IGN (In-Game Name):
JlNETICS (Account applying for)
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m a fairly active player within the server. Regarding college life, I have a pretty relaxed semester, which I am completing 3 courses for, and I am working part time, but I am scheduled early morning shifts. That being said, I average about 3 or 4 hours being on the server depending on the day. However, I am most active and available during the weekends. Again, depending on my schedule.
List your current roles on the server:
Jinetics [HS-Track]
Jineration [Doctor]
Link any previous applications:
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
While it is cliché, my main motivation of applying is mainly my desire to join as many factions as my time allows me to. I'm already well accustomed to sports and EMS as whole, and I would love to reach out and immerse myself in new roleplay environments. I have had a few interactions with some of the other City factions, mostly with Government. And for me, I've had the least with Shrine and I want to initiate more interactions with the faction by applying. Aside from my desire to join, my second motivation of applying is mainly for my character's development. In the lore I've created for her, it aligns well with the qualities a Shrine worker would possess.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I am also very open to learning more about it, whether I get accepted or not. And being completely honest, I have only the basic understanding of Shintoism. I have however, read and researched a fair amount of Shintoism whenever I did have the time. From what I can summarize, here is what I know about Shintoism and the Kami.
The big thing the religion revolves around, are the Kami. The Kami are spirits that can take on the form of anything. Objects, animals, places, sometimes people. The belief is, that they are seen as the mediators between us, as humans and the natural world. Maintaining a harmonious relationship with them ensures balance and wellbeing in life. As such, people pray to kami for protection, guidance, success in endeavors, or health. Which is where Shrines come in. Shrines are are considered the sacred homes of kami. These spaces allow people to connect with kami. Rituals to honor the kami include reciting a formal prayer to them. Handing over offerings, which can range from food, traditional sake, and symbolic items, can be used as tokens of respect. And finally, which I find the fun and exciting activity, holding seasonal festivals. Basically celebrations to honor the Kami and strengthen the bond between the community, and nature. However, it isn't sunshine and rainbows. While the Kami can bring positives, everything has their negatives. As such, they can bring blessings, fertility, and protection, but if disrespected or neglected, they can also bring upon misfortune.

Character Full Name:
“Kamui Kyouka. It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Character Title:
“You can call me Miss Kamui, if you will.”
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
“That’s... A rather personal question to ask… But I am a single woman.”
Character Nationality:
“I am Japanese by blood, and always will be.”
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Kyouka reached over to her bag which sat next to her. Sitting back up, setting her university transcript papers on the Chabudai. Followed by her printed bachelor’s degree. Sliding them over to her interviewer. “Near my family’s estate in Okinawa, I have worked as a Shrine Maiden for the Naminoue Shrine, serving there for at least 7 years, as my only part-time job. At first, I started off as an apprentice under my mother who worked there for almost her entire life. In addition to my experience, I undertook a graduate school which focused on Japanese Shinto & Religious Studies at Kokugakuin University in Shibuya. I earned respectable marks in my classes, and gained my bachelor’s degree in Shinto Studies.”
Beginnings. The Namioue Shrine.
Unfortunately, much of Kyouka’s past has been mostly undocumented. Such as what schools she went to during her youth, what her relationships were, her entire family lineage... Either out of fear of repercussion, or really, just simply undocumented. No one knows who she really is as a person, nor how she came to be. Public knowledge goes as this: She is the youngest daughter of 2 brothers, hails from the Kamui Family, and was born and raised in their estate in Okinawa.
However, for the family and the few friends that do know, they understood that she has always been captivated by her home island’s rich traditions. Along with its blend of Ryukuan culture and Shinto practices. During her younger years, her mother, who worked at Naminoue Shrine, took her there to deepen her connections with spirituality. Once Kyouka turned 18, she made it her goal to become a Shrine Maiden. Immersing herself in rituals, ceremonies, and the nuances of shrine life. Over the next 7 years, she assisted and hosted many occasions. Ranging from weddings, performing Kagura dances, and supporting seasonal festivities. Thanks to this, she developed a profound sense of responsibility and reverence for the spiritual wellbeing of herself, and to those around her.
The Institution. To now.
Eager to deepen her knowledge, Kyouka pursued a bachelor's degree in Shinto Studies at Kokugakuin University in Shibuya, a respected institution for those dedicated to Shinto traditions. During her studies, she explored ancient texts, rituals, and the philosophical aspects of kami worship. Living in Tokyo temporarily exposed her to the contrast between urban and rural spiritual practices, broadening her understanding of how Shinto can adapt to modern life. After graduating from the University at 24, Kyouka feels a renewed calling to dedicate herself fully as a Miko.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Kyouka demonstrates extreme professionalism and upholds traditional Japanese manners on and off the shrine. As an Aunt of 2 nieces and 1 nephew, she handles guests with extreme politeness and empathy. Particularly with the younger guests. As she understands how cruel this particular part of their life can be, and wishes to do everything she can to give them reassurance and lend pieces of advice here and there. On the other hand. Socially-speaking, Kyouka is shown to be rather quiet and reserved, only speaking when she needs to and distances herself. Due to this, she doesn’t have many close friends. It doesn't mean that she isn't capable of conversing and relating with her fellow workers and older guests, it is just how she is. Much to the mystique of Kyouka as an individual, she will refuse to answer questions regarding her own past.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
“I believe in politeness and respect over everything. A kind, verbal warning should be given first and foremost. Yelling is a big no, as I feel it only encourages their behavior, and just leads to no resolution. Y’know how the young ones are these days, do you? Should they refuse my first warning, a second, more direct warning will be given. Telling them there will be punishments for their actions and they will be at risk of getting blacklisted from the Shrine. Continuing to ignore the second warning, the third warning is where the proper authorities will be contacted, such as KPD, to have them escorted off Shrine grounds. During this time, I will gather the evidence, and come to a conclusion for the severity and length of their blacklist."
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Kyouka cupped her chin with her hand. An intriguing question for sure. After what seemed like an eternity, she perked up, a soft, yet confident expression on her face. “I feel as though… This is my true calling, if you understand what I mean." The young woman paused, gathering up the words for what she needed to say next. "From the times I visited the Monastery, I feel as though I can actually be at peace with myself. Nowhere, in the city, made me experience this feeling. After thinking about it for months, I decided that this is what I want to do. I want to join the Monastery. I want to be able to guide others in finding harmony with themselves, and tackle the challenges of contemporary life. It's a bit cliché, but this is truly why I want to become a Shrine Maiden."
IGN (In-Game Name):
JlNETICS (Account applying for)
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m a fairly active player within the server. Regarding college life, I have a pretty relaxed semester, which I am completing 3 courses for, and I am working part time, but I am scheduled early morning shifts. That being said, I average about 3 or 4 hours being on the server depending on the day. However, I am most active and available during the weekends. Again, depending on my schedule.
List your current roles on the server:
Jinetics [HS-Track]
Jineration [Doctor]
Link any previous applications:
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
While it is cliché, my main motivation of applying is mainly my desire to join as many factions as my time allows me to. I'm already well accustomed to sports and EMS as whole, and I would love to reach out and immerse myself in new roleplay environments. I have had a few interactions with some of the other City factions, mostly with Government. And for me, I've had the least with Shrine and I want to initiate more interactions with the faction by applying. Aside from my desire to join, my second motivation of applying is mainly for my character's development. In the lore I've created for her, it aligns well with the qualities a Shrine worker would possess.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I am also very open to learning more about it, whether I get accepted or not. And being completely honest, I have only the basic understanding of Shintoism. I have however, read and researched a fair amount of Shintoism whenever I did have the time. From what I can summarize, here is what I know about Shintoism and the Kami.
The big thing the religion revolves around, are the Kami. The Kami are spirits that can take on the form of anything. Objects, animals, places, sometimes people. The belief is, that they are seen as the mediators between us, as humans and the natural world. Maintaining a harmonious relationship with them ensures balance and wellbeing in life. As such, people pray to kami for protection, guidance, success in endeavors, or health. Which is where Shrines come in. Shrines are are considered the sacred homes of kami. These spaces allow people to connect with kami. Rituals to honor the kami include reciting a formal prayer to them. Handing over offerings, which can range from food, traditional sake, and symbolic items, can be used as tokens of respect. And finally, which I find the fun and exciting activity, holding seasonal festivals. Basically celebrations to honor the Kami and strengthen the bond between the community, and nature. However, it isn't sunshine and rainbows. While the Kami can bring positives, everything has their negatives. As such, they can bring blessings, fertility, and protection, but if disrespected or neglected, they can also bring upon misfortune.

Character Full Name:
“Kamui Kyouka. It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Character Title:
“You can call me Miss Kamui, if you will.”
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
“That’s... A rather personal question to ask… But I am a single woman.”
Character Nationality:
“I am Japanese by blood, and always will be.”
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Kyouka reached over to her bag which sat next to her. Sitting back up, setting her university transcript papers on the Chabudai. Followed by her printed bachelor’s degree. Sliding them over to her interviewer. “Near my family’s estate in Okinawa, I have worked as a Shrine Maiden for the Naminoue Shrine, serving there for at least 7 years, as my only part-time job. At first, I started off as an apprentice under my mother who worked there for almost her entire life. In addition to my experience, I undertook a graduate school which focused on Japanese Shinto & Religious Studies at Kokugakuin University in Shibuya. I earned respectable marks in my classes, and gained my bachelor’s degree in Shinto Studies.”
Beginnings. The Namioue Shrine.
Unfortunately, much of Kyouka’s past has been mostly undocumented. Such as what schools she went to during her youth, what her relationships were, her entire family lineage... Either out of fear of repercussion, or really, just simply undocumented. No one knows who she really is as a person, nor how she came to be. Public knowledge goes as this: She is the youngest daughter of 2 brothers, hails from the Kamui Family, and was born and raised in their estate in Okinawa.
However, for the family and the few friends that do know, they understood that she has always been captivated by her home island’s rich traditions. Along with its blend of Ryukuan culture and Shinto practices. During her younger years, her mother, who worked at Naminoue Shrine, took her there to deepen her connections with spirituality. Once Kyouka turned 18, she made it her goal to become a Shrine Maiden. Immersing herself in rituals, ceremonies, and the nuances of shrine life. Over the next 7 years, she assisted and hosted many occasions. Ranging from weddings, performing Kagura dances, and supporting seasonal festivities. Thanks to this, she developed a profound sense of responsibility and reverence for the spiritual wellbeing of herself, and to those around her.
The Institution. To now.
Eager to deepen her knowledge, Kyouka pursued a bachelor's degree in Shinto Studies at Kokugakuin University in Shibuya, a respected institution for those dedicated to Shinto traditions. During her studies, she explored ancient texts, rituals, and the philosophical aspects of kami worship. Living in Tokyo temporarily exposed her to the contrast between urban and rural spiritual practices, broadening her understanding of how Shinto can adapt to modern life. After graduating from the University at 24, Kyouka feels a renewed calling to dedicate herself fully as a Miko.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Kyouka demonstrates extreme professionalism and upholds traditional Japanese manners on and off the shrine. As an Aunt of 2 nieces and 1 nephew, she handles guests with extreme politeness and empathy. Particularly with the younger guests. As she understands how cruel this particular part of their life can be, and wishes to do everything she can to give them reassurance and lend pieces of advice here and there. On the other hand. Socially-speaking, Kyouka is shown to be rather quiet and reserved, only speaking when she needs to and distances herself. Due to this, she doesn’t have many close friends. It doesn't mean that she isn't capable of conversing and relating with her fellow workers and older guests, it is just how she is. Much to the mystique of Kyouka as an individual, she will refuse to answer questions regarding her own past.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
“I believe in politeness and respect over everything. A kind, verbal warning should be given first and foremost. Yelling is a big no, as I feel it only encourages their behavior, and just leads to no resolution. Y’know how the young ones are these days, do you? Should they refuse my first warning, a second, more direct warning will be given. Telling them there will be punishments for their actions and they will be at risk of getting blacklisted from the Shrine. Continuing to ignore the second warning, the third warning is where the proper authorities will be contacted, such as KPD, to have them escorted off Shrine grounds. During this time, I will gather the evidence, and come to a conclusion for the severity and length of their blacklist."
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Kyouka cupped her chin with her hand. An intriguing question for sure. After what seemed like an eternity, she perked up, a soft, yet confident expression on her face. “I feel as though… This is my true calling, if you understand what I mean." The young woman paused, gathering up the words for what she needed to say next. "From the times I visited the Monastery, I feel as though I can actually be at peace with myself. Nowhere, in the city, made me experience this feeling. After thinking about it for months, I decided that this is what I want to do. I want to join the Monastery. I want to be able to guide others in finding harmony with themselves, and tackle the challenges of contemporary life. It's a bit cliché, but this is truly why I want to become a Shrine Maiden."