Iris Black
Gender: Girl
Age: 17
Birthday: April 6, 2006
Height: 5ft, 3in
Weight: 120
Skin Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Style: Long, and Messy
Hair Color: Ginger
Abnormalities: She's puts others first
Place of Birth: Osaka
Nationality: Japan
Race: Human
Some Dislikes: Being lonely, coffee, having people take her for grated, nuts.
Some Likes: Nice People, Drawing, Baking (some of the time), Walking, foxes.
Religious Beliefs: She believes that there must be a point to life, because if there isn't then why are we on this Earth for the first place, she also believes in another life before this one. But she isn't apart of any religion, she is still trying to figure that part out.
Political Beliefs: She kinda has mix feeling about politics. But for the most part to her politics sound like two or more people yelling at each other. She believes that politics might be a good thing if we're doing it right and helping the people who actually needs help, and not just caring about the rich and famous people.
Appearance: A 17 year girl with brown eyes, and long slightly messy ginger hair up in a ponytail. She's slightly skinny too.
Personality: She's curious about what's happening around her. She is a kind person who puts others first before themselves. She's the first to respond when ever there is trouble. Drawing calms her down, and she has trust issues. Not to good at starting conversations
Character Voice: Soft, she does have a problem saying r's making it sound like a w.
Equipment: Sketch pad, pen, and a phone.
Clothes: She usually wears anything that's green and not to fancy
Hobbies: Drawing, going on nature walks, cooking
Flaws: She has a problem of trusting people because of her past, and as a hard time talking to people making hard for her to make friends.
Skills: Drawing and Cooking
Quirks: She can be playful sometimes
Mom (Ellie Black): Ellie Black and Jason were happy together, and they had a girl, Jason made a mistake and nearly killing a young girl, She, like her husband, believes that no one else in this pathetic world deserves to actually be in their presence.. So found a way to bribe the police to make him innocent, He changed his ways and they put the past behind him, but she couldn’t have Iris as a child to forget what happened, so she treated the girl just like that, trash and when she decided she didn’t need her to remind her of the guy, left Iris alone on the street at the age of four never coming back.
Father (Jason Black): Jason Black loved his wife and when he regretted almost killing a child, to change his ways he disowned Iris the only reminder of his mistake.. He punished her for his mistakes and Jason and Ellie decided to make her as miserable as possible. He was strict with her and treated her like everyone else, a low life, not deserving to actually be able to be in their presence. They wanted children of their own, so deciding to start over, Iris’s use for them is slipping, so talking to his wife, they decided to give her up, and left the child on the streets at the age of 4.
Sister (Daffodil Black): Daffodil and Her Brother Florian are twins. After her parents left Iris on the street they had twins. Daffodil learned from a young age about her sister, and that she had a “Separate” father that nearly killed someone, because of this Iris has a murder in her blood and might fully follow in his footsteps might actually complete the killing too. She learned to hate her sister at a young age and will not stop at nothing to find Iris and make sure her life is a living heck. She carried the same thought process of her parents, Knowing no one deserved to be in their presence, and that Iris was the lowest of them all.
Brother (Florian Black): Unlike his sister Florian saw through his parents' lies, and learned that Iris’s dad was the same papa as him, and that the only real reason for them to treat Iris like this was for them to feel better about their mistakes and decisions. Unlike Daffy and his parents he tried everything in his power to find and help Iris live a better life than the one that his parents had demanded her to have. He did this in secret, afraid of what his parents would do to him if they knew. He cares about the people of the world and helps them with their struggles. He snuck out of the house when he had enough of his parents, and looked for Iris.
Her parents, took her out for ice cream, She was so excited. Her parents never took her places, she ordered a mint ice-cream, each bit tasted like haven. They sat down to and eat their ice cream. When her Father had a "business call", he stood up and her mother followed placing an hand on her shoulder saying to wait her and they will be right back. Hours passed of her sitting their waiting, until closing time when the manager kicked her out, she looked down at the sidewalk and finds a letter on the ground. She picked it up and read " Dear Iris, we don't want you around, so please be a good girl and not come back. If we haven't made it clear we don't want you so just don't bother coming home. Mr. and Mrs. Black" token a back she walked away in her own tears.
Alone for awhile, she met up with a shady group of kids. Who at first she thought that they were good people. She's thinking that they were in the same situation as she was in. But she figured out that it's not just that, these kids took stealing to another level, they mugged people whenever they got a chance. Sadly through she was to deep and afraid to back out no, so she struck a deal to just be the look out and not take part of the mugging, she was taught to obey and stay on a leash, doing whatever she was told, and if she failed she would be punished severely.
After two years after being apart of the group she finally was able to find an opening to escape. But something failed, and they found her, and they chased her away. Luckily she managed to escape. When she noticed a blank notebook, and pencils on the ground. She picked them up, without thinking about it, and put them in a warn out bag that she had. Days later after she picked up the notebook, she decided to draw. She realized that she was really good and really enjoyed it. One stroke to another she drew a koi pound with lily-pads on top. Amazed she started to draw every time she got the chance.
A couple years of drawing and wondering around, trying to find a place to call home. She stumbled upon a city called Karakura. Having a deep feeling about this place she decided to stay, and try and make a difference in this city.
Her parents, took her out for ice cream, She was so excited. Her parents never took her places, she ordered a mint ice-cream, each bit tasted like haven. They sat down to and eat their ice cream. When her Father had a "business call", he stood up and her mother followed placing an hand on her shoulder saying to wait her and they will be right back. Hours passed of her sitting their waiting, until closing time when the manager kicked her out, she looked down at the sidewalk and finds a letter on the ground. She picked it up and read " Dear Iris, we don't want you around, so please be a good girl and not come back. If we haven't made it clear we don't want you so just don't bother coming home. Mr. and Mrs. Black" token a back she walked away in her own tears.
Alone for awhile, she met up with a shady group of kids. Who at first she thought that they were good people. She's thinking that they were in the same situation as she was in. But she figured out that it's not just that, these kids took stealing to another level, they mugged people whenever they got a chance. Sadly through she was to deep and afraid to back out no, so she struck a deal to just be the look out and not take part of the mugging, she was taught to obey and stay on a leash, doing whatever she was told, and if she failed she would be punished severely.
After two years after being apart of the group she finally was able to find an opening to escape. But something failed, and they found her, and they chased her away. Luckily she managed to escape. When she noticed a blank notebook, and pencils on the ground. She picked them up, without thinking about it, and put them in a warn out bag that she had. Days later after she picked up the notebook, she decided to draw. She realized that she was really good and really enjoyed it. One stroke to another she drew a koi pound with lily-pads on top. Amazed she started to draw every time she got the chance.
A couple years of drawing and wondering around, trying to find a place to call home. She stumbled upon a city called Karakura. Having a deep feeling about this place she decided to stay, and try and make a difference in this city.
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