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Introduction Inagawa Yuki


Level 2
Give Name: Yuki
Family Name: Inagawa

Preferred Name:

Aliases: Yu-kun ,

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 165cm

Weight: 70

Build: sturdy

Skin Color: a

Eye Color: brown

Hair Style: long

Hair Color: black

Fashion: mostly kimono, in summer Jinbei

Abnormalities: /

Date of Birth: Januar 20

Place of Birth: Inagawa Machi

Nationality: Japan

Race: East Asian

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Shintoism

Political Beliefs: none

General Appearance


Personality: Yuki is a very calm boy, a little introverted and having trouble to make friends, but for the few people he consider his real friends, he would give everything for them

Diseases/Illness: Healthy

Goshuin ( Red Seal Book for collection Shrine Seals ).
Sometimes a Bamboo Training Sword

Clothes: Yuki wears mostly Kimono

Hobbies: Kendo, collecting Read Seals from different shrines he visits

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:



Family: No Siblings, Mother and Grandparents


Yuki lives with his Mother in the House of his Grandparents.
His Mother is a former Maiko, and went back to her Grandparents after Yukis Father passed away from an illness.
Now she is working as a Kimono Dresser and Gives lessons in Traditional Japanese Dancing.
His Grandfather is a Shinto Priest, and there Home is the same time a Shrine for the God Sukunabikona.
Yuki has all his knowledge about Shintoism from him.
His Grandmother is the good Soul of the Family and take care of everyone.
His Family lives very traditional, even now in the 21 Century, they mostly wearing Kimono in there daily live an honor there traditions.

Yuki loves his Grandfather, and his dream is to become a Shrine Priest just like him.

Aside from Shinto, Yukis big passion is Kendo.
In his free time, you can find him in the Garden train with his Kendo Sword.

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