Level 4
IGN: ChainsawDemon
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Electric guitar, Zippo lighter, Toy sword "Zangetsu", Japan tobacco cigarette, fake I'd, Halloween themed phone


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was other items that got wiped from my inventory but I forgot to take a SS of the other items and what happened was I was in builders mode and then the server reset happened when I wasn't at my laptop and when I came back and joined the server my stuff was gone and replaced with blocks that I had in builders mode (P.S) The after picture has my new skin on
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Electric guitar, Zippo lighter, Toy sword "Zangetsu", Japan tobacco cigarette, fake I'd, Halloween themed phone


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was other items that got wiped from my inventory but I forgot to take a SS of the other items and what happened was I was in builders mode and then the server reset happened when I wasn't at my laptop and when I came back and joined the server my stuff was gone and replaced with blocks that I had in builders mode (P.S) The after picture has my new skin on
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