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R. Jaden MacAlasdair F. Bio...


Level 1
~| Robin Jaden MacAlasdair Fukushima|~
||Κοκκινολαίμης Джейден МакАласдер Fukushima||
[Please enjoy!]


|Main Information|⊱

Birth Name: Robin

New Name: Jaden /Jade

Surname: Jaden MacAlasdair Fukushima

New Surname: Robin MacAlasdair Fukushima

Age: 18

Height: 5'5 /165cm

Date of Birth: March 27, 2006

Birth Place: Russia

Heritage: Greek + Russian

Sexuality: Straight like a line


Partner: Kinji J. Munakata
Mother: Lisa Robin
Father: (N/A) MacAlasdair
Legal Gaudian: Jasmine Y. Lokji
Adopted Family:
Siblings: All are half siblings or adopted
Friends: Met most in Karakura
Pet: Snakes, spiders, a rat, a turtle, and a bearded dragon.



Hair: Her hair is dyed a purple-gray but, her natural hair color is a sliver blonde from her mother's family.

Eyes: A slim upturned eye shape with a light copper color. Left eye is a hint darker than the right eye.

Body: Fair skin with a slim hourglass figure. Her arms have past scars on them which looks like cuts.

Weight: 121 lb.

Tattoos: Her right arm has that is roses with spiders which cover her whole shoulder and scatters down the rest of her arm. On the left arm is a Chinese Dragon that wraps all the way down to her wrist. The back of her neck has the words; [Jasmin G.] & [Kinji M.]
On her right hand, each finger had a letter which spelt out the word [S L U T]

Jade has many mood swings, one day she can be a mean, cold hearted brat. The next she can be a weird person who isn't the brightest.

Illness/Phobias: Mental Health issues, very rare panic attacks, used to be a big alcoholic but drinks less, scared to lose people she loves, and has a fear of cats for an unknown reason, yet only some cats she is ok with.

Voice: A mean seductive voice tone.

Hobbies: Doing art, hanging out with friends, taking care of her pets, axe throwing, styling hair, drinking RedBull, getting into drama, listening to music, climbing trees, hunting, traveling, doing tattoos, and looking hot.

Extra: She wears releveling clothing or something dark, always feeling confident in them. She would wear a normal amount of make-up. Her nails would be a black stiletto shape that was a normal length. The scent of Sweet Roses follow behind her.


0-10 Years Old
Jade was born in Russia on March 27, 2006. She was given the name; Robin Jaden MacAlasdair. Jade's mother, Lisa Robin, named Jade after her last name but Jade didn't enjoy being called Robin. So she went with her middle name instead, Jaden or Jade. Growing up Jade lived with her father and her siblings. She never met her mother, besides when she gave birth to Jade. Ever scene then Jade hasn't talked or seen her mother. Her father on the other hand was a alcoholic, he was always drinking, it was very rare to see him 1 hour sober.

When Jade was around nine she would go to a café that was close near here house. The café was called, Coffee and Sweets from Emmanuel, it was the only Spanish Café near her, and probably the only one in Russia. When Jade went in for the first time no one in the café spoke good Russian, only one worker there. Her name was Mar and she spoke Russian and Spanish. She helped Jade out in the café. Mar also taught Jade some Spanish too when she visited. As Jade got older she still study Spanish.

At ten years old, Jade would argue with her father often. She kept telling him she was sick of this life and wanted her father to stop drinking so much. When Jade's father had enough he sent her to live with her mother in Greece. Jade saw this as an opportunity to escape her shitty life. She thought about leaving her siblings who cared for her the most. Would she even be able to talk to them again? She promised to come and get them when she was older. So she agreed to live in Greece, and in four weeks she would be living with her mother who she never saw or talked too.

10-14 Years Old
The day Jade got to Greece she met her mom in the airport with her luggage. The first month there Jade felt safe and happy with her new life. She often got letters from her siblings, telling how they miss her. Lisa spoke mainly Greek and a little Russian but, wanted Jade to know Greek. Lisa job was a teacher for Greek grammar which would make Jade's learning of Greek easier. Lisa decided to homeschool Jade, and teacher her in her own ways. So Lisa took her job as part time so she also help Jade with her learning. Jade didn't like the idea of being homeschooled at first, but then saw it as a way to get closer with her mother. This idea wasn't as bad as it sounds, right?
R I G H T ?

Until the days would pass and Lisa became more strict with Jade and would start to abuse her physically and mentally. Telling her she's just a waste and that she needs to be smarter with her studying, but it's not Jade's fault she never got proper education. Jade thought this was normal, and thought other mothers act like this. One day, Lisa lost her job for hitting a kid, she said the kid got in her way. The job was Lisa's only job that accepted her, That's when Lisa started to drink, hook-up with men, going to clubs daily, and become more abusive. Lisa would not allow Jade to talk to her other family members anymore. Jade realized her safe place became a place she would avoid the most, trying to find ways to avoid the house and try to be out of the house the most. This was going on for four years and Jade was too hurt to find a way out. Not only was her mother getting worse, but her mental was also getting worse. Jade barely knew Greek, for she was too scare to even practice with her mother. She would only practice Spanish when she had time alone.

Four years later Jade found ways to avoid or trick her bitch-ass so called "mother". But Jade couldn't always be sly, her mother would catch her escaping and punish her for it. Hitting Jade with a ruler, kicking Jade, and even some nights using a plastic baseball bat on her. Jade would spend most nights on the street, stealing food or live chickens, killing them later. Until she met Jasmine, or Jazz for short. When Jade first met Jazz, it was outside behind a club. Jade thought it would be a good area to stay for a little, not knowing it was bar. Jazz came out a door at didn't know Jade was there, until she looked up and saw Jade. Jade started to run but Jazz caught to up her. Jazz asked Jade why she was here. Jade didn't know what she was saying she never paid attention in her Greek studies. So Jade responded in Russian, being her main language. With her slight luck in her life Jazz actually knew Russian. Jade explained everything to Jazz, telling her how her life is, about her mother, and what she has been doing to at least live.

Three months has passed and Jade felt a little better with Jasmine at her side. One night as Jade was walking alone in a alley way she heard something yelling from behind her. It was a drunk 23 year old man. He was following behind her as she walked to Jazz's place. He would call her pretty and ask if she wanted to talk to him. Jade told him to go away and started to run, but he grabbed her by the waist. He told her he won't hurt her and just wanted to talk. She tried to get away but he was stronger and it was too late. That was the night Jaiden could never forget...
After the man left Jade on the floor and walked away like nothing happened. Jade was hurt in everyway she could be. She limped all the way to Jasmine's house and explained everything to her.

Jade went to the doctors in the morning with Jasmine. They found out that Jade was pregnant with a baby girl at fourteen years old...
That became Jade's deepest and darkest secret and she swore to never tell anyone even her own family.
Jade promised to keep the baby and love it. Jade wanted her kid to feel loved just they way she wanted to feel. Jasmine was supporting Jade and helped her out. That night Jade moved out from her mother's abusive house, and lived with Jasmine and Jasmine's girlfriend, Grace.

15-18 Years Old

As the months passed Jazz, Grace, and Jade became more and more excited for the baby's arrival. When the day came, Jade was scared but, ready to do this job. During the birth the baby came out sick and was not healthy. The doctors told Jade the baby will only live for about a week from the cause of this illness, and they would have to stay in the hospital for the whole time. When Jade heard this she cried and was hurt, and thought she had a chance at having happiness in life. Jasmine and Grace stayed with Jade the whole time with Jade in the hospital. Jade named the baby Jasmine Grace.
After all what Jasmine and Grace have done for her Jade saw this as a gift to them. They day the baby died, Jade held it in her arms and held it tight.

From that day on Jade was hurt deeply more than ever. She drank and cried about everyday with nothing else to do. Jasmine and Grace tried to get her to stop. They would try everyday to help her. This went on for six months until, Jade realized she couldn't be like that for the rest of her life. So Jade stopped drinking and thought she needed a fresh start. She looked for a good place to live for her fresh new start at life. Jasmine said Jade should move to Karakura for a better life and saw they had a good high school program. Not only that but, her dad and siblings moved there too. Jade agreed and moved to Karakura when she would turned 16. While she waited to go to Karakura she started to learn Japanese and studied it.
Jade hoped to find happiness and someone to love her truly in Karakura.


❤⫹!Thanks for Reading!⫺❤

[I'll edit this a lot]
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