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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

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List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Accepted - ImYakov's Physical Education Professor Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server:

Typically, I spend approximately 3-5 hours daily on SRP, depending on schedule this may vary up to more or less on weekends. I would consider my acitivty on SRP to be quite high, as I have been involved ever since 2021, progressing through all kinds of roleplay SRP delivers and offers. I have achieved a lot throughout these years such as overseeing and maintaining a well-known family amongst srp, Sidorov. I created Sidorov late 2022, and to this day Sidorov still has a reputable and known name, I still lead the family and it grows day by day. I also play as a Professor on SRP currently, this character being the ''famous'' Yakov as people like to adress him, this is also one of the many parents within Sidorov. That being said, I have also invested a lot of time playing on the server learning about the ins and outs of SRP, and played as sport factions (I still do), I also regularly roleplay with all the different factions SRP offers. Lastly, my activity on the server is known to be high, as I am very well known within SRP, I am. . Yakov.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation lies within a couple of points I wish to make. My first and most important point is the desire to advance my roleplaying skills. I used to roleplay as a Lieutenant on a different game called Arma 3 back in 2022 which was a total blast of funs, and I do wish to accomplish this kind of fun within SRP as well.

Currently, I do play as a Professor, and as a Basketball player. However, I am considering joining another faction, and I strongly believe that KPD would provide me with the roleplay I am seeking. Additionally, I want to make a difference on SRP, as stated in my other applications I desire to contribute to the SRP community in a meaningful way. I am also driven by the passion of how being a police works on the server, I find it very interesting. I also wish to make a positive impact on the SRP community in a general matter. But most importantly, I am here to have as much fun as I possibly can, as well as bringing the fun upon other players!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I do have basic IRL police work knowledge, but I did dedicate a lot of time reading through the guideline, document here on the forums and I will go off this.
Police work varies from a lot of things such as:

* Patrolling around the city with other officers and stop any crimes or and masked individuals they come across. While patrolling, it is imporant to be on high alert, having your radio ready and to be fully prepared for any situation that may occur while on patrol.

* Assisting citizens, desk work is also another imporant role you will do, this includes answering questions from civilians, checking and taking BAIL payments. It is also imporant to be on high alert while doing desk work as well, patting down any possible threat that sets the metal detector off by the entrance of the KPD station.

* Raiding a residence with a proper search warrant. A search warrant gives officers permission to raid a said residence looking for any contraband, you do this by searching every chest, checking the residence for any hidden contraband until the residence is fully searched.

* CCTV's is a very important tool for the KPD, this allows officers to see nearly everything throughout the city as these cameras as located everywhere you go expect forest and sewers. The use of CCTV provides officers the ability to track and gain information on situations that may occur, reports they've been given and tracking down criminals.

Additionally, KPD has a set of equipment which all holds individual importance.

* The taser is one of the most commonly used equipment utilized to immobilise suspects or and clear a crowd of civilians during a situation.

* Handcuffs which is the most important equipment used on someones wrist to detain them. While detained, officers are allowed to send them to a random cell where they read charges and bail amount. Handcuffs can be used to maintain and control situations as well.

* The police radio is used by all officers in order to communicate with both KPD members and EMS members. This allows officers to hastly call for backup, or hand over information on suspects during a chase, manhunt or incase of a medical emergency.

* Luminol spray is carried by all officers and used to identify possible blooded objects. This allows officers to see whether or not a weapon, or a mask has any hidden blood.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Just like how teachers, professors and so on is important to SRP in order to have realism, factions like EMS, Government and of course KPD is important as well for the server to have realistic roleplay. This faction is also imporant in order to balance CrimeRP and GangRP, if so a character is put in danger, the KPD is there to serve and protect or if any kind of fatal injuries occur and no EMS is present, the KPD is ready to prevent any further harm.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I understand.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

My full name is Lucian Andruzzi

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

I'm male and I go by He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

I graduated University with masters in criminology and criminal law.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

I speak Japanese fluenty of course, but I do speak Russian along with JSL.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Lucian Andruzzi. He was a stunning man standing at 6'1, along with his atheltic and well-built frame, his hair was kept short and neat with a dark brown color to it, his haircut seemed Viking like, as he had a skinfade on one of the sides, the other having a few strands that fell down his forehead, giving him a rugged look. Lucians eyes were deep blue, often described as ''intense'' by others, but they still showed off kindness. This man liked keeping himself well dressed, as he prefered a stylish attire, often wearing a fitted shirt along with a leather jacket on top, having dark jeans as well. Lucian also had a couple of accessories he would wear such as the simple watch which he was given from his father, a former police officer. Along with this he also wears a tiny silver chain that hid under his shirt.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Lucian is always focused and diligent in professional situations, approaching his work with meticulous attention to detail, whether this be investigating a crime, anazyling evidence or doing desk work. He remains fully focused on gathering information to solve every task he gets.
Lucian is also respectful, he adresses his superiors with deference and treats his collegues with respect. He understands the value of teamwork and collaberation. Along with this Lucian also communicates effectively both in Japanese and JSL, ensuring all situations is clear and understood by all involved. His most important trait is to be calm during pressure, Lucian always composes a leveled head even in high stress situations whether it be confrontations or loud and heavy crowds.​

During a more casual situation, Lucian remains a friendly person, even off duty. He is a man of which is easy to approach, Lucian enjoys socializing with both colleagues and locals, and even partake in community events around Karakura! Lucian also has a great sense of humor sharing many ''dry'' jokes with his friends, what's great about Lucian is that his humor helps enlighen the mood during bad times.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Lucian understands the importance of effective teamwork in order to achieve successful outcomes in being a police officer. He values every skill and perspective his fellow officers brings and understands that collaboration enchances problem solving and decision making processes. Additionally, he has empathy and respect, along with trust to his co-workers. Lucian always listens to his co-workers opinions and encourages communication to build strong relations within the KPD. Overall. Lucian believes that with strong teamwork, collaboration, respect, commitment and dedication is enough to build a good team in order to serve and protect the citizens of Karakura.

What's your character's backstory?

Lucian Andruzzi was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, into a family with strong tradition of public service. His father, James Andruzzi served as a respected police officer for over three decades, instilling Lucian a deep respect for law enforcement and a sense of duty to protect others. From young age, Lucian always admired how dedicated and intruged his father was, often listening to the stories of how he solved cases.

As Lucian grew older, he excelled academically, displaying a natrual talent. He earned a degree in criminology and criminal law where his passion for understanding criminal behavior and seeking justice flourished. However. . tragedy struck when Lucian's younger sister fell to a violent crime that went unsolved in their hometown. The devastating loss shattered Lucians world and left him questioning the effectiveness of the justice system he had dedicated his life to. Determained to seek justice for his sister and driven by a desire to make a difference in a new enviroment, Lucian made the decision to move to Japan, ending up in Karakura.

In Japan, Lucian adopted the name Kazuo which has its meaning ''Harmony'' and ''Man'' symbolizing his aspiration to integrate harmoniously into Japanese society. He immersed himself in the culture, mastering the language and eventually enrolled in the training program to become a police officer.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, pocket knifes are illegal.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Band-Aids, Cough Syrup, Eyepatches, Paracetamol and Melatonin.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

If I were to witness my co-workers physically abusing an inmate, I would face it with an ethical and professional dilemma. I will firstly intervene immediately and stop the abuse, ensuring the safety and well-being of the inmate, I will then use verbal communcation and physical intervention if necessary to prevent further harm towards the inmate. I will also document all details of the incident including date, time and individuals involved, and any injuries done by either of the two. And then also ensure that the inmate recieves necessary medical treatment.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

If I were to see my co-worker being assaulted I would prioritize the safety of my colleague by immediately intervene and stop the assault using verbal commands and physical intervention, I will then call for backup or emergency medical assistance if needed to ensure full safety of my co-worker. I will then secure the scene of assault and maintain crowd control. After necesarry medical attention has been given, I will document all relevant details of the assualt and inform my supervisor.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

I would begin by gather as much evidence as I possibly could, this includes documenting suspicious acitivty, monitoring communiation and obtaining witness statements without alerting the corrupt co-worker. I will then report my findings to the appropriate authorities within the police department.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

I will immediately reject the bribe and make it clear to the criminal that such actions are illegal. I will then fine them for bribery and report the incident to my superiors.​


Level 315
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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