Level 3
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I joined SRP in the winter of 2022, I'm a member of the crime community on one of my characters, on my other characters, I engage in roleplay with a bunch of different people, I talk with school faculty members, I love talking to chefs about food during breaktime, for professors and teachers however, I have some philosophical questions about life! I often go to shrine and interact with the maidens
.. by spying on them and looking for spiders in the cobwebs on the trees. And priests? I honestly don't see them around that much. I am also in all of the official discords and I always check the help channels to learn new things, for example, I didn't know about the new rule change in crime until I checked the help channels! I have a circle of friends I made on the server and we have a group chat, on it, I am talking with my friends and relating my experiences from the server.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
As I stated before, I've been playing SRP for a while, I've been a part of most of the communities (And still am!), I know most of the rules and I am now trying to explore the faction side of SRP, I tried joining KPD but I failed. Now, I have set my sights on the professor position.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
I currently have 3 characters on SRP, one of them is a [College][B], the 2nd one is a [Grade-12] and the 3rd one is a [Fish].
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Self Defense (Physical Ed.)
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I want to become a professor to look at the job from their perspective, because the thought of becoming a teacher has always been in my head. The position in school faculty will also open up new career paths for my character, I want him to finally start a family and get married. Also, being in school faculty grants me the ability to interact with a range of characters, and the atmosphere in the college classes is much calmer compared to highschool ones, probably because of the lack of so called "Greenies" which are beginner RPers. All in all, my motivation for becoming a professor is quite simple.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
It was a rainy Monday in Karakura, middle of breaktime when suddenly a young and energetic voice could be heard through the intercom.
-"Gooood morning passengers! This is your captain speaking, I will be hosting self defense classes on periods 3 and 4. In the breaktime, our flight attendants will serve you some delicious lunch. Have a pleasant and comfortable journey!"
1. After the bell rang, Michael would be sitting behind the desk in his classroom, he watched with a smile as the students poured into the room. After everyone was seated, he would rise from his seat and say:
-"Welcome students, my name is Mr. Sidorov but you can call me Mr. Michael, I am teaching Physical Education but I like to focus on self defense, as our city can be pretty dangerous, especially at night. On our first period, you will write an assignment about why is self defense important or what self defense techniques do you know."
He then went on and gave each student a notebook titled "Self Defense assignment". Michael would then look at the clock and realize he had to end the class.
-"Please, put some work into the assignments, we will be reviewing them next period, please make sure you bring water and sport clothes, see you around!"
2. After lunchtime ended, Michael would be waiting for his students in the school gym, he was dressed in his sport clothes and had a cup of coffee in his hand. He waited for the students to come in and after everyone was inside, he took a step forward.
-"Okay, I want you all to form a double row for me so I can count you. After that, people who were present during the 3rd period will present their work and people who didn't will get a chance to make notes of what hapenned."
After the students were done presenting, Michael looked at his watch, realising that he does not have much time left and so he went on with the class.
-"Okay, is that everyone? Perfect. Now, I need a volunteer" After he picked one student from everyone who had raised their hand, he stood in front of him.
-"Now, we will learn some techniques on how to defend yourself when you're getting attacked or harrased, Mr. XYZ, try to punch me." When the student made his atempt, Michael caught his hand mid air, quickly sidestepped and lightly pinned the student against the wall, making sure he doesn't get hurt.
-"This technique is what I call, 'The cobra pin', you might ask why Cobra? Because Cobras are awesome."
Suddenly, the bell rang.
-"Oh well, it's time for us to finish, see you guys tomorrow, I'll make sure to have more sparrings!"
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
It was a sunny Tuesday. The previous day, Michael had announced that they would have some sparrings on his classes, but the trick was, they were going on a field trip too! At the start of period 2, he gathered his students and met with his fellow teacher who agreed to help on the field trip.
-"Hello everyone! Today, as I promised, we will have some sparrings, but we're also going on a field trip to the Zen garden. Now, please pack your things and we'll be going soon, I will be waiting at the front gate."
When the students gathered around the front gate, he quickly counted them and they took went on towards the Zen garden. When they arrived, they turned right after they entered. They put down some blankets and Michael made sure nobody got lost on the way.
-"Okay, we have everyone, now I need to make a list, who wants to spar with others?" After some students raised their hands, he would complete the list and say.
-"Alright, people who didn't want to spar, I have brought some board games, I'm sure that Miss XYZ would love to play with you. After all the spars are finished, we can share some stories and eat snacks if anyone has some!"
After everyone gathered up, he went on to say
-"I know that I'm not a history professor but I want to say some things about the Zen Garden, because when I was growing up, this place had great value to me"
After telling the story, they packed up everything and started heading back to school grounds. When they were on the way back, he asked a couple of questions about self defense and the Zen Garden.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He would approach the group carefully, asking them:
-"What seems to be the problem? Why are you surrounding this young man? I hope you know that there are cameras all over the school, now break apart and go to your classes."
After the college jocks left, he checked the bobcat jock for any injuries
-"Did they do or say anything to you? If yes you have to tell me. And if they ever do, report it to me immediately."
then he went on to check CCTV to see what hapenned and reported the incident through radio.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Michael, as he was already mad because he had to stay in the detention room was keeping an eye on this student the whole time, but after another stupid question, he finally lost it
-"XYZ, stop asking stupid questions and do your work unless you want get reported to SLT and eventually suspended."
The student stopped and started behaving properly.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He would raise from his chair and say:
-"Whoever is playing the music, stop, and if I hear anyone call someone else out, they are getting kicked out of the class with a detention."
The students either didn't hear him or didn't care about what he had just said, so Michael gave them a second warning.
-"This is your second and last chance, turn off the music and give me your phone. Or you can always explain in to SLT, because if you don't stop I will suggest that you all be removed from college."
The cheerleaders have finally stopped and the one who was playing music gave her phone to Michael.
-"Thank you, I will give it back after class. I hope everyone knows that I don't tolerate this kind of behaviour in my class."
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Michael quickly reports the fight through radio and in a very serious tone, he yells:
He wasn't actually going to call the police, it was a psychological game, was it going to work though? While other faculty members were on the way, he was still trying to break the fight apart... But it didn't seem to work, so he took matters into his own hands, he swiftly approached and pulled the student closest to him out of range of the other one.
Fortunately, help arrived in time to apprehand the student, so Michael checked the other for injuries. After handing them both detention, he informs SLT about the incident using CCTV footage as proof.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Michael Sidorov is a young ambitious male, with coal black eyes and muscular build, he stands at 6'3''ft tall, but his appearance doesn't resemble his personality. Michael is very energetic and friendly to everyone, he mostly dresses in the popular "Old Money" style, his black hair fall down onto his forehead making him appear younger than he actually is.

His young look allows him to interact with people easier, he loves to talk with people, no matter the age or looks, he definitely is an extrovert. You could say he is kind of a playboy, but he can control himself. When he was working at another school, he was very passionate and loved talking with students and helping them with their various problems.
Teachers are a different story though, his co-workers at the previous school were making fun of him and they all were more or less mean to him. That's why he decided to change his workplace, he hopes that his new co-workers are as passionate to teaching and interacting with students as him.
He plans to make a succesful career as a college professor, find the woman of his life and marry her, then found a family and die peacefully.
Michael is very friendly towards everyone, however he acts completely different when someone interrupts him in class, he is speaking in a serious tone and doesn't hang back with punishing students."
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
,,Childhood era'' (1995-2008):
Michael was born into a poor family in Poland, and when he was 11, his parents decided to move to the city of Karakura, hoping for a better life. Fortunately, things improved for the family after the move. Their financial situation had stabilized, and life seemed to be heading in a positive direction. But on 21 October 2008, everything changed. That day was Michael's 13th birthday, and as his parents were driving him to school, tragedy struck. A drunk truck driver, ignoring a stop sign, crashed straight into their car. In an instant, Michael's parents were killed. Michael himself survived, with a broken hand and nose, while the truck driver, completely unharmed, was the one who called 110. When the EMS arrived at the scene, they found Michael barely conscious, trapped in the wreckage, crying out for his parents. The paramedics quickly pulled him out of the car, stabilizing his injuries before rushing him to the hospital. As he was wheeled into the ambulance, Michael kept asking about his parents, but the somber looks from the medics made it clear there was nothing more they could do. The overwhelming shock and grief hit him later, as he realized his life had changed forever in just a few seconds.
,,The Trauma era'' (2008-2009)
After losing his parents, Michael’s life took a dark turn. He began skipping classes and started getting into fights with other students. One fight, however, had severe consequences. One student that Michael beat up turned out to be connected to a powerful local gang. A month after his parents' death, Michael stayed late at school due to detention. When he finally returned home to the apartment he shared with friends, he was met with a horrifying scene, deep cuts marked the walls, blood covered the floor, and the bodies of his friends lay lifeless. This traumatic experience plunged Michael even further into depression, and he developed a fear of people, withdrawing from social life entirely over the following years.
,,The Recovery era" (2012-2015)
Just when things seemed hopeless, someone special entered his life: Lily Miller. Lily became a guiding light for Michael. She helped him climb out of his depression, encouraged him to open up socially, and welcomed him into her circle of friends. With her support, Michael began to rebuild his life. He got into college, was welcomed into the Sidorov family. Eventually he began dating Harper G. Avery. Their relationship seemed promising, and after a few months, they even got engaged. However, it didn’t last long... One day, Michael returned home to find a heartbreaking message: "I'm sorry, Michael, I'm leaving." Harper had left him, and he was devastated.
,,The Change era" (2015-2018)
Weeks later, Michael opened up about his pain and struggles to Lily. As they grew closer, the two started dating. But soon after, something alarming happened. Lily approached Michał, terrified, and told him that she had seen Nathan, Lily's brother, dressed in blackout gear, wearing a ballistic mask, and wielding a metal baseball bat. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Michael and Lily made a life-changing decision, they both decided to join the Karakura Police Department, determined to prevent further violence and protect their community from the dangers that had once torn Michael’s life apart.
,,The Rising Star era" (2018-2021)
After Michael's KPD application was denied, he decided to use his physical education degree and skills to pursue a job as a teacher at a highschool. After he succesfully passed a training course for teachers, he got a job at a school in Tokyo. As a 26 year old man, he didn't have much experience in dealing with students, so his co-workers started making fun of him for not being able to keep his class in order. He eventually figured it out, but the hate for his co-workers remained. Once, he started talking back to them which turned out to be a bad idea... When he was coming back home, 2 of the guys he talked back to encircled him in an alley, but he didn't give up. They started talking, getting more and more agressive when one of the co-workers finally broke and attacked Michael, but due to his experience in martial arts and very good agility, he was able to catch the man's fist mid air and then throw him over his shoulder making him end up on the ground. The second co-worker seeing this, decided to run away. Michael who didn't want trouble let him do it and walked off too. The next day however, the school principal called Michael to his office and wanted an explanation, but Michael knowing that the principal didn't like him, just said "I quit." He packed his personal things from his desk and locker and went home. It was a rainy day, when he got home, he started to think about Lily and decided to move back to Karakura.
,,The Homecoming era" (2021-Present day)
As Michael made his decision about moving back to Karakura, he started looking for an apartment online, the search didn't take as long as he had expected. During late summer, he took a plane and moved into his brand new home. He knew that he needed a job, so he started working in a shop near his house, but this kind of position didn't suit him. He signed up for another teacher training course, he also decided to master Aikido and Krav Maga, two defensive martial arts, that could ensure that he would become a great self defense teacher. By the time he finished all the courses, 2023 was coming to an end, and so, he finally decided to make an application to become a self defense professor. He didn't know who he would meet there though...
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
-" My name is Michael Sidorov Kowalski"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
-"I am 29 years old."
Gender & pronouns:
-"Male, I go by he/him."
Religious Denomination:
-"I'm an Atheist.
Marital Status:
-"I am currently single."
-"I am Polish but I've been living in Japan since 11 years old."
Current Location:
-" I currently live in Karakura."
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
-"I have been teaching for 3 years in Tokio."
Working Experience (# of years):
-"My working experience is 10 years."
Academic Degree:
-" I graduated as a College Bachelor in this very school."
Year of Graduation:
-"I graduated in 2004."
Physical Education
Psychology, Japanese
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
JSL, Japanese
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education
Additional notes about your application (if any):
My classes will mainly focus on teaching combatrp and detailrp, college makes it possible because there are no "green tags" in the classes, as they are prohibited from combatrp.
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
ilovemyplanex21 | KPD app
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): ilovemyplanex21 Discord Name & Tag: reyngolsign Which timezone are you in? GMT+2 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: N/A Describe your activity on the server: My activity on SRP is high, although I have a lot of school...
I joined SRP in the winter of 2022, I'm a member of the crime community on one of my characters, on my other characters, I engage in roleplay with a bunch of different people, I talk with school faculty members, I love talking to chefs about food during breaktime, for professors and teachers however, I have some philosophical questions about life! I often go to shrine and interact with the maidens
.. by spying on them and looking for spiders in the cobwebs on the trees. And priests? I honestly don't see them around that much. I am also in all of the official discords and I always check the help channels to learn new things, for example, I didn't know about the new rule change in crime until I checked the help channels! I have a circle of friends I made on the server and we have a group chat, on it, I am talking with my friends and relating my experiences from the server.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
As I stated before, I've been playing SRP for a while, I've been a part of most of the communities (And still am!), I know most of the rules and I am now trying to explore the faction side of SRP, I tried joining KPD but I failed. Now, I have set my sights on the professor position.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
I currently have 3 characters on SRP, one of them is a [College][B], the 2nd one is a [Grade-12] and the 3rd one is a [Fish].
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Self Defense (Physical Ed.)
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I want to become a professor to look at the job from their perspective, because the thought of becoming a teacher has always been in my head. The position in school faculty will also open up new career paths for my character, I want him to finally start a family and get married. Also, being in school faculty grants me the ability to interact with a range of characters, and the atmosphere in the college classes is much calmer compared to highschool ones, probably because of the lack of so called "Greenies" which are beginner RPers. All in all, my motivation for becoming a professor is quite simple.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
It was a rainy Monday in Karakura, middle of breaktime when suddenly a young and energetic voice could be heard through the intercom.
-"Gooood morning passengers! This is your captain speaking, I will be hosting self defense classes on periods 3 and 4. In the breaktime, our flight attendants will serve you some delicious lunch. Have a pleasant and comfortable journey!"
1. After the bell rang, Michael would be sitting behind the desk in his classroom, he watched with a smile as the students poured into the room. After everyone was seated, he would rise from his seat and say:
-"Welcome students, my name is Mr. Sidorov but you can call me Mr. Michael, I am teaching Physical Education but I like to focus on self defense, as our city can be pretty dangerous, especially at night. On our first period, you will write an assignment about why is self defense important or what self defense techniques do you know."
He then went on and gave each student a notebook titled "Self Defense assignment". Michael would then look at the clock and realize he had to end the class.
-"Please, put some work into the assignments, we will be reviewing them next period, please make sure you bring water and sport clothes, see you around!"
2. After lunchtime ended, Michael would be waiting for his students in the school gym, he was dressed in his sport clothes and had a cup of coffee in his hand. He waited for the students to come in and after everyone was inside, he took a step forward.
-"Okay, I want you all to form a double row for me so I can count you. After that, people who were present during the 3rd period will present their work and people who didn't will get a chance to make notes of what hapenned."
After the students were done presenting, Michael looked at his watch, realising that he does not have much time left and so he went on with the class.
-"Okay, is that everyone? Perfect. Now, I need a volunteer" After he picked one student from everyone who had raised their hand, he stood in front of him.
-"Now, we will learn some techniques on how to defend yourself when you're getting attacked or harrased, Mr. XYZ, try to punch me." When the student made his atempt, Michael caught his hand mid air, quickly sidestepped and lightly pinned the student against the wall, making sure he doesn't get hurt.
-"This technique is what I call, 'The cobra pin', you might ask why Cobra? Because Cobras are awesome."
Suddenly, the bell rang.
-"Oh well, it's time for us to finish, see you guys tomorrow, I'll make sure to have more sparrings!"
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
It was a sunny Tuesday. The previous day, Michael had announced that they would have some sparrings on his classes, but the trick was, they were going on a field trip too! At the start of period 2, he gathered his students and met with his fellow teacher who agreed to help on the field trip.
-"Hello everyone! Today, as I promised, we will have some sparrings, but we're also going on a field trip to the Zen garden. Now, please pack your things and we'll be going soon, I will be waiting at the front gate."
When the students gathered around the front gate, he quickly counted them and they took went on towards the Zen garden. When they arrived, they turned right after they entered. They put down some blankets and Michael made sure nobody got lost on the way.
-"Okay, we have everyone, now I need to make a list, who wants to spar with others?" After some students raised their hands, he would complete the list and say.
-"Alright, people who didn't want to spar, I have brought some board games, I'm sure that Miss XYZ would love to play with you. After all the spars are finished, we can share some stories and eat snacks if anyone has some!"
After everyone gathered up, he went on to say
-"I know that I'm not a history professor but I want to say some things about the Zen Garden, because when I was growing up, this place had great value to me"
After telling the story, they packed up everything and started heading back to school grounds. When they were on the way back, he asked a couple of questions about self defense and the Zen Garden.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He would approach the group carefully, asking them:
-"What seems to be the problem? Why are you surrounding this young man? I hope you know that there are cameras all over the school, now break apart and go to your classes."
After the college jocks left, he checked the bobcat jock for any injuries
-"Did they do or say anything to you? If yes you have to tell me. And if they ever do, report it to me immediately."
then he went on to check CCTV to see what hapenned and reported the incident through radio.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Michael, as he was already mad because he had to stay in the detention room was keeping an eye on this student the whole time, but after another stupid question, he finally lost it
-"XYZ, stop asking stupid questions and do your work unless you want get reported to SLT and eventually suspended."
The student stopped and started behaving properly.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He would raise from his chair and say:
-"Whoever is playing the music, stop, and if I hear anyone call someone else out, they are getting kicked out of the class with a detention."
The students either didn't hear him or didn't care about what he had just said, so Michael gave them a second warning.
-"This is your second and last chance, turn off the music and give me your phone. Or you can always explain in to SLT, because if you don't stop I will suggest that you all be removed from college."
The cheerleaders have finally stopped and the one who was playing music gave her phone to Michael.
-"Thank you, I will give it back after class. I hope everyone knows that I don't tolerate this kind of behaviour in my class."
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Michael quickly reports the fight through radio and in a very serious tone, he yells:
He wasn't actually going to call the police, it was a psychological game, was it going to work though? While other faculty members were on the way, he was still trying to break the fight apart... But it didn't seem to work, so he took matters into his own hands, he swiftly approached and pulled the student closest to him out of range of the other one.
Fortunately, help arrived in time to apprehand the student, so Michael checked the other for injuries. After handing them both detention, he informs SLT about the incident using CCTV footage as proof.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Michael Sidorov is a young ambitious male, with coal black eyes and muscular build, he stands at 6'3''ft tall, but his appearance doesn't resemble his personality. Michael is very energetic and friendly to everyone, he mostly dresses in the popular "Old Money" style, his black hair fall down onto his forehead making him appear younger than he actually is.

His young look allows him to interact with people easier, he loves to talk with people, no matter the age or looks, he definitely is an extrovert. You could say he is kind of a playboy, but he can control himself. When he was working at another school, he was very passionate and loved talking with students and helping them with their various problems.
Teachers are a different story though, his co-workers at the previous school were making fun of him and they all were more or less mean to him. That's why he decided to change his workplace, he hopes that his new co-workers are as passionate to teaching and interacting with students as him.
He plans to make a succesful career as a college professor, find the woman of his life and marry her, then found a family and die peacefully.
Michael is very friendly towards everyone, however he acts completely different when someone interrupts him in class, he is speaking in a serious tone and doesn't hang back with punishing students."
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
,,Childhood era'' (1995-2008):
Michael was born into a poor family in Poland, and when he was 11, his parents decided to move to the city of Karakura, hoping for a better life. Fortunately, things improved for the family after the move. Their financial situation had stabilized, and life seemed to be heading in a positive direction. But on 21 October 2008, everything changed. That day was Michael's 13th birthday, and as his parents were driving him to school, tragedy struck. A drunk truck driver, ignoring a stop sign, crashed straight into their car. In an instant, Michael's parents were killed. Michael himself survived, with a broken hand and nose, while the truck driver, completely unharmed, was the one who called 110. When the EMS arrived at the scene, they found Michael barely conscious, trapped in the wreckage, crying out for his parents. The paramedics quickly pulled him out of the car, stabilizing his injuries before rushing him to the hospital. As he was wheeled into the ambulance, Michael kept asking about his parents, but the somber looks from the medics made it clear there was nothing more they could do. The overwhelming shock and grief hit him later, as he realized his life had changed forever in just a few seconds.
,,The Trauma era'' (2008-2009)
After losing his parents, Michael’s life took a dark turn. He began skipping classes and started getting into fights with other students. One fight, however, had severe consequences. One student that Michael beat up turned out to be connected to a powerful local gang. A month after his parents' death, Michael stayed late at school due to detention. When he finally returned home to the apartment he shared with friends, he was met with a horrifying scene, deep cuts marked the walls, blood covered the floor, and the bodies of his friends lay lifeless. This traumatic experience plunged Michael even further into depression, and he developed a fear of people, withdrawing from social life entirely over the following years.
,,The Recovery era" (2012-2015)
Just when things seemed hopeless, someone special entered his life: Lily Miller. Lily became a guiding light for Michael. She helped him climb out of his depression, encouraged him to open up socially, and welcomed him into her circle of friends. With her support, Michael began to rebuild his life. He got into college, was welcomed into the Sidorov family. Eventually he began dating Harper G. Avery. Their relationship seemed promising, and after a few months, they even got engaged. However, it didn’t last long... One day, Michael returned home to find a heartbreaking message: "I'm sorry, Michael, I'm leaving." Harper had left him, and he was devastated.
,,The Change era" (2015-2018)
Weeks later, Michael opened up about his pain and struggles to Lily. As they grew closer, the two started dating. But soon after, something alarming happened. Lily approached Michał, terrified, and told him that she had seen Nathan, Lily's brother, dressed in blackout gear, wearing a ballistic mask, and wielding a metal baseball bat. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Michael and Lily made a life-changing decision, they both decided to join the Karakura Police Department, determined to prevent further violence and protect their community from the dangers that had once torn Michael’s life apart.
,,The Rising Star era" (2018-2021)
After Michael's KPD application was denied, he decided to use his physical education degree and skills to pursue a job as a teacher at a highschool. After he succesfully passed a training course for teachers, he got a job at a school in Tokyo. As a 26 year old man, he didn't have much experience in dealing with students, so his co-workers started making fun of him for not being able to keep his class in order. He eventually figured it out, but the hate for his co-workers remained. Once, he started talking back to them which turned out to be a bad idea... When he was coming back home, 2 of the guys he talked back to encircled him in an alley, but he didn't give up. They started talking, getting more and more agressive when one of the co-workers finally broke and attacked Michael, but due to his experience in martial arts and very good agility, he was able to catch the man's fist mid air and then throw him over his shoulder making him end up on the ground. The second co-worker seeing this, decided to run away. Michael who didn't want trouble let him do it and walked off too. The next day however, the school principal called Michael to his office and wanted an explanation, but Michael knowing that the principal didn't like him, just said "I quit." He packed his personal things from his desk and locker and went home. It was a rainy day, when he got home, he started to think about Lily and decided to move back to Karakura.
,,The Homecoming era" (2021-Present day)
As Michael made his decision about moving back to Karakura, he started looking for an apartment online, the search didn't take as long as he had expected. During late summer, he took a plane and moved into his brand new home. He knew that he needed a job, so he started working in a shop near his house, but this kind of position didn't suit him. He signed up for another teacher training course, he also decided to master Aikido and Krav Maga, two defensive martial arts, that could ensure that he would become a great self defense teacher. By the time he finished all the courses, 2023 was coming to an end, and so, he finally decided to make an application to become a self defense professor. He didn't know who he would meet there though...
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
-" My name is Michael Sidorov Kowalski"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
-"I am 29 years old."
Gender & pronouns:
-"Male, I go by he/him."
Religious Denomination:
-"I'm an Atheist.
Marital Status:
-"I am currently single."
-"I am Polish but I've been living in Japan since 11 years old."
Current Location:
-" I currently live in Karakura."
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
-"I have been teaching for 3 years in Tokio."
Working Experience (# of years):
-"My working experience is 10 years."
Academic Degree:
-" I graduated as a College Bachelor in this very school."
Year of Graduation:
-"I graduated in 2004."
Physical Education
Psychology, Japanese
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
JSL, Japanese
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education
Additional notes about your application (if any):
My classes will mainly focus on teaching combatrp and detailrp, college makes it possible because there are no "green tags" in the classes, as they are prohibited from combatrp.
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