Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
jauheliha (applying!)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?:
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
ACCEPTED - Surgeon Application
ACCEPTED - KPD Application
ACCEPTED - Shrine Application
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is fairly high, considering that I am currently on the HS cheer team and am expected to uphold a certain level of activity, which I have had few problems with maintaining thus far. I am primarily active on my main account, aslaniy, for around 3-5+ hours daily, though my schedule is more flexible on weekends when I'm available at most hours of the day. If I have no prior obligations, my availability on weekdays can be up to 7-9 hours, whereas I'm available for up to 12-18 hours on the weekends. Regarding discord, I've had no issue in the past being active within the emergency discord and interacting within the community. I have been playing on SRP consistently since June 2022 (save for a month-long break and power outages..). As of making this application, I've amassed almost 43 weeks of playtime on just my main account, over the span of nearly three years.
The following table consists of my usual schedule, disregarding inconsistently-scheduled obligations.
jauheliha (applying!)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?:
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
ACCEPTED - Surgeon Application
ACCEPTED - KPD Application
ACCEPTED - Shrine Application
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is fairly high, considering that I am currently on the HS cheer team and am expected to uphold a certain level of activity, which I have had few problems with maintaining thus far. I am primarily active on my main account, aslaniy, for around 3-5+ hours daily, though my schedule is more flexible on weekends when I'm available at most hours of the day. If I have no prior obligations, my availability on weekdays can be up to 7-9 hours, whereas I'm available for up to 12-18 hours on the weekends. Regarding discord, I've had no issue in the past being active within the emergency discord and interacting within the community. I have been playing on SRP consistently since June 2022 (save for a month-long break and power outages..). As of making this application, I've amassed almost 43 weeks of playtime on just my main account, over the span of nearly three years.
The following table consists of my usual schedule, disregarding inconsistently-scheduled obligations.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
8 AM - 10 PM | 3:30 PM - 10 PM | 3:30 PM - 10 PM | 3:30 PM - 10 PM | 3:30 PM - 10 PM | 3:30 PM - 10 PM | 6 AM - 10 PM |
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is rooted primarily in my desire to meaningfully engage with SRP as a whole, returning to emergency faction-focused roleplay, and reconnecting with friends in that part of the server. Although I currently hold a position on the Bobcat Cheer team, I've been missing the intricacies and exciting roleplay that come with playing a character in the emergency factions. I loved having the opportunity to participate in various events across the server as an officer, and playing such an important role in helping to create an engaging, immersive experience for the players of SRP. As much as I love the sports faction and found joy in making friends there, I miss the interactions that held more mature, grave undertones, with deeper and darker complexities, which I've previously experienced in my time in the faction.
Roleplay aside, I've been missing the advisory role that I was able to take on in the EM factions as I had held my role for around a year in KPD and nearly a year and a half in EMS. As one of the trainers, I enjoyed connecting with new faces and being a guiding hand, showing trainees the ropes and working to welcome them into a faction that I still hold close to my heart. Most of all, I miss the community that I found in KPD and EMS - those factions gave us a means of interaction and closeness that I haven't managed to maintain since my departure, despite being friends or acquainted with nearly half the faction. I'm hoping to rekindle my connections and looking forward to seeing new horizons alongside old and new friends.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
In SRP, many duties fall under the umbrella of 'police work' as an officer's responsibility. The main focus of an officer's job is protecting the citizens of the city via apprehending criminals and enforcing the law.
Deskwork - one of the common duties, requires an officer to be stationed at the front desk to attend to and assist civilians that have questions or requests. An officer may have to handle inquiries regarding convicted criminals, the law, making reports, and so forth. If necessary, officers may have to step out from the front desk to search an individual should the metal detector be set off, or prior to taking them in for a visitation or report.
CCTV - Another vital aspect of deskwork is monitoring the CCTV, in which an officer may cycle through the cameras to surveil for any instances of crime, or to look out for wanted individuals and their current or past locations. Another common duty of an officer is patrolling. Officers frequently patrol around the city to look out for occurring crimes, and to surveil the areas that CCTV may not have access to, such as criminal hotspots like alleyways or powerplant. Officers may be required to go in pairs or groups. Officers may pat down and question or detain suspicious individuals, and be on the lookout for wanted criminals or people of interest.
Emergency Hotline - Officers are also responsible for responding to the emergency hotline in an effective, professional manner. Their primary goal is to obtain necessary information so that they can respond to the emergency promptly and accordingly.
Arrests/Fines - If an individual is found guilty of a crime, they may be arrested and taken to the station. Their items are ICly taken and any illegal items will have been confiscated prior to being jailed. KPD now operates using a plugin database for arrests, which allows for easier automation when it comes to calculating bail, jailtime, or when they can be released. For minor offences, individuals may be fined a set amount. Should they refuse or be unable to pay the fine, they may be taken in for community service. Jocks are to be given community service for rivalry-related situations that would result in arrest, although once it escalates beyond minor rivalry, they are treated as any other criminal and may be arrested.
My knowledge of police work on SRP is far more expansive than I'm able to go into detail on an application about (as I'd like to avoid leaking any faction-restricted information to the best of my ability), considering that I previously climbed the ranks to Detective Inspector and remained in the faction for about a year. Rest assured, I am still familiar with necessary concepts, procedures, and the expected conduct for a player in this faction.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
Police are vital to the server because they act as a balance for the crime that occurs frequently in Karakura. The existence of the KPD allows for greater structure and order within the city and its community, encouraging crime to be more thought-out to avoid incarceration while also providing a safety net for those not in the criminal community, by keeping criminals in check to ensure safety for the people. This allows for regular citizens who don't wish to partake in the criminal underworld to turn towards the police force for help, allowing them to act as the protectors and enforcers of the law. Additionally, police bring stability to the city, adding to the realism of our roleplay and providing another engaging aspect of roleplay to take part in.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:
Yes, I acknowledge that if I am online, I must attend training.
I intend to make the most of my time in KPD, should I be given the opportunity to return.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Nagafusa Shibukawa
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Nonbinary, He/Him & They/Them
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Portuguese, Arabic.
Currently learning JSL
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Nagafusa's presence is but a wisp of breath, a slight shadow even on the brightest of days. Despite his unobtrusive aura - his figure is a hulking mass, standing well over six feet and built as if trained for the apocalypse. Even still, he manages to disappear into the backdrop. With inky tresses spilling just a breadth past his shoulders, often wrangled into a haphazard ponytail, he appears ghoulish - a blackened abyss reflects in his cautionary gaze, deep and void of a mortal warmth. Dark circles tell of sleepless nights, his tanned skin a subtle nod to his Egyptian heritage, with an aquiline nose that stands out a bit among his mixed features. His looks are nondescript as a whole - he is yet another face in the crowd. A missing tooth, an inked replica of the earth on his wrist, and a circular scar on his shoulder exhibit the few anomalies within his appearance. Nagafusa is naturally a rather unemotive individual, expressions minute and rarely shown, as if one was gazing upon a carved statue; his hushed voice carries a gravelly rasp, as the rumble of distant thunder.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
His demeanor rarely differs between professional and casual situations. There's no such thing as 'casual' in Nagafusa's world - merely stricter levels of formality. His thoughts and feelings are carefully held behind a dam, opting for peace and safety above all. He strives to maintain a standard of courtesy and respect for all, regardless of their station or their actions. Peers tend to liken him to an incorporeal specter, blurring in their peripherals, never quite tangible or within grasp - or perhaps a machine, automated, following his programming to the letter.
Whether on-duty or off-duty, he has a reputation to uphold, allowing himself little wiggle-room for error and disorderliness. During quiet nights or peaceful days, though rarely- he may lower his guard just enough to invite more intimate, personal conversation. In spite of his distant exterior, Nagafusa makes an effort to interact amongst his coworkers, to foster a proper community within the force. Still, he opts for holding everyone at arm's length, never allowing anyone to come too close so that he might feel the warmth of genuine companionship - after all, he's learned that such proximity will leave burns.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Teamwork, co-workers — to Nagafusa, they are necessary evils. Yet, he craves the sense of belonging that often goes hand-in-hand with them. Nagafusa grew up in a world where trust was offered with hidden clauses, a dagger poised at his back and ready to strike. Such ideals of reliance on others - it goes against every fibre of his being, but he fights against his own complex wiring to comply with what is necessary for the good of the people. However, he recognizes that teamwork is a vital component of having an effective police force. During stressful calls, or even life or death emergencies - they are the ones that he must rely upon. Nagafusa struggles immensely to merge his two conflicting viewpoints - the ingrained distrustful part, and the cognizant practical part. That being said. . . he prefers not to think about the fact that his life may be in the hands of others. He'll burn that bridge when he gets to it. . or however the saying goes.
What's your character's backstory?
“he manages to disappear into the backdrop.”
Nagafusa's story was not one of vile monsters and creeping shadows, the straightforward plotline of a fantasy in which he slayed a firedrake and got his happily ever after. In his story, the greatest evils were the ones you didn't see, the ones that were meant to be by your side through everything. The greatest evil was called, "family."
For as long as he can remember, survival was the one and only priority in Nagafusa's life. Try as he might to recall the rest of his youth, spent at school with his peers, the alien concept of making friends- it all slips from his grasp, just out of reach. For a young boy far more focused on making it to tomorrow, avoiding the hellfire that awaited him at home - such trivial things like friendship and games and birthdays fell right into the background, along with him.
A boy bent on surviving had no time to learn of himself. When speaking out against his father - when speaking up at all - meant suffering and scrutiny under the eye of a god, meant days at school with wounds festering where others couldn't see, meant nights locked in a pitch-black basement room so cramped that the sound of his heartbeat and the scuffle of rats were the only things he could turn his focus to - he learned to keep his mouth shut. To fade from view, never to seek nor grab attention, lest it bring pain and discomfort.
His one solace was that behind their house was a great lone oak that reached to the heavens, standing strong and tall despite the wildfires that had ravaged the fields in the years before his father settled here, a symbol of steadfastness and perseverance.
“trust was offered with hidden clauses, a dagger poised at his back and ready to strike.”
The first to betray him was his father. A man whose purpose in his life was to teach him and to raise him. And so he did - words screamed into his face and fists leaving a child's body black and blue taught him obedience without question. Respect for those above him. Never to look authority in the eye.
Yet, in the public eye, his father was one of great renown. A surgeon that received praise for the lives he saved, a philanthropist that gave to the sick and needy. When the hands that broke you would also mend you, it left you questioning your own abuse. Nagafusa could never make sense of it - which was the true identity?
Was his father a monster masquerading as a hero? Or a hero forced to violence by his own hellspawn?
The second to betray him was his mother. A woman whose purpose in his life was to teach and to take care of him. And so she did - raising him to endure the abuse and be forgiving. A sweet woman who, like him, learned to blend in with the background - but she would always turn a blind eye to the sins that corrupted their home, explaining it away, "Your father is just irritated. He's a surgeon - doing all that stressful work just to provide for us," as if the wealth that lined their pockets and bought him whatever gadgets and clothes he asked for (not that he ever did) had ever mattered to him. When promises of a better life and a cease to the violence grew dusty and stale, repolished and returned over and over with no change, Nagafusa learned that words held no weight.
Promises were made to be broken.
“such proximity will leave burns.”
The third to betray him was a boy. A boy whose watercolor eyes never left his dreams, nor his most haunting nightmares. In this chapter of Nagafusa's life, the words penned in black ink transformed into a flood of soft color and light, painting a beautiful dreamscape in watercolor where things weren't all so awful.
This angel waltzed into his life and swept up his hands, leading him into a dance that he was helpless but to follow, entranced as if lured by the twinkling light of a devil-fish in the depths of the abyss. Razor teeth loomed just over the horizon, the belly of the beast yearning for its fill. Memories, bright and blooming where the rest of his life was dull, were eternally woven into the tapestry of his existence.
Fleeting images of hands joined together and voices soft enough to blend into one, a harmonious unit filling his heart with song in a world of discordant melodies. Though snapshots and pictures remained in his mind, the events were locked past a veil that he had drawn to protect himself from the one person he had dropped down his walls for. The light was only a lure for the gaping maw that served to fill the belly of the beast.
“a machine, automated, following his programming to the letter.”
Nagafusa escaped under the veil of the night, when his father had been rushed to the hospital while suffering from a heart attack. Though such impulsive behavior was against the norm for him, the sharp ache in his shoulder served as a reminder of the final straw that had been drawn - a loud, blaring siren that if he stayed here any longer, he would wind up dead in a ditch in the fields near his house.
Leaving was easier than expected. No family chasing after him, no police hunting him down. It left his ears ringing with the shock of it - were all those years spent enduring suffering wasted? Could he have left sooner? The questions nagging at him left a burning hole in his chest, one that never seemed to disappear as he wound up enlisting for the Marines, with nowhere else to go as an eighteen year old alone in the world. There, he gradually learned to come out of his shell - only by a little, joining in the camaraderie of his unit as they bonded over the grueling training regimen. He found it easy to fall into line, to be a soldier, following the beck and call of his commanders. Being yelled at by grown men hardly phased him, after all that he had endured. It was the demand for unwavering trust and confidence in his peers, and in himself, that wound up breaking him.
After only about two years serving in the Marines infantry, he was discharged from his service and rejoined society - though now he could land on his own two feet. Over the years, he worked a great deal of jobs, eventually raising enough money to pack up his life - thus finding himself in Karakura, Japan, as he ran from the life he'd left behind so many years ago. To this day, the past still haunts him, clinging to him like a parasite.
General Knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No. Pocket knives, and other weapons that can cause extensive harm to another individual, are illegal.”
He preferred not to waste his breath with excessive dialogue that would stray further from the initial question. Impulsive and thoughtless actions would only poison his interactions and his future, after all - such things rarely led to success and joy. Not in his book.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“If possible, call for backup through more discreet means such as a personal cellphone. Then, separate them. Although verbal warnings would be optimal, it may be necessary to step in physically in order to separate them to reduce further injury. Return the inmate to their cell and request EMS for treatment. Determine if it may be necessary to further restrain my coworker to prevent possible harm against myself or others. Attempt to calm down my coworker and figure out the sequence of events that led to the unjust abuse.
Once no one is in immediate danger, contact a higher-up to report the situation. Otherwise, my top priority would be having them seen by a psychiatrist at the hospital to be re-evaluated for work, seeing as there should be no tolerance for violent abuse against an inmate, regardless of their crimes.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Radio for backup and unholster my stun blaster.
Depending on the specific factors in the scenario, my response will differ. However, my top priority will be to neutralize the assaulter to ensure the safety of my coworker, most likely via stun blaster. After searching the individual, they will be promptly sent to jail to avoid any further physical altercations. Then, I will radio for EMS and administer first-aid to my coworker as necessary, transporting them to the hospital.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Collect as much evidence of the wrongdoing as possible and turn it over to a higher-up. Confronting the co-worker directly may lead to further altercations, and telling other co-workers may lead to distrust in the workplace. You never know what secrets someone may hold.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Warn the criminal against bribery, as it will result in a fine. Naturally, I wouldn't accept it. If they continue to try to bribe me, I will impose the fine or hold community service as needed.”
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