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Accepted SleepyGhostly Art Teacher Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
I do! Quality is a little weird but I’ll be getting a new one pretty soon!

What is your time zone?:
EST; Eastern Standard Time

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge and completely understand.

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity on the server to be a 8 on a scale of ten. I first joined SRP back in December of 2023, but sadly lost my account to hacking and had to start fresh. Since starting and even restarting, I have built up my roleplaying skills and making friends who really helped teach me new things. Such as GangRP, FamilyRP and Lore. Over time, I started to learn about the factions as well through a few friends who are close to members of SRP who have characters in different factions. And I took interest in trying for one, so my goal was to be as active as I could and to learn more!
Throughout the week, my schedule really depends due to online college classes!
Monday; 9am-4pm|Tuesday; 3pm-6pm|Wednesday; 10am-3pm|Thursday; 9am-4pm|Friday; 3pm-6pm|Saturday; 10am-7pm(with breaks)|Sunday; 12pm-7pm(With Breaks)

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Accepted; , , ,

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
My Current roles are Grade 12; Eleni Z. Ayame, Juneau Phyllis, Maliah Visha and Davian R. Boudreaoux
Fox Whitelist; Yae Hanazono-Togomi


What subject are you applying to teach?:

The Subject I am here to apply for as a teacher is Art! I am an artist and mostly do digital and Sketch art(Traditional) art! I think this would be a great opportunity to take this and teach others what I know and even learn from others as well! I know I still have a lot to learn and I am excited to learn more! Whether that be from other teachers or even from students!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation to become a teacher on SRP is to be more involved with the community and to expand my knowledge of role playing and learning from others! I have also seen that not many people stay that long within the teacher faction which throws me off a lot of the time as I see this faction as a great way to interact and teach others what you know! Plus, It builds friendships not only Icly but oocly as well! And that’s a big thing that I admire and strive towards! I would love to bring others closer together and possibly even help people form bonds when they join my class. I have been playing SRP for-not as long as a year, but quite a while and I am excited and ready to expand and try something new! And I believe that this will be a great experience!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I understand that I am applying for the Teacher Role of UT.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes! I completely understand that if I am accepted, I will have to take training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teacher class logs help keep track of the number of classes hosted and the ratings left by students to show how they enjoyed the class. The logs are used by staff to monitor classes and the teachers, these also help determine and keep track of quota and make sure they are being filled accordingly! They also help provide data on what interested students and what they can do better to keep students focused in class!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
[1]. A strict rule, that even I will hold in my class will be no phones while class is ongoing. It is considered a distraction to not only the owner of said phone, but those around them. I would like for my students to be able to focus and enjoy what I am teaching and possibly find a new hobby! I will ask students to either put their phones on silent or turn them off completely.
[2]. Another rule will be for students to stay in their seats at all times when I am teaching. There is no need to be up and moving around unless we are doing an activity that requires them to move around.
[3]. Find a seat when entering class, no sitting in corners, on someone else's desk, no sitting on the stage, or filing cabinets or on the floor. Once everyone is seated in their own seat and giving their full attention, class will begin!
[4]. No shouting within the classroom. Voices should eat an inside tone that only me, as the teacher, and their fellow classmates can hear. Yelling disturbs not only those in my class, but other classes around us. I want this to be a safe environment where no one else is affected.
[5]. Treat others as you want to be treated. This goes for many things, but I will not tolerate anything hateful, that being cussing, fighting and more. My room is a safe place for everyone.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Before joining SRP, I was on many roleplay servers for School Roleplay, Fantasy, horror and quests. These are servers that I found myself in a lot of the time and I always enjoyed it. Hearing other characters and how they were created and sharing my character’s story as well. I also did a lot of Discord Roleplay when it was super big with mostly just friends and we would send paragraphs upon paragraphs with as much detail as we could, almost as if we were writing a book ourselves. And when I found SRP, I started family roleplay and gang/crime roleplays which were so much fun to learn. Of course, it took me a while to learn and understand the system, but after a while of learning from watching others and learning with friends; it wasn’t long until I got the grasp of it all and it's become something that I really enjoy doing when I get online. Especially doing lore and character development! Writing has always been something I have enjoyed, since Middle School, it’s been something that helps me calm down and it’s a hobby I don’t plan on dropping any time soon. I love bringing stories and fantasies into a reality when I write!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department.
↳ Description:
The Head of Department’s role is to provide safe and well taught academic learning and to oversee the management and development of what is taught to those in the department. They make sure that the school activities are taken and to look over a teacher’s performance.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
A Qualified Teacher is someone who has shown and proven their knowledge and what they have learned and what they have to teach to call them what they are today! They are the second rank below a Head of Department!

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers are teachers that are fresh out of training and are ready to teach on their own, sure they may not need a trainer as often as they did when they first began, but they are still learning and will still need help here and there, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Even then, they still have a lot to learn.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
An Unqualified Teacher is someone who just got newly hired into the teaching department/faction! They will be found around other teachers and other classes being led by Qualified Teachers so that they know how to provide a safe space for their students and to provide education in the best way! They are still learning and may make a few mistakes, but that’s okay!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Whether it be in-game and out-of-game, the purpose a teacher serves is to shape the children of today’s lives and to set them up for success as much as they can and to give them the knowledge of the world today. Thus being Math, Science, History, and many other classes that may be added and seen fit as to what to teach! As of today, there are many new classes that are being taught to not only educate children, but also help them strive towards what they wish to do in the future and find hobbies they will forever carry with them through their lives. Whether that be expressing their feelings, teaching others or leaving their mark in the world. And through all of this, a teacher's salary can range from many different numbers depending on what they teach, where and how long and their rank within the faction! But about 17% of school factions pay around $60-70,000$! Which slowly rises almost every year.
There are many ways a teacher teaches, but one that I have always noticed is that they do their best to provide an environment where the students will be able to focus, partake and enjoy their classes to the best of their ability. And depending on the teacher, if they notice a student isn’t quite biting the apple and having a hard time focusing into the class, the teacher will usually ask all students and other teachers within the faction what they can do to make class a bit easier! Teachers also tend to do their best to help their students in any way they can to make sure they have the best path to the future of their life!
Some teachers, during their spare time will collect data on how their class did and see if there needs to be any improvements! Whether that be on the student’s side or the teacher’s side! That, or they’ll take this time to continue learning, even if they are a teacher, they too, still have a lot to learn! So, they’ll read textbooks, keep up with new technology, make sure to also take this time to take care of themselves and their family/loved ones Mentally, emotionally and physically!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers, even if they are in a game, are still very important! The teachers create a bit of light and energy to SRP, meaning as, if it weren’t for them, The School Rp wouldn’t be considered a ‘School RP’ and it would be a repeating cycle of people hopping on and just running around. But what intrigued me, when first joining SRP, is the things the teachers teach, are things that are actually educational! And it’s always a blast learning something new every day! And it’s a little funny to say in my eyes, but the SRP Teachers have really taught me things I didn’t really learn in my school!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The lesson planning system would be the ‘Must Have, Should Have, Could Have and Won’t Have’ Aka; The MoSCow System!

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Eleni Z. Ayame is a woman in her mid twenties with mixed ethnicity of Japanese and Hispanic, born into Karakura by her parents who have both retired from their jobs to relax. Which was mostly offered by Eleni herself! Her pastel pink hair compliments her near porcelain skin, decorated in freckles like leaves in fall. Her eyes are a forest green, and her nails are always painted a sage green, as that is her favorite colour! Eleni stands at about 5’5” and weighs about 165.78Lbs. She’s got a massive, sweet tooth and creativity is always on her mind! Ms. Ayame is always in a good mood and has quite the motherly vibe that walks around with her! She’s quite friendly with her co-workers and kind to the students! She does her best to help in any way she can if needed!
The faint scent of cherries and…acrylic paint follows after her!
Almost every set of clothing this woman has, is covered in Acrylic, spray or oil paints, showing off her love for art! Eleni always carries a book bag that always has paint brushes and usually when her hair is put up in a bun, a No.2 pencil is the one thing holding it up! Some days, she will wear her overalls that have home sewn patches where tears once were!

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Eleni is very friendly to all those that she meets, whether that be a co-worker or a student, but she knows where she is in the world. Her job is to teach and make sure the students have a future for themselves and future families. In her free time, if she’s not cleaning her classroom, organizing or reading textbooks on the history of art, she can be seen talking with other teachers on their break or even listening in on another class to continue to learn and grow. She sees her fellow co-workers as friends and still looks up to them for help now and then!
As for the students, she sees them as the children they are and her students, she’s very protective and tries her best to help. Towards the students, she’s kind and understanding and understands that they are young and will make mistakes, so she’s quite patient with them!

What are their plans for the future?
Eleni’s plans for the future is to continue being an art teacher, as that’s a hobby and a subject she has adored since she was a toddler. Even as of now, she still loves to learn new things about Art and loves to read on the history of it all. And at some point, she would love to further her journey and become an Art major and possibly teach Art for college classes.
Of course, her plans also include having and growing a family and teaching them as well! But as of now, since she’s so young in age and getting used to being in her new role of being a teacher, her main focus is on the path she is currently on!

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

My first thought would be to stay on the side and listen in, figure out what’s going on and think of a way to peacefully resolve the issue. Once gathering enough information, I would finally step in and ask nicely as to what is going on and the reason as to why they are deciding to say things like this. After an explanation, I would kindly ask if they could lower their voices and speak in a more kindly manner as this is a learning environment and there are students and adults around that would rather not listen to such words being shared before sending them on their way.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
My first reaction would be to kindly ask for everyone to pay attention, I am not the type to snap and command, so I would try a more friendly way. If it continues, I can ask if there is another way I can make this class a bit more interesting or I can think of a quick activity or something fun to do that includes the topic of my Art class. But if it did get too far, I would raise my voice just a bit in a more serious tone and ask that they pay attention as I don’t have them that long and would like to teach them without any disruptions.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In the teacher’s lounge, Ms. Ayame will try to strike up a bit of conversation about other classes and what their topics are about and how their classes went. And for her being a new teacher, she would ask for advice on the best way to teach and make sure her students stay intrigued with her lessons, that way her students learn and she can be able to teach in the best way.
And if it’s not that, She would be sitting with a cup of tea and planning out more lessons and activities for her next classes so it’s never a repeating cycle!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Eleni would watch as her students found a place to sit before clasping her hands together and smiling at the students. Walking around her desk after writing what today's lesson would be, her hands and dress skirt would have light dust from the chalk. “Hello class, My name is Ms. Ayame. And I will be your art teacher. Now, if everyone could turn your attention to the board, I will explain today’s lesson!” She explained with a cheerful tone.

/me She would walk over to the closet, grabbing out medium sized containers that held paints, paint brushes, pastels and more art supplies; she would set them on the desk and dust herself off. Taking the lid off the containers, she started to pull out a few supplies. “Today will be a craft day! We have easels, canvases and these supplies. I do ask that you grab a newspaper and set them under your easels just in case of any paint splashes.”

/me Slowly and quietly, as the students filled out the assignment she had given out having been a lesson on the history of art and its artists, her hands stayed behind her back and she smiled as she read a few answers. “Remember to take your time And thoroughly read the question. Don’t stress over this, it’s not a test.” She calmly reassured as her heels gently clicked on the wooden floors.

/me A small sigh came from her as she realized the class wasn’t hearing her over the loud talking and she cleared her throat, clapping twice softly to gain their attention before smiling. “Alright! Attention back here please! I got you all for about-“ she would check her watch on her wrist before looking back up and grabbing the books off her desk. “-about 10 more minutes! I’d like to have you all work on this assignment and please hand it in on your way out the door!” She explained kindly as she started to hand out the assignment.

Eleni was Born in Karakura by two parents who love her very much. Her mother being a woman who was born in Karakura as well and her father being a man who moved to the town. Being born an only child is usually seen as an amazing thing, but not for Eleni. Since she could remember, she always wanted another sibling, but due to her parents always working so hard, they sadly didn’t have much time to even spend time with her. Which started a wish for Eleni to help her parents relax in the future. At such a young age, she had no idea on how she was going to do that, but she knew that that’s what she wanted, and she would do all that she could to make it happen.

Over the years, Eleni found her hobby of art, having started as a finger painter and drawing with markers on the walls of her childhood home, this hobby became her safe space at first. When she would get stressed out, art would help her relax and remember to breathe. Or days she was bored, art would be her entertainment. Or after a long day at school or doing homework, art would be her reward and she would draw, scrapbook, sew or journal until she fell asleep. If her clothes had holes in them, she would stitch her own patches, and most of her clothes were always covered in paint splotches. And the day she found out she could major in art and be an art teacher, she knew exactly what she was going to do.

Going to college after graduating high school, Eleni went to major in Art and its history. Not only to continue teaching herself, but others as well. But she also learned that with the salary, she could finally help her parents retire and rest easy. So when the day came of her graduating college and getting her PhD in Art, she finally applied to be an art teacher and waited patiently for a call back. Yes, she was excited to continue to learn and to teach what she knew and to hopefully help others looking for a hobby to fall in love with the subject of art as she did, but her main goal was to provide for her parents in the best way possible, and this was it!

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Eleni Ayame

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Eleni, Miss Eleni, Miss Ayame

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
27 years of age

Female; She/her/hers

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Apartment F4, 200

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Over the years of high school , I had two jobs and kept them both for over three years before college started. Around then, I had about three jobs at different times and my last one I kept for about 4 1/2 years before I finally graduated college.
Academic Degree:
A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Year of Graduation:

Art history, Printmaking, Drawing and Art Education.

Photography, Clay, and painting

Native Languages:
Japanese and Spanish

Other Languages:
Russian and JSL (Japanese Sign Language)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

/*You may leave this blank*/
Last edited:


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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