Level 1

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm going to be more active now I wasn't before since I was still getting acquainted to college but now I would say I will try and get on every other day. I can usually get on Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturday's and Sunday's around 12 PM for the weekdays, and 4 PM for the week days.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
yeah I am aware.
Links to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Scotts Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server | Denied |
Scotts Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server | Accepted |
USL Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay server | Accepted |
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Librarians Manage the library, keeping it organized and ensuring students can easily find the books or resources they need. They assist with research, recommend literature, and provide a quiet environment for reading or studying. To encourage kids to read and learn more, librarians may organize events such as book clubs, or reading challenges. They play a crucial role in promoting education!!!! O and also they say SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have pretty average experience. I have played for 8 weeks, 3 days, and 21 hours. I have experience playing as an Animal character and a college character.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I wanted to join the Employee faction, is because I haven't seen that much active librarians, and I want to be an active librarian. I also have a lot of friends who is employees and I would love to be apart of the employees. It also gives me a lot of good RP opportunities.
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
It's a College (B), I also play an Animal Character (Cat).

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Iris was working at the Library's front desk when a student approaches her and calls her pathetic. She looks up at the student "I don't know why you thought you could insult me but if you don't apologies and stop there will be consciences." She patiently waits to she if the student will stop, if they don't. "Don't say I didn't warn you but you still continued to insult me, I'm sorry but that's a detention." She hands them the detention slip. "Maybe next time you will learn to respect your elders." She goes back working.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Iris quickly set her book down and ran towards the fighting students. “STOP!” She was out of breath. She had very short legs. “What’s the meaning of this, you two?” She separated the students and told them both to sit down. “Ok, what’s the meaning of this? Who started it?” She waited patiently for them to explain themselves. “I’m going to have a caretaker check Cameras, then we can settle this.” She radioed for any available caretakers, and after the caretakers went over the footage, Iris handed the detention slips to whoever needed
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Iris was reshelving books when she heard fighting. She rushes over to the commotion seeing two employee's getting into a fist fight. She was a little out of breath since she's small but when she gets her bearings she looks up at them "What's the meaning of this? You know where supposed to set an example to the students to not do anything that's wrong." She waits patiently until they respond. She then sighs "well I get why now. I'm sorry to inform you but you still were doing something you shouldn't do, and I'll have to report this to the SLT." She leaves and goes to the SLT to tell them what happened.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the faculty lounge, she would stretch her arms. She was tired from sitting down all day, out of energy, and in need of a cup of coffee. She’d grab a cup and pour herself one. “It’s been a long day. So many books I had to check out, a few fights,” she says, taking a sip. She sits back in the chair and pull out a book, most likely a fantasy novel. If her husband was around, she would sit next to him and just relax. If not, she’d sit quietly, and read her book.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me She puts down her book and looked up from behind the desk and smiles warmly at the student "Hi! welcome to the library, I can answer any questions, give you library card, check out and check in your books, so with that in mind what can I do for you?" She waits for the student to say something.
/me Nods "Ok so you need a book to be checked out, what's the book?" she waits patiently for the Student to respond. "ah that book, can you show me your Library card." She takes it and swipes the card, then hands the card back "I'll get the book now." She goes over gets the book and flips the book over scanning the bar code, then she opens up the book to where the due dates are and puts the due date that the student needs to return the book, and hands it to the student. "Here you go have fun reading, and feel free coming back to the library when you need something or just a quite place to read or study."
/me "Ah, so you need a library card, well I can go get that for you, I just need 2,000k, your age and name" she waits for the student to tell and give her the money, "Thanks" She types in the information "that will print off in a few minutes" she waits a little bit tapping her foot as she looks at the printer, waiting patiently for the printer to finish. When it did she grabs the newly printed card "That will be 2,000 yen" waits for student to pay, when they do she hands it to the student. "Here you go, and if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask" she goes back working on the computer.

Full Name (First & Last only):
Iris Sentryon
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Mrs Sentryon
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Library and information science, English
Scottish, Japan
Known Languages:
Scotts, English, JSL

My story starts when I was young my parents decided to leave me at an ice cream shop, and after a few years of stealing and trying to survive, I met with this group of people who I thought was my friends but when I noticed that they only were using me to get men into an alley way so they can mug them, I decide to leave and found myself in Karakura, and I finally joined KHS when I was in 7th grade. I was usually alone at first, but then I met this amazing guy, named Markus Sentryon. Who becomes my boyfriend. School life after that was more fun. Since I was more opened and able to make more friends. Sure I was bullied sometimes but my boyfriend stood up for me. I was usually a shy student that kept to myself most of the time, and since I had huge social anxiety it made it hard to socialize and being an Introvert, made it really hard for me to make friends. I don't think I had that much friends until 9th grade. When I was able to get over my anxiety and start talking to other people. I made a lot of friends and I still have most of them with me to this day. School was always an interesting place with a lot of drama and fights, but sadly high school had to end. I studied hard and when I had to take the exam. It was so nerve breaking, but after an hour I actually passed!

I finally made it to college with my boyfriend. I had a lot of fun at high school but a new chapter opened up in my life. I was in collage and a year in I got Married to my boyfriend and became Mrs. Sentryon. College life was ok there was a lot of trauma. I really didn't want to get into, but basically long story short I got kidnapped a lot for some reason. I really don't want to get into that though since I still have nightmares. Besides that though College was ok, I stayed on top of my work and homework, and in four years I was able to pass college
Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining KHS is because I heard that it was a great school, with a lot of different options for classes everyday. Which when I was old enough to join I was excited to start my own adventure. Now that I finished collage I'm more motivated as ever to become a Librarian, because I want to be perimetry apart of the library where I can be able to help students along there school adventure. By helping them find books they are interested in or need to read. Just like how the librarians where their when I needed it I want to be their for the students, and help them on their journey through life.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
The reason you should pick me above the others, Because when I was little, since when I was little I had abusive parents but sometimes I snuck out and go to the library to escape. I went into so many adventures and storylines that has made my imagination run wild. The librarian became more like a mom to me and made me feel like I belonged somewhere, I learned how to read from her, she comforted me whenever I needed it, but I was sad that I had to leave when I left for Karakura, to start a new life. The Librarian's at the school was less involved from the one back at home, but still the library was my escape from life, and I spent most of my time at the library when ever I had to study. Now I want to make her proud so I have dedicated my life to become a librarian, and I swear I will be the most dedicated librarian there is. I'm able to keep people quiet when I want to, I learned how to get Library cards for students. I'm able to reshelve books in the right older. I'm also pretty nice to people so I can help students when they need help. I'm also able to be aggressive though when I need to us authority on students who are fighting or doing something wrong. I can check in and check out books when the students need to, I'm really Polite and keep my patience when Students ask questions. Also I'm pretty young so I'm able to keep it hip for the students. So that is basically way I should get this job, and if I do I will not let you down, I will stay on top of my work.
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Do you have any questions?:
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