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ImAstroBTW || Reporter Application


What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
ImAstroBTW (MAIN) & Boristheraccoon (ALT)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
astrocastroenvy and yes I have a mic

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:
All DayI'm on after 3 pm to around 9-10pmI'm on after 3 pm to around 9-10pmI'm on after 11:30am to around 9-10pmI'm on after 3 pm to around 9-10pmI'm on after 3 pm to around 9-10pmAll Day

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Professor| Issac Beaufoy
Raccoon| Boris
12th Graders
8 grader

Spanish Application ACCEPTED
French Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Physiatrist Application DENIED
Accepted - Issac Beaufoy//English Professor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server ACCEPTED

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I've only really been apart of gang rp and family rp aside from school rp, I've also only been in the professor faction and wish to branch out and gain more experience in the reporter RP world. I have a few friends apart of the reporter community and wish to join them. I've only heard good things about this faction, I wouldn't be joining for the money but for the experience that I could gain from it and give my character more life experience and more to tell and do.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have plenty of experience, i make characters just for fun and give them elaborate stories when I'm bored, i grew up with writers my own mother wrote books and such which inspired me. When I joined drama at my OOC school I wrote an entire play that took me forever to do but it was just my imagination finally being written down on 73 pages. My teachers always complimented my writing and tried to push me into writing competitions and such.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes I am
Why should we accept you over others?:

I believe I should be prioritized over other applicants due to my experiences in roleplay. I know I'm not the best roleplayer in the world, but I have a dedication. From the moment I rejoined SRP in August of 2023 I experienced so much so fast. I joined a gang called Man'en and worked very hard and excelled in gangrp that I had to teach myself, I'm proud of my work within this gang, and met many incredible people during my time. Aside from gang RP as I am now retired I joined the professor faction again not knowing much but managed to excel once more and get promoted in my first month which is one of my greatest accomplishments within SRP. As crazy as it sounds I am not joining for the money but more for the experience and being able to learn more about factions. The only other faction that seemed to spark something in me other than professor is actually in fact reporter and id love to take part and be apart of the new station. Seeing how much I've grown during these past few months is truly remarkable to me, i went from super shy and not wanting to talk to a social butterfly and love talking to others in this community and learning new aspects of the server as a whole.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand and have a very strong background in not being biased when it comes to certain topics in order to understand both sides.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I'm completely confident in being active as I am on as much as I possibly can.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine work as a reporting being is a lot like intel in a gang Man'en which I was in and took part in the intel section for a very long time as well as being like a detective. Running around town, gathering information, and attending events and much more gathering as much information and screenshots as possible. This would be on a professional level as well as legal which will be new for me because well I'm a retired Gangrper but it's always good to branch out and do things on the legal side. I could also see myself working in my office, attending meetings and interviews, or working with other reporters on stories. I always love seeing my friend's reports pop up and checking them out and want to be able to do the same and have my friends make comments on my work. I would love to enjoy time with my fellow reporters at the station while we all work on our reports and enjoy everyone's work.​

Full Name:

" Um... my name.. man I'm so lost on my name updates but to play it safe let's just go with Freya Lucia Astley-Togomi"
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
"Man- people are so silly I have plenty of nicknames like Mrs. Togomi, Frey Frey, Freyster, I even had one, and excuse my French but a friend of mine called me bad bitch frey-"
Current Age (25+):
"you never ask a lady her age- but for interview sake....25"
Past job/work experience:
"I used to be a journalist in high school and college, and wrote a few books on real-world events."
"I have a Bachelor's in Journalism, communication, and English"
Nationality and born location:
"I'm French and Japanese, Born and raised in France and moved to New Orleans then here"
Phone Number:
"My phone number is 030-587-0265"

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"I describe myself as a very persistent and motivated individual, I enjoy writing and being on the move to discover new things. I lived in Karakura for a while and feel as if I haven't scratched the surface of this town's information and I'm determined to change that. I have made many friends along the way who believe in me and my capabilities as a person and as a writer. My mother and brother are reporters and have truly inspired me to be better and do more. So I plan to do so and try and become a reporter to push myself to do more and be someone I can be proud of and do work that genuinely means something. I've overcome a lot in my life and have the scars to prove that much, so doing something such as the work of a reporter will be a huge change and be something I need especially if in the future one day I want a family."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I am very interested in any and every topic, I love to learn and investigate. I have a long history of interviewing people and gaining information not just anyone could gain. In my time I've gained whole life stories five questions into learning about someone. I have no comfort zone I love being thrown into things and taking on challenges. So I'm completely comfortable doing things others won't be willing to and putting myself in odd situations to gain information and make reports on them."

What are your expectations for the job?:
"My expectations are high for it, this full of hard-working people and people I know. I've seen reports made and I hold myself accountable to meet the expectations of being a reporter and the requirements of it. Its a good work field ill love to indulge in."

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"No- never I'm a good child raised right"

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
"Given that I'm French I speak French, I also learned JSL to speak to a family who are unable to. I also have a few Hispanic friends who I learned Spanish for"​



"Karakura shops especially in the shopping district are a gem in Karakura. The citizens of this town look forward to every opening and all items inside. The citizens in Karakura are natural consumers and love to shop. Especially with shops such as Club Umbra, Sayonara, Joyoung, Yudokuna, Yeobo, Daisuke Yohin, Umisachi, and Mai Yume are truly highlights of the people's days when they see they are open. These stores truly inspire some citizens to try and even open their own shops, but have issues with such because well? Inactive shops taking up space..."

"I've heard many people complain and the shops such as Igenarou, ryeketsu, shizokousa, ushi no Koya, tokki-yo taking up space or are overall inactive, not to put these stores down they all have hard workers and people who want to work in them, but what happens to these employees when the shop stops opening? Are they just out of work? These shops aside many people I've spoken to expressed they wish for more shops and maybe more space for more people to open up more shops. I personally know people working at many shops active and inactive who expressed their love for each one. Hearing complaints and complaints, but everyone had one thing they said all in common, "it sucks that some shops are inactive because I would love to open my own" or "id love to see new shops around." So for all shop owners and future shop owners, what are your opinions on the topic? Employees, what is your experience working in inactive shops? Citizens, what shops would you want to see open?"​


What is it like being a professor?
[!] A link to a recording would be at the bottom of the page. Once clicked on, a video would play [!]

Freya Astley Togomi
Issac Beaufoy
"Good afternoon Mr. Beaufoy I just had a couple of questions for you, you wouldn't mind if I asked?

Always Freya, come in and have a seat I'll be happy to answer any and all questions you have"
[!] A small smile would be on his face as he motioned for her to have a seat

[!] She adjusted her camera carefully with a smile on her face as she sat down across from the professor with pen and paper in hand "So, Mr.Beaufoy, what are your expectations for attendance and participation?"

[!]He smiled at the camera and looked back at Freya, adjusting himself in his desk chair as he thought for a moment"My expectations? I would hope everyone can attend class as much as they can because this is their future... I've always had good participation and encourage it even if they are wrong because that's not what matters, learning is the best way to teach them even if they are wrong. My classroom is a safe space for students to speak their minds."

[!] She smiled writing down his reply looking over at the camera and back down at her paper "And how will students' performance in this class be evaluated?"[!] She tilted her head slightly waiting for his reply
[!] Beaufoy let out a small sigh as he pushed some papers aside on his desk, looking at Freya and how concentrated she was "Uhh- It's a mix of things, if I'm giving out an assignment then I evaluate based on how many questions you got right, and if on the ones you got wrong how much effort did you put in. I rarely ever give a student a bad grade because my job is to make sure students learn, bad grades seem more like a downer and don't encourage them, what happens
in the classroom does."

[!]She smiled focusing on his replies and her next question, she spun her pen with her fingers"Interesting...What are the best ways to prepare for your exams? what do you recommend for your students?"

"Well, as every person in my profession would say, study.. take notes pay attention in class. As boring as that sounds I highly recommend it because when it comes down to exams doing these things will help you so much and it's so important. What's more important is being a teacher and being able to have an engaging class."

[!] She rested her elbow on the table as she leaned forward, truly curious "What have been some of your best experiences as a professor?"

[!] Beaufoy laughed slightly looking up at Freya "My best experiences as cliche as this sounds is the kids, seeing the engagement and the joy they have during and after my class truly makes me enjoy working and continue to do my job as I do. My students trust me and that's the biggest and most important thing in the world to have to be able to teach."

[!] Freya crossed her legs tapping her foot as she leaned into her chair focusing on his demeanor and the way he spoke as if it was like watching her own guardian. "What drives you to be a professor and teach students?"

"My kids, they are what made me want to do what I do... Teaching them to be a person a good one at that and being able to educate them as much as I can is rewarding because I know one day they will be successful young people who will do incredible things."
"Would you recommend this profession to everyone?"

[!] His face would grimace knowing that this job isn't for everyone"
Now I'm supposed to say yes but I cannot, it's a hard no. This profession is not for everyone and most can't handle it. If people are considering it by all means do your research do the schooling but understand that this job is important we are shaping young minds and we are replied on as teachers and professors."
"Do you have any interesting stories about being a professor?"

"There was one class, I introduced word association too and this group of kids, great kids, fell in love and just kept doing it. I taught periods 3 and 4 so lunch is in between and throughout the time period, both classes and even lunch they sat in my class playing this game and even dragged me into it. I built close bonds with these kids and some even came to me about personal issues because I was a trusted adult and they wanted my advice and because of this ONE day these kids have a safe place."[!] He smiled on the memory recalling it so perfectly, he truly cared for the students of the school and his job.
"What is your teaching style?"[!] Her eyes trained on the professor, biting the inside of her cheek squinting slightly

My teaching style is very just me freestyling it, I'm very strict on treating my students like people and not treating them like I'm superior. We have a lot to learn from younger generations and I'm very big on respect. Teaching them to be open-minded and being in a space to speak freely does wonders. With lectures, games, group work, or even debate. I give my kids a safe space to just be them and let their creativity flow."
[!] Satisfied with his answer she waved her pen as she looked down at her notepad "Do most professors have regular office hours for one-on-one meetings?"
[!] He let out a soft sigh as he sat back in his chair folding his hands on his lap"
No, we keep it on school grounds during school time. Most professors have lives outside of teaching and kids, so staying beyond that is difficult for me. I don't teach every period and have lunch hour if students wish to come in to have extra help or catch up on what they missed."

[!] She sat up straight adjusting her sweater as she put her pen ontop of her notepad "Have any words of advice to people wanting to become a professor?"

"My word of advice-" [!] Beaufoy pauses for a moment, his brows furrowed as he thinks on his answer "Know what you're teaching and why, know your motivation and how you want to teach and how you wish to impact your students. Be the teacher you wished you had."
[!] She smiled as the interview concluded gathering her belongings and shaking his hand "That will be all thank you so much for your time Mr. Beaufoy"
[!] Beaufoy stood up shaking her hand with a smile on his face"Always! I'm happy to help in any way I can to help you achieve greatness"
[!] The video would end


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Level 177
News Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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