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ilovemyplanex21 caretaker application #1

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I joined SRP in the winter of 2022, where I first familiarized myself with basic server commands and connected with a group of people. Within this group, my focus was primarily on FamilyRP. After a year, I became interested in CrimeRP, which eventually led me to GangRP. I joined a gang, learned the CombatRP rules, and spent a significant amount of time sparring and fighting with others. Recently, however, I decided to step away from crime-related RP and return to FamilyRP. My character has adopted three other characters and is a member of both the Sidorov and Tanaka families. I’m currently working on developing him into adulthood to expand his role in FamilyRP. Along the way, I’ve interacted with members of various factions, particularly KPD officers, professors, and school employees. I’ve also been involved with sports team members, which influenced my decision to join a faction. I applied to KPD but was denied, now I want to try my chances as a school employee.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, i acknowledge.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The role of a caretaker in a school is essential for maintaining a safe, clean, and organized environment for students, staff, and visitors. They are responsible for the general upkeep of school facilities, including cleaning classrooms, hallways, and common areas, performing minor repairs, and ensuring all areas are secure. Caretakers often handle tasks like setting up for events, managing school supplies, and overseeing the maintenance of heating, lighting, and plumbing systems.
In addition to their practical duties, caretakers play a crucial role in supporting the school community by responding to emergencies, such as broken equipment or safety hazards, and ensuring health and safety standards are met. They also may interact with students and staff, providing assistance as needed during the day. Overall, caretakers ensure that the school remains a functional and welcoming place for learning and activities.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As I stated before, I've been playing for almost 2 years, I've done Crime, Gang, Family and of course student RP. My character has 3 adopted children. I know most of the CombatRP rules.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
My KPD application got denied recently, I want to try my chances in the employee faction, because I found it pretty fun and entertaining. It also gives you an opportunity to interact with other players almost non-stop. I have been role-playing from a student angle, and now I want to see karakura from the perspective of an adult.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College Bachelor
Do not mention use of FearRP
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
First, he would ask them to stop in a serious tone
-"That's enough, lower your tone."
If the student doesn't, my character gives them a final warning and threatens detention.
-"This is your last warning, if you keep saying slurs you will be punished. Is that clear?"
If the student keeps going, my character quickly gives them a detention slip and threatens SLT if they don't stop cursing at him.
-"You’ve earned yourself detention. Keep this up, and SLT will handle the rest."
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character quickly runs to the scene, he reports the fight through radio and in a very serious tone, he says:
-"Break it up you two, or else I'm involving SLT."
If the students stop, he quickly checks both of them for injuries and bruises, then he hands them both detentions. However, if they don't stop, my character yells
He waits for his co-workers to arrive and after their arrival, they quickly break the fight up and my character gives the students detention and threatens
-"If I see any of you fight again, I'm involving SLT, is that understood?"
If no co-workers come to help, he yells once again
If the students don't stop, he does just as he said, he calls KPD and reports the fight. After the call, he waits for the officers to arrive and take care of them, after that, he immediately contacts SLT and informs them about the whole scene.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
My character walks up to them and asks
-"What are you doing X, this is inappropriate, please quit it and behave like a grown-up."
If they don't, my character gets more serious and says
-"Stop it X, or I'm contacting SLT"
If the situation doesn't stop, he contacts SLT and explains the situation, using CCTV footage as proof.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
In the break room, he likes to drink coffee, tell his co-workers jokes, he loves to entertain people... Especially his co-workers!
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me reaches into his pocket, pulling out a notepad. He flips to a blank page, swiftly writing down details of the detention with a firm hand. Tearing it from the pad, he holds it out towards the student, his eyes locked onto theirs. "Here’s the reward for your behaviour" he says, while handing the slip to the student.
/me walks over to the corner, grabs a bright yellow "Wet Floor" sign, and places it carefully on the ground. He then reaches for his mop, pulling it from the bucket, and gives it a quick shake before starting to clean the spill with smooth, steady strokes.
/me dips the mop into the bucket, wringing out the excess water before lowering it to the floor. With firm, deliberate movements, he begins to glide the mop across the surface, the wet fibers catching every bit of dirt. He works methodically, making sure to reach every corner, the sound of the mop swishing softly as he pushes and pulls, leaving a clean, streak-free path in his wake.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)​
Full Name (First & Last only):
-"My name is Michał S. Kowalski"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
-"You can refer to me as Michał or Mike if it makes it easier."
Age (Minimum is 25):
-"I am 29 years old"
-"I am a male, I go by he/him."
Academic Degree:
-"I have a bachelor's degree."
-"I have majors in psychology"
-"I have minors in criminal justice"
-"I was born and raised in Poland"
Known Languages:
-"I know Polish and JSL"
/* Describe how your character ended up becoming an employee including their previous life. It's optional to include earlier life. Make sure this is over 300 words and remove this comment after posting.*/

Childhood era (1995-2008):
Michał was born into a poor family in Poland, and when he was 11, his parents decided to move to the city of Karakura, hoping for a better life. Fortunately, things improved for the family after the move. Their financial situation had stabilized, and life seemed to be heading in a positive direction. But on 21 October 2008, everything changed. That day was Michał's 13th birthday, and as his parents were driving him to school, tragedy struck. A drunk truck driver, ignoring a stop sign, crashed straight into their car. In an instant, Michał's parents were killed. Michał himself survived, with a broken hand and nose, while the truck driver, completely unharmed, was the one who called 110. When the EMS arrived at the scene, they found Michał barely conscious, trapped in the wreckage, crying out for his parents. The paramedics quickly pulled him from the car, stabilizing his injuries before rushing him to the hospital. As he was wheeled into the ambulance, Michał kept asking about his parents, but the somber looks from the medics made it clear there was nothing more they could do. The overwhelming shock and grief hit him later, as he realized his life had changed forever in just a few seconds.
,,The Trauma era'' (2008-2009)
After losing his parents, Michał’s life took a dark turn. He began skipping classes, eventually dropping out of school completely, and got into fights with older students. One fight, however, had severe consequences. The student Michał beat up turned out to be connected to a powerful local gang. A month after his parents' death, Michał stayed late at school due to detention. When he finally returned home to the apartment he shared with friends, he was met with a horrifying scene, deep cuts marked the walls, blood covered the floor, and the bodies of his friends lay lifeless. This traumatic experience plunged Michał even further into depression, and he developed a fear of people, withdrawing from social life entirely over the following years.

,,The Recovery era" (2012-2015)
Just when things seemed hopeless, someone special entered his life: Lily Miller. Lily became a guiding light for Michał. She helped him climb out of his depression, encouraged him to open up socially, and welcomed him into her circle of friends. With her support, Michał began to rebuild his life. He got into college, was welcomed into the Sidorov family. Eventually he began dating Harper G. Avery. Their relationship seemed promising, and after a few months, they even got engaged. However, it didn’t last long... One day, Michał returned home to find a heartbreaking message: "I'm sorry, Michał, I'm leaving." Harper had left him, and he was devastated.

,,The Change era" (2015-2018)
Weeks later, Michał opened up about his pain and struggles to Lily. As they grew closer, the two started dating. But soon after, something alarming happened. Lily approached Michał, terrified, and told him that she had seen Nathan, Michał's adopted son, dressed in blackout gear, wearing a ballistic mask, and wielding a metal baseball bat. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Michał and Lily made a life-changing decision, they both decided to join the Karakura Police Department, determined to prevent further violence and protect their community from the dangers that had once torn Michał’s life apart.

,,The Rising Star era" (2018-Present Day)
After Michał's KPD application was denied, he decided to use his psychology degree to pursue a job at Karakura High School and College. Realizing he had a bunch of skills to learn, he enlisted in a caretaker training course. The program covered essential skills like assisting students with special needs, managing crises, and providing emotional support. Michał applied his psychology knowledge to better understand student behavior while gaining practical experience in school settings. By the end of the course, he felt ready to support the students at Karakura, both emotionally and physically, in his new caretaker role.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective)
-"I want to join the employee faction, because I have great knowledge in psychology and I decided to try my chances at the job of a caretaker. I want it because it doesn't require much but at the same time I can interact with students and help them with their daily problems."
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
-"I think I have great skills, such as speaking multiple languages, I'm able to handle high-stress situations with ease, and I'm good at making quick decisions. I have 3 children, so I know how to speak to students. I have also completed a training course for the caretaker role, so I have experience in it too."

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