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Information for Newbies


Level 0
So I'm quite new and I'd like to know what the commands are, what they are for, where places are, etc. If you could help that would be great and yes I read the rules.
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Level 28
/looc (talking out of your roleplay character, to the people near you)

/me eats apple "That was a nice apple." (/me is used for actions)

/ooc (Talking out of character to the whole server. NEVER TO BE USED TO TELL PEOPLE WHERE YOU ARE OR TO ASK OTHERS WHERE THEY ARE.)

/sit (To sit down. To stand back up, use your crouch button.)

/lay (To lie down. To stand back up, use /lay again.)

/db (To get your daily bonus.)

/bal (To see how much money you have.)

That's about it for now.

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