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HumanTimeBomb | Police Officer Application


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
The IGN for my main is HumanTimeBomb; though if I was to be accepted I would like for it to be given to my alt, ICanBeBetter.

Previous bans:
I h
ave been banned three times on this server. Once back in early 2019 for duping items; where the dispute was settled in your dm's and once it was explained you came to the conclusion of forgiving me for that in which I had done. The second is one I find to have been wrongful and you can find the appeal on my account; it was a ban on the discord, the forums and the game for falsely accused forgery in which I had not done, but after applying Im6 came to the conclusion that it had been wrongfully earned and unbanned me from everything. The individual whom banned me had long since been banned from the server though.

The third one, however, was most certainly earned and there isn't an excuse for it - this also took place back in early 2019 and it was for glitching into the chests of people and removing minor items such as food and such. I think the biggest thing I had taken however was a watch. Though upon being unbanned I brought the glitch to the attention of staff and went out of my way in order to highlight how it was I had done such so that they could patch it. Thankfully it has been long since patched and on top of this; every single item that I had taken (It was only 3 people) I had returned and even issued an apology to each of them through discord. Tracking down said apologies would be rather tricky for me but should you wish for these I would happily try and track them down. I believe two of these bans were well within their rights; being the first and third ones, though I do ask you to overlook these so that I may progress on this server. They took place a really long time ago; I am no longer said person - at least I would truly like to believe so considering two whole years have passed.

(If I am missing anything - do keep in mind my forums account got wiped during the wrongful second ban but if you are able to find anything else I would be more than happy to give an explanation behind such. Though due to my inability to recall anything else I would have to believe it is something that was done a long, long time ago.)

Describe your activity on the server:
I personally have been on a large hiatus from the server; having only logged on at least once or twice in 2020 as I was sort of in the process of growing as a person as I'm reaching that age. Though as of recent I have been as active as usual; I have been around since the first map and have continuously been active since then, though my activity died down it has since risen up and I now find I am as active as ever - playing whenever it is that I'm free and or find myself available on the server. Should there be any records of my past experience as a police officer; I was extremely active and proved this by dedicating a vast amount of not only time but the effort in the work that I did.

Which timezone are you in?:
I'm Irish so my timezone is GMT; though I am usually up a lot in the night, so I can be not only active for the players in which reside in Europe but the American players too. So I am open and free whenever pretty much - unless I am either asleep obviously or out living my life.

Do you have Discord?:
Of course, I would find it quite unusual if I had been on the server this many years and had not ever been on discord. It's Joey シールド#4697

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Mhm, I am currently in possession of a microphone - one of actual decent quality so you'd have to worry not about me joining the call and causing distress by heavy breathing and or even static.

List your current and past applications:
As I said during the ban section; I was wrongfully banned and so all of my forums information had been wiped. Though I will list off from memory the things in which I had applied for - though should you doubt my authenticity I will do my best to track down some level of proof so that I may prove myself;

Police Officer Application x 2 - Accepted

Sociology Teacher Application - Accepted

Paramedic Application - Accepted

Russian Language Application - Accepted

Korean Language Application - Accepted

College Application - Accepted

Police Officer Application - Denied

Shop Application - Denied

(Once more; should anything be missing it is due to my forums account being removed. Should you find anything; please feel free to add it to the list and know that I am not trying to hide things.)

What is your motivation for applying?:
I was a police officer twice and spent over a year devoted to such a position overall. I enjoyed it thoroughly and believe I was pretty good at what I did personally - even being complemented by some of the older higherups such as Pjouto and Vex; I dedicated a large mass of my time and was very thorough with my work and it is because of this that I have accumulated quite the passion for justice and law. So much so that I aspire to be a future police officer - I have always been inspired by the work of law enforcement and that is why I wish to return and apply once more for such a position. I also wish to create an interesting and more interactive roleplaying experience for all of those on Roleplay Hub and believe that by becoming a Police Officer I could do that to the best of my ability.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
I like to believe I do; considering I donned the position of a police officer for as long as I did, I like to think I have a fairly good idea of not only the laws but basic conduct also. I admit I am rather rusty though - so I will be sure to refamiliarise myself with them.

What are the Police ranks?:
(I decided to rank these from lowest to highest; as that is most likely the easiest way to do this. Though if I was supposed to do them an official way. I apologise.)

Police Cadet:
This is the lowest rank within the KPD; I believe when you are in such a position it is your duty to study your higher-up's so that you may improve and get better at the job it is that you do. Under such a position; you spend a large majority behind the desk. I believe this is very necessary for building up patience and distinguishing between who is fit for such a job and who is not. You will also be taken out by higher-ups to go on patrol; the largest thing separating a cadet from every other position is that you may not leave both on your own and without being accompanied by a higher-up.

While you have such a rank it should be your top priority to improve wherever you can. You can do this both physically or by looking over your faults and searching for constructive criticism from your peers. In order to excel past this position - you are to take the cadet test which tests what you know and see whether or not you are prepared to move forward.

Patrol Officer:
The Patrol officer; the second position in which you can reach in the KPD after Cadet. You have no superiority over your fellow workers, and it is not officially your job but you should assist your cadets and peers however you can and still study and take in constructive criticism wherever it may be. You are still learning but you now have permission to patrol freely though last I checked you must request permission from a higher-up and preferably do such with a partner. So that you are safer and increase your odds should you be attacked. You will still hang around the front desk though so that you may help the people head-on should they request you.

Police Corporal:
A Police Corporal's job the third position in which you can reach after becoming a patrol officer. You hold the same duties as a patrol officer; however, it is now a priority of yours to assist and to help the lower-ranked individuals so that they may improve. To call them out on their mistakes and to hold official training so that you may actually increase their skill level and not only bring up attributes but increase the quality of the work that they do. Should no other officer's of a higher rank be on the last I checked you then become the highest-ranking officer and get a slim portion of say in some of the things your higher-ups would have normally passed. Such as allowing people to patrol. (If this is incorrect my bad - that is the way it used to be.)

Police Sergeant:
The Police Sergeant; the fourth position you reach after being a Corporal. You are now a more commanding officer and it is your duty to assist not only the Cadets and Patrol Officer's but the Corporals to ensure that they are doing their job not only efficiently but the right way. You have a lot more say in what goes around in the station than a Corporal and oversee the work of everyone when no other higher-ups are on.

Police Lieutenant:
The Police Lieutenant; the fifth position you reach after being a Sergeant. You now hold a lot more control over your peers and it is your duty to assist everyone - a lot similar to the Sergeant though they now oversee the work of the Sergeant and ensure they are doing their job correctly and to the best of their abilities.

Vice-Head Lieutenant:
The Vice-Head Lieutenant; the sixth position you reach after being a Lieutenant. They oversee the lower ranking officer's the same as the Lieutenant but they now gain more freedom of making choices should they be required; this is only done though whenever the Head Lieutenant is not available. Though they report to the Head Lieutenant and inform them of that in which they did when they were not available.

Head Lieutenant:
The Head Lieutenant one of the second last highest positions you could reach after having been a Vice-Head Lieutenant in the KPD Branch. You are the second in command and work specifically under the Commissioner; you have a lot more freedom to make decisions regarding the KPD though still leaving some of the larger ones for the Commissioner. You overlook the KPD completely and ensure everyone is doing their jobs to the best of their abilities; though primarily keeping an eye on both the Vice-Head Lieutenant and the Police Lieutenant to ensure they're fit for their positions. They also assist all of the other police officer's whenever they are required.

Police Commissioner:
This is the highest position in which you can reach in the KPD, and overlook the entirety of the KPD from the normal branch to the detective branch. They pass some of the larger decisions and get the most say in what comes and goes in the KPD. This is also the individual in charge of hiring the officer's and passing on who is fit and who is unfit for such a position as a police officer.

KPD Detective Branch
(Same as before I have decided to rank these from lowest to highest; Though if I was supposed to do them an official way. I apologise.)

Detective Constable:
The Detective Constable; the lowest rank of the detective division. You can take on such a role if there is an opening in the division. You are most eligible to apply; when you reach the rank of Corporal. Then from there, you can ask for a transfer to, The Detective Branch. Upon being accepted you are subjected to a multitude of different training sessions so that you may garner a better understanding as to what is required of you as a detective and it shows you what you need to do. As a Constable; similar to the cadet rank you must prove your worth in your branch so that you may go further as a detective. Failure to do so and I would believe you're removed from said branch. As a Detective Constable, you will take on investigations and prove your abilities.

Detective Inspector:
The Detective Inspector; the second role in the KPD Detective Branch, the position you take on after proving yourself as a Constable. As a Detective Inspector, I find you should assist Constable's with their cases and ensure they're okay with everything and know what it is that they need to do. Your duty is to crack down on some of the harder cases and find ways to get around blocks so that they may be solved and people are put away. I was told that it is your official duty to train the Constable's and to ensure they know what it is that they need to do.

Detective Chief Inspector:
The Detective Chief Inspector; the third role in the KPD Detective Branch, the position you take on after proving yourself as an Inspector. The Chief Inspector is to overlook the other lower-ranked investigators in order to see to it that they are doing their job to the best of their ability and understand how to, well... be a detective and to assist them if they may be stuck with a case. They have the ability to actually chase after the criminals; they also gain freedom when it comes to investigating suspects and have the ability to talk to whomever they need rather than having an officer do it.

Detective Superintendent:
The Detective Superintendent is the highest out of the detective roles; the hardest to actually achieve. They overlook all of the other detective role's with the highest of superiority and I believe they get the most say when it comes to the detective branch as they oversee it. I think they have the ability to bring on and choose who it is that gets to become a detective; it is them who you contact when you want to make the transition to said branch. (Or I was told.)

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
As I mentioned briefly earlier - I dedicated a year of my life on and off to being a police officer on this server. I like to believe I have come to understand a lot about police work. From sitting behind the desk to going out into the field and actually arresting people. I am under the impression though that things are probably a bit different than from when I last served. I remember how to file things; I remember formations - I remember strategy when going around corners and I remember personalised lessons from my fellow peers about how best to approach a suspect. A large multitude of shows I watch are also very helpful when it comes to police work as they revolve around the work in which a police officer goes through and the crimes in which they solve.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
There are a multitude of reasons as to why the police are important in SRP; one of the reasons I find is the most important is it creates an element of realism in this roleplay environment. It shows people they can't just do whatever they want without consequence and adds an element of excitement when it comes to committing a crime or doing other acts in which would induce an arrest or a fine. It's also important for there to be a place for people to report the things that interfere with their lives; a group of individuals who protect the students and adults. Like when someone kidnaps someone, there is a safety net - the KPD someone there to save them and to do what they can to assist. They're an extremely valuable asset to the community and it's part of the reason I want to join so that I may protect and help those like I did at a certain time in my life while providing a realistic experience.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
I am more than well aware of this; I had not been demoted before as I had always done my job rather well but I am more than aware of what is required of me and that if I am to fail at my job or to even do something that would negatively affect the KPD I can and will be demoted.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?:
I am most certainly aware of this; though I believe my past issue was I dedicated far too much time to being a police officer - I didn't appreciate the server enough from other aspects but I think that I have found a healthy balance. I am a free person so I find that I would be able to dedicate myself to my police work whenever I am required and needed but also take rest when it is required of me so I don't bring OOC stress into IC as a character. So, yes I acknowledge this completely.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?:
I understand this well, it is only fair; if I am to be dodging training and not prioritising my job as a police officer it is only realistic that I will be punished and or even demoted. Though this is not something you would have to worry about - I take the trainings very seriously as it helps me be better at the work in which I do and I find this to be something that benefits me personally substantially it also allows me to bond with the people I work with a bit more and to maintain a healthy relationship.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?:
Of course; I would never do this, I pride myself on my patience and am aware that this is quite literally just a block game. I would not get triggered should someone's character lash out against mine; I believe in being a police officer it is my duty to stay calm and relaxed and that lashing out at civilians would give the KPD a bad name and so I find it would be severely unrealistic for me to react to such. Our last instructor was also very, very strict and I never once gave them issues when they had issues with us - I stood by and accepted and learned from my mistakes.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique?:
Atticus Omari would be a rather lanky individual standing at 6'2" (187cm) and weighing around 210lbs whilst pertaining to a mesomorphic build; he gave off a comforting aura that would effectively make scared individuals feel safe around him. He'd have short yet shaggy, soft, jet black hair that would hang just over his eyes. Upon looking at his eyes - you would find them to be mesmerising and green; the same shade you'd find in an emerald yet slightly darker. Noticeable bags hung under his eyes as though to indicate he was a hard worker who rested far too little and stubble laid dormant on his sharpened jawline on what you'd consider an attractive face. The smell of both coffee and sweetened cologne would follow him; which for some reason or another would provide some element of nostalgia - making you feel familiar with him. What makes him unique is his way with people, how a man so tall and rough could be so calm and collected - it was as though his entire life he had understood people. His level of patience is unmatched and it takes quite a large mass of things to push him over the edge, he's certainly the portrait of a man you would consider charismatic. Able to talk his way out of almost anything.

What they're like on and off the job?:
Atticus had always prioritised his work - he spent little time forming bonds with people in which would matter in the future. Not jumping into relationships and those in which he did would soon die out and perish due to his dedication to his work. Spending hours upon hours and countless nights in his old police precinct - very little did he actually leave though when he did you would find him to be quite the social butterfly. Spending time in the local bar; drinking whiskey with companions in which he had gone through police academy with and family members he had gone decades without reconnection. His main priority and focus in life being the assistance of other's perhaps a goal embedded into his mind from a young age - causing him to focus too little on himself. That is his largest flaw; a lot of his spare time is spent going down to his local store and purchasing instant ramen and microwavable food and returning home so that he may feast on his unhealthy snacks.

On the job though - you find there's a certain light about him something in which he turns on when around people in which he has to assist. He is bright yet focused; not too stern but not too free at a balance so perfect he could make the most distressed of individuals feel safe around him. At work he spends a large majority of his time behind the front desk; knowing it to be a job so little people enjoy he dons such a role so that the other's may get out into the field and put away people deserving of it. Though when he is out and about you find him to be cautious and methodical - not overlooking a single detail and doing everything in his power to help those that need it and put those away whom have earned it.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Atticus does all he can for his co-workers helping them wherever he can; being a shoulder that they can lean on and talking to all of them so that he may not only ensure their wellbeing so that he may see they are properly in a position to handle the work being put on them. He goes out of his way to assist those in which need it and gives space to those in which require it - he believes there is importance in looking out for workers as a stressed or unhappy worker can have an effect on everyone. Though he's not someone who will overlook something, should he see you doing something the wrong way he will be more than happy to offer constructive criticism so that you may learn and better yourself. Not only in hopes of them benefiting themselves but so that they can do a better job when it comes to assisting people.

Atticus wishes to excel further than he had in his own police precinct; having left for a multitude of his own personal reasons he wishes to return to such a life and not only do but be better. A fresh start and a new city of people he could assist. He donned the position of corporal in his last precinct and wishes to get past such a position again and be something higher so that he may help those more than he could before. To establish himself as a leader and to help lead the KPD into a better light and to help the newer police officer's wherever he could so that Karakura could truly be safe.

Atticus didn't have the most exciting or fulfilling childhood; what's there to say? He'd gone through his rough parts but got through them as does everyone. In a surprising role reversal to the usual tale, it was actually his mother that drank and donned a rather abusive yet addictive personality; his father took emotional neglect and physical threats for years before finally, he decided to do something about it. In a matter of minutes the police showed up and suddenly that life was behind him - Atticus was separated from his mother and sent to live with his grandmother for a multitude of weeks before finally a court case was held and they fought for custody over him. He was not very attentive to any of this due to his young age. He locked himself in- watching TV or reading comics whenever he could, even watching movies with his father when he'd let him until he'd fall asleep. Some days his father even asked him to go out and play with the other kids in his neighbourhood so that he could truly get out and away from it all.

Though finally, the day came when it would all be settled; thankfully his mother lost the court battle and Atticus was made live with his father - he had little issue with this and in a matter of days everything was packed up and they left the country. His father took him to Japan to start fresh, to begin new to lead and to live a better life. Suddenly life was a lot brighter and his father was a lot happier, he even settled down again and found another woman to call his wife and from there Atticus spent the rest of his years in a better environment. At first, of course, it was tricky for him to truly settle down but he did and when this happened he moved forward with his life; eventually deciding to take on criminology and law in college. His main motive is having grown up and experienced such negative encounters; having had a mother in such a way he wished to rather than follow the cycle, he'd break it. He wanted to eradicate it, to be better and to follow a different path, one in which he could help others like younger him. People who required help so that they could move forward with their lives just as he did. It was then that Atticus officially enlisted in his local police academy in Taketetsu.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Atticus Omari

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Japanese / American

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
He'd have 2 years of training experience.

Working Experience:
He'd have 1 year of working experience.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in Law and Justice

Year of Graduation:


Sociology & Criminal Justice

Native Languages:
Japanese & English

Other Languages:

Side note:
I am aware that your record regarding bans; is extremely important when it comes to these things as you are granted an extremely important position. You'd basically be a cog in this roleplay world quite very necessary for keeping things working. I have messed up a couple of times; though I was always very dedicated to the work I did and it has long been 2 years since I was actually banned for something in which I had done and even when these took place I went out of my way to atone for the things I did. I do ask I am given a final chance; should you find issues with me then you can and should remove me immediately but all I ask is for a means to prove myself and to show that I truly am a changed individual. If this is to get denied, however; I do ask, for you to provide some level of feedback so that I may improve in my next application, if you don't highlight the problems I find that I will not learn for next time and it will become a recurring mistake.
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