Level 3
What is your Minecraft username?: ItsJustZ0
What is your time zone?: EST
What is your discord username?: it5justz0
Link all previous applications you made on the server: Spanish Application Accepted
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Extremely active I'm on most times of the day! While also being online multiple times in one day
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I've been actively playing SRP since this past summer. In these past few months I've been playing one character consistently and learned a lot playing him. Evolving my roleplay style as I meet now people on the server and seeing a lot of improvement on my side on how I write things. Going from mostly short sentences to filling up my chat bar and sometimes needing to do up too three separate /Me messages.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: My current role on SRP is Grade 12
What is the subject you want to teach?: The subject I want to teach is Film
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I think that I’m at a good point in my roleplay with the current character that I’d like to try playing someone that has opposite interests/focuses to him. I decided to really think about and explore the idea of being a professor, because this is something I could never imagine Damien doing, he is normally more focused on sports and building his education in different areas of study. I have had some friends who have expressed great satisfaction with becoming a teacher/professor so that is what initially gave me the motivation to aim for that role.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. My first idea for an interactive class would be a class where I have the students on the photography aspect of film, Going around the school in groups of three or four to take IC pictures around the court yard where they feel inspired to be. Trying to invoke certain emotions through their pictures. I'd have the students then post their photo on either imgur or onrain so I could grade them.
2. In class I'd ask three students to be fill out for three differing roles. The roles would be as follows: Casting manager, Producer, and Director. The objective of the lesson is to show how these three roles would act at a casting call. I'd give them a prompt or ask the class for a genre of a movie that the three volunteers would be casting for. Then Calling up each student that student would tell the three how much they would cost to be cast. Then the three volunteers would need to talk amongst themselves and cast four people accordingly. Then if enough time is left they will be asked to switch roles and practice different aspects of each role.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would have previously taught my students about the unique types of shots they can take and how they’re applied in some of their favorite movies, so that when I take them to observe different scenes from said movies they would be able to take notes and identify the differing shots that we encounter. I would then grade each student individually for each shot they answer correctly. I expect them to use up all their school time to really watch and absorb as much information as possible to correctly identify which scenes have which shots.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
I see this going in a multitude of ways. The first would be Kai arriving and seeing that there was no actual fight happening. The way he’d handle this is by making his presence known quickly explaining to the jocks they need to back off of one another. He’d then quickly turn around wearing a face full of pure boredom shaking his head he’d nonchalantly walk off towards his classroom shrugging the interaction off but keeping note of it in his head. Another interaction I could imagine is if a full on physical altercation were happening, Kai would swiftly take out his phone making sure to alert the rest of the administration as a way of having backup and helping anybody involved. After doing this action he would then project his voice making his presence completely clear, getting in the middle in an attempt to break up the fight. The fight being broken up he’d catch his breath pointing his finger in the direction of the group of bullies writing up a form for each of them that will not only give them detention but be put on their permanent record. Once the rest of the faculty arrive he’d express deep concern gesturing towards the now injured bobcat so that the teachers would walk him up to the nurse.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Kai would let out an exasperated sigh. Tired of the frankly idiotic questions, that had obvious solutions to them. Going through the detention assignments he'd think on which one carefully choosing what he thought would be the hardest and longest for the student to grasp. Then walking over to them his foot steps echoing through the now quiet room, that would only be filled by the students laughter. He'd place the assignment down right in front of them. Maintaining a direct and stern grimace on his face locking eyes with the student. His lips finally curling after a few moments of silence. His words cold and sharp... "you've spoken quite enough. Now please finish your assignments, I do not want to come back over here." My character would suck his teeth in annoyance crossing his arms, his gaze would be drawn towards the student making sure to send them a deadpan expression. He’d then open his drawers pulling out a massive pile of paperwork, digging through it a small smile would creep up from his cheeks, a noticeable dimple shining through. He’d set the paperwork on the edge of his desk then call on the students name, gesturing for them to come to his desk. He’d then proceed to hand the student the lengthiest and most complicated assignment he could muster. “I’m not here so you can waste my time with your pointless questions and mind games, do the work or plan to stay longer next time it’s very simple.” He’d then just observe watching as the students face tenses up at the impossible assignment, stealing little glances at his watch to keep track of time. He’d then begin to silently tap his foot on the floor patiently waiting for the student to inevitably ask an actual meaningful question related to the difficult
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character would be quick to respond to this standing up and slamming his foot on the ground to gain their attention eyeing the cheerleaders directly he’d begin to speak saying. “This will be your only warning please do not ridicule your fellows students, This is quite childish behavior and I do not expect this from a group of upcoming young adults.” If the issue persists he would roll his eyes now forced to take action he’d dial the number of the principal explaining very loudly on the phone that they will be expecting students in their office in about 10 minutes saying that they do not choose to learn and choose to disrupt his class instead. After hanging up the phone he’d swing open the door, pointing to the students gesturing for them to make their way. The moment they get to the door he’d let out an exasperated sigh explaining to them that they are the only ones who can fix their behavior and people who want to succeed do not act this way. At the close of the door he’d put on a relaxed smile briefly apologizing for their disruption, gesturing towards the current lesson getting straight back to work.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Seeing that there was a fight going on, Kai sprints into action. Quickly maneuvering himself into the middle of the pairs fight his voice booming as he spoke. "AYE BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!" Now having them separated from each other he'd quickly slip detention slips into both their pockets. Then moving the students apart from each other. Once he had the two away from each other he'd question them both trying to understand what happened.
What does they look like?
As you turn your head you'd see standing at a rough six foot and what looked to be around two hundred pounds, was a dark skinned African-American male. His long dreadlocked hair falling down to his shoulders and forehead covering his grayish silvery eyes that exuded a certain kind of confidence while his overwhelming and beaming smile along with his body language gave off a welcoming aura. As he passed you the aroma of freshly made hot chocolate, with a dash of vanilla would fill your nose.
What makes them unique and different?
All of Kai's life he's he tried to find the creative side of things, not really caring about the legists or logical type to do something. If he was doing something it had to be big and it had to spark his creative ideas in overdrive. In his carrier as a director he's shown that he was an obvious choice to be a leader also getting that from being the QB on his football team in high school and college. When he spoke his confidence and charisma made people people believe in what he believed in his dreams along with wanting to see his succussed. If people asked him what his vison was for a project there were never times where he wouldn't have an answer always prepared to show you or explain to you what he saw in his "mind's eye." that's what he'd call it in the behind the scenes interviews or footage. However, this leader type creative personality did seem to make him but heads with plenty of people, let that be his couches, teachers, peers, or producers. Which made him stubborn if he knew he was right. While also when it came to make films or doing something important he was always ready to sacrifice days until he thought it was at it's absolute best! Any person he was around he'd demand that from them too their best, nothing more nothing less. Though plenty have said that he already brought that out of the people he was around. Okay but what is their outlook on Students?
He see's his students in away that most would see as... odd. He treats his students like they're a crew on an actual set, If it wasn't for regulations he'd even just have them call him Kai or if they were close enough to him KJ. But because of that he just has them call him "Director." or "Mr. Johnson." He sees each one has their own potential to add something to the film world and even if they don't see it He tries his best to bring that out of them. So some think he's hard on them but it's just his way of saying that he wants to see more from them cause he believes in them. What about the other teachers? As for the other teachers, It honestly depends. He lives on the rule of respect is earned and not given. Sure he'll be nice too you and respectful as he doesn't want to cause harm or mental anguish with someone, So he'll try his best to be a good coworker and equal to them. But if they've wronged him in some way shape or form, He's cold only really talking the people when it's completely necessary's. Now what is their personality like? Kai is very much a free spirit, He marches to the beat of his own drum as he doesn't really care what most people think of him. He's the type to always think of some kind of movie idea or to just see the way people are sitting and get an idea for something he wants in a scene. He the "forever optimums" as he feels he spent most of his teen years in a dark state and hated being in the mind set. If asked by someone who's had to couch, work, or teach him they'd all say he had a strong will. Finally what is their plan for the future? Kai is trying to slow things down. He's of course wants to still do directing as his main thing back in America but he believes it's time to start passing down the trade and tricks he's learned in the industry to the next generation of future film makers. Passing on his knowledge to the kids of Karakura is a great way of doing that. Along with wanting to win an award for something he directs in the future, he's just not sure when.
Early life: (0-10)
Kai Winslow Johnson was born as the only son to his mother and father, Jaylen Johnson, and Ahnaijah Blair-Johnson. His grew up in those first ten years in an African American house hold with four older sister on the northern east coast of America. Being welcomed into his new family he was the "the baby" but also "the only boy" in those early years he was always protected by his sisters but his father made sure to instill to do the same for his sisters. These teachings would seep his way into his mind. His four sisters and him shared a strange bond that was forged in these ages as well, him and the second youngest being the closest to each other not only in age but in mind set only being about three years apart. She'd always end up helping him with his work and shared experiences as they shared a lot of the same teachers in their time in school each coming a few years after each other. Him and the second oldest didn't get a long as well as the him and his younger sister, though he'd soon realize that she would be the one to call on if someone was trying to gang up on him. Then finally him and his oldest sister, she was the one he looked up too, she showed him the joys of movies, and media and creativity instilling that into him at a very young age.
Pre to teen years: (11-17)
Kai's life was going good, his family, his relationships with his sister, a good circle of friends. Until tragedy struck. His oldest sister the one who taught him the most of the things he loved most, sadly and suddenly was taken away from their family this shook the foundations of the family too their core. However, none were effected like Kai was. This moment would define Kai for the rest of his life, only allowing his way of coping by making short films. Were this films any good? hell no, they were actually quite terrible. However, there was potential in the way he filmed and the way he directed. His parents picking up on this when he was around the age of fourteen Along with him joining his high schools American Foot Ball team. At first they thought "oh it's just phase." or "oh he's doing it to remember his sister." Those last words may have had a lot more truth then Kai knew at the time. He'd always imagine his sister being able to see the stuff he made and put the hurt and anger into every project he did. No wonder he ended up loving his films. In his later teens he'd submit projects to festivals gaining a small name for himself in his state trying to make a name in the film world was hard for him. However, he would soon find something else he also loved teaching.
College life: (18-23)
If you asked Kai what he thought of his college years? Like any aging adult he'd say it was some of the best five years of his life. Finally coming to terms with his sisters passing he'd start to gain some small recognition as an amateur film student in college. Keeping in touch with his friends from high school every now and again. Though Kai found himself confused in his second year of college. Did he really only do film for his sister's sake? did he actually love doing what he did? Taking a semester off to really find himself and what he wants to do. In that semester off he found himself teaching his younger cousin things about film, this moment here truly showed him he liked teaching what he knew to people, and also fell back in love with film all over again. Going back to college with a new found passion for film he saw his skills increase with the more classes he took and understood, while also adding a minor in education to study his new found passion. This passion for education would add to his love of theater learning the information and becoming fixated on it is something he loved to see from his little cousin still teaching them every times he was back for breaks. when he watched his cousin slowly fall in love with film he knew he did truly love it not only for his sister but because of his love of the art form himself. Adding to his blazing passion for the craft.
Current Life: (24-28)
After gaining his teachers license in America Kai stuck to the film world for a few more years gaining much more experience and even being assistant director for some big movies in the U.S however, he enjoyed making indie movies more then making the big summer block buster or romance movies that you'd normally see in theaters. Though he loved the craft and he was sure of that, Kai felt like he wasn't doing all that he could as a creative. He decided to put his minor and licensee to work as a film teacher in a preforming arts school. However, Kai found the east coast and America itself was losing it's creative spark. He needed something new... a new place... a new scenery. In his own words "The east alone has felt pretty tapped out..." After doing some research he thought of only two places he'd want to go Japan, or Puerto Rico. Having taken Japanese in college, and knowing Spanish because of his cousins. Kai sent out his application out to the small Island of Karakura hoping to see he'd be accepted to their college program as a professor of film.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name: Kai Winslow Johnson
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kai
Preferred Name: Kai, Mr. Johnson, KW, KJ
Age: 28
Gender & pronouns: He/Him
Religious Denomination: I'm just spiritual.
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: African American
Current Location: In the process of moving to Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): I've been teaching for about two years
Working Experience (# of years): I've been doing film since I was around 16
Academic Degree: High School Diploma, College Degree in Mass Media arts with a concentration in Radio, Television, and Film, and Teaching.
Year of Graduation: In high school I graduated in 2014, and I graduated college in 2019 taking an extra year for my education minor.
Major(s): Mass Media Arts Concentration in Radio, Television, and film
Minors: Education
Native Languages: English.
Other Languages: Japanese, Spanish
Preferred Teaching Subject: Film
Additional notes about your application (if any): If I can't do Film i'd be happy to just be an overall Mass Media professor for Radio, Television, and Film.
What is your Minecraft username?: ItsJustZ0
What is your time zone?: EST
What is your discord username?: it5justz0
Link all previous applications you made on the server: Spanish Application Accepted
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Extremely active I'm on most times of the day! While also being online multiple times in one day
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I've been actively playing SRP since this past summer. In these past few months I've been playing one character consistently and learned a lot playing him. Evolving my roleplay style as I meet now people on the server and seeing a lot of improvement on my side on how I write things. Going from mostly short sentences to filling up my chat bar and sometimes needing to do up too three separate /Me messages.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: My current role on SRP is Grade 12
What is the subject you want to teach?: The subject I want to teach is Film
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I think that I’m at a good point in my roleplay with the current character that I’d like to try playing someone that has opposite interests/focuses to him. I decided to really think about and explore the idea of being a professor, because this is something I could never imagine Damien doing, he is normally more focused on sports and building his education in different areas of study. I have had some friends who have expressed great satisfaction with becoming a teacher/professor so that is what initially gave me the motivation to aim for that role.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. My first idea for an interactive class would be a class where I have the students on the photography aspect of film, Going around the school in groups of three or four to take IC pictures around the court yard where they feel inspired to be. Trying to invoke certain emotions through their pictures. I'd have the students then post their photo on either imgur or onrain so I could grade them.
2. In class I'd ask three students to be fill out for three differing roles. The roles would be as follows: Casting manager, Producer, and Director. The objective of the lesson is to show how these three roles would act at a casting call. I'd give them a prompt or ask the class for a genre of a movie that the three volunteers would be casting for. Then Calling up each student that student would tell the three how much they would cost to be cast. Then the three volunteers would need to talk amongst themselves and cast four people accordingly. Then if enough time is left they will be asked to switch roles and practice different aspects of each role.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would have previously taught my students about the unique types of shots they can take and how they’re applied in some of their favorite movies, so that when I take them to observe different scenes from said movies they would be able to take notes and identify the differing shots that we encounter. I would then grade each student individually for each shot they answer correctly. I expect them to use up all their school time to really watch and absorb as much information as possible to correctly identify which scenes have which shots.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
I see this going in a multitude of ways. The first would be Kai arriving and seeing that there was no actual fight happening. The way he’d handle this is by making his presence known quickly explaining to the jocks they need to back off of one another. He’d then quickly turn around wearing a face full of pure boredom shaking his head he’d nonchalantly walk off towards his classroom shrugging the interaction off but keeping note of it in his head. Another interaction I could imagine is if a full on physical altercation were happening, Kai would swiftly take out his phone making sure to alert the rest of the administration as a way of having backup and helping anybody involved. After doing this action he would then project his voice making his presence completely clear, getting in the middle in an attempt to break up the fight. The fight being broken up he’d catch his breath pointing his finger in the direction of the group of bullies writing up a form for each of them that will not only give them detention but be put on their permanent record. Once the rest of the faculty arrive he’d express deep concern gesturing towards the now injured bobcat so that the teachers would walk him up to the nurse.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Kai would let out an exasperated sigh. Tired of the frankly idiotic questions, that had obvious solutions to them. Going through the detention assignments he'd think on which one carefully choosing what he thought would be the hardest and longest for the student to grasp. Then walking over to them his foot steps echoing through the now quiet room, that would only be filled by the students laughter. He'd place the assignment down right in front of them. Maintaining a direct and stern grimace on his face locking eyes with the student. His lips finally curling after a few moments of silence. His words cold and sharp... "you've spoken quite enough. Now please finish your assignments, I do not want to come back over here." My character would suck his teeth in annoyance crossing his arms, his gaze would be drawn towards the student making sure to send them a deadpan expression. He’d then open his drawers pulling out a massive pile of paperwork, digging through it a small smile would creep up from his cheeks, a noticeable dimple shining through. He’d set the paperwork on the edge of his desk then call on the students name, gesturing for them to come to his desk. He’d then proceed to hand the student the lengthiest and most complicated assignment he could muster. “I’m not here so you can waste my time with your pointless questions and mind games, do the work or plan to stay longer next time it’s very simple.” He’d then just observe watching as the students face tenses up at the impossible assignment, stealing little glances at his watch to keep track of time. He’d then begin to silently tap his foot on the floor patiently waiting for the student to inevitably ask an actual meaningful question related to the difficult
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character would be quick to respond to this standing up and slamming his foot on the ground to gain their attention eyeing the cheerleaders directly he’d begin to speak saying. “This will be your only warning please do not ridicule your fellows students, This is quite childish behavior and I do not expect this from a group of upcoming young adults.” If the issue persists he would roll his eyes now forced to take action he’d dial the number of the principal explaining very loudly on the phone that they will be expecting students in their office in about 10 minutes saying that they do not choose to learn and choose to disrupt his class instead. After hanging up the phone he’d swing open the door, pointing to the students gesturing for them to make their way. The moment they get to the door he’d let out an exasperated sigh explaining to them that they are the only ones who can fix their behavior and people who want to succeed do not act this way. At the close of the door he’d put on a relaxed smile briefly apologizing for their disruption, gesturing towards the current lesson getting straight back to work.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Seeing that there was a fight going on, Kai sprints into action. Quickly maneuvering himself into the middle of the pairs fight his voice booming as he spoke. "AYE BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!" Now having them separated from each other he'd quickly slip detention slips into both their pockets. Then moving the students apart from each other. Once he had the two away from each other he'd question them both trying to understand what happened.
What does they look like?
As you turn your head you'd see standing at a rough six foot and what looked to be around two hundred pounds, was a dark skinned African-American male. His long dreadlocked hair falling down to his shoulders and forehead covering his grayish silvery eyes that exuded a certain kind of confidence while his overwhelming and beaming smile along with his body language gave off a welcoming aura. As he passed you the aroma of freshly made hot chocolate, with a dash of vanilla would fill your nose.
What makes them unique and different?
All of Kai's life he's he tried to find the creative side of things, not really caring about the legists or logical type to do something. If he was doing something it had to be big and it had to spark his creative ideas in overdrive. In his carrier as a director he's shown that he was an obvious choice to be a leader also getting that from being the QB on his football team in high school and college. When he spoke his confidence and charisma made people people believe in what he believed in his dreams along with wanting to see his succussed. If people asked him what his vison was for a project there were never times where he wouldn't have an answer always prepared to show you or explain to you what he saw in his "mind's eye." that's what he'd call it in the behind the scenes interviews or footage. However, this leader type creative personality did seem to make him but heads with plenty of people, let that be his couches, teachers, peers, or producers. Which made him stubborn if he knew he was right. While also when it came to make films or doing something important he was always ready to sacrifice days until he thought it was at it's absolute best! Any person he was around he'd demand that from them too their best, nothing more nothing less. Though plenty have said that he already brought that out of the people he was around. Okay but what is their outlook on Students?
He see's his students in away that most would see as... odd. He treats his students like they're a crew on an actual set, If it wasn't for regulations he'd even just have them call him Kai or if they were close enough to him KJ. But because of that he just has them call him "Director." or "Mr. Johnson." He sees each one has their own potential to add something to the film world and even if they don't see it He tries his best to bring that out of them. So some think he's hard on them but it's just his way of saying that he wants to see more from them cause he believes in them. What about the other teachers? As for the other teachers, It honestly depends. He lives on the rule of respect is earned and not given. Sure he'll be nice too you and respectful as he doesn't want to cause harm or mental anguish with someone, So he'll try his best to be a good coworker and equal to them. But if they've wronged him in some way shape or form, He's cold only really talking the people when it's completely necessary's. Now what is their personality like? Kai is very much a free spirit, He marches to the beat of his own drum as he doesn't really care what most people think of him. He's the type to always think of some kind of movie idea or to just see the way people are sitting and get an idea for something he wants in a scene. He the "forever optimums" as he feels he spent most of his teen years in a dark state and hated being in the mind set. If asked by someone who's had to couch, work, or teach him they'd all say he had a strong will. Finally what is their plan for the future? Kai is trying to slow things down. He's of course wants to still do directing as his main thing back in America but he believes it's time to start passing down the trade and tricks he's learned in the industry to the next generation of future film makers. Passing on his knowledge to the kids of Karakura is a great way of doing that. Along with wanting to win an award for something he directs in the future, he's just not sure when.
Early life: (0-10)
Kai Winslow Johnson was born as the only son to his mother and father, Jaylen Johnson, and Ahnaijah Blair-Johnson. His grew up in those first ten years in an African American house hold with four older sister on the northern east coast of America. Being welcomed into his new family he was the "the baby" but also "the only boy" in those early years he was always protected by his sisters but his father made sure to instill to do the same for his sisters. These teachings would seep his way into his mind. His four sisters and him shared a strange bond that was forged in these ages as well, him and the second youngest being the closest to each other not only in age but in mind set only being about three years apart. She'd always end up helping him with his work and shared experiences as they shared a lot of the same teachers in their time in school each coming a few years after each other. Him and the second oldest didn't get a long as well as the him and his younger sister, though he'd soon realize that she would be the one to call on if someone was trying to gang up on him. Then finally him and his oldest sister, she was the one he looked up too, she showed him the joys of movies, and media and creativity instilling that into him at a very young age.
Pre to teen years: (11-17)
Kai's life was going good, his family, his relationships with his sister, a good circle of friends. Until tragedy struck. His oldest sister the one who taught him the most of the things he loved most, sadly and suddenly was taken away from their family this shook the foundations of the family too their core. However, none were effected like Kai was. This moment would define Kai for the rest of his life, only allowing his way of coping by making short films. Were this films any good? hell no, they were actually quite terrible. However, there was potential in the way he filmed and the way he directed. His parents picking up on this when he was around the age of fourteen Along with him joining his high schools American Foot Ball team. At first they thought "oh it's just phase." or "oh he's doing it to remember his sister." Those last words may have had a lot more truth then Kai knew at the time. He'd always imagine his sister being able to see the stuff he made and put the hurt and anger into every project he did. No wonder he ended up loving his films. In his later teens he'd submit projects to festivals gaining a small name for himself in his state trying to make a name in the film world was hard for him. However, he would soon find something else he also loved teaching.
College life: (18-23)
If you asked Kai what he thought of his college years? Like any aging adult he'd say it was some of the best five years of his life. Finally coming to terms with his sisters passing he'd start to gain some small recognition as an amateur film student in college. Keeping in touch with his friends from high school every now and again. Though Kai found himself confused in his second year of college. Did he really only do film for his sister's sake? did he actually love doing what he did? Taking a semester off to really find himself and what he wants to do. In that semester off he found himself teaching his younger cousin things about film, this moment here truly showed him he liked teaching what he knew to people, and also fell back in love with film all over again. Going back to college with a new found passion for film he saw his skills increase with the more classes he took and understood, while also adding a minor in education to study his new found passion. This passion for education would add to his love of theater learning the information and becoming fixated on it is something he loved to see from his little cousin still teaching them every times he was back for breaks. when he watched his cousin slowly fall in love with film he knew he did truly love it not only for his sister but because of his love of the art form himself. Adding to his blazing passion for the craft.
Current Life: (24-28)
After gaining his teachers license in America Kai stuck to the film world for a few more years gaining much more experience and even being assistant director for some big movies in the U.S however, he enjoyed making indie movies more then making the big summer block buster or romance movies that you'd normally see in theaters. Though he loved the craft and he was sure of that, Kai felt like he wasn't doing all that he could as a creative. He decided to put his minor and licensee to work as a film teacher in a preforming arts school. However, Kai found the east coast and America itself was losing it's creative spark. He needed something new... a new place... a new scenery. In his own words "The east alone has felt pretty tapped out..." After doing some research he thought of only two places he'd want to go Japan, or Puerto Rico. Having taken Japanese in college, and knowing Spanish because of his cousins. Kai sent out his application out to the small Island of Karakura hoping to see he'd be accepted to their college program as a professor of film.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name: Kai Winslow Johnson
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kai
Preferred Name: Kai, Mr. Johnson, KW, KJ
Age: 28
Gender & pronouns: He/Him
Religious Denomination: I'm just spiritual.
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: African American
Current Location: In the process of moving to Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): I've been teaching for about two years
Working Experience (# of years): I've been doing film since I was around 16
Academic Degree: High School Diploma, College Degree in Mass Media arts with a concentration in Radio, Television, and Film, and Teaching.
Year of Graduation: In high school I graduated in 2014, and I graduated college in 2019 taking an extra year for my education minor.
Major(s): Mass Media Arts Concentration in Radio, Television, and film
Minors: Education
Native Languages: English.
Other Languages: Japanese, Spanish
Preferred Teaching Subject: Film
Additional notes about your application (if any): If I can't do Film i'd be happy to just be an overall Mass Media professor for Radio, Television, and Film.
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