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Inventory Reset During Server Restart

IGN: XxBensonator48xX

Vehicle/Item Names:

satanic rat mask
bike helmet
smile mask
helmet [godmode]
anarchy flag
anarchy cap
anarchy smartphone
high school diploma
green bike
fully upgraded red lancer
anarchy duffle bag
baseball bat
ballistic face mask
yama duffle bag

Evidence: 2 screenshots attached, I only had 1 screenshot of proof that I had the fully upgraded Lancer and the other screenshot is my inventory following the restart. (The Lancer screenshot is about a month old)

Additional Information: The server crashed/restarted unexpectedly while I was in edit mode in my apartment and when I rejoined after the restart my inventory had been cleared and replaced with my editmode inventory. I tried re-entering editmode and leaving it again to see if that restored it somehow but it didn't work. I am requesting that staff please rollback my inventory to how it was before the restart. I have only joined 3 times since the restart happened so I believe it should still be possible to restore my inventory from some sort of backup.


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