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incqnspicu0us | doctor application


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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Ainara Avila

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:

Overall, I would rate my activity as a solid 8/10. I am on every day for at least an hour on weekdays and at least 3 hours on weekends. Here is my availability in table form (all times in PST.) I have other obligations so I can't be online all the time. However, my schedule (outside of school hours) is pretty mobile so I can work trainings and specific events into my schedule if I am given them ahead of time.
4pm to 12am​
4pm to 12am​
4pm to 12am​
4pm to 12am​
7pm to 4am​
11am to 4am​
11am to 2am​

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Korean Language Application (alt) - Denied

List your current roles on the server:
I have no current roles on the server.

Juna Gojo Tatsumi - member of Media Club, 10th grader
Vera Lazarus - 7th grader

Ainara Avila - 7th grader (Doctor role would go here)

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I first started roleplay in 2016 when I was 9 years old. Most of my experience is with Discord and forum-based roleplays rather than game-based roleplays. Hence, I am very comfortable with DetailRP and developing characters. I have less experience with Minecraft roleplay but I have been playing since 2012. I joined SRP for the first time just under a month ago and would consider myself well-acquainted with the community and its various assets and positions to an intermediate level. However, I am a fast learner and very active so I hope to be able to consider myself advanced level soon. I've been a moderator in several communities ranging from forum moderation to IRP staff (teachers, nurses, business leaders, the list goes on) to roles similar to that of a sports captain on SRP. I have multiple years of experience conducting various forms of professional roleplays.

What is your motivation for applying?
I would like to fulfill a role on SRP that is a benefit to the RP community overall. As an intermediate player on SRP, the medical faction stood out to me as a role that would allow for my development in knowledge of the server while giving me the chance to have my first role in a faction.

I see RP as a means to explore alternate realities. Although I am curious about a wide variety of subjects, an unfortunate facet of the real world is that it is impossible to pursue every single interest and potential career. Hence, although I am curious about medicine, it is unlikely I will be able to pursue it IRL along with architecture, psychology, philosophy, teaching, linguistics, art, and everything else I'm passionate about. Although I am not Ainara, through RP, I would be able to experience a medical career without the confines that the IRL world enforces on young people.

Furthermore, I am interested in developing an OC at an older age than many of the ones I have currently. I think this will be a unique and interesting challenge for me to take on as a writer. The role of doctor also fits the personality and backstory I had established for Ainara quite well. ICly, she witnessed heavy losses at a young age. Hence, the desire to improve the medical system and protect people's wellbeing seems natural.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
In all honesty, I do not have much experience RPing with members of the medical faction on SRP. However, I do have a basic understanding of some of the roles from reading up on the faction and doing my own research. I am sure I will be able to learn quickly through training and faction experience.

Hospital Director:
The hospital director is in charge of overseeing the hospital faction and all of the employees.

Clinical Manager:
The clinical manager is the second-in-command to the hospital director. They share the same goal of ensuring the hospital runs smoothly and well.

Clinical Lead:
The clinical lead is the department-specific manager. They work to ensure that their department is operating properly by supporting their staff and implementing policies that ensure proper practices are followed.

Clinical Supervisor:
Clinical supervisors are in charge of the day-to-day management of lower-ranking officials. It is their job to ensure that they are working effectively, ethically, and with best practices in mind.

Attending Doctor:
Whereas psychiatrists focus mainly on mental health, the main role of a doctor is to promote physical health. Doctors offer consultations in order to diagnose physical ailments and provide the proper treatment. The attending doctor focuses on supervising the technical skills of the newer staff member. They are highly qualified and can manage medical teams, offer more complex patient care, as well as perform surgeries. Furthermore, they also are expected to offer mentorship opportunities and trainings to lower-ranking staff.

Senior Doctor Resident:
The senior doctor resident is a doctor who has shown high levels of competency in patient care. They are capable of handling a larger variety of patient cases and can mentor lower-ranking hospital officials. They are working to become attending doctors.

Doctor Resident:
Doctor residents, as the name says, are the rank below senior doctor residents. They work with more experienced doctors in order to help with a variety of cases.

This is the entrance role at the hospital. They are in their earliest stages of training so they are not permitted to care for patients alone. However, they may be mentored by and assist higher-ranking hospital staff. In order to rise in rank they must take an examination to prove their competence.

The psychiatry department works similarly. However, because I am applying to be a doctor, I will not be elaborating on their specific roles.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Of course! I'm very excited to start so I will gladly join any training.

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In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Ainara Avila (愛那来 in Japanese meaning "That one will come with love")

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female & she/her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Medical School (Professional Degree)

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
Loosely Catholic

Character’s Spoken Languages:
English - Ainara learned English from a young age in school. Her parents thought it would be good for her to have at least some competency in it given its widespread use. She watched cartoons in English when she was younger which allowed her to pick it up with ease. (Spoken by me OOC as well)

Japanese - Ainara was born to a Japanese mother so, even when she was living in Spain, she and her siblings would often speak Japanese while in the house. Her competency is near that of someone who has lived there their whole life and is more than sufficient for the workplace. (Spoken by me OOC as well)

Spanish - Ainara was born in Spain and lived there for the first handful of years of her life. Hence, it is only natural that she would be fluent in Spanish. It is her mother tongue and most comfortable language for speaking. It is also the language she thinks and dreams in a majority of the time. (Spoken by me OOC as well)

JSL - Because Ainara wishes to be able to communicate with patients with different abilities she thought it would be a good skill to pick up. However, she learned it in her later years and through online classes. She is in no way fluent but she is able to understand most things, especially those relating to her career and the hospital.

French - Ainara learned french in grade school as one of her elective classes. There are similarities with Spanish so it wasn't especially hard for her to pick up.

Character Backstory:

TW: death, diseases

Ainara Avila was born in Marbella, Spain as a surprise, exactly two seconds after her sister, Aitana. Chieko Hayashi Avila was not the sort of woman who consulted doctors about her pregnancies. She believed in the Shinto constructions of medicine rather than the western medicine practiced by Spanish hospitals. Prayer and a midwife were good enough for her and, besides, the twins were her fourth-borns. She had experience with giving birth. The only surprise that could potentially shake the woman was having a second, unexpected baby.

No one in the Avila household had prepared for Ainara to be born. Every gift or baby item that the family had received or purchased was only meant to accommodate the addition of one baby, not twins. Because of that, Ainara and Aitana shared practically everything. They slept in the same crib, had the same toys, and shared the same high chair (both were small babies so it worked out okay.)

It did not change once the twins were old enough to act out of their own volition. If Aitana was there, there was a high chance you would see Ainara not far behind. They were inseparable at that point and did practically everything together, still sharing a bed even as they began primary school. Although both were equally extroverted, it was Aitana who often took the lead, deciding what they would play or where they would go. Aitana was there to get the pair into trouble and Ainara was there to resolve it.

However, the school years came upon them more quickly than expected. As was customary with twins, the two were put in separate classes. They made friends on their own and, soon enough, the inseparable pair had separated.

It was a few months after the girls had turned 9 when Aitana went missing. The older of the twins was often getting into trouble with her mother but she had never dared to sneak out before. Her new friends had invited her to the beach. Could she swim? No. None of the Avila siblings could. Chieko was too scared to swim herself and, hence, none of her children gained the ability either. However, when her friends invited her to the beach, she really wanted to go. It was easy enough to learn, right? That is what her sister told Ainara before she left that night. As she let her sister go, she did not know that the next time she would see her would be

Tragedy did not stay away for long. Months after the incident and the funeral, Ainara's grandfather was diagnosed with brain cancer and the Avila family packed their bags and moved to Karakura to help take care of them. Ainara's high school years were spent taking care of her relatives, helping around the home, studying, and spending time with her friends. She graduated from Karakura High School near the top of her class before enrolling in university to study chemistry.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Ainara chose to become a doctor because of her desire to improve the medical resources available to the population of career. She chose pediatrics as her specific focus because she loves working with kids and teens. Furthermore, Karakura has on average a very young population so it allows her to help as many people as possible.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After graduating from medical school, Ainara took a residency at Stanford University in the United States where she lived for a few years in her late 20s.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
She worked in an entry-level position at a hospital in Tokyo for several years before realizing that it was unlikely for her to be promoted there due to the high number of trainees.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
She has not.


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Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Ainara is a petite woman. She stands just above 5'2 but often appears taller due to her choice in footwear. The Spanish-Japanese woman almost exclusively wears shoes with platforms: clunky sneakers or platforms when she is in the hospital and stiletto heels when she is not. Her style is that of a traditionally "girly girl" and usually consists of flowy skirts and blouses in pastel colors. She smells of intense floral perfume with with notes of hand sanitizer and latex from the hospital.

Feature-wise, Ainara's appearance matches her style. She has hazel, monolidded eyes that are framed by curled, naturally thick lashes. Her nose is ski-slope-shaped, long, and thin. Ainara has medium-high cheekbones and a heart-shaped facial structure. A light cleft is a notable feature of her chin. Her tan skin changes shade slightly depending on the season.

As for her personality, Ainara stands out most for her talkative nature and willingness to help others. She is the sort of person who enjoys seeing the best in people even when it's not there. Hence, she can be gullible often if there is a potential opportunity to help someone.

Because of her inventive, creative nature, one might think that Ainara would be more independent and wouldn't care what others thought of her. However, that is not the case. Ainara is undeniably a people person and, hence, she cares a lot about what her family and friends think of her. Ainara has been known to prioritize the happiness of those around her over her own goals and satisfaction.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Ainara has a bright personality no matter whether she is at work or not. She is the type of employee who comes in with a smile on Monday morning and leaves the same way at the end of her shift. She sees her coworkers as friends. When she is with patients or in important meetings Ainara attempts to be more professional and keep conversation effective and focused for the work environment.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
In general, Ainara likes to work with others. She loves people and will talk to practically anyone who is willing. She loves to collaborate and collect different perspectives as a means of ensuring that the best decision is made in the end. If she were to reach a high rank, she is the sort to volunteer to conduct training for new employees. Entry-level work as a team appeals to her more than completing a complicated surgery alone.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Ainara does not want a tumultuous life. She could have continued with her studies and taken a competative research position or continued in the Tokyo hospital if she wanted that. Instead, she returned to Karakura to be closer to the rest of her family. She's hoping to work hard at her job and potentially start a family of her own in the future.

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