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Denied Judge Application || SwornJustice


Level 1

In-game Name:
SwornJustice(damitron Alt)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have no previous bans or any bans now.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone.

Timezone & Country:
EST & U.S.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I'm pretty active on the server, I think almost every day I play. I have been playing for about three or two years if I include my old damicore account. I usually enjoy my activity on this server but of course I'm not always on nor do I use all my hours of the day to play the game. At first awakening I do my normal day routines, check on family, and study a bit. I also make music on my spare time so that could also be the case. But other than that I usually am playing SRP and if i'm not able to hop on the server to roleplay I will let a higher-up know and file an inactivity tab.


What position are you applying for?:

I will be applying for Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Before I personally really just wanted to try something new and get a City Role, but then I really put some thought into it. And I think I'd learn a lot from me applying for this role and me helping around in SRP and Karakura. I know that I'd learn some things about Law that I never knew about Law and I am also here to purposely learn from actions and learn about the Government of Japan. It would also make me feel like as if I'm finally doing something, I want to be useful when I roleplay and have great experiences as a Judge and I know I will! I'm pretty sure I'll make some good friends on the way of my Judge journey and it would help me socially with my social anxiety and such! You see, I like this server a lot. Even maybe a little more than the rest of the servers I play on. But Role playing is something I really do, something I've skilled for, for a long time, about 5 years. I think I will be capable to be a Judge for this server. I want to make the Role playing experience for others realistic and something worth to come back to and actually fun. I keep all my Role playing safe from Racism, Sexism, and etc. I like being fair, some things people don't really do but I'm willing to do anything to make mine and someone else's Role playing experience worth actually having.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read the Laws and Rights multiple times. I know the Karakura Laws and Constitutional Rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My main goal would be me learning about Government and how the Law works because I as well am thinking about learning Law in real life. Another goal would be to make connections, I want to make new friends in the process I would be going through as a Judge. I think my character needs a new change of scenery, I think it would help with character development!

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
As a Judge, we are elected as an Officer of Justice to hover over court procedures and proceedings. Within civil and legal proceedings, The Judge makes eventful and earthshaking decisions on the questions of Law, being a Judge is somewhat of being an Umpire but for both teams of the Court. Decreets on defensibility and allowableness of testimony and evidence, and commands the jury on how to calculate the case.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes! I understand completely and will do my best for Roleplay and the server it's itself.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Of course! If accepted I will dedicate everything I got. I will try to go above expectations!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I do understand and will never be OOC bias or ICLY bias for anyone or anything.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I've also read these multiple times and I am fully aware.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, It seems like it can fit in my schedule perfectly.


Full name:

La'vide Demira

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Demira

Current age:

Date of birth:
February 25, 1978


Academic Degree:
He'd have a Law Masters
and Criminal Justice PHD



Work experience:
He has worked before but it was when he was in Mexico, worked in a lot of retail stores as he was catching his education. He had someone in Mexico he idolized and he always looked at as a Higher-Up. This man was Ray Ramirez, He was a Judge that worked in Mexico. Ray would give Demira an internship of some sort and just made him an assistant after seeing the wide potential Demira had. Demira would view cases from an inside and outside perspective. He learned a lot from Ray and honored him for his work and the opportunity Ray gave Him. He learned everything hands on from Ray and La'vide Demira would always use this Work Experience on all applications thoroughly.

Political background:
La'vide was finally born on the 25th of February, his parents already knew what he would be or what he could be. As he was growing up in Mexico he was always reflected on his actions and morals. When he turned 12 he noticed what the Law was and some of the things they would do, he was widely amazed and wanted to learn so much more on Government. At the age of 16 he was researching and learning about different Laws in different countries, he was so involved with it and wanted to actually go to College for this. And that was it, it was decided for himself that he would go to school for Government.

But the day he went to tell his parents about his wants and dreams, that's when it all crushed him. His parents did NOT like his idea of going to school for Government, because they wanted him to go to school for Medical Aid and to become a doctor. Once he heard the idea his parents had set ready since the beginning of his life that's when he made the choice to go to Law school and learn more behind their backs. He would be going to school for Law for a little while now until he forgot his Law School Student Booklet on his desk and his mother seen it when she went to check if he was home still. They then disbanded him of any connection to the family and disowned him for following his dreams.

That didn't stop him though, for that he continued on with his dream and he then was trying to remember the time when he was 16 researching those different countries and their different ways of Law. That's exactly how he stubbled on the name Karakura in Japan and seen their ways of Government on his mobile device, he seemed really interested in this mysterious place. He then traveled to Karakura and continued his school work there, he was always turning assignments in at the right time and getting amazing scores in tests. La'vide was majoring in Criminology and Psychology and even had two little minors in Business and Communication for a finishing touch. He graduated for Government in Karakura, He would be so proud of himself and proved his parents so wrong.

He would finally apply himself to picking one out of three and it was either Judge, Governor, or Lawyer. He had a really hard thought about this but noticed on the Karakura Townhall Roster that they needed some roles in Judge and Governor. He did noticed that he leaned more into Judge so he applied for that role in Government exactly and as he waited for the higher ups to tell him if he was in or not he'd have a little side gig selling things he didn't use anymore so he had money for important things like food and clothing. Then finally, a letter at the Karakura Post from "The Karakura Townhall" He was nervous and sweaty as he looked at the envelope. He finally quickly slid it open and took the paper out as fast as he could and he'd stare at the paper looking for the words 'Accepted' or 'Declined'. He read the sentence "And we would proudly say that we'd like you on the team" and he jumped up and down out his seat in his kind of empty apartment.

Nationality & born location:
He's Mexican and was born in Mexico.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Spanish & Japanese(When he moved to Japan.)

Criminal record:
N/A , No criminal record.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:
I find myself compatible for the job as so are my skills for it. I would like to say that I have versatility by my side as well as I have confidence and diligence. I thank you for giving me your time and thought in reading my application. I find myself compatible with this choice of work because of my love for this line of work, I would love the opportunity and chance to be put in this position to do my very best and keep Karakura safe. Thank you again.​
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application as we are full on spots for this position.

You may re-apply in 30 days

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