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Ichigo Tsuyoi | Character Biography


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Ichigo Tsuyoi
ichigo hitoshi ai art.jpg

Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Tsuyoi
Preferred Name: Ichi, Ichimin
Aliases: Viper, Blackmouth, Smiley
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'3" or 160cm
Weight: 135lbs or 61.24kg
Build: Toned, muscular, short and stocky
Skin color: Lightly tanned and warm pale
Eye color: Heterochromially blue and yellow (wears brown contacts)
Hair style: Generally messy and wavy
Hair color: Naturally blue (dyed brown)
Fashion: Casual street wear
Abnormalities: Immunity to rain (getting wet)
Date of birth: 04/10
Place of birth: Daegu, South Korea
Nationality: Japanese
Race: Japanese, Korean
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religious Beliefs: Christian
Political Beliefs: N/A

ichigo at the beach.jpg

General Appearance


Standing at a height shorter than most others, Ichigo is often seen sporting his usual red and white letterman paired with his ripped black jeans. His smile would be painted black, with a hint of peppermint on his breath. His toned and muscular build could be seen through his clothes. His wavy brown hair would always be seen in a mess, as though he had just woken up. His sharp brown eyes would be constantly darting back and forth, ****yzing everything around him. A tattoo of a viper would be seen on his back.

On the surface, he would have a smile plastered on his face all the time, but you could sense that there was something sinister boiling below the surface. Usually not one to talk or engage in conversations unless prompted, Ichigo resorts to smiling with his painted black teeth, which often scares other people away or makes them turn away in disgust. When prompted to fight, Ichigo simply smiles - the wider his smile, the more dangerous he becomes. Though he can often appear to be scary in this way, he has a soft spot for those who are unable to stand up for themselves and will offer his help where he can.


Character voice:
Though he does not talk much, his voice is often at a low volume with a clear tone when he does talk.

He is often seen with earphones plugged into both ears. He also can be seen carrying a plushie given to him by his deceased little sister from time to time

Ichigo is often seen sporting his usual red and white letterman paired with ripped black jeans and crimson red shoes. However, while at the beach, he is also seen wearing blue swim trunks.

He likes to play sports, hang out with his friends, and go to the beach. He is also partially into music, just now getting introduced to different genres from his family members.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Ichigo tends to have a knack for sticking his nose into dangerous situations. The longer he is involved in an altercation, the more dangerous it is for all parties involved.

Trained martial artist, competitive athlete, decent cook.

He has a weird appreciation for piercings, though he doesn't have any of his own.

Hanato Tsuyoi-Hitoshi: Adoptive father/brother
Nash T. Atkins: Adoptive older brother
Ichiro M. Tsuyoi-Fujiyama: Adoptive older brother
Yujiro T. Kosei: Adoptive older brother
Laurey Tsuyoi-Addler: Adoptive older brother
Max Tsuyoi-Whitfield: Adoptive older brother
Ayase T. Tsuyoi: Adoptive older brother
Harku 'Lumz' Tsuyoi: Adoptive older brother
Jager T. Tsuyoi: Adoptive older brother
Ryan Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Kioshi Aiuchi-Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Jokuto S. Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Demarcus Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Kostya Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Levi R. Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Asante Themos-Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Matteo Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger brother
Lucas Tsuyoi-Leclerc: Adoptive younger brother
Nozomi T. Tojo: Adoptive older sister
Aki T. Sanbuono-Tsuyoi: Adoptive older sister
Hom Tsuyoi-Mana: Adoptive older sister
Yuri K. Tsuyoi: Adoptive sister
Kaori Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister
Liz 'Mika' Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister
Carla Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister
Ganyu Z. Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister
Mitsuki K. Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister
Yoona J. Tsuyoi: Adoptive younger sister

[Work In-Progress]​
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