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jalhadeff's Physical Education Teacher Application


Level 4
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About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?: jalhadeff
What's your Discord username?: jalhadeff
What's your Time Zone?: UTC-3

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:

What are your current roles on the server?:
MC account1(Main): jalhadeff
Kaiser Yuhi Aoyami (Grade 12)(The one I am applying with)
Jalhadeff Blair Ariya (College Bachelors)
Ijin Finch Akamine (Grade 12)
Kollan Tsui (Grade 7)

MC account2 (alt): Jal5
Levi Reshiki Tsuyoi (Grade 11)

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
The Teachers are one of the most, if not the most important role in SRP, they welcome the new players needing to show some of SRP’s essence while still having to keep it in a way that is not boring for the experienced players, being a vital part on the “School” from “School Roleplay”, they need to be extra creative while planning fun and interactive classes for the players but still keeping it in a school environment, which can be extremely tough and challenging to do but they do it in a daily basis, the Teachers are the ones that guide new players serving as an example on how to properly roleplay in this server and they are at most times the most known ones in the school because of their role.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

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In-Character Section

What's your character's full name?: Kaiser Yuhi Aoyama
What is your character's nationality?: Half-German Half-Korean
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Physical Education

Describe your character:
Physical Aspects:
Kaiser is a Half-Korean Half-German male, he has short pitch black hair in a messy fade cut style, he has dazzling light blue eyes that sometimes gave the impression of glowing to others, he usually walks around with a seeming calm but serious expression on his face not revealing any emotions of his, he had a rather fit and a remarkably muscular body build that adds to his height of 6’2” tall.

Kaiser normally doesn’t show much emotion and looks serious most of the time, he is really calm and doesn’t like raising his voice much, he doesn’t start many conversations and struggles a bit to understand people's emotions always picking logic over his emotions, he tries to be kind to his students but it makes the students sometimes get scared of him which makes him wonder what he does wrong, he is very smart but finds it difficult to talk to other people.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
My character sees the students as capable individuals that still have a long way to go, and he is the one whos going to provide support and assist them in doing so, he believes on the potential of every single one of his students and thinks that if they start now with hard work and persistence they can get anywhere they want, for those reasons he gets really disappointed when he sees one of them misbehaving as for him that is a waste of potential believing that if they really want to they can grow exponentially higher.

Kaiser sees his Co-Workers as trustable and reliable people who he can reach out to when needed and he is willing to do the same for them, treating them like family, he expects them to also lead the students on the right way, Kaiser is willing to help them overcome any difficulties being those either professional or personal, he tries being a good friend to them but still keeping their relation somehow professional in school grounds.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
Kaisers motivation for teaching is that when he was younger, he never got the chance of going to a good school and he grew up in times of war, there was no one there to help him get any sort of education, but he deemed it extremely important, so through hard work and perseverance he managed to educate himself in a good way and got really far, and he knows the difference that a caring teacher makes in someone’s life so he wants to help as many kids as possible, giving them the opportunity he didn’t have, so he tries to get the students to reach their full potential and to push that potential further, overcoming it through hard work and getting them to their fullest.

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Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
If a student is struggling to understand the content of the class, my character would approach that student and personally help them understand it answering their questions and helping them overcome those difficulties, he'd closely watch as the student tries to solve/do what they are supposed to and he would pinpoint the student's difficulties and assist them helping them improve, he would help the student until he deems the student is able to continue alone then he would go help others while still keeping a close eye on him towards any other difficulties.

Example: Lets say that a student is struggling to learn how to properly dive into the pool in a swimming activity. Kaiser would go up to him and explain exactly what he needs to do like the following:

/me stood at the edge of the pool looking at the students and said &f"Diving is pretty simple actually, you just gotta follow a few steps!" &rstanding with his feet shoulder width apart he would take a deep breath and say &f"One of the most essential --

parts of diving is staying calm and focussed so you don't mess up, it's also good that you stand with your feet apart about shoulder width for a better posture." &rhe would then slightly bend his knees and raise his arms over his head aligning his --

body &f"Now you will need to bend your knees a bit and extend your arms over your head aligning your body for the dive." &rKaiser would lean forward, transfering the eight to the back part of his feet as he said &f"Ok, now it's the hard part, as I

/it &fcan't stop mid air I'll try to explain to you what to do right now, first you bend forward trying to transfer the weight to the balls of your feet, then you'll need to push of the pool deck and arc your body in a way that your arms and legs stay --

smoothly extended, hands pointing towards the water, legs still fully extented and tip toes pointed for less resistance, that's about the time you'll first reach the water, from there it gets a bit easier, to enter the water you need to just slice --

through the surface of the water just like as if you were cutting butter, you need to make sure to keep your form, your body will then enter the pool and then you are done!"

/me says &f”If you do everything just right, it should end up as something like this" &rhe would then fixate his eyes into the water as he pushed the pool deck with his legs, launching himself forwards, he would arc his body forming a --

streamline position as his fingers sliced through the surface of the water followed by the rest of his body.

/me got out of the water and approached the student asking him &f"Ok, now it's your turn, try to replicate what I just did and I'll help you improve in the parts you are struggling with!"

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
Kaiser would warn them to raise their hands and to pay attention, he’d start with a friendly approach but getting more serious with each disruption, if the student fails to comply with his requests and keeps disrupting the class Kaiser would state how he already asked the student multiple times to pay attention, he’d say that the next time the student disrupts the class he will have no choice but to kick them out while making sure to show their disappointment and disapproval of the student’s actions stating how he expected more from him, and if the student disrupts the class again he would kick the student out and tell the other students how he is teaching them to help them with their future and how if they don’t want to come to class just don’t go and don’t keep disrupting the class, and how he thinks that doing actions like that is a waste of their potential

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:
1) Sports Class.
On this class I would make a vote where the students choose between: Dodgeball, Volleyball, Dodgeball or Football, I’ll see the results and we would play the chosen sport, I would be constantly looking over the students and making sure that all of them are participating or maybe even joining in on some rounds. And the main purpose of the class would be to work on their skills and team work.

2) Body Training class.
On this class I would first bring the students to the track field where they would run laps around it and I would join in on some of them, then we would move on to the pool area where I would teach some dives to the class and we would do some laps around the pool, then if there is still time left I would bring them over to the grassy place near the baseball pitch and we would do some push ups there. With the main purpose of the class being to work on their muscles and strength.

3) Hide and Seek.
This class would be a big hide and seek with all students either only on the roof or only inside the school building where I would search for them and the last one standing gets a sticker. This class would work on their perception and self control.

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes
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