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Denied jayseph Governor App !


Level 25

In-game Name:
(Alts include jayseph_ [main] and _jaywalking_)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I don’t have any bans on this account, but I do have three on my main jayseph_
  1. ERP: I was new to the server and unaware of the rules and what was considered ERP or not. It was a stupid sort of action and am now aware of the rules, this was about a year ago.
    [*]Trolling: I was again, new to the server and was sort of messing around with my friend. I never got warned for it and so I appealed it and was accepted for that. This was also about a year ago.
    [*]This last one is extremely complicated and I’m not really sure how to explain it. But it came down to falsified DMs and then appealing the ban and trying to explain it all in DMs again with an admin. I’d be much more willing to go into more about it all in DMs as I’m not comfortable getting too into it publicly.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do.

Timezone & Country:
I reside in the Unites States and my timezone is CST

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):


Put on Pending: (I've now put it as being no longer interested)

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server itself varies from day to day. I'm a highschool student so I can't always be on the minecraft server during the day but I am online for at least a few hours at night. I'm also on the lore team so I spend lots of my time writing different lore for mainly the crime faction, but I help out in other spots as well. On the actual minecraft server, what I do on it also varies a great amount. I'm in the Akihito Clan so lots of my activity involves IC tasks and events that are put on by the clan. But I also spend my time roleplaying with friends and doing different things that the average high school student in Karakura does. (i.e shopping, hanging out with friends, etc.)


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to get involved in a faction. The government faction really kind of drew me in because I think that all of the different ways that Governors can get involved in the town is incredibly interesting. I've had interest in a lot of other factions, but this one stood out ot me in a way that some of the others didn't. Being able to get involved in the change on the server ICly and OOCly, write different laws, and get to give my input on things that are working or not working simply just seems incredibly interesting to me. All of the campaigning, being involved in trials, having that sort of adrenal feel, just interests me like none of the other factions do. Additionally, looking at some of the lore and seeing things that have happened, it all just brought a big interest for me.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read over the laws and constitution multiple times, used them ICly and made sure that I have a proper understanding. I also occasionally check back up on it in case anything has changed

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Truthfully, I'm not exactly sure at this point. He comes from North Korea and uses that sense of how the government treat those citizens as a way to make sure that citizens in other places don't feel the same way. I want him to get invovled and have a spot where he can flourish and I think that being Governor would be just the spot for him. That way he's not only invovled in the law making process, but in trials, watching over, and just being able to be a leader in the government faction and over Karakura as a whole. Since he has a sense in being in law and being a lawyer, the change to being a Governor and being able to have the say in the laws I believe is the biggest thing I want.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governor is the overall link from the citizens to the mayor when it comes to laws and what is needed in Karakura. Of course the Mayor has her own duties and responsibilities, so the Governors act as a way to connect the people of Karakura's voice up to the Mayor. Governors themselves hand out public records/documents, discuss and write laws, stand in at trials and look over any evidence subjected to the court, and can also be a part of the jury if any of the judges cannot be present. They're the top dogs just below the Deputy-Mayor and Mayor herself, helping those in the community and making sure that the government is running smoothly.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I can be removed.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I will be 100% dedicated to my position if accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes. I do understand that any sort of OOC bias is disallowed and will be punished.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have. I also tend to look at it here and there in case anything has changed.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I can.


Full name:

Hyunsik Jun

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. or Dr.

Current age:
28 years-old

Date of birth:
November 19th, 1994


Academic Degree:
LL.B - Bachelors of Law from Soognsil University
Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology from Yonsei University
Doctorate of Judicial Law from Yonsei Univserity

Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology

Legal Studies and Political Science

Work experience:
In his youth, Hyunsik began working at a very early age. Having been brought up in a home in North Korea with parents who constantly worked as a living, he didn't have much time for anything after school or on the weekend. His first jobs being a line cook with his parents and older sister. Though, being the younger sibling, he was stuck with many of the labor working jobs; taking out the trash, cleaning the griddle, and doing inventory. But quickly, the North Korean famine took over the country and the regime stopped food shipments towards the northern side, making it difficult for Jun family to continue their work. During this time, the Jun family quickly migrated over to South Korea in order to continue their business and allow their children to gain the education that they needed.

From their, Hyunsik furthered his education at Soognsil University, where he was taken under the wing of a politician who worked towards exposing what was going on in North Korea with Hyunsik. After transferring to Yonsei University in order to study law, he took an apprenticeship at Gron-Hak Law Firm under a criminal defense lawyer. Learning the ways of the law, and how to try cases, Hyunsik replaced the lawyer he was apprenticing under. Beginning with small cases, not taking things on too much, he began to win them time after time; finding the small things in one's testimony and/or evidence that put them out for lying or not telling the whole truth. He became an esteemed lawyer, but that wasn't what he really wanted to do. He left the firm after three years, trying to figure out what it was that he really wanted to do with his life. In the mean time, Hyunsik became a private invenstigator for the firm in Kyungu, bringing up all the actual evidence of the cases they were trying. But something didn't feel right to him about it.

Hyunsik contacted his former mentor from Soognsil University, dipping his toe back into the political scheme that was North Korea. He continued being a private investigator, but in his free time he threw himself into politics. Something that he never thought himself in, trying to expose the dictatorship in North Korea and help those who were in it get out was his true calling. That was until his older sister, Eunha, called him about the current climate in Karakura; moving there in order to fully understand what was going on and how to help.

Political background:
"In all honesty? I don't have the biggest background in politics. I thought that my passion for a very long time was law and being a lawyer, but there was something that wasn't right. I grew up in North Korea, escaping the famine by the government at a younger age than most. I've studied how that has affected the population as well as seen it first hand. And now I see how Karakura is going, it hurts to see. There are many things that need and should be changed. The citizens of this island don't feel safe, seen, and nothing is being done by the government to connect to those citizens. That's what I want to change. Bring my knowledge of studying political trends and how to fix them into this town. I know I may not be the best candidate when it comes to politics, but I will be the best governor this town has seen."

Nationality & born location:
Currently resides in Japan, but he was born in North Korea.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Korean, Japanese

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I've worked all over. I know the law in and out. I've studied law, and political trends, and I've experienced what happens when a government doesn't take care of its citizens. There isn't a spot that I've missed when it comes to knowing exactly how a trial is put on, how it comes into play with laws and in making change, and what needs to be done in order to make that change. Additionally, I am not scared to speak my mind. I will say when things need to be changed, when people aren't puling their weight, and/or when citizens' voices aren't being heard. Sure, again, I may not have the biggest background when it comes to actually being politically active, but I know laws. And I know how they need to be relative of what the citizens think and need. I know politics across the world and I will be the strongest willed person that any of you will have ever worked with.

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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application as we are full on spots for this position.

You may re-apply in 30 days

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