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Inko "Buggy" Matsumoto


Level 5
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◇Here's a lil music that fits in with Buggy:

◇Inko "Buggy" Matsumoto◇

◇Basic Information◇

◇First Name: Inko
◇Surname: Matsumoto

◇Preferred Name: Buggy?

◇Aliases: Buggy, Weird Thing

◇Gender: Her birth certificate says female, but it's very hard to tell what gender she is by looking at her

◇Age: 18

◇Height: 6'3"

◇Weight: 100 pounds

◇Build: Androgynous

◇Skin Color: extremely pale

◇Eye Color: Deep Black

◇Hair Style: Choppy bangs, kind of looks boyish

◇Hair Color: Dyed a bright green

◇Fashion: Anything that catches her eyes

◇Abnormalities: She likes to be bullied and insulted. She also likes to touch random object and dead things. Possible serial killer? Who knows.

◇Date of Birth: Oct. 24th

◇Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

◇Nationality: Japanese

◇Race: Asian- Caucasian

◇Sexual Orientation: Who knows honestly.

◇Religious Beliefs: Probably something off the wall.

◇Political Beliefs: Dictatorship, she wants to be a dictator and inforce Taco Tuesdays

◇General Appearance◇

◇Appearance: She's a bit on the tall side, with an androgynous build, meaning she could pass as male or female. She would have short, shaven eyebrows and hair that's green like grass. She has these confusing deep onyx eyes and a chiseled bone structure. She smells oddly of popcorn and gravy...

◇Personality: Inko is truly a weird person. She likes to jump into fights just for the purpose of being beaten. She is very emotionally unavailable, usually looking void of all emotions except curiosity. She doesn't care if people are in trouble, unless jumping in will give her some sort of satisfaction.
•Being insulted
• Warm sushi
•Dead animals
•Confusing people
•Russian music
•People spitting on her
•Her pal, Jesus
•Raves and parties
•Mary Jane

•Being flirted with
•Cold sushi
•Country music
•being told she's not allowed in a place
•Pizza delivery drivers

•Kidz Bop
•Having to eat hamburgers

◇Diseases/Illness: Borderline Sociopath, Congenital ****gesia (She can't feel pain, which is why she likes to be beaten)

◇Character Voice: Her voice would be a bit like Orla McCool if she didn't have an Irish accent.

She usually carries bugs, bits of junk, sushi, and other unmentionables in her pockets...

◇Clothes: She has this yellow hoodie she wears day after day, refusing to take it off and whatever bottoms she decides to wear.

◇Hobbies: People watching, digging up bugs, having one sided staring contests, being annoying so she can be insulted, licking things...

◇Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions:
She's addicted to being insulted and picking up dead things....

◇Skills: Weirding her enemies out, to the point they avoid her like the plague, having extremely useless things in her pockets at all times.

◇Querks: Inko does this thing where she says the weirdest possible thing to confuse people on purpose. She also likes to people watch from a distance.

•Father: Hotaru Matsumoto
•Mother: Died in prison/Unknown
•Cousins: Geminia L., Leonay L., Ayano Matsumoto
•Aunts: Yuno Matsumoto, Ikaros Matsumoto

Inko is a girl that was born from the result of her father drinking once. Hotaru slept with a woman who was an extremely dangerous serial killer who was caught shortly after she gave birth to Inko. Hotaru ended up having to take care of Inko by himself, deciding to home school her. Inko's mother ended up getting killed in a prison riot, ensuring that Hotaru would have absolutely no help in raising Inko. As Inko grew, her fascination with bugs and dead things earned her the nickname "Buggy" from the neighborhood kids. They tried to bully her, but soon found out the odd girl loved being insulted and spat on. They soon avoided her like the plague. Hotaru at this point decided he couldn't handle raising the odd girl AND teaching her, so he sent her to school at Karakura High. She's packed full of surprises, good luck! You'll definitely need it....
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