Basic Information
First Name:
Preferred Name:
(N/A ?)
A petite 4'11 with cascading light-blue hair down to her waist and captivating green eyes framed by long lashes. Has a warm but pale skin, matching her usual light-colored outfits, mostly with the hue of blue. Her genuine smile and soft, happy voice are comforting, similar to a soothing bedtime narrator. She carries a unique fragrance reminscent of fresh river water, creating a tranquil atmosphere. Despite her dreamy, air-headed demeanor and relaxed pace, she crafts a captivating world around her, inviting you to share in the serence magic of her gently and calming aroma.
Date of Birth:
March 21st, 2005
Place of Birth:
Amami, Kagoshima
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefs:
[Feel free to link a youtube video with a clip of talking]
Izumi Kouno is a blue-haired, 18-year-old Grade 12 student at Karakura High School, originally from Amami, Kagoshima, Japan. She is petite and short, with a gentle and optimistic nature. She possesses a soft and gentle voice, making it perfect for her passion in singing ballad songs. Ever since her childhood times back in her hometown, which is the town of Amami, Kagoshima, she always displayed a love for music, often singing along to the melodies that filled her home, which is usually just with her only family, her mother. She also has a deep love for nature, as she brings her ballads along the peaceful areas of her town, singing to the trees and animals around.
As mentioned, she was raised by her single mother, who remained in her hometown in Amami. Izumi is a carbon copy of her mom, from head to toe, up to her personality, and love for singing and nature. Her mother greatly influenced her in dying her hair into light-blue, making it their favorite color. Their love for the color blue was greatly inspired by the clear, blue sky you can always see in their town, considering it’s very far from the main island of Japan, as the town of Amami is in a remote island of Amami, located far southwest.
Since they live on a very secluded island, Izumi used to only know their town, and had her primary education there. By the time she reached the age of 13, modern technology was already prominent and reached their island as well. This was how she discovered that there’s a vast world outside their island. Her curiosity made her decide to leave her beloved island to explore the world, starting with the city of Karakura. Her mom was obviously sad about the departure of her only daughter but still gave her moral support towards her dreams.
Despite her love for music, she never attended any music-related clubs or activities in their school in Amami so no one really knew about her beautiful, gentle singing voice. Despite her adorable aura, she didn’t have any friends to hang out with for long period of time. She is used to peaceful areas, making her a bit introverted, as she preferred to hang out in the forest areas of her town, to sing her heart the few ballads she only knew and learned from her mother as well. Even when she reached Karakura, she spent most of her time alone: when in school, she loved to stay by the rooftop, and if outside school hours, she walked around the beach area, to the forest, and loved to spend her time by the shrine, embracing the peaceful ambiance.
When she entered the school in Karakura, she was definitely overwhelmed, considering this city was bigger than her hometown, even the school was way bigger than she ever imagined. But being her nature, she attracted a few nice people in Karakura which helped her know more about the city and the school. As she was still a persona slowly discovering new things in this world, she loved attending her classes as she also learned a lot from her passionate teachers. She would occasionally visit the library to read more about the town of Karakura and learn other things she never knew she could experience.
With the goal to explore the whole world, Izumi believed that being a teacher herself gives her the opportunity to learn more about the world, not only outside of her hometown, but also beyond the city of Karakura. As she aspired to pursue the teaching profession, she would continuosly expand her knowledge through attending classes, reading in the library, and observe her surroundings. The question whether others will discover her talent for singing still remains a mystery.
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