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JaydenLobo HS Councillor Application


Level 0
Highschool Council | Amiro ‘Raven’ A. Löwe



What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:


Please provide your Discord tag:


Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
[Librarian Application][Denied]
[Teacher Application] [November 26, 2018] [ACCEPTED]
[Teacher Application] [February 12, 2019] [ACCEPTED]
[Technician Application] [July 31, 2019] [ACCEPTED]
[Receptionist Application] [September 23, 2023] [Denied]

Describe your activity on the server:

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say I'm at around an 8. I am actively engaged on the server daily for approximately 6-10 hours. However, my activity may experience a slight decrease due to work commitments on some weekdays and weekends.

List your accounts and roles on this server:


[Grade-12] Ziska K. Jin-Ryuk
[Grade-12] Lotti K. Laghmani
[Grade-12] Amiro ‘Raven’ A. Löwe (Character I’m applying with)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I am aware of this.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council is an esteemed group of students elected or appointed to represent their peers and contribute to the improvement of their school community. These students serve as the voice of the student body and work towards organizing and executing various activities and events that promote school spirit and unity. Additionally, they take on the important responsibility of addressing and resolving conflicts that may arise within the campus environment, thereby fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. This role provides valuable opportunities for students to develop and showcase their leadership skills while making meaningful contributions to the enhancement of their educational experience.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

I'm really passionate about making a difference in the education part of our roleplay community. I want to work closely with everyone to come up with fun events and activities to make school more enjoyable. I love solving problems and finding ways to make things better. I also want to enhance my leadership skills by organizing events and gaining new experiences in different types of roleplay scenarios. Ultimately, I hope to improve the school environment and prepare my characters to take on roles as educators or faculty members within the server.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am aware that i will have to use my creativity and teamwork ethic.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

High School And College President

The Presidents hold the highest rank within the council and play a critical role in ensuring the smooth functioning of all council activities. Their responsibilities include overseeing the performance of council members, organizing and monitoring various activities and events, and upholding the standards of conduct expected within the council. They are dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that all members fulfill their responsibilities effectively and adhere to school rules at all times. Additionally, the Presidents are entrusted with the important task of training new council members, guiding them on expectations and appropriate conflict resolution strategies.

High School and College Vice President

The Vice Presidents hold a crucial position within the organization, serving as a support to the President and playing an essential role in overseeing the council's activities. They are highly committed to their responsibilities, working diligently to ensure that all council members conduct themselves appropriately. In addition to this supervisory role, Vice Presidents are entrusted with the task of training new council members whenever the President is unavailable. This training not only imparts essential knowledge but also instils a strong sense of conduct and decorum for handling various situations within the organization.


A Councillor is a dedicated member of the council responsible for maintaining a safe and harmonious environment within the school. They diligently patrol the school grounds to prevent conflicts and fights, ensuring that all students are abiding by the rules. Furthermore, they stay vigilant to provide support to fellow councillors and intervene in any escalating situations. Councillors possess a unique blend of creativity and leadership, enabling them to develop engaging activities and events that inject an element of fun into the daily lives of students and staff members. In the event of a conflict, they act with poise and decisiveness, seeking assistance from faculty members when necessary and using the intercom to efficiently manage and diffuse any tense situations.


- Principal / Deputy Principal / Vice Principal
- College Professors
- Highschool Teachers
- Employees (Caretakers, Librarians, Counsellors Etc.)

Faculty members play a crucial role in maintaining a safe and secure environment within the educational institution. In times of need, faculty members are encouraged to utilize the intercom system to communicate with counselors and students, providing assistance and support to de-escalate any potential conflicts or challenging situations. Additionally, college professors can also use the intercom system to communicate with college students, while high school teachers and staff can do the same for high school students.

In more serious situations that may lead to disciplinary actions such as suspension or expulsion, faculty members have the option to use their radios to call upon the principal or any available member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) for immediate assistance and intervention. This ensures that any critical incidents involving students are addressed promptly and effectively.



While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Amiro approached the student with a calm demeanor, taking care not to draw any more attention to the situation. She leaned in close to the student and spoke softly, asking them to lower their voice to minimize the disruption. After ensuring that the student complied, Amiro inquired about the issue that was causing the disturbance. Assuming it was a simple matter, she kindly requested the student to quiet down once more before returning to her original location.

If the student persisted in creating a disturbance, Amiro would politely ask them to step aside for a private conversation. She would then use her radio to request assistance from an available faculty member to help address the situation effectively.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

Amiro would use the radio to contact the faculty and provide a quick description of the student or their name, if known. She would ask the faculty member to assist in the situation in case the student decided to run off again. Assuming the student had returned after being intercomed, she would question them about why they believed it was appropriate to wear a mask in school. Following this, she would inform them that they would receive a detention slip for the infraction and warn them that if they were to wear a mask again, the Senior Leadership Team would get involved if necessary.

A teacher observes concerning behaviour from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

When she noticed the troubling artwork, she would request a faculty member to escort the student to a quiet, private space to avoid any interruptions. This could be the counselor's office or an empty classroom. There, she would talk to the student about the reasons behind their disturbing artwork and any threatening content. After evaluating and addressing the situation, she would discuss with the faculty member who was present and make a decision on the best course of action to take.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

Amiro would engage the students in a discussion about the nature of the protest, including the specific issues they wish to address, the manner in which they intend to conduct the protest, and the desired outcomes. Following this discussion, she would identify suitable open areas on campus, ensuring that the chosen locations are away from classrooms and do not disrupt sports team try-outs or practices. If the proposed protest is deemed unsuitable for the school environment or raises safety concerns, Amiro would advise the students to reassess their plans and consider alternative strategies to make the protest safer and more appropriate for demonstration on school grounds.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

After a moment of contemplation, Amiro found herself pondering her recent actions, carefully considering the possibility of any missteps. Upon recognizing her error, she humbly extended an apology to the faculty member and provided reassurance to her Council members that a similar situation would not happen again. She stressed her dedication to being more vigilant and thoughtful in her decision-making, with a strong resolve to ensure that her actions consistently reflect her training and responsibilities.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):


In preparation for the upcoming event, the gymnasium will be arranged with tables and chairs for students to be seated comfortably. Additionally, a designated table will be set up near the stage where Bingo cards can be obtained. The Bingo cards themselves will offer a variety of options, some featuring numbers underneath the B.I.N.G.O letters, while others may display pictures of objects or celebrities.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to engage in multiple game modes, including 1 Line, 2 Lines, and Full House. Each participant will be allowed to play with up to 3 cards, adding an element of excitement to the game.

As the event kicks off, a designated individual, such as a faculty member or a volunteered student, will be stationed at the front of the stage to distribute the Bingo cards to the eager students. A time limit will be established to ensure that all participants have a fair chance to obtain their cards before being seated. Once the allocated time expires, a designated "Caller" on the stage, equipped with a microphone, will enthusiastically announce the prizes for each round and proceed to call out the numbers or images on the Bingo cards.

Exciting prizes will be up for grabs, ranging from a maximum of 15k monetary prize to furniture, musical items, or even trendy new outfits. The diverse selection of prizes aims to cater to the preferences of all participants, adding an element of anticipation and thrill to the event.

It's important to note that both faculty members and students are encouraged to join in on the fun, as this event will provide an engaging and enjoyable opportunity for all after-school.

Anti Bullying Campaigns

Students are invited to take part in an exciting creative competition that provides a platform for them to demonstrate their artistic abilities through the creation of posters, stickers, stories, fashion pieces, or any other form of artwork. This competition aims to centre around the crucial theme of raising awareness about preventing various forms of bullying within the school environment. These forms include cyberbullying (online), physical bullying, emotional bullying, and verbal bullying.

Workshops can be arranged in the gymnasium or auditorium to provide in-depth exploration of bullying. These sessions will encompass a comprehensive study of the underlying causes of bullying, the wide-ranging negative effects it can have, and the implementation of effective strategies for both prevention and intervention.

Talent show

On this special day of celebration and achievement, all students are cordially invited to share and showcase their unique talents during a 15-minute performance on stage. This is an opportunity for students to not only present their talents but also elaborate on their skills, aspirations, and how they plan to further develop their abilities. Moreover, they are encouraged to discuss the relevance of their talents to their future career paths.

To participate, interested students can sign up at the designated board located next to the council room. The sign-up period will be open for one month, giving students ample time to register and an additional month to brainstorm, prepare, and perfect their performances. This event promises to be an inspiring showcase of the diverse talents within our school community, and we look forward to witnessing the creativity and passion of our students come to life on stage.

Personal Information

(in character)


Amiro ‘Raven’ A. Löwe



Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:

I would describe my personality as positive, motivated, and empathetic. I am the type of person who is naturally outgoing but also values quiet introspection, as it helps me to maintain focus on my goals and navigate challenges with resilience. Achieving my goals and meeting deadlines is a top priority for me, whether it's related to my education, extracurricular activities, or long-term aspirations. I genuinely care about others and strive to understand different perspectives, which makes me approachable and a good listener.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

What makes me stand out from other candidates is my deep-seated passion for creating a positive impact within the school community. I am committed to upholding a secure and nurturing environment where students can thrive and prepare themselves for their future careers. My extensive involvement in community initiatives has equipped me with the skills to collaborate effectively, fostering teamwork and building connections to work on projects that benefit all involved.

Furthermore, I offer a fresh and innovative approach to problem-solving, constantly seeking out new and creative methods to address challenges and continuously improve upon existing skills.

Lastly, my unwavering dedication and persistence in seeing tasks through to completion, combined with genuine empathy and concern for the well-being of every student, drives me to actively make a difference rather than simply discussing it.

Why do you want this position?:

I really want to be part of the student council because I'm super passionate about making a real difference in our school. I think being on the student council is a great chance to speak up for my fellow students and make sure their ideas and concerns are taken seriously. I'm excited about working with others to make positive changes, like improving school rules, organizing fun events, and coming up with ideas to make our school experience even better. Plus, I see this as an awesome opportunity to develop my leadership skills, learn how to deal with tough situations, and grow as a person. I can't wait to be a link between students and the school leaders and create an environment where everyone feels important. My goal is to help make our school a place where everyone can do great and be proud to belong.

What interests you the most about student council?:

I'm really into student council because it gives me a cool chance to make a real difference in our school community. I want to represent my fellow students, make sure their voices are heard, and work with them to address their concerns. I'm excited about bringing in new ideas, like organizing events, improving school policies, and starting projects that promote inclusivity and school spirit. Also, I'm interested in the leadership skills I'll develop by being part of the student council. It challenges you to think critically, communicate effectively, and work with a diverse group of people, which are all really valuable skills. Seeing the results of our efforts and knowing I've helped make our school better is something I'd love to do.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

I am committed to establishing and promoting a variety of programs and activities that encourage a culture of inclusivity at our school. This could involve coordinating and leading workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns that address critical issues such as bullying, mental health, and diversity. By doing so, we can create a more supportive and understanding school community where every student feels valued and respected.

In addition, I will be a strong advocate for safety enhancements in and around the school premises. This may include advocating for improved lighting in common areas, promoting safety protocols and best practices during school activities and events, and ensuring that any potential risks or hazards are promptly identified and addressed. Furthermore, I will focus on developing initiatives that prioritize mental and emotional well-being by facilitating peer support groups and organizing stress-relief activities during exam periods. These efforts are essential to ensuring that our school community remains safe, nurturing, and conducive to learning and personal growth.


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