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iStay_ Nurse Application


Level 2
What is your Minecraft Username? Roxy_86

How old are you?: 16

Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: No

What country are you from?: The U.S.A

Do you have Discord?: Yes, it's : @madds #2763

How long have you played the server for?: Since 2015!

List your current and past applications:
Spanish Language (Accepted)
French Language (Accepted)
I applied for the French language on a different account I can no longer find the password of on this website, but it was accepted.
College Application (Accepted)
Ban Appeal Application (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying as hospital staff for my character, Kesara, is for multiple reasons. The main reason this is due to my aspiration in the real world. I choose Kesara to aspire to be in the medical field due to myself having other interests. Such being I wish to go into homeland and security. Although I find the medical field fascinating, I cannot draw blood regardless of the situation! With this thought, it gave me the idea to let my character give the medical field a go instead! With the already known knowledge about the medical field, I can put it to use with my character. Plus, I don't have to deal with real blood!

What do you know about medical practice?: I know a fair amount on medical practice, I'd say I'd know above the average person on the subject. My knowledge on the subject may not be to the max, but I'm eager to learn more!

What are the basic color codes in a medical emergency and hospital?:

Code Blue:
A medical emergency occurring within the hospital.

Code Red: An indication for a fire or smoke.

Code Black: A bomb threat.

Code Pink: Child Abduction.

Code Orange: Hazardous material or spill incident.

Code Silver: An active shooter or hostage situation.

Code Violet: Violent/Combative Individual.

Code Yellow: Disaster.

Code Brown: Severe Weather

Code White: Evacuation

Code Green: Emergency evacuation.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I know if I am absent for the server for a long period of time I can be demoted.

Are you aware each position has a minimum age limit? (N: 23, D: 25, S: 28)*: Yes, and I'm perfectly fine with it.

In-Character (IC) Section:

How is your character during and off the job?
On the job, Kesara could be considered attentive to her work. She works quickly and responsibly in an orderly fashion, and only settles with her best work. Off the job, she'd be found adventurous and always meeting new people, due to her extroverted personality.

What do they look like? Kesara Elizondo would stand at 5'4" with wavy dirty-blonde hair. She'd have vibrant green eyes followed by sharp facial features. She'd speak with a Spanish accent and would have her usual smile on her face.

Do they have any mental or physical illnesses? No she does not.

What makes your character unique? I find my character unique somewhat, she's definitely been through a lot for her lifetime. She's always found the best out of the worst situations and has never lost her dedication towards anything she works towards.

Kesara Rosaline Elizondo was born in Bilbao, Spain; she'd be of the Basque ethnicity. Kesara was put into the foster system right after birth, she is not known to have any biological siblings. She lived in and out of foster homes, which were mostly found to be abusive, until the age of twelve. At this age, she was adopted by the Sugita family. She has a step-brother named Rylin Sugita, the mother of the family passed away about a year after Kesara's adoption; this left the father quite abusive towards the kids. This had not surprised Kesara what so ever, so she was found comforting Rylin majority of the time. This is where she developed her caring persona over the years. With the lack of parenting in the household, Kesara stepped up. While Rylin grew to be a careless teen, misbehaving quite often, she was found cleaning up his messes. There'd often be incidents where Rylin would have a skating incident or gotten in a fight, so Kesara had to learn how to properly take care of injuries. With Kesara having such a busy life at a young age, she was found to not having many close bonds with anyone other than Rylin. Instead of making friends in her free-time, she was found being studious. At the age of nineteen, Kesara and Rylin both moved to Karakura, Japan. With a new location, on their own, away from the abuse, they saw the chance at a fresh start. Kesara and Rylin went down different paths, Kesara became very extroverted, making up for the years she was the opposite. Once she was accepted into college she immediately wanted to study the medical field, for she had already had experience. Now a Karakura citizen, Kesara has many close friends and a strong aspiration to join the medical field.
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Kesara Rosaline Elizondo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Kesara, Kes, Aura
Preferred Name: Kesara
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Currently has a boyfriend, not married though.
Nationality: Basque
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:
Working Experience: None, but she's been found treating injuries of her friends and others she comes by.
Academic Degree: Medical Degree
Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): Human Anatomy, Nursing
Minor(s): Healthcare Administration
Native Languages: Spanish, French
Other Languages: Japanese
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