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Icebunny62's Art Teacher Application


Level 1
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Paint Brush Clip Art Images - Free Download on Freepik

What's your Minecraft Username?:
What's your Discord username?: snow049780
What's your Time Zone?: MTN

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
Scotts Application |SchoolRP| Minecraft Roleplay Server |Denied|
Scotts Application |SchoolRP| Minecraft Roleplay Server |Accepted|
JSL Application |SchoolRP| Minecraft Roleplay Server |Accepted|

What are your current roles on the server?:
I have a College (B), and I have an animal character which is a cat

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
I think teachers are so important to the SRP because they give realism to the server. I mean this is a school roleplay server for goodness shakes. So of course we need someone to teach the students. It's really a cool system all together. I've seen other school roleplay servers fall apart because there isn't any active community who is willing to become a teacher. Which is why I want to be a teacher so I can join the other teatchers in teaching the students in a fun and safe way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

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Iris Sentryon.png

What's your character's full name?: Iris Sentryon
What is your character's nationality?: I'm from scotland
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Art

Describe your character:
I'm a 4'6 female, with messy ginger hair that I usually have in a ponytail, I also have beautiful brown eyes. I guess the thing that makes me unique is that I'm spunky and really artistic. There isn't anything I can't draw if you just give me a pencil and paper, if you get my drift. Anyway I act pretty friendly around others. I'm also polite and patient when I want to be. My plans for the future. Well for one if I get it, becoming an amazing art teacher for the students. Also I'm planning on having a family with my Husband Markus Sentryon.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
I see students like a flower that hasn't fully bloomed yet, and I want to help them bloom through creativity. Usually some students are overlooked like the quiet kids in the back of the class, but all they really need is someone engaging with them, which is what I'm going to do and engage with them so they don't feel left out. Now I know that students are important but I think I got my point across. So my outlook on my co-works is well there just like me, my peers and equals. Just another piece in the puzzle to our students' great education. They are helping them learn and grow each step of the way, and if I get accepted I would love to join them, helping the students learn and grow.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
I'm motivated to teach because since I was young I never really had someone to teach me to draw so I had to teach myself, and when I put my pencil on that page for the first time, I felt free. Like I was able to draw anything that my mind comes up with. I want to show my students the joy of drawing and help their imagination grow. Inspiring them to draw their own dreams. Like I always wanted to watch students learn and grow from me. To create more wonder and creativity in the world, and if you allow me into being a teacher, I'll be able to keep my dreams going and create the next generation of artists.

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A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
Iris was at her teacher's desk drawing, as the other students were drawing. When one of them raised their hands, Iris looked up from what she was doing and called on them "Yes, (insert name here) what can I help you with." The student clears their throat and responds "Um, I need help with what we are doing?". Iris nodded her head, before speaking"Alright so basically what your currently doing is drawing a fantasy themed forest, you can draw whatever you can think of from unicorns to dragons the possibilities are endless, just let your imagination do the work and guide your pencil to where you want it to go, and if you need any help with some ideas then I'm always opened to give you some suggestions." The student listened to her intently following along to her every word "Alright got it thanks" They responded with a smile.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
Iris was up at the chalkboard going through the fundamentals of drawing, when she heard giggling from the back of the class. She looked up to seeing two of her students making jokes with each other. Iris sighs in amusement "Now now you two I know that you probably have something you need to say right away to your classmate but class is going to end soon so you can wait after class." She then turns back and keeps writing stuff on the chalkboard.

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:
1. Outside Drawing: Iris goes up to the teachers podium as the last few students file into the classroom "Hey Class! so I was thinking since it's a nice day outside that we can go up to the roof, and enjoy the sun while drawing something you find interesting up there, So come on." She stood up and went over to the front door humming cheerfully. Once they get one the roof she gathers the students around "Alright here's your sketchbooks for today I want at least one detailed drawing in here." She passes out the sketch books to each of the students. "Well off you guys go have fun and come back here 10 minutes before class, and give them to me so I can grade them." She smiles as she watches her students run off to start sketching.

2. Pictionary: Iris was sketching in her sketch book while waiting for the last few students to join, once they are all seated she looks up with a smile on her face. "Good morning class I hope you all had a great weekend, cause today we are going to have some fun. I was thinking that maybe we should play some pictionary." She pulls out a hat "In this hat there is pieces of paper with a word on it. The student of my choosing will draw one piece of paper and draw what the word is on the chulkboard. Now I don't mean the actually word we all know how pictionary works actually draw, I'm looking at you Tim, (random name) Alright so let's see who's going first." she looks around the class.

3. Drawing Practice: Iris was sitting down at her teacher's desk waiting for the students to join. "So like every 2nd period we are going to have some drawing practices, I'm going to write down a word and I want you guys to draw the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the word." She turns and writes the word on the chalk. "Alright, here's the word, now draw!"

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes


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