Level 6
[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name): Qiaoji
Previous bans: ERP, Major Harassment (there isnt an appeal for the major harassment, but there is one for the erp)
Describe your activity on the server: I'm just now getting back onto playing SRP after a very very very bad situation happened involving me and a few other people on SRP, and it left me very anxious and spiteful and depressed, so I decided to quit SRP for a while until I could recooperate with myself, and ****yze what in god's name happened there. I often play either 2 hours to the entire day on SRP and I try to come online during school time.
Do you have Discord? Ya#2519
Do you have a microphone? My computer has an inbuilt microphone, but other than that I don't have one.
List your current and past applications:
(The appeal is linked above)
What is your motivation for applying?: I want to start something new on SRP, After what I call a mistake that was applying for EMS, I felt demotivated from doing anything else on SRP, and felt that I would only just get myself more hurt, but I've decided to get over that fear, and learn from what others have done wrong and what I have done wrong in order to be able to successfully communicate my problems with others and hopefully be a better person in general. I've considered starting a club on SRP, but it just went over my head. I want to try something new and fresh, something I have more experience in and with people that already know something about me. I have lots of experience in doing writing, stuff such as creative writing like poetry and stuff, and scholarly writing such as writing articles, I consider myself to be very good at writing, and it is truly a passion of mine. I also wish to support oph, for I feel she is a good person and deserves it
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
I have little knowledge of journalist work, I know that journalists are required to write articles on factual events that happened, explain them thoroughly, and sometimes provide their own opinion on them, they also report scholarly articles about surveys and statistics, they also some times risk their lives going straight to where the scene they are reporting about, but I think thats more of news reporter. I do also know that journalism requires a lot of skill in writing, specifically persuasive and business esque writing
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are essential to SchoolRP because they bring light to situations, and explain them to the people, they have the power of instilling fear, and instilling hope in the people, with every article, they bring light to karakura's situations and problems and give the facts that other people might not have known about. Reporters often seem undermined but they really do pose an important role on SRP, but many people dont see that.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?: Carmen is a Filipina girl standing at 4'9 with long dark brown wavy thick hair and deep dark brown skin, she has small cat like eyes like coffee in the morning.
Kind of like this except with deep brown hair and dark rich skin ya know?
Carmen is unique for her expertise in many subjects, she is very skilled in writing and poetry, and has a passion for it aswell. She loves to study things about quantum physics or even study the medical field such as how a heart transplant works. Carmen is quite eccentric in the way she acts, she says randomly insane things and always has an awkward vibe to her when she is in a social group. Carmen often likes to spend her time alone, often on a computer or on her phone researching whatever. Carmen has also been diagnosed with autism, adhd, and a few more things.
BACKSTORY: Carmen Amihan Bautista was born in Cebu City on September 15 2000, she was born to parents of Filipino and Chinese descent, when she was 3, she was diagnosed with Autism, which caused many other problems in her life. During her childhood, Carmen excelled in school, she would always have good grades and seemed to be way ahead of her age in terms of knowledge. Carmen always however seemed a little bit off, she was a very awkward child, and certain things would send her off into a rampage. During middle school Carmen slowly fell into a deep depression that crippled her grades and her life completely, during middle school, Carmen during this time often vented by writing deep and dark poetry and stories representing the thoughts in her mind, her teachers were shocked at how beautiful she could write, but were also deeply terrified of what went on in her mind. Eventually by the beginning of high school, Carmen had gotten help for her crippling health, and also started to get treatment for her other issues, such as her bad social skills, or things such as sensory processing disorder. During her childhood, Carmen learnt many languages, but the main ones she studied on were Tagalog and Japanese. In her junior year of high school, Carmen made a brave move and got accepted into a prestigious Japanese college (Karakura) when Carmen finished her senior year of high school, she took the summer touring around Japan, and testing out her knowledge in Japanese. By the time she begun college, it was no suprise that she became one of the brightest students, but she also felt very... different from everyone, Carmen felt insecure that she wasn't pretty like everyone else, or that she wasn't socially functionate like everyone else, these insecurities she had previously pushed out, were all seemingly coming back to her, once again, Carmen went through a moody phase, in which she vented by writing more dark and sad poetry about her mind, Carmen during this period also considered joining some sort of creative writing program, she leaned more towards creative writing, but was also interested in journalism, she figured she could use her extensive vocabulary to write beautiful concise articles, so she experimented for a while, writing articles about things that she found interesting in her daily life, or simply about statistics she calculated from surveying people, Carmen decided that she would try out this new writing style and new career path, by joining the Journalism club, hence where we are now.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name: Carmen Amihan Bautista
Grade: College
Given Name(s): Carmen, Ami-san.
Preferred Name: Cara
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Native Languages: Cebuano, Chinese (I need to apply for Cebuano LOL)
Other Languages: Japanese, Tagalog
Nationality: China, Philippines, Japan
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Phone Number: 149-577-890
Other notes: (Carmen didn't know what to put here, so she didn't put anything)
IGN (In Game Name): Qiaoji
Previous bans: ERP, Major Harassment (there isnt an appeal for the major harassment, but there is one for the erp)
Describe your activity on the server: I'm just now getting back onto playing SRP after a very very very bad situation happened involving me and a few other people on SRP, and it left me very anxious and spiteful and depressed, so I decided to quit SRP for a while until I could recooperate with myself, and ****yze what in god's name happened there. I often play either 2 hours to the entire day on SRP and I try to come online during school time.
Do you have Discord? Ya#2519
Do you have a microphone? My computer has an inbuilt microphone, but other than that I don't have one.
List your current and past applications:
(The appeal is linked above)
What is your motivation for applying?: I want to start something new on SRP, After what I call a mistake that was applying for EMS, I felt demotivated from doing anything else on SRP, and felt that I would only just get myself more hurt, but I've decided to get over that fear, and learn from what others have done wrong and what I have done wrong in order to be able to successfully communicate my problems with others and hopefully be a better person in general. I've considered starting a club on SRP, but it just went over my head. I want to try something new and fresh, something I have more experience in and with people that already know something about me. I have lots of experience in doing writing, stuff such as creative writing like poetry and stuff, and scholarly writing such as writing articles, I consider myself to be very good at writing, and it is truly a passion of mine. I also wish to support oph, for I feel she is a good person and deserves it
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
I have little knowledge of journalist work, I know that journalists are required to write articles on factual events that happened, explain them thoroughly, and sometimes provide their own opinion on them, they also report scholarly articles about surveys and statistics, they also some times risk their lives going straight to where the scene they are reporting about, but I think thats more of news reporter. I do also know that journalism requires a lot of skill in writing, specifically persuasive and business esque writing
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are essential to SchoolRP because they bring light to situations, and explain them to the people, they have the power of instilling fear, and instilling hope in the people, with every article, they bring light to karakura's situations and problems and give the facts that other people might not have known about. Reporters often seem undermined but they really do pose an important role on SRP, but many people dont see that.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?: Carmen is a Filipina girl standing at 4'9 with long dark brown wavy thick hair and deep dark brown skin, she has small cat like eyes like coffee in the morning.

Kind of like this except with deep brown hair and dark rich skin ya know?
Carmen is unique for her expertise in many subjects, she is very skilled in writing and poetry, and has a passion for it aswell. She loves to study things about quantum physics or even study the medical field such as how a heart transplant works. Carmen is quite eccentric in the way she acts, she says randomly insane things and always has an awkward vibe to her when she is in a social group. Carmen often likes to spend her time alone, often on a computer or on her phone researching whatever. Carmen has also been diagnosed with autism, adhd, and a few more things.
BACKSTORY: Carmen Amihan Bautista was born in Cebu City on September 15 2000, she was born to parents of Filipino and Chinese descent, when she was 3, she was diagnosed with Autism, which caused many other problems in her life. During her childhood, Carmen excelled in school, she would always have good grades and seemed to be way ahead of her age in terms of knowledge. Carmen always however seemed a little bit off, she was a very awkward child, and certain things would send her off into a rampage. During middle school Carmen slowly fell into a deep depression that crippled her grades and her life completely, during middle school, Carmen during this time often vented by writing deep and dark poetry and stories representing the thoughts in her mind, her teachers were shocked at how beautiful she could write, but were also deeply terrified of what went on in her mind. Eventually by the beginning of high school, Carmen had gotten help for her crippling health, and also started to get treatment for her other issues, such as her bad social skills, or things such as sensory processing disorder. During her childhood, Carmen learnt many languages, but the main ones she studied on were Tagalog and Japanese. In her junior year of high school, Carmen made a brave move and got accepted into a prestigious Japanese college (Karakura) when Carmen finished her senior year of high school, she took the summer touring around Japan, and testing out her knowledge in Japanese. By the time she begun college, it was no suprise that she became one of the brightest students, but she also felt very... different from everyone, Carmen felt insecure that she wasn't pretty like everyone else, or that she wasn't socially functionate like everyone else, these insecurities she had previously pushed out, were all seemingly coming back to her, once again, Carmen went through a moody phase, in which she vented by writing more dark and sad poetry about her mind, Carmen during this period also considered joining some sort of creative writing program, she leaned more towards creative writing, but was also interested in journalism, she figured she could use her extensive vocabulary to write beautiful concise articles, so she experimented for a while, writing articles about things that she found interesting in her daily life, or simply about statistics she calculated from surveying people, Carmen decided that she would try out this new writing style and new career path, by joining the Journalism club, hence where we are now.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name: Carmen Amihan Bautista
Grade: College
Given Name(s): Carmen, Ami-san.
Preferred Name: Cara
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Native Languages: Cebuano, Chinese (I need to apply for Cebuano LOL)
Other Languages: Japanese, Tagalog
Nationality: China, Philippines, Japan
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Phone Number: 149-577-890
Other notes: (Carmen didn't know what to put here, so she didn't put anything)
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