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ilovemyplanex21 | KPD app

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP is high, although I have a lot of school right now, I try to get online everyday but sometimes i just don't have time, here's a schedule of my approximate availability during the week.​
16:00 - 22:0016:00 - 18:15, 20:45 - 22:0016:00 - 18:15, 20:45 - 22:0016:00 - 22:0016:00 - 03:00All dayAll day until 22:30

I joined SRP in Winter 2022, when I familiarised myself with the basic server commands and came around a group of people. In the group I was doing mostly FamilyRP. After a year of doing FamilyRP, I got interested in CrimeRP, then GangRP. I joined a gang, got familiar with all the CombatRP rules and spent a bunch of time sparring and fighting with other people. Recently, I decided that I will be leaving all crime related things and do FamilyRP again. My character has adopted 3 other characters, is a part of the Sidorov and Tanaka families, I'm working on making him reach adulthood to enhance the FamilyRP capabilities. I have also spent a lot of time interacting with people from different factions, most of them were KPD officers, professors and other school emplyees. I have been also been around sports team members, which helped me make the decision to finally join a faction.

What is your motivation for applying?:
First of all, I have always been fascinated with police work, I remember being younger and dreaming to be a police officer. The work looks fun and entertaining, it gives you capabilities to interact with other players almost all the time. Being able to help citizens to deal with their different problems, fighting crime and overseeing the city of Karakura, it all is very interesting. I have also been interacting with other KPD officers, asking them about the work, both OOC'ly and IC'ly and all the answers were positive so I know that the management of the faction is in good state. Second of all, it will greatly improve my character's lore, he is a father of 3 adopted children, I want him to reach full adulthood to improve both families he's in. He will be able to have biological children and will develop a bigger sense of protectiveness, that will help him in his work while protecting civillians.
-"That is a brilliant question! My motivation for applying is to, of course protect the people of this beautiful city. However, I also have always been interested in becoming a part of KPD, I have worked my way through highschool and achieved bachelor's degree in criminology. Thanks to this, I have great knowledge and I think I would be perfect for the position. I also want to take part in fighting crime in Karakura, because we all know the situation is bad. All in all, I think I have great capabilities for this job and want to fight crime and help the citizens of Karakura."
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police officers are government officials, equipped to fight crime and protect civillians. A list of all the police equipment is:
  • Stun blaster - The stun blaster is a long range (8 blocks) tool, used to prevent the target from moving. It requires an action and a roll to be taken out in range, after a succesful hit, it stuns the target for 60 seconds (No roll is required to shoot it). It is accesible to all officers and it can't be stolen.

  • Riot shield - A tempered-glass shield used by police officers for protection. It requires an action and a roll to be taken out and swapped in range (1 block). It has 2 modes, defensive and offensive. When in main-hand, it's in the defensive mode, which means you cannot use any offensive tools while holding it, however, any frontal/side damage will be neutralized. When in off-hand, it's in the offensive mode, which means you can use offensive tools, but the shield won't provide any defensive nor offensive capabilities. It's accessible to all officers. Can be mugged if the officer is KO'ed and you have proper mugging perms.

  • Police Baton - A steel baton used by officers to apprehend criminals. It's accessible to all officers and can be mugged from hands with proper perms. It requires an action and a roll to be taken out in range (2 blocks). To knock the target out, you need to deliver 2 hits to the head.

  • Handcuffs - An accessible to all officers tool, used to restrain a target's hands. It requires an action and a roll should the target resist. It can't be stolen and it's range is 1 block.
  • Tranquilizer gun - A plastic device used by police officers to neutralize threats. It is available to officers with the rank of Sergeant and Detective inspectors. It requires an action and a roll to be taken out in range (~30 blocks), after a succesful hit, it makes the target unconscious for 2 minutes (No roll is required to shoot it). Requires an action and a roll to reload (2 darts) if in range. It can't be stolen.
  • Police radio - A waterproof communication device used by emergency units which is accessible to all officers. Requires a sharp or blunt weapon to be destroyed and can't be stolen.

  • Breathalyzer - A device accessible to all KPD and EMS workers, used to check how drunk a person is. It's accuracy depends on the distance to the KPD station. Can't be stolen.
  • Pepper spray - A device accessible to all KPD and EMS workers, used to temporarily blind a target. Requires an action and a succesfull roll to be taken out in range (2 blocks). Requires a successful hit to blind for 60 seconds unless the targetis wearing a Gas Mask (No roll required).
  • Luminol Spray (ItemRP) - An accesible to all officers device, used to identify blood on surfaces, mainly on weapons unless cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or bleach and water. Can't be stolen.
  • First Aid Kit (ItemRP) - A small-sized, accessible to all officers kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn't available. When used, it will grant 5 additional minutes to the bleed-out timer.

  • Body camera (ItemRP) - Each officer’s uniform is equipped with a waterproof, live-streaming camera that records continuously and is accessible to all officers. The footage is stored in a cloud database. While the camera cannot be removed, it can be destroyed with two blunt force hits or a single stab. It functions similarly to a CCTV, capturing everything from the player's point of view.
  • Disposable Latex Gloves (ItemRP) - All on-duty officers have access to disposable gloves that are not fingerprint-proof, which are a standard part of their police uniforms. These gloves cannot be stolen.

  • Fingerprint scanner (ItemRP) - Available to all officers, this device is used to scan a suspect's fingerprints and verify if a sample matches the target's records.

Police officers also have daily duties:
  • Patrols - Officers go on patrols in groups of 2-3, they look for suspicious behaviour and activity, they can also look through CCTV before going on to do a couple of rounds around the city, for a cadet to go on a patrol, they need a higher-up with them.​
  • Taking reports - Police officers take reports that can vary, it can be just a suspicious activity of a single person or someone witnessing a murder, if a cadet wants to take a report, they would need someone with a rank of “Patrol Officer” to help them,​
  • Arresting/Detaining - As various crimes unfold in the city of Karakura, KPD officers have an important job to do, arrest those who commit crimes, crimes can be different, from a simple assault, up to a murder, it is the officers’ job to prevent/fight this behaviour by arresting the individuals who commit them.
  • Bailing - To bail someone, the visitor will need to give you the person’s IGN and RPname in /looc. After that you’ll need to name the bail, when you receive the bail money you can /taxpay it.​

  • Raiding - Raids typically happen when someone has been arrested on a weapon-related charge. To carry out a raid effectively, it usually requires at least three officers to ensure everything is handled safely and efficiently. These officers work together to secure the area, gather evidence, and manage any potential risks that may arise during the operation.

  • Court assistance - Officers are often required to be present during court trials, particularly in criminal cases. Typically, at least four officers are needed to ensure everything runs smoothly in the courtroom.
There are numerous ranks in the KPD
(From lowest to highest)
Main Division:
Cadet - Officer trainees, cadets are trained by higher-ups during the 2 week training period, after that, they have to pass an exam to become a Patrol Officer

Patrol Officer -
An officer who responds to both emergency and non-emergency calls, regularly patrols assigned areas, and follows designated routes to maintain safety on the streets.

Corporal - A kind of a supervisor, overseeing a small team of officers. They patrol the streets while acting as a bridge between Patrol Officers, Cadets, and higher-ranking superiors, ensuring smooth communication and coordination within the department.

Sergeant - Sergeants are main division officers who work closely with Lieutenants to help maintain order and discipline within the department. They receive training to advance to the Lieutenant role and are responsible for instructing cadets, as they are qualified to oversee Line-ups. Often, Sergeants serve as commanding officers, playing an essential role in managing operations and personnel.

Lieutenant - Lieutenants are the lowest-ranking officers among the higher-ups in the main division. Their main duties involve reporting any misconduct by lower-ranking officers to the Captain or Commissioner and leading in high-pressure situations, as they are usually the most qualified to handle them. Additionally, they are often responsible for conducting line-ups and assigning tasks to the rest of the force, ensuring smooth operations and proper delegation of duties.

Captain - A Captain is a senior officer and a key member of the high-ranking staff who collaborates with the Commissioner to review applications and implement necessary changes within the department. As second-in-command, the Captain steps in to lead whenever the Commissioner is unavailable, ensuring smooth leadership and decision-making in their absence.

Commisioner - The Commissioner oversees the entire KPD and has ultimate authority over decisions related to accepting or denying new cadets and handling promotions. They are responsible for making critical choices that shape the department and maintain exceptionally high standards for all officers under their command.

Detective division:
Detective Constable - Detective Constables are the newest members of the Detective division. Their rank is more closely aligned with that of Corporals, rather than Patrol Officers or Cadets, reflecting their specialized role within the department.

Detective Sergeant - The overseer of the Detective Division holds significant authority, managing the entire division and deciding who joins. This role is closely aligned with a Captain's rank, as they share similar power.

Detective Inspector - The Detective Inspector is a position awarded to someone who has proven their value within the detective team. They are trusted to provide suggestions and support to the Chief-Inspector and Superintendent.

Detective Chief Inspector - The Chief Inspector rank is equal to the Lieutenant, right below the Superintentant. The Inspector also holds authority over lower-ranking officers in both the main and detective divisions and holds a rank equivalent to that of Lieutenants.

Detective Superintentant - The Superintentant is the leader of the Detective division,the rank is equal to a captain.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
With crime rates higher than ever in Karakura, the KPD is a key part of keeping the community safe. They’re always busy, handling everything from street fights and trespassing to full-on gang wars. No matter the situation, the officers do their best to respond quickly and stop these incidents before they get out of hand. Keeping the city safe is a tough job, but they’re always working hard to protect the people of Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

- "My name is Michał S. Kowalski."
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
- "I am 29 years old."
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
- " I am a Male, I go by he/him."
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

- "I have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice"
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
- "I know Polish and im learning JSL"
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Michał S. Kowalski is a young man with big ambitions. He’s got a solid build that makes him look strong without trying too hard. His black hair casually falls over his forehead, giving him a cool, relaxed vibe. But his black eyes are always on point. They track whoever he’s talking to, as if he’s reading between the lines of what’s being said. Whether he’s chilling in something casual or dressed up a bit more, Michael knows how to make his look work no matter the occasion.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
When Michał is on duty in a professional environment, he’s always dialed in. He pays attention to the smallest details, stays actively involved in every discussion, and you’ll never catch him out of uniform. He’s sharp, focused, and takes the job seriously, doing everything by the book. You can count on him to be completely committed to getting things done right. Off-duty however, it’s a different story. Michał loosens up a lot. He’s talkative, constantly making jokes, and even acts a little goofy at times. He’s the type who loves to entertain and keep the conversation lively, showing a side of himself that’s chill and fun, far from the disciplined officer you see while on duty.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Michał really enjoys working in small teams of just two or three people. He finds that collaborating with a couple of teammates boosts his confidence significantly compared to when he’s tackling tasks on his own. The cohesive atmosphere helps him share ideas more freely and feel more supported, making the whole experience way more enjoyable. In contrast, working solo often leaves him feeling a bit unsure and disconnected.
What's your character's backstory?

Childhood era (1995-2008):
Michał was born into a poor family in Poland, and when he was 11, his parents decided to move to the city of Karakura, hoping for a better life. Fortunately, things improved for the family after the move. Their financial situation had stabilized, and life seemed to be heading in a positive direction. But on 21 October 2008, everything changed. That day was Michał's 13th birthday, and as his parents were driving him to school, tragedy struck. A drunk truck driver, ignoring a stop sign, crashed straight into their car. In an instant, Michał's parents were killed. Michał himself survived, with a broken hand and nose, while the truck driver, completely unharmed, was the one who called 110. When the EMS arrived at the scene, they found Michał barely conscious, trapped in the wreckage, crying out for his parents. The paramedics quickly pulled him from the car, stabilizing his injuries before rushing him to the hospital. As he was wheeled into the ambulance, Michał kept asking about his parents, but the somber looks from the medics made it clear there was nothing more they could do. The overwhelming shock and grief hit him later, as he realized his life had changed forever in just a few seconds.
,,The Trauma era'' (2008-2009)
After losing his parents, Michał’s life took a dark turn. He began skipping classes, eventually dropping out of school completely, and got into fights with older students. One fight, however, had severe consequences. The student Michał beat up turned out to be connected to a powerful local gang. A month after his parents' death, Michał stayed late at school due to detention. When he finally returned home to the apartment he shared with friends, he was met with a horrifying scene, deep cuts marked the walls, blood covered the floor, and the bodies of his friends lay lifeless. This traumatic experience plunged Michał even further into depression, and he developed a fear of people, withdrawing from social life entirely over the following years.

,,The Recovery era" (2012-2015)
Just when things seemed hopeless, someone special entered his life: Lily Miller. Lily became a guiding light for Michał. She helped him climb out of his depression, encouraged him to open up socially, and welcomed him into her circle of friends. With her support, Michał began to rebuild his life. He got into college, was welcomed into the influential Sidorov family. Eventually he began dating Harper G. Avery. Their relationship seemed promising, and after a few months, they even got engaged. However, it didn’t last long... One day, Michał returned home to find a heartbreaking message: "I'm sorry, Michał, I'm leaving." Harper had left him, and he was devastated.

,,The Change era" (2015-Present Day)
Weeks later, Michał opened up about his pain and struggles to Lily. As they grew closer, the two started dating. But soon after, something alarming happened. Lily approached Michał, terrified, and told him that she had seen Nathan, Michał's adopted son, dressed in blackout gear, wearing a ballistic mask, and wielding a metal baseball bat. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Michał and Lily made a life-changing decision, they both decided to join the Karakura Police Department, determined to prevent further violence and protect their community from the dangers that had once torn Michał’s life apart.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you cannot, getting caught with a pocket knife will result in getting arrested for:
[F] Possession of Illegal Weaponry - 3 Months
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, Eyepatch, Glasses, Multivitamins, Cough Syrup.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If I catch any of my co-workers mistreating an inmate, I tell them straight up to knock it off or I’ll arrest them for:
[M] Assault – 2 months
[F] Assault with a Weapon – 6 months if they’ve got a weapon involved
[F] Government Misconduct – 6 months
If they don’t listen, I don’t waste time. I use my taser to stun them, slap on the cuffs, and take them in. After that, I report everything to my higher-ups, laying out the situation and backing it up with camera footage for proof.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I rush over to the scene as quickly as I can. The moment I get there, I pull out my stun blaster and zap the aggressor to bring them down. Once they’re immobilized, I proceed to arrest them for:

[F] Assault on a Government Official - 6 Months
[M] Assault - 2 Months
[F] Assault with a Weapon - 6 Months if they use a weapon
[F] Possession of Illegal Weaponry - 3 Months if they have an illegal weapon
[F] Assault with a Deadly Weapon - 12 Months if they use a deadly weapon, for example a knife.

Once everything is sorted out, I transport them to the KPD building to make sure they’re processed properly.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
If I discover that one of my co-workers is involved in corrupt activities or is helping out criminal organizations, I don’t waste any time. I’ll arrest them for:

[F] Government Corruption - 20 Months
[F] Gang Affiliation - 16 Months

If they decide to resist arrest, I add
[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
to their charges.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
First of all, I’d confront them and let them know that what they’re doing is illegal. I’d tell them they must be pretty foolish to think I’d actually accept a bribe. After that, I’d detain them right away for bribery, if they try to resist while I’m making the arrest, I won’t let that slide. I’ll add
[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
to their charges. Once everything is taken care of, I’d transport them over to the KPD building for processing.​
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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