[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
Describe your activity on the server:
I am incredibly active on the server, forums and of course the discord. I will make sure to reply to any discord messages, forum posts and IC calls.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, wwish#4154
Do you have a microphone?
List your current and past applications:
Council Application [2018]- ACCEPTED
Surgeon Application [2018]- ACCEPTED
Math Teacher Application [2018]- ACCEPTED
College application [2020]- ACCEPTED
Korean Application- ACCEPTED
Chinese Application- DENIED
Russian Application- ACCEPTED
Blind Application [2018]- ACCEPTED
MPD Application [2018]- ACCEPTED
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying would be of the fact that I would like to express myself through reporting events or situations that may in fact, occur on the server. I would also like to involve myself more into the server, and the roles that go into it.
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
Yes, I fully acknowledge the fact that I will actually have to do Journalist work and I would do so, in fact, I will do so with effort put into my reports and role play situations whereas my role ends up getting involved. I understand that I can not be inactive majority of the time and simply hope that I would get accepted without putting much thought or effort into my actions.
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are important to SchoolRP because they help record and explain important events that has happened within or around the town. It helps other players who weren't around currently to catch up the stuff they could've or did miss. It also helps writer splash their creativity on a post and others can critic and read their work. It's both beneficial tot he writers and the readers.
[IC Section]
Tsuneo Muraoka, is a male who was born in Osaka. He was known as the obedient kid when he was in his early stages of life. He had followed his parents rules frequently, without wanting to disappoint or embarrass them. During his golden child days, he had met a certain disobedient male who may have been the complete opposite to him. At first. After getting to know each other, they realized that they were in the same situation but rather the male was just taking it through rebellion. He seemed free, whenever Tsuneo looked at him, he saw a free bird. . With clipped wings but managed to still flying. Tsuneo later on started following in his example, trying to fly too. Yet, it didn't work out for him. He only got sent to Karakura where he had to study college, since that college was the cheapest and furthest college -in japan- his parents could think of sending him to. Now, he flew back in his cage. Still trying to please his parents by being the good kid, however he needed somewhere to spill out his creative energy that was hidden in his heart, so that's where the motivation to join himself in the Journalist team sparked up, he had somewhere where he could write as he please while also finding a group where he can... perhaps fit in.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name:
Tsuneo Muraoka
Given Name(s):
Mura, Tsu, Tsu Tsu.
Preferred Name:
CIS Male
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Russian, Korean.
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Phone Number: