelling, and some screaming happens, one councilor insults another and it progresses. Id break it up by agreeing with both of them. Like “John is right, (such and such) should happen that way, However! Jessie is not wrong, lets find a common ground here, we are all mature people, come on, don’t fight like children”. So in short, id find a middle ground and compromise

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?: God forbid, its the pres but. I would bring this situation to the Presidant or the head of school, This is unacceptable, Councilors should understand and treat their power accordingly, not abuse it.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: Id say “President, respectively, I disagree” And offer a compromise, as well as take a vote on who agrees and who does not, if its in favor of agreeing then the compromise will lean in the president’s direction, of not then we could find a new way to do things.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: Well, this is a hard question, I would try to assist them in working it out themselves, like encouraging them to see eachothers opinions, find a middle ground, get them closer and not fighting. However I would make the president aware just in case.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?: More than likely because I will have just started, id bring it to the President, and ask them to bring it to the head of school or another Faculty member.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?: Say no! Like I said, a councilor should never abuse power, they should always be unbiased. Now that being said, I am human, but I will not let my emotions get the better of me.

Character Name:
Renée “Tokyo” Proulx

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: 18

Character phone-number: 756806421

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Tokyo Is extremely kind, she loves to help people but she also has a tough side. She will do anything to get her point across and is accepting of a loss. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty as she has done a lot of social services for the city.

Character appearance/attire: Normally, A hoodie with jeans, or a crop top with jeans. She normally wears the school uniform on the daily. She has Blueish hair and fair skin, her natural hair color is dirty blonde

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: Because of my personality I feel like I wont be “forcing” anything on people, since I am soft spoken I might be easier to talk to than another student. But also I have been through a lot, I understand struggle, and will help when I can

Why do you want this position?: I (she/ we) want this because I just want to make a difference, and I want to be more involved in the school.

What interests you the most about student council?: The fact that its respected and we help students, while being students. It feels good to help someone younger or the same age as you in school.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: I am major against bullying. Because of my hair I get bullied sometimes, I think that nobody should go through what I have gone through, or suffer below bullies, I want to encourage them to stand up for themselves and be brave like I had to be!
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for applying, unfortunately after both the council (vice-)presidents and I have read your application we have decided to deny your application due to the following reasons:
- Unfortantilty you're currently banned, feel free to reapply once you're unbanned again.

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