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HumanTimeBomb | Councillor Application


What is your Minecraft Username?:
The IGN for the account in which I'm applying for is HumanTimeBomb (My main.)

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I have been banned three times on this server. Once back in early 2019 for duping items; where the dispute was settled in Looper's dms and once it was explained he came to the conclusion that I was worthy of being forgiven and had actually shown the ability to be better. The second is one that was found to have been wrongful and you can find the appeal on my account; it was a ban on the discord, the forums and the game for falsely accused forgery in which I had not done, but after applying Im6 came to the conclusion that it had been wrongfully earned and unbanned me from everything. The individual whom banned me had long since been banned from the server though.

The third one, however, was most certainly earned and there isn't an excuse for it - this also took place back in early 2019 and it was for glitching into the chests of people and removing minor items such as food and such. I think the biggest thing I had taken however was a watch. Though upon being unbanned I brought the glitch to the attention of staff and went out of my way in order to highlight how it was I had done such so that they could patch it. Thankfully it has been long since patched and on top of this; every single item that I had taken (It was only 3 people) I had returned and even issued an apology to each of them through discord. Tracking down said apologies would be rather tricky for me but should you wish for these I would happily try and track them down. I believe two of these bans were well within their rights; being the first and third ones, though I do ask you to overlook these so that I may progress on this server. They took place a really long time ago; I am no longer said person - at least I would truly like to believe so considering two whole years have passed.

(If I am missing anything - do keep in mind my forums account got wiped during the wrongful second ban but if you are able to find anything else I would be more than happy to give an explanation behind such. Though due to my inability to recall anything else I would have to believe it is something that was done a long, long time ago.)

What is your timezone?:
I'm Irish so my timezone is GMT; though I am usually up a lot in the night, so I can be not only active for the players in which reside in Europe but the American players too. So I am open and free whenever pretty much - unless I am either asleep obviously or out living my life.
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Of course, my discord is Joey シールド#4697

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
As I said during the ban section; I was wrongfully banned and so all of my forums information had been wiped. Though I will list off from memory the things in which I had applied for - though should you doubt my authenticity I will do my best to track down some level of proof so that I may prove myself. There is however one application pending that I can provide;

Police Officer Application x 2 - Accepted

Sociology Teacher Application - Accepted

Paramedic Application - Accepted

Russian Language Application - Accepted

Korean Language Application - Accepted

College Application - Accepted

Police Officer Application - Pending

Police Officer Application - Denied

Shop Application - Denied

(Once more; should anything be missing it is due to my forums account being removed. Should you find anything; please feel free to add it to the list and know that I am not trying to hide things.)

Describe your activity on the server?:
I personally have been on a large hiatus from the server; having only logged on at least once or twice in 2020 as I was sort of in the process of growing as a person as I'm reaching that age. Though as of recent I have been as active as usual; I have been around since the first map and have continuously been active since then, though my activity died down it has since risen up and I now find I am as active as ever - playing whenever it is that I'm free and or find myself available on the server. I did however roleplay as a, Police Officer for well over a year and I think my activity under such a position speaks for itself. I was on for hours a day, assisting whenever I could and providing meaningful roleplay for said position.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
I will be honest; this is my first time hearing of the 15 day rule but after reading that I am well aware of this now, I would never be inactive for that long, to begin with, and even if I would be I would, of course, provide some sort of inactivity log detailing why it is I would not be available in said time. I find myself a quite interactive person so I believe should anything that massive pop up I would feel inclined to actually share it.

What is the student council?:
I personally find that a student council is a group of close and hard-working individuals, people of all backgrounds and hobbies that come together and serve as role models for the community in the school. Their job is to assist and help those who need it, whether it is with their work or something going on mentally. I think they are well-trusted individuals within the school whom you feel safe with and as though you could talk to, they assist with planning and making the school not only a better but a brighter place. Somewhere more fun, they actually interact with everyone and go out of their way to make sure everyone is included. I think a lot of people chalk it down to something a lot simpler, but it's actually a very important role to take on.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I actually ran into Amane, one of the councillors getting harassed by two newer players whom were most likely trolling but they were insulting her and being quite obnoxious. Her approach at the situation was to be stern and to try and take on the role of someone with superiority, this seemed to fail as she reacted just how they wanted her too. Of course, there's nothing wrong with this, it's actually really smart but it was not what these kids needed. I, however, approached them and was really nice and open with them and sat them down and got them to calm down. I helped escort them to detention as they took a liking to me and of course as soon as they got in they ran around and continued misbehaving. Though I talked to them like a person, I mean I admit I offered one a doughnut and the other some yen if they were to be on their best behaviour and they did it. I actively awarded them for their good work and gave them both things they'd enjoy so that their attitudes would turn around and my character was even very supportive because I saw them for what they are, just kids. They were quite bratty I admit, but treating them like some sort of criminals and only inflicting punishment is not a method I personally agree with, I personalised how to deal with them and they both took a liking to me and managed to turn themselves around. Of course, when I left though they went back to their acts but it was seeing myself able to take on such a role and position that has inspired me to apply as a councillor. I think I'm pretty good with people and would fit such a position rather well, though of course, I believe I would first need to prove that to you.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
I may have accidentally went over this quite a bit in my, "What is the student council?" question but I will repeat myself a bit. They're people of all backgrounds and hobbies that come together and serve as role models for the community in the school. Their job is to assist and help those who need it, whether it is with their work or something going on mentally. I think they are well-trusted individuals within the school whom you feel safe with and as though you could talk to, they assist with planning and making the school not only a better but a brighter place. Somewhere more fun, they actually interact with everyone and go out of their way to make sure everyone is included. They enforce the rules of the school and sort of think of different ways in order to either punish or assist those misbehaving.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I believe my worth ethic is exceptional, I have been complimented on it numerous times when I worked in the police force. Even in the positions, I have worked at on the server I was awarded with managerial positions as they saw that I was overqualified for the work I did, I believe if I was to be hired I would prove this to you personally rather fast. The fact my worth ethic is good I mean- I am patient and fair and I don't get aggressive or angry really easily during situations. I am willing to hear people out and offer second chances, I can be both stern yet relaxed and I know when to switch either one on or off. I must admit though, my one flaw is I put my work over a lot of my personal life when it comes to roleplay, I mean.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
Personally; i'm excited about meeting a multitude of different people I had not known before, as a councillor I think it would open a wider world for me and would allow for me to get closer with everyone as a whole. I am interested in the aspect of helping people, truly sitting down with them and helping their characters grow, doing something for them and assisting them. Not just offering detention and moving onto the next place, but focusing on them individually so that it does not reoccur - I find that this is done too often and the same people just pop up in detention again like some sort of time loop. I actively want to solve the problem, I have always prioritised the needs of others and I find myself to be quite good at it; I pride myself on the advice I give and I know when to stop and recommend others go elsewhere for help and even them I stand by them and help them when I can.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I have a large mass of roleplaying experience; not only on this server but on others but I will not keep you and stick with SRP. I have served as a police officer, for well over a year of my actual life on different occasions and even then I indulged in a lot of serious RP and played the part of my job. I was quite good at it and was complimented a couple of times, hence why you will find that I am reapplying. I have worked in a large amount of the stores on this server, though listing all of them would be quite tricky, I will however offer a few you might in fact know. I worked at this restaurant; which was behind the 11/7 for a couple of months where I was promoted to manager, the same goes for blockymart; I worked there twice under different owners and I worked in an old café called Bebop café and was put in charge of hiring due to my trust gathered by the owner - it was beside the tunnel back in around 2019 I believe. Other than this, I have been a college student for like two years now and I believe I have roleplayed as that role quite a bit and think I have gotten quite good at it. This being my main character, whom I prioritise quite a bit.​

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:

Of course; I will not just lie to them and accept their idea, I would be honest with that person and let them know how I truly feel about it but not going overboard as though to disregard their concept. I would let them know with feedback, why I believe it wouldn't work and what it is that they could do to possibly even improve it and to grow on the idea, even going as far as to offer my help with such should they allow it so their idea could blossom into it's best possible form. I would also offer some level of support, encouraging them to keep going at it and to not let disagreement sour their motivation in the future, I would ensure they're doing good because I am aware some people can be rather sensitive and find themselves upset.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:

I would actually be rather calm; I've never been one to be discouraged just because others had not agreed with me. Though I would seek some level of feedback and request that they might possibly tell me why it is that they disagree with it, I know some people might push an idea away because they get the idea wrong or even possibly have some questions regarding it. If people were curious about it, I would go into larger depth to try and help explain it to them, but if it is due to flaws I would go out of my way to improve on it so that it's something enjoyable for everything. I would never pass or enforce an idea that not everyone is happy with, as my end goal is to create something that all could enjoy, though if I can not find solid ground amongst everyone I would simply accept that and go on to build something else.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I personally find myself in positions where I am required to help with things like this, mostly because I usually take up a position of leadership in the roles that I take on so it has always been my job. I would play the part of the mediator - first getting everyone to calm down and stop talking, I would then slowly solve through the situation with the people arguing asking that they do not speak over one another and let the others speak. Should I find they throw insults or even act immature I would reprimand them on this and act that they are better than that and not to take such things so personally and remind them of their position on the council and how it is their duty to be a role-model and that acting in such a way is immature and would encourage others to follow like that. I would solve through it with everyone and put their worries and or issues to rest and try to find a middle ground where everyone is happy and not just one individual is pleased. I would offer my feedback to them both so that they may both possibly improve and in a way that such a thing would not come up again. I would also avoid trying to sound condescending as I in no way believe I have superiority over any of them, I am just trying to assist the people in which I like to believe I would be close with.

A councillor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:

The first thing I would do is find them and get them to cease such behaviour; I would even highlight with them why it is that this is wrong and that it should stop immediately. I would also bring them away and sit them down; asking for their side and getting them to come forward and find some level of trust in me so that they would tell me what it is that is truly going on. I would see if this is some issue with pent up stress, or if there was something mental going on as I personally would find it quite unusual that they as a councillor would do such. I would go out of my way to ensure they better themselves and tell them that they should come forward and confess to what they did personally, offering them the opportunity to be better and to do the right thing. This would be my main goal; though if it was to fail I would then let them know that if they did not do this I myself would have to report it - there is no outcome really where I would not do this. When this is done I would find the students whom had been bullied or even the student singular and I would ensure they also are okay. I would comfort them and let them know it's being dealt with and that I have gone out of my way to sort through the problem to them, I would sit down and talk with them should they need it and i'd even offer some sort of advice and support.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
I would politely hear the council president out, sitting down and talking to them. Not starting an argument for even taking it to offence or being hostile I would sort of just discuss it with them which I am well within my right to. I would not enforce my view onto them but I would try and ensure they see it from my perspective also so that we may find some level of middle ground - I would do the same with her, I would hear them out completely and ensure I'm not missing anything that would cause for me to avoid their idea the way I am. I do not find myself to be unethical; so I do not think I would offer anything completely unreasonable, I would let them know why I think my idea could benefit the council and or a student and go over with them with my personal opinion as to how I think it could be beneficial. Should this fail - then I accept it I do not wish to start any sort of drama. The most I would do is talk it over with my fellow councillors and see if they share the same viewpoint and i'd find some level of feedback. If they do agree with me, I do believe depending on the severity I would go back and highlight how as a council which is a group we all find and think the same way on this matter.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
I would of course talk to them both as a friend; not as a councillor I would be a person that is there for them both of them to hear them out and I would offer them comfort. I assume we're all close as people as I like to get to know the people i'd sort of be working around. I would try and help them solve this conflict between them and offer my genuine advice and recommendations; even if it came to it I would even suggest one of them go and take a break for a bit should they require it as I only want the best for them. I would not back away until I found some sort of solution to where they are both happy and satisfied around one another and I would even recommend they both talk with me there so that I may serve as a mediator so they could even let one another how they truly feel.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:

I don't see any excuse for a teacher to be abusing their powers; the rules are put into place to protect not only them but the students and to provide a positive environment. I know that just reporting it without any sort of evidence would not prove helpful - I actually find that they'd hear about it and get away with it then. I'd be methodical about it and gain some sort of evidence as fast as I could and I would report it to an individual in a position of power in the school such as the Vice-Principal or even the principal should they be available. Doing everything in my power to sort of certifying and ensuring that it is resolved or something is done about it and some level of justice is received. Should it be a talk; or perhaps even due to the severity, removal from that position.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I would sit them down and let them know that I cannot and will not do this - I would let them know how it is that such a suggestion is wrong. I would sort of helping them view it from my viewpoint and from the viewpoint of the person who gave them detention and explain why it was such a thing that was imposed on them, to begin with. I would let them know that this was not just punishment given to them because they were bad but that people are just trying to help them see how it is what they did was wrong so that they may grow and be better, I would sort of make sure they know this. The people I surround myself with would not usually suggest such things realistically; though if they did I probably cut them out of my life as I do not like the concept of being used for someone else's personal gain. Should it extend into something more, I would simply report it to a teacher so that they may place some sort of punishment upon them should it be justified or required.


Character Name:
Atticus Omari

Character Gender:


Character Age:

Character phone-number:

My phone number is, 103091554.

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Atticus is a fairly concentrated and hardworking person; he's real. He's polite but is someone who is willing to tell you how it is, how he really feels, he's not just going to feed you crap and expect you to swallow it. He's openminded and accepting of the things that people feel and want - he's caring towards not only those around him but people he doesn't know, probably a bit unhealthily. His main flaw is he does not look out for himself as much as he should - he's surprisingly supportive of the things that people want should they be a positive influence. Atticus is what you'd consider an extremely charismatic individual who is capable of talking his way through anything, possibly one of the better fits for leadership when it is required. A mediator who talks through things and finds a solution that everyone can be satisfied with, though not unwilling to do something should he believe it's for the best at the cost of someone else.

Character appearance/attire:
Atticus Omari would be a rather lanky individual standing at 6'2" (187cm) and weighing around 210lbs whilst pertaining to a mesomorphic build; he gave off a comforting aura that would effectively make scared individuals feel safe around him. He'd have short yet shaggy, soft, jet black hair that would hang just under his brows. Upon looking at his eyes - you would find them to be mesmerising and green; the same shade you'd find in an emerald yet slightly darker. Noticeable bags hung under his eyes as though to indicate he was a hard worker who rested far too little and a small scar passed over his sharpened jawline on what you'd consider an attractive face.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I personally believe what separates me from others is my large mass of patience and experience being in social jobs where I am required to deal with people. Not only as a police officer, I perfected empathising with others and assisting them however I could but actually working for the community of Karakura as a whole by taking up work in restaurants. I personally enjoy listening to what people have to say and helping people has always been my forte - I am separated from the applicants seeking my position as they just want to help enforce the rules. I want to help the people who break the rules so that such an issue may never take place again and so that they learn from their past mistakes.

Why do you want this position?:

I want to actually contribute to Karakura high school; I want to be more than just a student. I want to have the power to actually help people, to be the person that people listen to and talk to when they are not okay - I want to have people feel safe in my presence. I want to help deviants break the loop of constantly breaking the rules and to teach them and help them be better as a whole. I wish to make things far more exciting, I want to work closely with the students and to help them bring their ideas to life - I want to work with the clubs and plan out events so that all of the students may come together and bond amongst one another. I believe I am the perfect fit for such a position and so I want to take it on.

What interests you the most about student council?:
As I mentioned a bit previously; I am intrigued by the concept of meeting others and getting closer with the students of this school. I am interested in meeting up and talking with others and being part of a group and coming together to form and plan out events so that the large mass of students of Karakura high can come together and enjoy. That's about it really if I'm being honest-

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
As I mentioned previously; I would actively go out of my way to help those that are causing trouble. Help them be better and talk to them and help them talk through their issues, another thing I noticed was a large mass of students that have been drinking in the school and little being done about it apart from them sitting out in the nurse's office. I think these kids actually have problems and issues that need to be heard and I want to be the person to hear them. I also want to be a voice for the actual students, I think a lot of students voices go unheard and I want to actually get their opinions and try and bring them to light. I also want to be closer with the clubs and to help them run some events that bring in more people and make clubs a more known and brighter part of the school. I have actually found a lot of students didn't know about a lot of them.



Level 165

You have been accepted as a Councillor!
Your application has been decided by the council higherups to be applicable enough to become a student councilor

. . .
Make sure to join the KA discord, by clicking HERE
and request your rank in #roles and then ping any SLT online to get the role.
You may also do the same to get it in-game, or just ask in /help; If you have any questions, DM a president or a vice.


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