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Denied HT3NARLA's Maiden Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section


EroticRP - 14d
I sadly do not have a functional microphone, though I am planning on getting a new one as soon as I get money for it which should be relatively soon.
I play for approximately 6 to sometimes 10 hours everyday, there are times where I am more or less active, this heavily depends on my motivation and overall willingness, but due to me being completely during summer, I will be able to be as active as needed, even more.
Maiden - Shintoism
I have relatively fresh knowledge about Shintoism, I started educating myself about it on Sunday, I haven't gotten pretty far but I'd say that I confidently know the basics of Shinto and it's specialties opposed to other Asian or Japanese religions, it's overall history is very rich, I am having a lot of fun reading through it, obviously, I'm not only using the internet for my research & knowledge, I've also interacted with the shrine staff for further information, I believe that going to the people that have past experience with this is far better than just reading it off the internet as it is easier to humanize it, making it far easier to learn about. And about being prepared? I am far more than ready to expand my knowledge about Shintoism as a whole, it sounds very interesting to me and I'd love to know more about it.
Whilst it is true that other applicants have great applications, I still believe that I am worthy of being accepted myself, my capability to learn fast is uncomprehensive, especially if I enjoy it both OOCly and ICly, even though that I've started learning about Shintoism just recently, I've started liking it a lot, to further try and explain how and why, I would just like to mention that I am a very fast learner that commonly makes little to no mistakes, my capabilities when I am highly motivated and have a lot of effort to put into something, just as right now, I am capable of doing anything to prove that I am worthy, though this is not just about writing and application and getting into the team, roleplay has far more depth to itself, being able to play out your character correctly by lore and such is extremely difficult, but it comes at a great reward after practice, feeling far more immersed and connected with your character, it helps you view the world out of your characters eyes, which is something I always try my hardest to do as I have a lot of passion to roleplaying my characters out correctly, yet enjoyably, not only am I fully capable of doing that, I am also able to work on a task until I make sure that it is done perfectly, I would also love to mention my trait about being capable to listen to others and talk to them about their issues with what they are doing and so on, I'd always try my hardest to help them as best as I possibly could.
In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details

Erisu Miyushi

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss): Miss

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80): 49




"Despite being born in Tokyo, I always felt far better in the nature, somewhere where it's calm, clean, undisturbed, it is a place where I felt safer than in my very own home at the time, I felt.. Out of place in Tokyo, what helped me a lot is that my parents seperated when I was about 6 years old, my mother took my younger sister and my father took me, we moved to a smaller village where we did everything by hand, nobody even knew what a phone was, it was truly beautiful there, there was little to no crime, after some period of time, that is when I found Shintoism, my father introduced me to it, I fell in love with it almost instantly, especially in a time of such difficulty because of our family being seperated into two halves, one was more set-back with how life used to be and one was in the city, I personally never visited my mother or sister, I did not want to go to the city, just as they did not want to come to the village, thou it was settled by that, I grew up in that village and I wish I did not have to move out but here I am, but I believe that fate calls me to Karakura, I'd love to be able to tell to those who'd love to learn that Shintoism does not follow a book, there's no written rules. Shintoism is a way that lost people can seek happiness in life, how they can bring themselves back up onto their feet and be as bright as they used to, one of the many reasons why I would love to become one with the staff in the Karakurian Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. I want to guide these people to a better life whilst further expanding my knowledge about Shintoism, also another reason why I'd love to join. I want to find out what the shrine has to offer and what I can give to it to hopefully help it in it's still-lasting beauty and memory."


"I only know a little about the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, though I will get back to studying more about it as soon as I finish writing this, so far I know that the Monastery was constructed in the year 744, it was constructed within the mountains due to the close ties with the religion and nature, the Monastery was constructed by Buddhists, the fact that it was built it in 744 marks it as the oldest structure ever built in all of Karakura, though, there is one that sticks out a lot, the hall of worship, it holds an offering box as well a sacred bell, nearby also lies the old shrine, it is regarded to been built closest to heart of the Kami, which made it protected from the flames that occured in 2004 due to a back then lone priest which decided that the citizens of Karakura have become too impure and invested into their lifestyles that there was no hope for them, after the fire ceased, the place was not deemed acceptable for a god's presence, many Kami left, even if there was one remaining that was here to cause chaos, the reason for extreme, regular storms. I hope that there is a way to gain it's forgiveness."

"Dear Monastery Lead,

I pray that you are in great health, after many long years of determination and thought of never turning back from what I've dreamed of for a awhile now, I believe that I am fit to have my own place as a Maiden in the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, I've found my home, that is all I have to say related to this, as someone that's spent the massive majority of her life in a village that revolved around nothing but nature, I can't help but be amazed about how incredibly well Shintoism is developed in Karakura, it truly makes my jaw drop, the progression does not seem to be ceasing anytime soon either, it is truly beautiful to the point it makes my eyes flood a little, I believe that if I was hired and given the ability to assist others, that I would do a great job, I am very motivated to work at the shrine and nothing is changing that right now, myself, I do genuinely have a lot of respect for every Kami there is and what they've done for us, I pray that this letter gets to the individual it was meant to go to, you. I hope that it comes untouched, clean, I truly wish you the best in your life, a lot of luck and a long life.
Best Regards,

Erisu Miyushi"

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):

Erisu Miyushi, a Japanese female born into the loud, dangerous city of Tokyo, her first of years went as usual, she learned how to walk and all the basic stuff, though, every time Erisu and her parents went outside, when they were still a happy couple.. Erisu always seemed to try and run off into a small, local forest, as if something was dragging her into it, she always followed this "calling" whenever she could, she felt like she was at peace with her mind when she sat outside, far from any roads, at these moments, it was just Erisu and her parents, though, that changed within a few months when Erisu's sister, Masuno was born, the two were very different from eachother, Erisu was always the type that wanted to be outside and admire the nature, whilst Masuno was the type to rather sit at home do all the chores for everyone, to put it simply, one was a rather outgoing type, whilst the other one preferred being alone to do as they want, even when their parents went through a divorce, neither of them really cared about it as they did not exactly interact much with eachother, Masuno remained in the city with her mother, whereas Erisu was taken to a village, Ginan Onsen, Yamagata. This village was surrounded by wildlife, especially the part that Erisu and her father were in, due to her father noticing her love for nature as a whole, he told her about Shinto.

Erisu seemed to be very excited about finding out about it, that'd be proven due to her and her father spending the whole day talking about it, the very next day, her father brought her a statue of a Kami which Erisu worshipped as pretty much her creator, a god, whilst this was happening, Erisu was already 15 and she was getting closer into touch with Shinto, praying almost every day, occasionally making her own "sacrifices" to the Kami, she was trying to support Shintoism even at her very own home, this continued all throughout her life, even when she was doing other activities, Shintoism was the most dominant thought which was on her mind.

Erisu moved out of the village, after the time that she'd graduated from college, the college in her village was not exactly that big as anticipated, but that did not matter as Erisu managed to pass with the best grades, graduating at the top of her class, a few months after she turned 21 years old, she went to seek her new home, where she would be able to go to a real, traditional shrine, just like she's of for an extended period of time, Nikko Tosho-gu was the shrine she chose to be her place, Erisu began working here as soon as she could as a Maiden, doing tea rituals for the visitors that came and visited the shrine.

About 4 years later, Erisu decided it was time to get a phone, once she did, she barely knew how to use it as she never really needed it in her life, she barely put her SIM card in as someone knocked at the door of her place, she opened her door to see her dear sister, Masuno, Erisu barely remembered Masuno as it's been 21 years since the sisters have seen each other, they looked completely different style wise, during this period with her sister, Masuno revealed to her that she graduated her Police Academy and is now an official Police Officer, Erisu was indeed surprised as she never knew that Masuno wanted to do such a thing, she congratulated to her sister as she mentioned that she works at the local Shinto shrine, something Masuno didn't understand at first, meaning Erisu had to explain it all to her, after about three hours worth of explaining, Masuno seemed uninterested, this deeply hurt Erisu, though, on the other hand, it was true that Masuno was a city girl as opposed to Erisu, the two were completely different physically and mentally.

The continuation of Erisu's life was rather fast paced as she did the same thing everyday, this changed when she turned 30, she began getting generally upset about her location due to some of the visitors being often disrespectful towards the religion and Shinto building, this was especially when she was feeding the local ducks which were in a pond, groups of people disrespected her as well as her co-workers, within about 3 days, she packed her things and left to seek out her new home, during her travels, Erisu felt extremely nauseous, she did not know what was going on with her but she shook it off, about 2 months after finding her home, her status got far worse, she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up where Erisu discovered the so-far worst news of her life, she had stage 2 lung cancer, it did not help her case at all that she had pretty much no money at all, though, luckily for her, someone paid for her treatment, as well as a replacement lung in the next 3 months or so, before that, Erisu was depressed, she knew that her whole life was ahead of her, she'd made many offerings, praying to multiple Kami's for her own health, she went from shrine to shrine, but the day that she went to the hospital after being called in, she was called into a surgery room, given anesthetics, and after a long, dangerous surgery, she was cancer free, her chemotherapy, hope and belief all came into play to make her into a beautiful, strong woman yet again, after this experience, her beliefs in Shinto have gotten far stronger than ever before.

The story of Erisu's life after this experience relatively toned down after all of this happening, she mostly just lived around shrines to work for them, moving away after a few years to work at a new shrine, as she slowly aged, she heard of a smaller town called "Karakura", Erisu was intrigued after getting to know some of the history of Karakura, she travelled to Karakura in a near instant, especially after knowing that the rest of her family is in said city, though, as she travelled to Karakura, she finally made up her mind to hopefully make Karakura her now forever home, alongside her sister and fellow family members.​

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

The priests duty is to deal with Shinto rituals. The priests also host or announce different ceremonies, their duty is to also educate the people of Karakura about the history of the Monastery. They are usually the ones to watch over the relationship between an offering and a Kami, ensuring that it is of good status. The priests tend to the shrine far more than Maidens, they take care of it as a whole, ensuring it's cleanliness, as they also have superior power to them.

The Maidens, also known as "Miko's" are trained to peform different tasks and duties within the shrine grounds, they are the most important in the Kagura dance ritual, also known as otome-mai, they mostly assist the Priests with generally managing the shrine, maintaining a good reputation from the public.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
If you wish to enter the shrine, there are obviously some steps you have to take before you can enter, for this, you must use the traditional cleansing process with pure water. You put a ladle made of wood into your right hand, which you use to slowly and gently pour water over your left hand, you repeat this process with your left hand as well, and the final step is to put the ladle back into your right hand and you use the remaining pure water to pour it into the palm of your left hand, which you pour into your mouth, though, you do not swallow it, you simply wash your mouth out with it, spitting the water onto the rocks below you, after which you return the ladle to it's original place and position, the next step of purification is to step infront of the Torii gate and bow down before it as a sign of respect.
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
You must have appropriate clothing and stand pretty much at attention, to get the Kami's attention, you must ring a bell to do so, however, there is a chance that some shrines do not have this a bell like this, though, it does not matter that much, as the Kami will be attracted either way, after ringing the bell, you will gently and properly place your offering into a box, your offerings can range from different fruits, vegetables, rice and salt, even some other types of food, though you can place a 5 yen coin. After you place it into place, you will bow down twice, deeply, which you follow by two claps, after doing so, clasp your hands together and bow down to say your prayer, this prayer should consist a thanking to the Kami which you are offering to, though, do not forget to give your respect to the Kami, you could also ask for a blessing if that is something you are looking for, that is all your choice, though.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
You will first of all bow down to the visitor, which you would then follow by an offering into the tea house, if they do accept the offer, you will guide them into the tea house and offer them a place to seat themselves at before bowing down yet again before you start making the tea, these teas are usually made from Chabako, Obon and Hakobi, you will gather the herbs and leaves and place them into boiling water, letting them simmer everything into the water, after the process is done, you take the tea off the heat and begin pouring it, you return to the visitor after, greeting them again as you offer the tea to them, if the tea is too weak for their liking, you can also add more herbs into it to further strengthen it's overall flavor and smell, after you are done and the visitor leaves, you take the cup and wash it thoroughly before returning it to it's place, same with the kettle that was used to brew the tea.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
Tamagushi's are made from the branches of the Sakaki tree, it is often seen to be decorated with silk. These are mostly offered for Kami's, though they've been seen at weddings and funerals.

Ofuda is pretty much a talisman which holds the power of a Kami, they are mostly used as decorations at shrines which you have at home, they are speculated to bring good luck to whoever has it, though you can carry it around as well, it is your choice. They are most usually made from wood.

The Kagura Suzu is the instrument that is played during the Kagura ritual, they are played by a Miko, these rituals are often done for the satisfaction of the Kami.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
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Level 86

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