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ItsHadezBTW Professor App| English Literature


What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:

Yes, I was banned for 30 days back in December of 2023 for Oocly Toxicity for drama that happened within our friend group.

What is your time zone?:

EST (Eastern Standard Time)

What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666):

Cyyb3rlos3r/Orginally known as Tun3d_0ut#6292

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

[Accepted]: and

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My activity highly depends on my life. I’ve been playing on the SRP Server since June of 2023. Most of the time, if I were to base it off a scale of 1-10, I would say a 7. I have a very open schedule despite my job. I’m on around:
Monday: 9am to 6PM

Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday: 7AM to 7PM
Thursday: 6PM to 10PM
Friday: 7AM to 7PM
Saturday: 9AM to 11PM (with breaks)

Sunday: 9AM to 11PM (With Breaks)

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

Most of my Roleplay experience comes from other Minecraft servers since I was in Middle School. Many being School Roleplay, Fantasy/Medieval, Thriller, or even Family and Medical. I also did Discord Roleplays with friends when it was a big thing. Most of my responses would be highly detailed and could go on for a few paragraphs.
As of now, playing on SRP, I’ve learned GangRP and CrimeRP. I’ve been in about four gangs, being a second in command for one and a lead for another. CombatRP being a part of it, my responses would be detailed and leave the ability of my Roleplay partner to be able to leave a great response back.
Also being a family head to the Huxley family before it disbanded, family Roleplay was a big part of what I learned.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Grade 12 Students: Naja A. Hanazono, Kaito Phyllis.
Grade 10: Fuyuka Mizoroge
Animal Whitelist: Vukasin Visha

What is the subject you want to teach?:

If possible, English with a mixture of Folk lore. While being in Middle School and High School, I passed English with flying colours and was an Honour student. I even went to college for an English major, but I ended up leaving due to moving. I’m hoping to go back into college quite soon to continue my classes.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is the opportunity to teach others. Especially about the class if available. English/English Writing and Folklore have all been things that I’ve always had a great time learning and taking time to study and write and take notes. Just the idea that I can also teach what I’ve learned to others is quite a fun idea! Plus, it’s not always just the teacher teaching, students can also teach a Teacher/Professor something new every day.
Due to me going to college and passing all my classes that had to do with English, I’d like to share what I know. Mostly because I’ve been taught things on SRP that even I didn’t really know and I love the fact that even though this is just a server, there’s still ways to learn and people are willing to be the teachers/professors. It’s a never-ending way to continue learning and teaching people. And I would love to take part in that.
Plus, I think this would be a great opportunity for me to put my character out there and continue her lore. I’ve had this character since I first joined and the idea of having her as a professor seems fitting.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. With an English class, the best way to teach in an interactive manner is to read books together as class, once finished, decipher, comprehend and discuss what the book was about, meanings of the metaphors with the books, create diagrams about the start, The plot; and the end. This would be done by using different kinds of charts. As in mind charts, flow charts, character charts and the plot structure diagram. The same thing can be done with poems and their meanings.

2. Another interactive way to teach an English class would be “Debate Meetings” meaning the class would gather in two or three groups with five people in each group. After researching and pulling the story part, they would debate about what the plot was about. Or the morals of the protagonist and /or antagonist. Much like the book ‘Animal Farm’. Debating whether Napoleon or Snowball were in the right of what to do in order for the farm animals to be able to live free and safely.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

For a field trip, if granted permission by staff to take my students on one. I would take them to the Shrine, Forest or parks. That or even the Eden Tree. This gives the students time to learn about the past, and meaning as to why we keep these areas. Then, we can have a moment for the students to peacefully either learn from a shrine maiden and listen to the tales and folklore or sit down and write a short story or poem within the area that has something to do with the area of which we took a field trip. That, or they may write about how they feel about its past and how they feel about it being here and now.
Not only will this be a learning experience but a great way for the students to unwind and take a breather. Being in a relaxing environment tends to help the brain process things better and easier.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Before jumping into action, I would assess the situation from a far and pay attention to see if there is any aggression, tension or fear being caused. That or any pain. Mostly because, if you just walk up, most students will quickly brush it off and lie. So, it’s better to make sure I have a full understanding. If there’s any form of violence being shown, I would step up and diffuse the situation before calmly asking both sides of the story.
Once done, I would kindly add the students to head their separate ways with a verbal warning. If they continue, give one more. If they walk away, great. If they don’t, a detention slip would be handed out to the ones who were in the wrong.
Now, if the students were all getting along, I would still make sure to check up on them before walking away. No need for a teacher to stand around if nothing is going wrong.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

At first, I would kindly and calmly remind them that detention is met for silence to reflect on their actions and to do their tasks. If the questions would continue and keep disturbing the class, I would ask again and remind them that they can’t leave till their task is done. If this is continued, I would radio for another teacher or a head of department to give a hand. As we can only keep students in detention until 5:45PM, if the task remains undone or done wrongly, I will give them a new task to do. And kindly sit them in one of the booths in the back.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

As I’m hosting a class, if this situation were to happen. I would calmly remind the cheerleaders that one of my rules is that phones remain off or on silent and put away during class. It’s highly disrespectful to distrust my class while others are learning. If this were to continue to happen, I would ask them to turn off their phones and have them sit near the front so that way I can see them at all times and monitor them. Once done, I would radio to ask if another professor could come in and supervise my class as I teach, just in case it gets out of hand.
After class, I would remind the cheerleaders that phones need to stay off, and next time if I have to warn them more than I already did. They would receive detention.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

If my character would come across this and couldn’t break it up. My first attempt would be to threaten with detention. If that were to fail, I’d quickly radio for any other teachers/professors that were higher up in rank if they could quickly come to the area. If the fight was managed to be broken up, then great. Listen to both sides and give both sides detention. If it weren’t, I’d have to call in the Head of Department to see if they could possibly break it up and let them decide if it’s worthy to radio in SLT.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Naja Ayame-Hanazono stands at about 5’6” and weighs around 175.56Lbs. Her skin is sun kissed from outside activities and covered in freckles, scars of which tell a story since she moved to Karakura, and tattoos which are covered by her clothes. Her hair is a raven black with a red tint to it when the sun hits it just right. It meets down midway her back and the waves turn to curls near the bottom. Naja’s left eye is a soft pale blue, and her right, being a prosthetic, is a soft granny apple green. She’s usually seen wearing formal attire or her brother’s jacket with a white shirt sleeved shirt and black jeans. She always wears a black studded bracelet around her left wrist. And though she may look like the definition “if looks could kill” Naja is actually a sweetheart.
Her personality comes from her mother, and she’s always been the bubbly, energetic type. Though over the years, of course she’s matured and tends to have more of a motherly and protective personality to her.

Naja’s outlook on students isn’t bad or rough as many would say. She understands that they’re young and learning. And she was once in their place. Chaotic, wild and free. Of course, she was more of the type to be very curious about everything and quick to learn. Which is something she wishes to pass to the students. Giving them knowledge of which they’ll be excited to learn about and a topic that may help them seek an amazing path for their future. Naja has always been protective of children, whether they’re hers or not. She tries her best to at least prepare them for what the world has to offer, mostly because she knows she can’t keep the world from showing its true colours.
As for other teachers, she has no issue with them! She likes to form connections and bonds through other teachers though most of the time, she likes to keep her personal life separate from her work life. Though if other teachers are wanting to share little funny stories or experiences, she’s more than happy to. As long as it’s school appropriate, of course.
Her plans for the future are to continue teaching. She loves the idea of passing down everything she’s learned from her teachers when she was in school to other students. Helping them pick a path for their future gives her hope and encouragement to continue teaching. She also plans on having a family in the near future when she’s ready. Though it may be a while, she’s completely content where she’s at right now.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Naja was born in Denmark a week after her twin brother, Anders. This was caused by superfetation, and this caused Naja to have a hearing defect in her left ear. She was born into the Huxley family and her bond was through her brother and mother. The twins’ father wasn’t really around and one day, disappeared. Naja didn’t want to think too much about it and buried her head and mind in books, writing, folklore and art! She also spent most of her time around her brother as he was really her only form of safety and home.
Over the years, Naja lost more of her hearing in her left ear, which caused her mother to get her hearing aids. Naja had no issue with them and was quite grateful for them as she could still hear the world and enjoy the things that brought her joy. Passing elementary school and making into Middle School, she liked the idea of being a teacher. The idea of teaching students and giving them the opportunity for a good future always sparked a glimpse of joy and hope for the future of the world and for her future too! She would tell her mother, Anders and her stepdad about her goals and her dreams of being a teacher and a mother in her life.
Most people thought it was weird how excited Naja would get at the idea of being a teacher, but that never put a dent in her armor. During Middle School, Anders left for schooling in Karakura and she stayed with their grandparents who believed and supported her dreams! Naja passed all her classes and aced English/Literature and Folklore. She loved creating stories, reading and dissecting the books of their morals, the plot and their meanings. And as for folklore, she loved hearing all the stories and the history of her hometown and what they believed in. Much like the ‘ChurchGrimm’, Folktale they had.
During Highschool, of freshman year, Naja moved to Karakura in search of her twin brother and when she found him, she decided to stay in Karakura with him. Hearing of the things they teach and finding out there were new lessons and new things to learn. Made her strive for more! Naja highly enjoyed everything they had to offer for teaching and lessons. Especially their folklore and history. Naja ended up taking as many classes as she could and after graduating, she went to college in Karakura High and took classes there before moving back to Denmark after her brother went missing once again.
After this, Naja decided to focus on her own life and continue achieving her goal of becoming a teacher. Going to many colleges after graduating to earn different majors, Minors and Certifications in English, Art, Folklore and History. She finally applied to be a teacher and started her dream and made it a reality! She taught at different High Schools in Denmark before teaching at two colleges. But after a while of missing her family in Karakura, she decided to move back. After debating and hesitating, she applied to be a professor at Karakura High. Where she hopes to teach either English/Literature, Art or History/Folklore.

Make sure this is over 100 words.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Fill in your answers on the lines ( _____________ )
To tick an 0 cross it or replace it with an X


Title: Miss Legal Name: _
Naja Ayame-Hanazono Birth Date: 06 / 14 /1991
Preferred Name: Miss Ayame-Hanazono, Miss Naja, Naja.
Phone Number: (030)-087-4874
Gender: 0 - Male
X - Female
0 - Other, namely _________

Religious Domination: __N/A__
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Danish/Swedish/Icelandic
Current Location: Karakura, Japan


Preferred teaching subject:
1st choice: ___English___ 2nd choice: ___Folklore___ 3rd choice: ___History___
List other subjects you are qualified to teach: ___Art, Science___
List any activities you are willing to supervise, i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:
___Clubs, Drama, Groups___


Place of study (School, University, College, etc)Date FromDate ToFulltime / ParttimeQualification with Grade, Class / DivisionSubject Specialism(s)Age Range
Ørestad High School2004-07-102005-03-02Part TimeN/AN/A12-18
Karakura High2005-06-122008-06-10Part TimeHigh School DiplomaN/A12-18
Copenhagen College2008-03-082012-03-09Full TimeHigh School Diploma, College CertificateN/A18-20+
Hólar University College2014-11-042018-11-04Full TimeEnglish MajorN/A18-20+
Iceland College of Arts and Crafts2020-06-212022-08-17Part TimeArts and Crafts MinorN/A18-20+
University Centre of The Westfjord2022-10-052024-03-08Part TimeEnglish and Literature Major N/A18-20+
Karakura High
Highschool Diploma
12 - 18

4 - PROFESSIONAL CAREER - PRESENT SCHOOL (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School: ___________________ School Type: _____________ Ages: ____________
Address of School: __________________
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (leave empty if not applicable)

Post (Name and type of school): ___Brenderup Højskole___
Date from: 2019 / 04 / 12 Date to: 2021/ 05 / 12
Ages Taught: _14-19_
Fulltime or Parttime : x - Fulltime
0 - Parttime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
____English/Literature, Art, Folklore. Make sure the students pass and have the ability to make a future for themselves and reach the goals they make. Lesson Planning, Encouragement, Classroom Management, Assessment, Role Modeling.___
Reason for leaving:
___Moving and searching for new places to teach.___

Post (Name and type of school): __Esbjerg International School__
Date from: 2021 / 07 / 12 Date to: 2022 / 08 / 12
Ages Taught: __14-18__
Fulltime or Parttime: 0 - Fulltime
x - Parttime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
___English, Theatre, and Folklore. Assessment, Classroom Management, Encouragement, Mentoring, Lesson Planning. ___
Reason for leaving:
___Let Go for Newer Staff, Plus I was only working part time when they needed full time.____

Post (Name and type of school): ___Nagano Prefectural College___
Date from: 2023 / 04 / 12 Date to: 2024 / 02 / 12
Ages Taught: __16-20+__
Fulltime or Parttime : 0 - Fulltime
X - Parttime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
___English/Literature, Folklore, Art. Lesson Planning, Mentoring, Assessment, Goalkeeping and Achieving.___
Reason for leaving:
__Decided to Apply for Karakura__

Post (Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Parttime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Parttime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post (Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Parttime: 0 - Fulltime
0 - Parttime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:


Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Journalism (Minor)
Obtained on: 2018 / 11 / 04
Institution where obtained: Hólar University College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Literature (Major)
Obtained on: 2024 / 03 / 08
Institution where obtained: University Centre of the Westfjords

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Theatre (Major)
Obtained on: 2019 / 06 / 04
Institution where obtained: Hólar University College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): English Studies (Minor)
Obtained on: 2023 / 04 / 08
Institution where obtained: Iceland University College

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): __Digital Art__
Obtained on: 2022 / 08 / 17
Institution where obtained: Iceland College of Arts and Crafts


Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):


__Naja Ayame-Hanazono__ Date: 2024 / 06 / 23
Last edited:

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